Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 331 Snowy Night

The improvement of Zhou Chongshan's star level relieved Zhou Xuna's anxiety to a certain extent after learning that his side had suffered heavy casualties.

From the time he was summoned to now, Zhou Xu found that improving his star level was really not an easy task.

This fierce battle, presumably pushed Zhou Zhongshan's physical fitness and willpower to the limit. Only then did his endurance and mental attributes both break through the two-star bottleneck and reach the three-star level.

It is a good thing that the star rating can be improved, but the cost of improvement is a bit painful, which makes Zhou Xu's mood at the moment really contradictory.

After adjusting their mood, with Chitose acting as a bodyguard and Zhou Chongshan guiding the way, the group of people arrived at the destination smoothly.

After hearing the noise and seeing clearly that it was the rescue team headed by Zhou Xu, Li Ce, Ye Jinghong, Zhuo Ge and Silk all cheered up.

Zhou Xu's arrival was like a shot of cardiotonic for them, making their emotions more exciting.

At this point in time, although the snow has not yet become heavier, considering the condition of their wounded, if the rescue is delayed, there is no guarantee that they will not die in this snowy night.

But now, this worry can be temporarily put aside.

"Quick! Get everyone on the bullock cart, let's leave quickly!"

Zhou Xu didn't intend to linger here for too long, the temperature on the grassland got lower as the night progressed, and it was still snowing now, so it was hard to guarantee that the seriously injured soldiers would not have accidents, and it was the safest thing to rush back to the village as soon as possible.

During this period, Hilke saw him coming, ran up quickly, grabbed him and asked him.

"How is the village, our village?"

Looking at Silke's appearance, Zhou Xu had a flash of hesitation in his heart, but finally decided to tell the truth.

Anyway, this matter can't be kept secret for long. If he doesn't tell it at this time, it might cause him some trouble.

"I don't know the specific situation very well. I only know that the large army of lizardmen captured the village."

Silke was devastated when he received the news, but he didn't do anything out of control.

On the way here, he had actually learned some things from Zhou Zhongshan Pass. Seeing Silke like this, he must have recognized the reality, which is actually a good thing for him.

"Anyway, you should go to our village to take shelter first. Otherwise, with this weather, you will probably be in bad luck if you stay in the wild."

As Zhou Xu spoke, he personally pulled the collapsed Hilke up from the ground and walked towards the bullock cart nearby.

Silk, on the other hand, acted like a walking zombie throughout the whole process, allowing Zhou Xu to place him on the bullock cart.

Long before Zhou Xu's rescue team arrived, Li Ce and Ye Jinghong had already gathered all the people and horses together, which provided a lot of convenience for their rescue team's work.

After everyone was settled, the group embarked on the return journey.

By the time they arrived at Prairie Village, it was almost midnight.

But this night, it was obvious that none of them had to sleep.

Even before setting off, Zhou Xu had already given orders to the village, asking them to boil hot water and prepare food in advance.

Now under this snowy night, with the return of this group of wounded people, the whole village became completely busy.

At the same time, here comes the lizardman army.

After flattening the elven village, the leader of the lizardman looked at the snowflakes falling from the sky, his body tensed unconsciously, and even his face became a little ugly.

As a clan of lizardmen, their main living environment is the tropical rainforest.

Passing through the energy channel, when they first came here, the season was late autumn, which was very different from the climate of their living environment, which made them feel obvious discomfort.

Under this premise, the temperature difference between day and night on the grassland is still large, which further aggravates this discomfort. This is the main reason why although they had night vision before, they didn't like to take action after dark.

Of course, the lizard man's physical fitness is still strong, so nothing major will happen in a short period of time.

Taking this as a premise, the lizardman leader originally wanted to make a quick decision, but in fact their actions were already relatively fast. Who would have thought that the climate here would get colder faster.

For those who are not adapted to cold climates by nature, if the temperature drops further, the risks they need to bear will skyrocket.

Want to bet? Are you betting that the climate here won't get any colder?

He didn't dare risk the lives of so many lizards and himself.

If the bet is wrong, they may all die in this cold winter. This is probably the most unworthy way to die.

He would rather die on the battlefield than die so worthlessly.

His eyes swept across the elven village that was basically in ruins...

[This trip has yielded some results. The high priest can give me an explanation. Let’s wait for the weather here to get warmer for the rest. 】

Thinking of this, the leader of the lizardmen ordered in a deep voice.

"Send the order and retreat to the edge of the world as quickly as possible!"

During the previous attack on the elven village, the lizardmen soldiers in the large army basically rested in place, and now they have recovered a little strength.

At this moment, facing this order from the lizardman leader, although the lizardmen were very tired, they unexpectedly did not express their dissatisfaction.

The climate here makes them very uncomfortable. Snow is falling in the sky. The temperature has been dropping after nightfall. Many lizard soldiers have begun to shiver.

Facing such an environment, they didn't even need the leader of the lizard people to urge them, they all wanted to leave quickly.

[No, this efficiency is still too slow. 】

Thinking of this, the sight of the lizard man leader fell directly on the giant beast not far away.

At that time, dinner was being prepared in the elf village, and now many of the food had entered the stomach of this giant beast.

After a big meal, the giant beast was in a much better mood.

"Get ready, let's climb on the backs of the armored dragon and the monitor lizard and speed up!"

Although the giant lizard has explosive power, it is not durable, and the shield dragon does not even have explosive power.

But whether it is an armored dragon or a monitor lizard, they all have one advantage in common, and that is endurance.

It would definitely be more efficient for the lizard people to squeeze into the armored dragons and monitor lizards than to run by themselves.

This is great, the original "bus" armored dragon, after being covered with "car-riding" lizard people, directly transformed into a train from a certain Asan Kingdom.

To some extent, the scene is spectacular.

During this period, the lizardman commander had not missed the Velociraptor Cavalry who had left before, but at this time he obviously had no energy left to find them, so he could only rush to the edge of the world while blowing the retreat horn.

I believe that the Velociraptors know what to do after feeling the changes in the climate here.

Thanks to the excellent physical strength of the armored dragon and the giant lizard, they successfully reached the edge of the world, but the velociraptor cavalry was completely missing. This made the lizardman commander's heart sink, but he had no time to wait any longer. .

"let's start."

While speaking, a green lizard man with a staff of animal bones in his hand and a feather belt on his head jumped into a big god, singing an incomprehensible tone in his mouth.

He danced for nearly ten minutes. During this time, he became visibly weaker, as if his entire body was about to be drained dry.

Before he was completely drained, there was movement in the place where he jumped into the Great God, and the space began to twist and twist, and finally formed an energy channel in front of them.


There was no time to wait, so the lizardmen commander gave an order, and the lizardmen quickly poured into the energy channel and left the world here.

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