Ye Jinghong had expected that he would accidentally encounter a hyena on his side.

Relying on the home field advantage brought by the trap, they shrank inside the camp, maybe they could persuade the opponent to retreat.

After all, hyenas are typical people who don't get up early without benefits. If they don't have enough benefits, the opponent may not fight them to the end.

But he obviously didn't expect that one day, the beast he had seen before would bring them such a huge trouble!

It is no exaggeration to say that because of this beast, they seem to be forced to go to war with the hyenas!

At this moment, Ye Jinghong could only pray in his heart that their leader would arrive soon with reinforcements.

But the reality gave him a hard punch! The hyenas on the opposite side are one step ahead of their leader!

Within the range of vision, the number of hyenas is much more visible to the naked eye. At a glance, there are at least a dozen, and some are hiding in the grass. The actual number may be more than twenty.

This situation made Ye Jinghong's face turn pale.

He didn't need to think too much, just by looking at the opponent's battle, he could guess that the hyenas on the opposite side were probably planning to launch a strong attack.

Still use stones to lead the battle first, because of the disadvantages suffered before, this time the hyenas have further expanded the scope of the test.

According to Zhou Xu's instructions, when Ye Jinghong and the others deployed the trap, they would spread a layer of branches on top of the pothole trap, and then sprinkle soil and weeds to cover it.

The reason for this is to ensure that the pothole trap will not collapse just because of any movement.

After paving, they have done a test. Generally, the weight is relatively light, and it will not be too dangerous to step on it a little.

After all, the main target of this trap is the burly and heavy hyenas and centaurs.

This one-handed deployment also played a role when the hyenas threw stones to test them before. It wasn't just throwing a few stones at random to trigger their traps.

A round of probing was fruitless, and the hyenas on the opposite side temporarily stopped moving.

The other party seems to have not decided who to lead the battle. The hyenas, you push me, I push you, no one wants to rush forward in a short time.

Just when Ye Jinghong thought he could delay a little longer, an impatient howl suddenly came from the grass in the distance.

This howling made the hyenas freeze, and then they didn't dare to continue moaning. The hyenas howled to embolden themselves, and then charged towards their camp.

Seeing this, Ye Jinghong hurriedly summoned the catapults to attack.

In order to resist the attack and defend the camp, this time, they used the double cover of traps and horse refusal. Ye Jinghong asked all the members of the camp, including himself, to put on slings, and to attack the hyenas. Expand remote suppression.

Although the attack accuracy of this sling is very poor, as long as the number reaches a certain level and the attack directly covers a piece, there will be no problem.

The oncoming stone bombs were quite powerful, and the hyenas rushing forward had to dodge them subconsciously.

But after thinking about what happened to the clansman before, his movements obviously stagnated.

Hyenas themselves are not good at speed, this lag is enough for them to miss the best time to evade.

Pieces of stone bullets hit them on the spot, making a muffled 'bang bang' sound, and they grinned in pain.

And this is just the beginning!

Ye Jinghong divided the 30 tribe members into three groups, and threw them in groups of ten to ensure the attack density and not give the opponent a chance to breathe.

Now under Ye Jinghong's order, the three groups of catapults continued to attack in sequence, round after round of stone bombs, and soon beat the hyena men who rushed up to the ground.

During the period, there were also some hyenas who tried to dodge to the other side.

But the stone bullets on the other side covered a larger area, and if they failed to escape in time, they still had to be beaten by the stone bullets.

But even so, a hyena managed to escape from the attack of the stone bomb.

Then, amidst the screams, he fell into the trap on the other side...

As I said at the beginning, on the grassland camp, thirty tribe members gathered here, but there wasn't much to do.

If they are idle on weekdays, they are also idle, so all their strength will be used to dig traps!

All of a sudden, this group of hyenas were beaten and fled in embarrassment.

But it would be a big mistake to underestimate these guys because of this.

Don't look at them being beaten badly now, but in fact, according to the physique of the hyena man, this is nothing more than a flesh wound, which has no impact on their actions at all.

After a few rounds of beatings by stone bullets, they probably realized that hiding was useless. In addition, the urging howls were still ringing out from behind, so they had no choice but to face the attack and move forward. rush!

If it were a human tribe, this punching method, according to Ye Jinghong's attack method, could break them all halfway.

But this group of hyenas are obviously far beyond this level. With their strong physical fitness, although the stone bomb attack can bring them pain and flesh wounds, it is not enough to interrupt their offensive.

Seeing the distance between the hyena people and them quickly shortened, the pressure on Ye Jinghong doubled.

In the current situation, besides instructing the tribe members to continue to attack with slings, he can only give one order, that is to abandon the camp and retreat!

He didn't intend to fight head-on with the hyena.

Measuring the distance between them with his eyes, just when he was about to give the order, he heard a sharp sound of piercing through the air, and a sharp arrow flew towards him, directly sinking into the body of one of the hyena men. In the eye socket.

In an instant, the severe pain caused him to scream on the spot, and at the same time, he stopped his mad rush.

At the same time, the skeletons scattered around the camp stood up amidst the screams as if they had received some kind of signal, and rushed towards the hyena men.

Once this method was used, how could Ye Jinghong and the others not know who was coming?

"The leader is here! Attack, continue to attack!!"

The simple sound of "The leader is here" seemed to give the 30 tribe members in the grassland camp a shot in the arm, making them excited all of a sudden.

During this period, Zhou Zhongshan's arrow, coupled with the sudden movement of the surrounding skeletons, caught the hyenas by surprise.

In order to be sure, Zhou Xu put a full set of mantra combinations on his skeleton soldiers as soon as he came up, and immediately attacked in the strongest state.

Seizing the opportunity, he and fifteen soldiers bent their bows and set arrows one after another, while cooperating with the sling for long-range suppression, they moved.

The sharpness of the metal arrowhead was not comparable to that of stone tools, and it easily tore through the thick flesh of the hyena man, causing the opponent's blood to splatter.

If it weren't for the howls from behind urging them on, making them dare not retreat at all, these hyenas might turn their heads and run away at this moment.

Bite the bullet, and managed to rush forward, but behind the repelling horse, a sharp crescent halberd was already ready to go, stabbing out neatly!


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