Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 226 Not Only Not Thin, but Fat


Zhou Xu, who saved himself from danger in an instant, couldn't help laughing when he saw the two wild wolves biting each other.

It can only be said that the ability brought to him by this mantra makes him really happy when facing beast creatures.

However, he didn't control it all the time. After seeing that the two wild wolves were about to bite mad, he lifted the mantra of 'beast soldier control'.

After all, the consumption of controlling living creatures with 'beast soldier control' is still very high.

Moreover, this beast has animal nature in its bones. After being bitten crazily by each other, it quickly became red-eyed. Who cares whether it recognizes it or not? Even if Zhou Xu had lifted the mantra, the biting of the two of them did not stop.

Seeing this, Zhou Xu didn't care about the two wild wolves, let them fight if they wanted to fight, he pulled the rein, and rode away first.

The main purpose of hunting wolves this time is to train the combat capabilities of their cavalry, in addition to adding bricks and tiles to their skeleton wolf troops.

In this case, Zhou Xu didn't intend to get involved too much.

His existence is more of an insurance policy. In case the situation gets out of control, he can directly use the mantra of "beast soldier control" to forcibly stabilize the situation.

It was not easy for him to train a group of soldiers, and it was even more difficult to domesticate war horses, but he didn't plan to break a few during this kind of hunting training.

Fortunately, led by Li Ce, the soldiers have performed very well so far, and there is nothing for him to do.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the wolves quickly scattered and fled.

Li Ce didn't chase too much, he looked for a direction, and after directly leading the cavalry team under his command to chase and kill two wild wolves, he gave up.

From the beginning of the battle to the end, it all happened very quickly.

This pack of wolves has been hit many times, and even lost a wolf king, so it's not in the cards right now.

When the wolves saw that they couldn't fight, they quickly chose to escape, and the battle ended in a short time.

Pick up the arrows that were shot, and take all the wild wolves that were shot.

While his subordinates were so busy, Zhou Xu was riding around slowly in this grassland area.

Of course, he wasn't just wandering around, but was 'scanning' around with his 'eye of insight' to see if he could find anything good.

In the past, due to their strength, they basically kept their heads down on this grassland and guarded their one-acre three-point land, for fear that other forces on the grassland would come to them and cause disaster.

But in the past 30 years in Hedong and in the past 30 years in Hexi, Feng Shui has taken turns! Today they are not what they used to be.

With the changes in strength and status, their cavalry can now gallop freely on this grassland.

As a result, their scope of exploration on the grassland has greatly increased, which is one of the main reasons why Zhou Xu chose to follow along.

Unfortunately, so far, he still has nothing.

At this moment, Li Ce rode over.

"Boss, we have retrieved all the arrows, this time we shot and killed a total of twelve wild wolves!"

In the short confrontation with the wolves, it can be said that it is quite impressive to have this record.

No nonsense, Zhou Xu glanced at the sky, it was getting late, and the group went straight back to the village.

He didn't need to worry about dealing with the corpses. During the battle, Zhou Xu, who had made various attempts at the power of his newly unlocked combination of mantras, was also a little tired at the moment.

Facts have proved that compared with controlling the six cubs, controlling those adult wild wolves will consume more energy.

[This should be related to the tenacity of willpower. When controlling the cows and horses in the village before, it was not so difficult. It is because the cows and horses in the village have been tamed by us, so there is not so much resistance to my orders? 】

While thinking about this matter, Zhou Xu returned to his residence, ready to make a fuss before going to dinner.

As a result, as soon as he entered the room, Zhou Xu couldn't help being stunned for a moment by the brilliance that caught his eyes when he turned his head.

As the evening approached, the setting sun poured down along the window sill beside his bed, and shone on the figure sitting on his bed.

Under the setting sun, the soft hair had a metallic luster.

And the owner of the hair, who was licking his paw with a full face at this time, turned his head unhurriedly after hearing the movement.



Zhou Xu arrived unexpectedly. Calculating the time, it has only been more than half a month since Chitose swallowed the blood and fell into a deep sleep.

You know, before Chitose slept directly from summer to autumn, the time difference is really not that big.

But he wasn't completely clueless.

[The length of the deep sleep should be related to the absorption efficiency. Chitose was just born before, and the drop of blood essence was too strong for it, so the absorption was very slow. 】

[But it's different now. It absorbed the blood essence when it was born, and the Chitose foundation that has been laid is very strong. At the same time, it has grown up, and it absorbs the blood essence again, and the efficiency is naturally higher. 】

Just as Zhou Xu was sorting out his thoughts, Chitose ran up to him with small steps all the way and rubbed against him.

Seeing this, Zhou Xu immediately understood...

"Xiaoshan, Chitose is awake, go get some meat!"

After instructing Zhang Xiaoshan to prepare the food, Zhou Xu's eyes fell on Qiantui again, and at the same time he bent down and picked him up.

"Good guy, you've been sleeping for more than half a month, not only did you lose weight, but you gained weight?!"

The moment he picked it up, he was shocked by the change in weight.


In this regard, Chitose flicked his tail like a big broom and protested dissatisfied.

Zhou Xu quickly comforted it, while carefully observing the changes in Chitose's body.

As the person who raised Chitose from a young age, he is still very sensitive to the changes in Chitose.

In the setting sun, he reached out and stroked Chitose's fur. Its fur was originally as smooth as high-grade fur, and it shone in the sun.

But now, there has been a change, and a metallic luster has begun to appear.

At the same time, the color of the fur also changed from the original brown-yellow color to a dark gold-like color.

Through stroking during the period, Zhou Xu also felt a skinny feeling.

But it's not the skinny skinny feeling, but the skinny feeling brought by strong bones!

The former Chitose felt fleshy and full of sensuality, and the bones could not be touched at all, and it felt very comfortable.

But in Chitose today, that sensuality has disappeared, and it feels a little rough to the touch, but the weight has not decreased but increased. This can only explain one problem, that is, Chitose's bones have become thicker than before!

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