Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 315 Hurry up! !

At this moment, while the soldier on horseback kept blowing his bone whistle, he was completely focused on the surrounding movements.

He is now attracting the attention of the monitor lizard on the opposite side. This task itself is very dangerous. Once the monitor lizard on the other side appears, he has to run away quickly, otherwise he will easily lose his life.

In this state, he didn't even notice that the threat that was fatal to him was approaching.

Until the war horse under the seat let out a burst of anxious neighing, which caught his attention.

At that moment, out of trust in his "comrades in arms", the soldiers who had already realized that there might be some threat approaching came galloped with a "drive", and at the same time began to look around to confirm the enemy's tracks.

With this sweep, the pterosaur that swept from the sky immediately came into his sight!

The terrifying scene made the soldier's heart twitch violently.

At this moment, the pterosaur had already flown above his head, with its wings spread out, the wide fleshy wings directly covered the sky above his head, shrouded him in a shadow, and brought even greater psychological pressure to him. gave him.

An uncontrollable panic crawled up his cheeks, as if to swallow him completely.

"Drive! Drive!!"

The fear of death made him urge the horse to gallop even more frantically.

However, the speed of the war horse is limited after all, no matter how much he urged, he still couldn't surpass the culled pterosaur faster.

The sharp claws of the pterosaur directly grabbed his shoulders on both sides.

He is not a rattan armor soldier, and he does not have shoulder armor to protect his shoulders. The simple leather armor does not constitute much hindrance in front of the pterosaur's claws.

In an instant, as the sharp claws of the pterosaur sank into his shoulders, his whole face turned pale with pain, and lost all blood in an instant.

Before he could take a few more breaths, a tugging force came from his shoulders on both sides.

That pterosaur wants to drag him into the sky!

At that time, as long as the claws are released, he can be smashed to pieces.

At the critical moment of life and death, how could that soldier fulfill the pterosaur's wish?

The stirrups under his feet became the key to his life at this time.

I saw that the soldier's feet were directly buckled into the stirrup, and even though his hands were trembling with pain because of the injury that tore his shoulders, he still firmly grasped the reins and saddle in his hands, and even made two laps on his wrists. And urged his war horse to continue running wildly!

In this way, it is equivalent to adding the weight of the war horse.

The strength of the pterosaur is limited, once the horse is added, it can't drag it immediately.

He was even dragged by the galloping horses, his body lost his balance, and almost knocked off the lizard man on his back.

And in this process, who is the most painful?

There is no doubt that it must be the soldier who was caught between the two and whose body was torn apart crazily.

He felt that the pterosaur's claws were directly on his bones, and the strength from both sides was so great that he almost passed out with his eyes darkened due to the pain.

His tenacious will to survive kept him awake, but during the tearing process, it brought him even more intense pain.

The pain was so intense that his consciousness became blurred, and his perception of time also became dull.

【Okay, it’s so painful, let’s just die. Anyway, it’s just a matter of time...】

【Damn it, I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled! ! 】

Enduring the pain that ordinary people might not be able to bear, his heart was screaming and roaring!

And the pterosaur didn't care what mental struggles he was going through.

Seeing that it couldn't catch the human being, the pterosaur changed its actions immediately, and no longer competed with the power of the horse. Instead, it flapped its wings and obeyed the opponent's movement. The long mouth with sharp teeth bit the soldier's neck!

At this moment, the soldiers whose consciousness was already blurred did not notice this at all. In the instant of life and death, an arrow flew across the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the shrill scream of the pterosaur resounded on the grassland.

At this moment, I saw the pterosaur's neck, and an arrow had already sunk into it!

After one arrow, accompanied by the sound of horseshoes, a figure in rattan armor and a strong bow in his hand rode a horse and galloped all the way!

Seeing that the pterosaur was hit by an arrow in the neck, but did not die on the spot, but threw off the soldiers holding it, flapped its wings with all its strength, and tried to fly away from the pterosaur, without saying a word, Zhou Zhongshan clamped his legs on the horse's belly to stabilize himself. While in shape, raise your hand to shoot a set of three shots.

Faced with Zhou Zhongshan's ruthless pursuit, the pterosaur was shot in the neck by an arrow, and the pterosaur fled in a panic. It was impossible to avoid it. The body just flew into the air, and was shot by three arrows one after another. The wing membrane was injured, and the pterosaur could not maintain its balance. Falling from the sky screaming.

During this period, the pterosaur rider held the reins of the pterosaur tightly with both hands, followed the pterosaur and fell down from the air. He was frightened out of his wits and had no time to react.

Usually, he rides on the pterosaur's back, but this time, he fell so hard that he directly used the pterosaur as a backrest, and every fall and pressure, he would be crushed to pieces.

In comparison, the pterosaur was tough, still holding its breath, struggling to escape by crawling.

When Zhou Zhongshan saw this, his face was expressionless, and he raised his hand to shoot another arrow!

This arrow directly hit the pterosaur's head, completely taking the opponent's life.

At the same time, on the other side, the limited 'wild skeletons' failed to bring him a turning point. Li Ce, who was frantically besieged by the surrounding velociraptors and was almost cornered, had already begun to think about how fast he would go. The dragoons have given themselves a back up.

Looking in one direction, Li Ce quickly ordered...

"Brothers! Charge with me!!!"

There is no need for any nonsense, at this moment, every cavalryman has the awareness to die at any time in his eyes!

The horse ran wildly, clenched the iron gun in his hand, and with the momentum brought by the horse, it directly penetrated the body of the enemy in front of him, and the horseshoes burst out, trampling on the body of the enemy and rushing towards the outside.

During this period, the speed dragon cavalry on both sides quickly double-teamed up.

If there is no accident, these two velociraptor cavalry can complete the interception and killing of Li Ce's cavalry before the speed of Li Ce's cavalry is brought up.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was a rush of horseshoes in the distance.

At that moment, looking at the figures that broke into his vision, Li Ce's expression showed a trance, as if he didn't believe his eyes.

until that voice sounded...

"Why are you in a daze? Hurry up and keep up!"

Almost at the same time as he shouted, the cavalry led by Ye Jinghong and ten cavalry under his command accelerated and charged all the way, directly piercing through the speed dragon cavalry who tried to intercept them from the left, and forced them to open There is a way out!

"Hurry up and move!"

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