Meanwhile, in Grassland Village...

Speeding up all the way, the two cavalry sent back by Li Ce rushed back to Grassland Village as quickly as possible, and reported the matter to Ye Jinghong.

Immediately, Ye Jinghong's entire face darkened.

This news is undoubtedly too bad for them.

Seeing that the season is about to enter the early winter, he originally thought that as long as the time is delayed, after winter, a snowstorm can solve many problems for them.

This should be the most ideal situation.

However, according to the latest information from Li Ce, the energy channel has been opened again, and the lizard people have gathered a considerable force.

What's more troublesome is that the lizardman on the opposite side can ride some kind of strange bird to fly in the sky, occupying the aerial view.

As long as you are not stupid, you should know how much advantage aerial vision can bring.

Not to mention their village with the prairie elves, once they really fought, their actions would probably be invisible, which would undoubtedly be very detrimental to them.

Judging from the current situation, before this year's blizzard swept over, they could not avoid the frontal attack of the lizardmen army.

Thinking of this, Ye Jinghong couldn't help but feel heavy.

And unlike Ye Jinghong and the others, the lizard people who are the invading party are speeding up their actions at this moment!

The follow-up troops just arrived yesterday, and today they immediately launched a siege operation, trying to bury Li Ce and the others on the grassland.

But unfortunately, this plan basically fell through because of Silk's appearance.

But this did not discourage the leader of the lizard people. When the large army arrived and brought him a certain amount of food supplies, he no longer needed to play hide-and-seek with the other party on this grassland.

On a new day, after a night of rest, the lizardman commander immediately summoned his pterosaur riders.

As the relatively thin branch of the lizard people group, 'Baltu' does not only produce low-level troops.

In fact, there is more of a complementary relationship between the two branches, and 'Baltu' is a very important part of the entire lizardman system.

As far as the current situation is concerned, pterosaur riders have a very high status in the lizard people group. The reason is very simple, that is, this unit not only has the flying ability that other units do not have, but also has a very small number.

This time, the number of pterosaur riders sent from their tribe was even less than one.

No way, it is very difficult to capture a flying pterosaur for domestication and successfully domesticate it.

The pterosaur you caught with great difficulty flapped its wings during the training process and flew away. What can you do with it? This is also the main reason why the number of pterosaur riders is so small.

Looking at their entire group right now, there are not many pterosaur riders, which can be regarded as their very precious unit.

Fortunately, as far as the current situation is concerned, there is basically no effective way to pose a threat to their pterosaur riders.

As for the arrows on the opposite side that would chase after them, the pterosaur rider had told him about it when he retreated yesterday.

From the perspective of the lizard man leader, that is not a big problem.

According to the personal experience of the pterosaur rider, they can already confirm that those arrows will not be chased endlessly. As long as they run a certain distance, the arrows will fail, and the threat will naturally be lifted.

Not to mention that he didn't intend to use this 'single seedling' as a combat unit.

As a combat unit, the combat ability of pterosaur riders is actually not that strong.

In comparison, instead of letting him take risks in battle, it is better to use it as an aerial reconnaissance unit, so that his value can be fully utilized.

Obviously, the leader of the lizard people is not stupid, he knows where the biggest advantage of pterosaur riders is today.

"You should roughly understand the situation here. I need you to find out the location of the other party's camp."

"It's just me, I'm afraid it will take some time."

The vision in the air is not invincible. Indeed, you can see far from flying high, but once you fly too high, you can't see clearly some things on the ground.

For this kind of work, he can only take a low-altitude flight and find it slowly.

And pterosaurs also need to rest, it is impossible to fly in the sky all the time.

He doesn't know how big the grassland is, and he can't guarantee how long it will take to find the other party's camp.

It can only be said that the efficiency must be faster than that of ground troops.

After receiving the order, the pterosaur rider turned around and left, then got on his pterosaur mount and flew away from the camp.

On the grassland elf's village, at the suggestion of Slavin and Silk, Li Ce and Drogo temporarily stationed here.

During the period, the prairie elves also readily provided them with food during their stay.

Li Ce and Drogo actually knew in their hearts that the reason why Silk and the others did this was to keep them here just in case.

When the time comes, the lizardmen's army will push forward, and they will have an extra force to defend against the powerful enemy, instead of letting them deal with it alone.

Li Ce and the others didn't intend to leave the grassland elves behind, so Li Ce and the others saw through the other party's little thoughts and didn't say anything. They stayed here as if they didn't know, and let the grassland elves help them solve it. Two meals a day, no psychological pressure.

In the process, they found that the daily meals of the grassland elves were really good, but the amount provided was too small.

Even human beings like Li Ce couldn't get enough to eat, let alone the centaurs who had obviously bigger appetites than them.

This is not because the prairie elves searched.

In fact, these elves are very concerned about their own face, and they will definitely not do things that will embarrass themselves.

The root cause of this situation is that they do not understand each other.

In the past, Silk and the others basically distributed the amount of food according to the food intake of their elves.

But the food intake of their elves is only about two-thirds of that of humans. It is only natural for Li Ce and the others to not have enough to eat.

After the feedback here, Silk also simply increased the food distribution for Li Ce and the others.

For two meals a day, besides many fruits they had never seen before, Li Ce and the others tasted mutton for the first time.

The smell of mutton is a bit obvious, but the soft taste really makes him a little bit fond.

On a new day, Li Ce had nothing to do, so he simply proposed to take a look around and familiarize himself with the environment.

The main reason is that he wants to meet the animal called 'sheep', and he has heard relevant information from their leader before, so that they can focus on it on the grassland.

Later, I learned from Drogo and the others that there were sheep on the territory of the grassland elves, but because they would be attacked if they approached the other party's territory, this matter has never been discussed.

This time he finally got the chance, Li Ce naturally wanted to see it with his own eyes.

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