Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 318 Li Ce’s Thoughts

The three forces converged again. Now that the lizardman army has locked the location of the elven village, even though the pterosaur rider is dead, the advancement of the lizardman army is already unstoppable.

Taking into account their speed, it would only take two to three days to reach the elven village from where the lizardman army was before.

The time left for them to consume is already limited. How can they return to the village to rest?

So from the very beginning, they had planned not to return to the village, but to spend the whole time outside dealing with the enemy.

As for the soldiers who were injured so badly that they could no longer continue fighting.

They set up a simple stronghold in a place that was completely away from the route of the lizardman army. There were carriages in the stronghold. The carriages were provided by the prairie village and the horses were provided by the elf village. They could send the wounded soldiers back for treatment in time.

The strategy based on attrition basically avoids head-on confrontation. Whether it is Drogo or Silk, the injuries are not serious.

Under this premise, by deceiving the opposing speed dragon cavalry far enough, Drogo and the others successfully consumed two more rounds in the subsequent consumption process.

But no matter how hard they work, there is no need to say who has the greatest credit in this wave.

The death of the pterosaur rider is of huge strategic value to them. It can directly bring greater help to their next actions, and it should be the first to contribute!

Arrangements were made to send the injured soldiers back for recuperation. Taking this opportunity, the three parties, who also had some rest and had their wounds treated, began to discuss the next course of action.

Without the presence of the pterosaur riders, their next attack could be more aggressive.

"Okay, let's do it!"

After finalizing the tactics, Silk was about to take action immediately. Seeing this, Li Ce quickly grabbed him.

"Calm down!"

"We don't have much time left!"

Silk said this with an impatience that could not be concealed in his tone.

Li Ce understood Silk's situation. After all, the lizardmen's large army continued to advance, and the elven villages would be the first to bear the brunt.

This pressure has always been on Silk.

He had behaved quite calmly before, but that didn't mean that his entire state was relaxed.

Especially after seeing the large army of lizardmen in battle, this made his psychological pressure even greater.

At this moment, Li Ce had no intention of persuading and appeasing him, but just discussed the matter directly...

"I know there is not much time left, and our actions today will not end here, but even if we have to take action, it will definitely not be now!"

While pulling Silk back, Li Ce continued talking...

"We have just launched an attack. The lizardmen must still be on alert at this moment. If we kill them now, there is a high probability that we will not be able to achieve much results."

"Instead of this, we might as well seize this time to rest, while the lizard people will continue to waste energy because they remain vigilant throughout the process."

"We got time to rest, but the lizard man spent more energy. If we start again later, wouldn't the effect be better?"

Li Ce did not doubt Silk's strength. At the same time, from some tactical command levels, the opponent also did very well.

After several actions, the elven cavalry led by him were able to use mounted shooting tactics with ease.

But whether it was Silk, Drogo, or Ye Jinghong, when they launched their tactics, they all started from the battle situation in front of them. But Li Ce was different. His attention was on the opponent's commander. You will habitually think about what the other person is thinking.

But whether it was Silk, Drogo, or Ye Jinghong, when they launched their tactics, they all started from the battle situation in front of them. But Li Ce was different. His attention was on the opponent's commander. You will habitually think about what the other person is thinking.

He will try to figure out the opponent's psychology, predict the opponent's actions in this way, and make adjustments in advance.

Silk rarely fights with the enemy. Their riding and shooting skills are mostly honed by hunting ferocious beasts. Coupled with the outstanding abilities of the elves themselves, they have such outstanding performance.

Essentially, to put it bluntly, it means ‘adapting to circumstances and adapting to circumstances. '

At this time, Li Ce's angle was something he had never thought of at all. He couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then he felt that there was some truth in what he said.

By the time he came to his senses, he had already sat down again.

While allowing the soldiers to take adequate rest, several of their generals got together and began to further discuss some points that needed to be paid attention to in the next actions.

The main thing is to make some plans in advance for some unexpected situations that may occur.

Afterwards, before dark, Li Ce greeted Silk and Drogo and they launched the second round of attack today.


Amidst the dull sound of horns, the lizard men's shouts came one after another.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!"

Accompanied by that loud shout, the speed dragon cavalry on the opposite side quickly rushed over, and without a word, they launched a siege tactic against the cavalry led by Li Ce.

Li Ce, who has faced battles like this many times, now has a sense of ease that comes from proficiency.

He didn't pay much attention to the speed dragon cavalry who were outflanking him from both sides. He just stretched the distance while directing the cavalry team to fire arrows to suppress the oncoming enemy cavalry.

The speed dragon cavalry on the opposite side couldn't figure out what kind of method he was. In addition, they themselves were not that good at using their brains, so they could just rush forward and be done with it.

Unexpectedly, before they could completely approach, Silk and Drogo, who had already completed their roundabout on the outer flanks, appeared one after another and began to suppress the speed dragon cavalry on the flanks.

This sudden situation caused a commotion on the other side.

"Damn it, they didn't separate this time, they got together!!"

Realizing that something was wrong, the dragon cavalry began to yell to remind their companions.

In order to prevent what happened before from happening again, after Li Ce and the others appeared, the scattered security forces surrounding the lizard people were not all transferred here at once.

Originally there was no problem with this arrangement, but once the enemies all appeared in one place, their arrangement became a simple dispersion of forces.

Use the horn to blow the gathering signal, urging the scattered dragon cavalry to come over quickly for support.

But Li Ce and the others would not wait for the reinforcements to arrive. The three parties directly formed a larger fan-shaped formation, and the speed dragon cavalry who originally tried to outflank Li Ce and the others were included in their attack range. within.

"Fire arrows!!!"

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