Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 214 The Meaning of Living

Back then, there was no doubt about Drogo's ability to kick a hyena to death with one hoof, not to mention that Zhou Xu had seen his panel, so it wasn't considered potential. He was the only existing existence whose bravery level had reached three stars.

There is a high probability that he is the most powerful individual known so far!

Originally, Zhou Xu was curious about how he got through the training. After all, he had seen it by chance, and not every centaur's bravery level reached three stars.

Now it seems that it is very likely that it is because he has eaten the blood essence of extraordinary creatures and tempered his body with the extraordinary power contained in it!

At this moment, Drogo, who said this, seemed quite proud.

And this is indeed something worthy of his pride. After all, for a hunter, what could make him more proud than hunting an extraordinary creature?

But looking at the triumphant Drogo, Zhou Xu thought of another question.

【Drogo said that after eating the blood essence, it would be extremely painful. The thousand-year-old swallowed the blood essence just after he was born. I don’t think there is any pain in it? Not only is it not painful, but it even sleeps like a dead pig. 】

With this question in mind, Zhou Xu asked the question in his heart.

"Drogo, you said that eating blood would cause unbearable pain. What kind of pain? Does everyone who eats blood feel like this?"

"What kind of pain method?"

From Drogo's ears, Zhou Xu's question was really a bit strange, but he still subconsciously recalled it, and then a look of horror appeared on his face.

"At that time, I felt that my whole body was about to be torn apart, and I almost died of pain. As for whether everyone will be like this, at least I know it is like this."

Zhou Xu nodded when he got the answer.

[Drogo shouldn't need to lie to me about this kind of thing, but according to Drogo's description, it really doesn't match Chitose's state at that time...]

While his thoughts were spinning, a new guess appeared in Zhou Xu's mind.

[Could it be that this blood essence is the same as the mantra, there is a problem of compatibility? 】

The emergence of this idea opened up some ideas for Zhou Xu.

[The drop of blood that Chitose ate at that time belonged to its biological mother. Theoretically speaking, it was completely consistent from the point of view of species and blood, so it fits very well with Chitose. No rejection? 】

For now, his set of conjectures is completely reasonable.

Of course, more proof is needed in the future.

Just as Zhou Xu was thinking about it, the smell of food began to waft in their village, and there was a sound of "gurgling" nearby, pulling Zhou Xu's thoughts back.

He subconsciously turned his head to look in the direction of the sound, just in time to see Drogo who was sniffing furiously.

Sensing Zhou Xu's sight, Drogo's face showed a slight embarrassment, but the scent hooked him, and he inhaled again subconsciously.

"Is this... going to eat?"

In this era, one meal a day is considered good, and the centaur race is no exception.

At this moment, they were already hungry.

Zhou Xu laughed when he saw this, and beckoned at Drogo at the same time.

"Come on, let's take you to dinner."

"Then my people..."

"Don't worry, someone will take them there."

While talking, Zhou Xu led Drogo to the cafeteria.

The cafeteria on the Grassland Village consists of two parts.

One part is the place for cooking and serving meals, which is a special room built for it.

The other part is the dining area.

There are no supplies in the dining area, just a big shed.

After all, with so many people gathering to eat, it would be very laborious to build a house, but it is easier to build a shed.

At this moment, there is already a queue outside the dining room.

Seeing this, Zhou Xu directly led Drogo to line up, saying as he walked...

"Our side distributes food in a centralized manner. When it's time, just come here and queue up to get it."

The villagers who were queuing at that time saw Zhou Xu approaching, and immediately wanted to get out of the way, but Zhou Xu stopped them.

"You row your own, follow the rules, don't worry about me."

There are only a dozen people in line ahead of them at this moment, and it won't take much time for their turn.

Originally, Zhou Xu's meals were delivered directly to his residence by Zhang Xiaoshan or Li Shitou.

After all, as the leader, he is still very busy on weekdays, and he usually doesn't need to do trivial things like cooking.

This time, the main purpose was to lead Drogo to familiarize himself with the process on their side, so he came here in person.

Grassland Village is close to a military stronghold, so there is no need for any trade here. Basically, it is the same as a military camp, and resources and food are distributed uniformly.

Anyway, these expenses are included in their salary.

Soon it was their turn in the team. Since the food was arranged uniformly, there was no room for selection of dishes. Basically, you can eat whatever is cooked in the kitchen.

Taking the dinner plate, Zhou Xu and Drogo quickly finished the meal, and sat down at the table in the dining area next to it.

The shape of the centaurs is not similar to that of humans, and they cannot sit on these benches.

But Drogo didn't care, he just bent his knees and got down on the ground. Compared with the table in front of him, the height was just right.

At this moment, seeing the food that was almost piled up on the dinner plate, Drogo resisted the urge to reach out and grab it, and kept swallowing his saliva.

In the past, they basically ate with their hands.

But after coming here, while queuing up, he noticed that the humans here use some strange things.

At this moment, Zhou Xu was introducing him.

"This is chopsticks, and this is a spoon. For chopsticks, they can hold food like this. If you are not used to it, just use a spoon."

The use of spoons is still very simple. After being frustrated with chopsticks, Drogo, who had been hungry for a long time, finally scooped up food with a spoon and stuffed it into his mouth.

At that moment, Drogo's eyes widened unconsciously, and then subconsciously glanced at the food on the dinner plate.

From the moment the aroma wafted away, he had already realized how tempting the food on the plate was.

However, at this moment, Drogo clearly discovered that his previous consciousness was not deep enough.

The moment he put the food into his mouth, his whole state even appeared in a trance for a moment.

【who I am? where am I? what am i eating Damn, how can this thing be so delicious? ! 】

Unable to control it at all, the aroused strong desire kept driving him, spoonful after spoonful of food into his mouth, until he ate a little bit of the food on the dinner plate Not left!

It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, he seemed to understand the meaning of life!

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