Early the next morning, Xiaoxue was still falling sporadically, and he didn't know when it would end.

But this little snow has no effect on their daily work.

Last night, although the saber-toothed tiger's attack caused him a lot of trouble, but because he couldn't start work a few days ago because of the heavy snow outside, he took this opportunity to get a full rest. not bad.

After breakfast, there was a sound of horseshoes outside the camp, which attracted the attention of the sentries.

At this moment, a figure in the distance was riding a steed, breaking through the snow, and riding towards them on the snow waves.

Seeing this, the sentinel hurriedly sent a message down.

"Someone is coming on horseback! It's from the direction of Black Moon Village, it should be a messenger!"

Messenger is Zhou Xu's collective name for messengers between villages.

After receiving the notification from the sentry tower, members of the nearby patrol team quickly greeted them.

If you are sure it is one of your own, then welcome in, otherwise, if not, then do it directly.

But at this stage, the ones coming from the direction of Heiyue Village are still riding horses, so it is basically impossible for them to be other people.

The messenger was quickly welcomed into the village and came before Zhou Xu.

"See the leader!"

"Free gift."

After briefly signaling the other party to waive the courtesy, Zhou Xu hurriedly asked about the situation in other villages.

"What's the situation in the other villages now? Has Black Moon Village been affected by the snowstorm?"

Under normal circumstances, news from the village over there would be sent to Heiyue Village first, and then the messengers from Heiyue Village would send it to him together.

It's the same this time.

Facing Zhou Xu's questioning, the messenger hurriedly answered.

"Reporting to the leader, it snowed heavily in Heiyue Village some time ago, and the wind and snow blew a little, but I didn't see the blizzard, and the Salt Lake Village was about the same..."

While speaking, the courier described the situation in several villages during this time.

During the days of blizzard and snow, there is no doubt that every village suffered more or less losses.

However, because Zhou Xu had made sufficient preparations before winter began, and besides Grassland Village, other villages were not directly swept by the snowstorm, so the losses in this area were all within the controllable range.

At least compared with the prairie village that suffered miserably, it is much better.

But then, what the messenger reported made Zhou Xu frowned quickly.

"Over the barren mountain village, something like this happened?"

It's not that he didn't think that the primitive tribes in the barren mountain village would attack them because of their livelihood after winter.

But he obviously didn't expect that the other party could make such a big fight, which obviously didn't look like it was made by an ordinary primitive tribe.

At the same time, Wang Chuan, as a person who had walked out of the depths of the mountains, knew a little about those tribes. According to Wang Chuan, multiple tribes were probably coming at the same time.

This made Zhou Xu even more surprised.

Don't look at their successful alliance with the centaur clan, but in fact, in this primitive era when various tribes competed with each other for limited food resources, it was not that simple for tribes to form an alliance.

Looking at Zhou Xu who was lost in thought, the messenger's report continued.

"Furthermore, according to the message Village Chief Shi Lei wanted to convey, there was a talkative guy who had a relationship with him on the battlefield, saying things like time traveler..."

"Wait a minute! What did you just say?"

"Um, is there a talkative guy on the battlefield who has a relationship with Village Chief Shi Lei?"

"Not this sentence, but the next sentence."

"Say something like a time traveler?"

The moment this sentence was uttered from the messenger's mouth again, Zhou Xu completely confirmed it.

[You can't be wrong, there are traversers on the opposite side! 】

[The barren mountain village was attacked by the tribal coalition forces on the opposite side this time, I am afraid it was also the handiwork of this traverser! 】

Zhou Xu is not surprised at all by the appearance of the time traveler.

After all, from his time travel to the present, he has met two time travelers before and after.

And these two traversers all died in his hands!

A new traverser has appeared in this world, and he is on the opposite side again. This is not a good thing no matter how you think about it.

But Zhou Xu didn't become too nervous because of this. After all, judging from the results of this battle, the strength of the opponent was not as good as him.

Otherwise, the barren mountain village would have been attacked long ago.

"Did the other party show any special abilities?"

Faced with this question, the courier shook his head.

"The news that came did not mention special abilities, but Village Chief Shi Lei mentioned that there was a guy who was quite capable of fighting, and he almost died in the hands of the opponent. Thanks to the protection of the rattan armor, he saved his life."

Hearing this, a strange color flashed in Zhou Xu's eyes.

[Shi Lei's upper limit of bravery has reached the excellent level of three stars. Although he only has two stars now, his talent and strength are not comparable to ordinary two-star characters. He almost took Shi Lei's life]

[The opponent must at least be a character with the same level of bravery! 】

In this era where tribes are the carrier and the scale of battles is still in small-scale armed conflicts, a strong individual with strong combat power is enough to dominate the outcome of an entire battle!

So at the moment, Zhou Xu still wants a role like this very much.

It's just that he has already seen all the people under his command with the "eye of insight", and has ensured that there are no missing talents.

Under this premise, if he wants to acquire more talents, the only way right now is probably to annex other tribes, incorporate their population, and obtain talents from them.

Now the titan who almost killed Shi Lei undoubtedly succeeded in attracting Zhou Xu's attention.

But Zhou Xu didn't intend to send troops there immediately to help the barren mountain village.

Don't forget, Grassland Village is not peaceful now, but there is no spare power to deploy troops to other places.

Not to mention that he has reserved enough population in the barren mountain village from the very beginning, I believe that with this population and Shi Lei's ability, it is enough to deal with the situation there.

Of course, under this premise, he didn't intend to completely ignore it.

"Notify the forging department of Heiyue Village to send the latest batch of forged swords to Barren Mountain Village as quickly as possible."

Losing a few swords is not a big deal for Zhou Xu.

Because he also knows that once you use this weapon, you cannot guarantee that this weapon will never fall into the hands of the enemy.

But the other party can't make it by themselves. As long as the barren mountain village can obtain more swords and arm more soldiers, they can have a large enough advantage in terms of armed strength.

After explaining all the things that need to be ordered to the courier, Zhou Xu picked up a roll of animal skin paper from his desk and handed it to the courier.

"Remember my order, take this blueprint at the same time, go back to Heiyue Village, and let the village make the things on the blueprint as quickly as possible!"


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