Speaking of hyena man, Zhou Xu's mood is really complicated.

He now wants the hyenas to attack, but he doesn't want the hyenas to attack.

The reason for wanting the hyenas to attack is very simple. The hyenas are now seriously injured. Right now he and the soldiers are in the grassland camp. If they can take advantage of the home field and severely injure the opponent again, then in the next paragraph For a while, the hyena clan must not have dared to take any action, and he was able to do his own things more confidently and boldly.

But on the other hand, even in the case of a serious injury, the threat of the hyena clan still cannot be ignored. Once a fight starts, they will inevitably suffer casualties.

From this point of view, he didn't want to fight that much.

This is also the main reason why Zhou Xu was so entangled in his heart.

For the group of hyenas on the grassland right now, he was more or less lying down.

Anyway, they have now formed an alliance with the centaur clan. Although the hyenas are a great threat, they can no longer easily take away their camp.

That being the case, then simply lie flat, first respond to all changes with the same, observe the situation before talking.

Leaving aside the hyena people, let's observe the current situation of their tribe.

The newly recruited recruits are still training, and the cavalry is still training. Although Zhou Xu has his eye on the tribe's population in the barren mountain camp, he wants to mobilize troops to recruit them.

However, considering the existence of the Manshi tribe, it would be better for Shi Lei to hold back and wait for his troops to support them before launching operations.

[Considering the training efficiency of the recruits, I'm afraid they won't be able to mobilize troops in autumn. 】

[But then it will be winter, and there are mountains over there, and it is not safe to deploy troops, not to mention that there will still be food pressure after winter. It is not wise to recruit a large number of people before winter to increase food pressure. Why don't we simply push the mobilization time to the next spring? 】

Before falling asleep, Zhou Xu kept sorting out his thoughts in his mind.

In just a short while, he has already arranged the plan until the beginning of next spring.

In this regard, Zhou Xu didn't think there was anything wrong with it, after all, the efficiency of the cold weapon era was like this.

Closing his eyes, Zhou Xu quickly fell asleep.

This time, I don't know if it was because he fell asleep and didn't notice it, or because the little guy already knew that licking him was useless and didn't disturb him, but he slept until dawn.

Zhou Xu, who sat up in the tent, looked at the little guy stretched and stretched beside him, and he scratched the little guy's chin casually, as a greeting to it.

Walking out of the tent with the follower, the little guy's breakfast today is still half a chopped meat rabbit.

After breakfast, Zhou Xu told Ye Jinghong and the others a few more words, then quickly got on his horse and prepared to ride directly back to Heiyue Village.

Although the efficiency of the bullock cart is faster than that of two legs, it is not as fast as riding a horse.

As for his follower...

Zhou Xu carried a big back basket for himself, and then put the little guy in the back basket.

At this moment, the little guy rested his front paws on the edge of the back basket, and poked his head out from inside. At first, his eyes and movements were a little nervous, but after seeing Zhou Xu who was carrying him on his back, he quickly Just relax again.

Without grinding, Zhou Xu lightly kicked the horse's belly, and with a sound of 'drive', he embarked on the return journey. His figure became smaller and smaller in the eyes of Ye Jinghong and others, and finally disappeared completely.

Zhou Xu can ride a horse, but only on the training ground near the grassland camp.

It was undoubtedly the first time to go out on horseback like this, or even to travel far.

Zhou Xu, who was riding on horseback all the way, could feel that his horse could run faster, but he didn't dare to gallop the horse. Twist the throttle hard.

Now he only dared to let the horse run at a normal speed, but even so, it was much faster than the bullock cart.

Zhou Xu, who was riding a long-distance horse for the first time, was concentrating all his attention and did not dare to relax in the slightest.

In this state, time passed quietly, and Heiyue Village, located in the distance, jumped directly into his field of vision, making him stunned.

【It's... here? 】

Concentrating for a long time made his perception of time blurred, and now he suddenly came back to his senses, and he seemed a little dazed.

Subconsciously, he looked up at the position of the sun in the sky, and blindly estimated it should be around one o'clock in the afternoon.

[I set off at eight o'clock in the morning, from the grassland camp to the black moon camp, counting the time, the whole journey is about five hours? It's here? 】

"Ha, ha ha ha ha..."

With the ups and downs of thoughts in his mind, Zhou Xu only felt his heart beating wildly, and finally couldn't help laughing out loud.

Although he was mentally prepared, the efficiency of this movement was still completely beyond his imagination.

And this is on the premise that he is not proficient in riding and dare not gallop his horse.

In the future, as your riding skills improve and you dare to increase your speed, this time may be even shorter!

This movement efficiency made the distance between Black Moon Village and the grassland camp no longer a problem.

After calming down a little, Zhou Xu just took a deep breath and tried to sit up straight, but in the next second, he immediately gasped.

He maintained a posture for a long time and bumped on the horse's back. When he was highly concentrated and emotional, he really didn't feel it. Now that he calmed down, he immediately felt a backache.

At the same time, the hands holding the rein were also gripping too hard due to tension, and their muscles were stiff and sore right now.

Of course, this is not the worst...

[Good guy, I can't feel my legs. 】

Riding a horse is much more tiring than riding a motorcycle. In the previous training, even Zhou Xu could only ride for about half an hour at a time, and most of the time he just rode a trot for a walk, and the horse did not move much.

And in this wave, although they didn't gallop wildly, they ran all the way anyway. They rode for five hours without receiving sufficient professional training.

This situation temporarily dispelled Zhou Xu's idea of ​​returning to Heiyue Village immediately, and he couldn't even get off his horse now.

Even if he could get off the horse, he was afraid that his legs would give way and he would fall directly to the ground.

With so many people in Heiyue Village, he is a dignified tribal leader, doesn't he want to lose face?

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu hurriedly took a deep breath while soothing his body, and waited until his legs recovered and slowly regained consciousness before trying to get off the horse.

But even so, he staggered, almost lost his balance and fell to the ground.

At the same time, it woke up the little guy who fell asleep in the back basket.

This little guy really has a big heart, paralyzed in the back basket, bumping and dangling all the way, it actually played the effect of a cradle bed, he just shook it to sleep, and didn't wake up until now.

Then he stretched out his two claws, grabbed the side of the basket, poked his head out, and yelled at Zhou Xu "哗~".

Zhou Xu listened and turned to look at the little guy.

I saw that at this moment, the little guy had one front paw hanging outside and one front paw resting on the edge of the basket. Dad carried it all the way.

Seeing this, Zhou Xu was silent for two seconds, then lifted the basket behind him.

"Come down you!"

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