Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 305 Cooperating

"I don't think there is any need to worry about the grassland elves."

Looking at Li Ce who was frowning, Drogo spoke slowly...

"Although the characters of those guys are annoying, they do have strength."

Back then, when their centaur clan and the prairie elves had an accidental fight, their number was more than twice as large as it is now. Under this premise, they didn't get any benefits from those prairie elves.

Just because of this strength, Drogo felt that nothing big would happen to them.

How else can I say that the most irritating thing about these grassland elves is that they are really awesome?

Drogo had already talked about this, so Li Ce naturally had nothing to say.

From the perspective of the overall situation, he certainly hopes that the grassland elves can also cooperate with them seamlessly, but the reality is that they are really unfamiliar. Faced with this situation, they should take care of themselves first.

On a new day, they found the patrol team on the opposite side again. Li Ce and the others no longer hibernated, and attacked outrageously, targeting the green lizard infantry on the opposite side.


On the lizardman's side, the horn of alarm sounded quickly.

But this didn't stop Li Ce's actions. After many previous raids, their cavalry team's charge tactics have become more and more proficient.

However, unlike before, the patrol team, which had clearly increased its strength, did not flee in all directions this time.

At this moment, while the green lizard infantry quickly evacuated their formation, with a shout, they threw their short spears at the cavalry team that was sweeping in unison.

At the same time, taking into account the improved combat power of the twenty green lizard infantry, the five speed dragon cavalry did not need to turn around and run away.

Taking advantage of Athlon's flexibility and quickness, they jumped directly to the flanks, made a detour, bypassed the frontal battlefield, and headed towards the charging cavalry.

This one-handed operation is not something that normal cavalry can do. Before doing it, Li Ce would definitely be surprised, but after the previous confrontation, he already has a clearer understanding of the flexibility of the speed dragon.

Facing the actions of the five speed dragon cavalry at this moment, Li Ce directly ignored them, and focused entirely on the short spear flying in front of him.


Seeing an opportunity, the cavalry team headed by Li Ce directly waved the crescent halberd in their hands, and swept away all the short spears thrown towards them.

"Follow me to kill!!"

At the same time, with a loud shout, the centaur clan headed by Drogo rushed out from behind a hill and approached at the fastest speed, aiming at the opponent who tried to intercept them from the flank. Five speed dragon cavalry!

Unlike the human cavalry, the centaur, a special race, can innately achieve the state of "human-horse unity", which allows them to maintain a rather amazing speed of advancement even when they are shooting bows and arrows.

In the process of rushing wildly, a round of arrows flew over, which immediately shocked the five speed dragon cavalry on the opposite side.

This is not only because they were attacked, but also because it was the centaur who attacked them!

Compared with Li Ce and Silk, the lizardmen and the centaurs should have fought the longest, so they obviously knew how powerful Drogo was.

It is no exaggeration to say that as soon as Drogo and the others showed up here, the five speed dragon cavalry began to have the intention to quit.

However, in the current situation, they have all entered the range of the centaurs, so where is there room for escape?

Bending bows and arrows all the way, maintaining the arrow attack, the centaur clan with full burst of speed quickly rushed in front of the speed dragon cavalry.

If we say that the speed dragon cavalry is described as a light cavalry with agility and speed, then the centaur family is a proper heavy cavalry.

In terms of frontal collision capability, the speed dragon cavalry is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the centaur, let alone their strength is still at a disadvantage.

At this moment, facing the collective charge of the centaur clan, the only thought in the velociraptor's mind is to give full play to their nimble and quick advantages, and jump away at the last moment to avoid the battle with the centaur. A head-on collision of a family.

How could Drogo, who had been fighting with the lizardman for a long time before, fail to see through the other party's intentions?

At this moment, he is not in a hurry, there are only five velociraptors on the opposite side, and he is in a relaxed mood, just waiting for the moment when the opposite velociraptor jumps up to avoid it.


Amidst the roar of anger, Drogo's spear pierced the air directly, making a sharp sound, piercing through the body of one of the velociraptors with lightning speed, killing him on the spot!

Although the rest of the centaurs are not as brave as Drogo, their combat power should not be underestimated.

Under the premise that the speed dragon cavalry has nowhere to escape, defeating the opponent is only a matter of a few face-to-face encounters.

At the same time, on Li Ce's side, in the face of the green lizard infantry who were evacuating their formation, it was obviously difficult to wipe them out in one round.

At the moment when there is enough time for combat, Li Ce also gave the order without hesitation to rush back and kill another round after rushing through the phalanx of the green lizard infantry!

But the green lizard infantry here have lost their will to fight.

At the moment when the five speed dragon cavalry were defeated by the centaurs, they stayed here just waiting to die.

Realizing this, the green lizard infantry immediately dispersed.

Seeing this, Li Ce quickly issued an order to wipe out the remnants.

During the period, in the head-on confrontation, the speed dragon cavalry was quickly defeated, and Drogo and the others, who had ended the battle, also came to help.

The whole situation was completely under their control, and they rushed away before the large army of lizardmen arrived.

However, after running for a while, an unexpected situation happened suddenly.

One of the horses suddenly whined and fell to the ground. The soldiers on the horses reacted quickly and jumped down in time, thus avoiding the ending of falling to the ground with the horses.

Then seeing his partner collapsed on the ground, and he didn't know what kind of situation it was, the soldier panicked all of a sudden, and hurried forward to confirm.

At the same time, Li Ce and Drogo, who noticed the situation here, immediately surrounded them.

"what happened?"

"Report Lieutenant, I don't know, it was running, and suddenly it fell over."

As soon as the words here were finished, there were several exclamations from behind Li Ce.

"Dali, Dali, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing the sound, Li Ce hurriedly looked back, only to see that the soldier called 'Dali' was already lying on the horse's back at this moment, with a rather ugly expression on his face.

"Strange, strange. My leg seems to be numb..."


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