"Leader, what should we do now? Shall we capture all four bison?"

This situation made Ye Jinghong unable to make up his mind.

Having experienced the previous operation, they knew how tiring the journey back was. Before they dragged two bison calves and an adult bison, they felt that they almost died of exhaustion on the way.

Now this is only the second trip, and it was suddenly replaced by four adult bison.

They really couldn't imagine how tiring it was.

But if you have caught them all, you let them let go, and you are somewhat unwilling.

Looking across the crowd, Zhou Xu could feel that everyone thought so.

In fact, he was somewhat of that.

Under this premise, he hoped that their tribe could use the ox carts before the fall. Calculating the time, he had to speed up a bit.

"Take them all back!"

Thinking of this, when Zhou Xu gave the order, he directly divided the skeleton soldiers into four groups to consume the physical strength of the four bison.

Compared with the previous one, this link will undoubtedly take more time.

After all, the physical strength of the four adult bison is not that easy to consume.

Faced with this situation, Zhou Xu changed his mind and changed the configuration.

On the side of the other three adult bison, he first sent five skeleton soldiers to slowly consume their energy, and the remaining skeleton soldiers all flocked to an adult bison.

The purpose of this is to consume the stamina of one of the adult bison faster, and then let it enter the next stage first.

In this way, the time of each stage can be diverged, which improves their efficiency and reduces their pressure in a disguised form.

After the target's physical strength is almost exhausted, there is nothing to say about the subsequent process.

This wave took them more time.

Because they had a good rest before arriving at their destination, the time they found the bison was actually in the morning.

But when the four adult bison were initially subdued, it was almost dark.

But they obviously can't just rest like that.

The full rest before is for the current overnight rush.

The four adult bison made their trip even more tiring, but Zhou Xu's psychological pressure was not great.

Because he saw it with his own eyes before, the saber-toothed tiger killed a bison.

In other words, the other party has obtained enough food, and there is no need to come out to hunt for food in a short time.

Without this threat, Zhou Xu wasn't particularly worried about the other beasts.

This time, when they returned to the prairie camp, it was midnight, but as before, it was still members of the patrol who found them and took care of them.

When I woke up, the sky outside the tent was bright.

It wasn't that he woke up early, but that he slept all day and all night, and it was already the next morning.

After breakfast, Zhou Xu came to the cattle farm without haste.

The breeders of the Ministry of Agriculture who were in charge of domesticating the bison were one step ahead of him, and the baskets full of hay had already been placed in front of the bison.

Needless to say, the first three bison that were captured by them didn't care about the existence of the breeders at all. As soon as the fodder was delivered, they couldn't wait to eat it.

This effect is inseparable from the strategy taught by Zhou Xu to the breeders, that is, don't let them eat too much, and keep them hungry for food at all times.

But to the surprise of the breeders, after the three bison started cooking, the other four bison also slowly walked towards the hay baskets in front of them.

It was completely beyond the breeders' expectations for the four new bison to come to their senses so quickly, but Zhou Xu, who happened to see this scene, had some ideas in his mind.

Cattle are herd animals, and most herd animals have a herd mentality.

When I first came here, I was nervous and scared, and I was full of vigilance towards them, and it was normal not to eat them.

But after a period of time, the mood calmed down a little, and the stomach began to be hungry at the same time. When they saw the three of the same kind who were busy cooking, they were easily motivated.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for Zhou Xu and the others.

Can greatly shorten their domestication time.

Among them, for the two young bison, the breeder had already stood in front of them, but the two young bison still only cared about cooking and ignored them at all.

Seeing this, Zhou Xu gave new instructions after breakfast.

Originally, the bison didn't have lunch with them, so they ate a meal of forage in the morning and evening, in order to keep them motivated to eat well and facilitate their domestication.

But today, due to changes in the domestication plan, it is natural to add this meal to them.

But this lunch is different from their original breakfast and dinner.

This lunch is for the breeders to hold the forage in their hands and feed it to the bison!

To put it simply, it is to further narrow the distance with the bison and establish a certain degree of trust with them.

They had never done this before, and they were really a little nervous.

For the sake of safety, Zhou Xu asked them to feed the two young bison first, so that even if something unexpected happened, they could control it in time.

The whole process went much smoother than they expected.

The two little buffaloes were still young, and after the first period of time, their heartless nature was quickly exposed.

Looking at the forage that the breeders held in their hands, they hesitated for a while, and then quickly started to cook again, after all, they didn't have enough to eat in the morning.

During the period, the bison mother also came up, obviously wanting to have a bite too, but due to the length of the rope, it couldn't get close at all.

But the breeders are not stupid. Seeing that the mother bison wanted to eat, they immediately took another handful of hay and fed the mother bison.

As for the four newcomers, they couldn't do it right now, they hid in the distance and cried 'moo moo' the whole time.

Although they couldn't understand the cow's language, they could probably understand the meaning of the four bison. To put it bluntly, they were also hungry and wanted to eat, but they didn't want to get close.

In this regard, the breeders directly ignored their leader's domestication ideas, which they have now fully grasped.

After feeding them with their hands, the distance between them and the three bison has been shortened invisibly.

After hand feeding a few times, Zhou Xu signaled the breeders to start touching the bison during feeding, and then touching each other without feeding.

When all these can be done smoothly, then the trust level is considered to be established.

And the bison can officially start training for work.

In this way, in the next period of time, Zhou Xu and the others were busy catching bison from the camp, and the breeders were busy domesticating the bison. The days were so busy and stable. .

On the other hand, their allies, the Centaurs, are also very busy every day, but they are busy hunting hyenas!

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