Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 325 Isn’t this coming? (Updates will be added if monthly tickets accumulate 600)

At Ye Jinghong's reminder, Li Ce, who was also aware of this situation, was shocked.

"It can't be because the more we kill, the stronger the ones left will be, right?"

Li Ce's words were obviously asking Silk and Drogo, and they definitely didn't know anyway.

In this regard, Drogo said while fighting...

"I don't know either, they have never used this method before!"

How many people are there in their centaur clan? When they mistakenly entered the world where the lizardmen were, and faced with the encirclement and interception by the large lizardman army, the most they did was to turn around and run away, and rarely chose to fight with the opponent.

Therefore, they really don't know much about many of the lizard people's methods.

This made Li Ce place all his hopes on Silke.

But unfortunately, Silke was not familiar with this matter and could only make a simple guess based on his own ideas.

"I'm afraid the other party is using some ancient secret technique. I don't know what the effect is."

This situation is really annoying.

On the contrary, Zhou Chongshan's whole state did not have many ups and downs due to this.

"What's the use of thinking so much? Kill first and then talk!"

While talking, Zhou Chongshan killed a lizard man with one shot.

At this moment, on this chaotic battlefield, Zhou Chongshan, as a military general, finally showed his strength to its fullest extent.

The words are rough but not rough. The soldiers fighting on the battlefield at this moment are definitely better at doing things directly than letting them use their brains. Zhou Chongshan's words undoubtedly resonated with them.

Even if it is true that the more you kill, the stronger the remaining ones will be, so what?

In this situation, if they don't kill the lizard people, they will wait to be killed by the lizard people. There is no choice at all.

The melee became more and more intense, and the number of casualties on both sides began to rise continuously.

"No, we have to break out first. Being trapped here is not good for us!"

During this period, Li Ce, who was under pressure as the party under siege, made a quick decision. After exchanging glances with Ye Jinghong, the two took action at the same time.

[Skeleton soldier control! 】

[Skeleton Beast Soldier Control! 】

In an instant, the power of the mantra spread.

The skeletons on their horses began to move at this moment.

Under the premise of having the opportunity to obtain supplies, they definitely cannot rely solely on "wild skeletons". What they carry themselves can stabilize their combat power.

Those ordinary skeleton soldiers had nothing to say, but with the blessing of Ye Jinghong's "Skeleton Beast Soldier Control" mantra, new combat units broke into the battlefield.

That is the skeleton beast made from the corpse of Velociraptor!

Under the premise of forming a certain scale, the combat power of Skeleton Velociraptor is even stronger than that of Skeleton Wolf.

This situation is undoubtedly a shock to the speed dragon cavalry on the opposite side.

The Skeleton Velociraptor moves much faster than the Skeleton Soldier, and its lethality is also superior. Aside from the fact that it is more troublesome to obtain, it is still worth its share of consumption.

Unlike Li Ce and others who did not need to worry about the existence of skeleton units, the entry of skeleton soldiers and skeleton velociraptors disrupted the attacking rhythm of the opposite velociraptor cavalry to a great extent.

Who wouldn't have a headache seeing a guy like this who is not afraid of death desperately trying to catch him?

"Quick! Break out!"

Seizing the opportunity, Li Ce quickly ordered a breakout.

Seeing this, Zhou Chongshan flicked the blood from his gun tip and rushed forward.

"I'll clear the way!"

"I'm coming too!"

As he spoke, Drogo rushed forward side by side.

If overall stronger physical fitness is a major advantage of the lizard people, then this advantage does not exist at all in front of Drogo and Zhou Chongshan!


Amidst the angry shouts, Zhou Chongshan and Zhuo Ge joined forces to attack, charging wildly.

Their presence is equivalent to giving the cavalry two sharp knives. Together with the harassment of the skeleton soldiers, the speed dragon cavalry on the opposite side cannot stop them at all, and they are quite invincible.

It's too late to say it, but it's soon! The two teamed up to lead a whole cavalry team to break through the encirclement on the opposite side. In just one breath, the horses under them started running wildly.

When the speed dragon cavalry saw this, they were shocked and angry...

"Don't let them get away!!"

Zhou Zhongshan and Drogo's joint breakthrough, as well as the harassment of the skeleton soldiers, did not seem to have affected the morale of the lizardmen.

Shouting the slogan that they couldn't even understand a word, the lizard people were all excited.

Many lizardmen, looking at the cavalry that had broken through, directly threw the spar spears in their hands, causing unexpected casualties to Li Ce and the others.

Under normal circumstances, the speed dragon cavalry will not use spear-throwing attacks.

Because the velociraptor itself has poor endurance, in order to maximize the velociraptor's continuous combat capability, the velociraptor cavalry's equipment has always been lightweight, and only one spar spear is equipped as a weapon.

But the situation is obviously different now. There were many corpses of velociraptors on the ground in the melee before, and their weapons were naturally there too.

After throwing out the spar spear in his hand, the Velociraptor Cavalry bent down, picked up the spar spear of the fallen tribesman, and immediately joined the pursuit.

During this period, Li Ce and the others, who successfully broke through, were certainly not idle. They assessed the distance and turned around frequently to fire their bows.

At this point in the battle, arrows were being shot out continuously, causing damage to the opposing speed dragon cavalry while also constantly reducing their burden.

After shooting a quiver, Li Ce estimated the distance. The dragon cavalry behind them were chasing closely. If they turned their horses' heads, they could directly meet the rushing dragon cavalry.

As for taking a detour...

The speed dragon cavalry responsible for outflanking and intercepting had already been blocked there.

In the current situation, they wanted to launch a charge offensive, but they didn't have the conditions at all.

But Li Ce didn't panic at all.

"Keep running!"

After the order was given, the cavalry continued to gallop along the route. Silk gritted his teeth and took the elf cavalry under his command to follow Li Ce and the others, while he himself looked for an opportunity to quickly approach. Go up.

"What should I do? Just continue rushing like this?"

Obviously, Silk also saw that in this situation, they could not launch a charge offensive.

Compared to Hilke who looked anxious, Li Ce was much calmer.

"Don't worry, they will deliver it to your door themselves."

Having said this, Li Ce's voice paused, and then a grin appeared on his face.

"Look, isn't this coming?"

At this moment, the speed dragon cavalry responsible for intercepting and killing them was already blocking their only path!

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