Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 120 Add some functions


"Well, the crops brought from the barren mountain camp can be grown here in the Black Moon camp?"

After briefly gesturing to Zhao Geng to waive the courtesy, Zhou Xu straight to the point and stated his intention for coming.

"Leader, please rest assured, as far as the current situation is concerned, these crops will grow even better after arriving here!"

Zhao Geng, who said this, couldn't help but be a little excited.

Tangerines grown in Huainan are oranges, and oranges grown in Huaibei are oranges.

Although the mountain environment itself is not suitable for farming, these crops were planted there before and adapted to the soil quality there.

When we arrived at the Black Moon Camp, the growing environment changed too much all of a sudden. What if we couldn't grow it, or the 'unacclimated' didn't grow well?

This is a question that Zhou Xu has been worried about before.

Now it seems that he was overthinking.

Thinking about it carefully, he is still a little confident about cultivating and accumulating his own land.

And from Zhao Geng's words just now, he was able to confirm thoroughly that the soil on their side of the Black Moon Camp was indeed better than that of the Barren Mountain Camp.

After getting this answer, Zhou Xu was undoubtedly greatly relieved.

Now they have finally successfully opened the farming era for the tribe!

Compared with the smoothness of the farmland, the pheasants brought back were not raised well.

As we all know, in the barren mountain camp, Zhou Xu directly chose to cut the feathers of the pheasants, and then set up a fence in the mountain forest for free-range breeding.

But at the Black Moon camp, it was impossible.

It's not because they don't have that much space in the Black Moon camp, but because there is no dense shelter like a mountain forest for the pheasants to hide in.

To put it simply, in this kind of plain area, birds of prey would fly by from time to time in the sky.

For weak animals like pheasants and rabbits, if there is no shelter for them to hide their bodies and avoid being hunted by raptors in the air, their "chicken farm" will soon become a "canteen" for those raptors in the air.

And if they want to avoid this, they have only one way, and that is to build a chicken coop.

But now Zhou Xu doesn't have this idea.

In this way, we can only change our thinking, and that is to change a more suitable breeding environment for pheasants.

The most suitable of these is, without a doubt, the barren hill camp.

But the disadvantage of the barren mountain camp is that it is too far away from the other three camps. In other words, at this stage, if all the pheasants are raised in the barren mountain camp, it will be very difficult for the other three camps to obtain chicken supplies.

As for the barren mountain camp, neither the Black Moon Camp nor the Grassland Camp would work. The most suitable place right now is the Black Forest in the Salt Lake Camp.

The Salt Lake Camp itself is a functional camp, and Zhou Xu doesn't mind adding some functions to the Salt Lake Camp.

With such thoughts in mind, Zhou Xu quickly calculated this matter in his mind.

There are many insects in the black forest, which can be freely hunted by the pheasants. Under this premise, of course, they will be fed with normal feed.

At the barren mountain camp, the pheasants are mainly fed with grass seeds.

And this grass seed can be said to be everywhere in the mountains and plains. After they picked it, they simply dried it and became chicken feed.

Although Zhou Xu didn't know what the grass seeds were, Wang Luchong managed to raise them successfully with the grass seeds, so there was no big problem after all.

During this period of time, Zhao Geng had already gone to the vicinity of the camp to confirm, and there were also these near the Black Moon camp, and there were also a lot of them.

As an agricultural expert, Zhao Geng not only knows how to farm, but don't forget that raising livestock is also a part of agriculture.

Therefore, Zhao Geng is also very familiar with some matters related to pheasant breeding.

Chicken feed can also be obtained at the Black Moon Camp, which is undoubtedly a great thing for Zhou Xu and the others.

In this way, they don't have to work hard to transport chicken feed from the barren mountain camp.

After all, it is also a laborious task to transport chicken feed from the barren mountain camp on a regular basis, and most importantly, it will consume their important transportation capacity.

At this moment, Zhou Xu's demand for bamboo is very large. To put it simply, there is no need for the transport team to go to the barren mountain camp, and now they don't need to worry about anything else, just pull the bamboo back one by one.

Under this premise, distributing the transportation force to transport other things will undoubtedly affect the development and construction of their camp.

Looking for the Ministry of Agriculture, Zhou Xu quickly talked about building a chicken farm in the black forest area of ​​the Salt Lake Camp.

For this reason, it is also necessary for the Ministry of Agriculture to assign a few people to the Salt Lake camp to establish an agricultural branch there.

For this matter, Zhou Xu also specially asked the equipment department to help catch up with the work, and urgently made a batch of fences.

The number of pheasants they brought back from the barren mountain camp this time was only about 30, which was not a large number. It would be no problem to make the initial fence smaller.

After the thirty pheasants hatched chicks and the number increased, it would be too late to expand the scale.

The Ministry of Agriculture quickly made arrangements and rushed to the Salt Lake camp with 30 pheasants and several carts of fences.

The distance between the camps on both sides is relatively close. There are wooden carts to improve the transportation efficiency, and it can be reached in half a day.

As soon as the personnel arrived, the agricultural branch at the Salt Lake camp was established.

At the same time, in the Black Moon camp, all departments are also running at high speed.

After a while, Zhou Xu seized the opportunity and finally read all the attribute panels of the fifty new members he brought back.

Good guy, it's all two-star legions again!

Despite this wave, in terms of talents, just discovering a Zhao Geng is already a big profit.

But Zhou Xu really didn't expect that the rest were all two-star legions.

This mood is somewhat melancholy.

For a while, he really couldn't figure out whether it was his luck that was too good before, or that Wang Luchong was really unlucky.

After resting for a period of time, after the power of the mantra he had consumed was fully recovered, he cheered up and studied the mantra he had obtained from Wang Luchong before.

No way, researching the mantra and trying it is also costly.

In Zhou Xu's view, it is better to confirm the panel of new members first to see if they can find out who is more important.

As for the truth...

On the one hand, he has already absorbed it anyway, and he can't throw it away, so it doesn't matter if he puts it away for a while.

On the other hand, it is because Wang Luchong's few mantras are all scattered. At a glance, it seems that there is nothing to do. In addition, he has more priority things to do, so he is so busy every day that he doesn't have much time to spare. to research.

It wasn't until this day that the state recovered, and at the same time, I happened to have that leisure, so I found a place to sit down and started the research on the new mantra.

The update is sent, and thanks to the book friends 'No period symbol is allowed in nicknames', 'Gu Shi', 'Book friends 20190430092131046' for their rewards

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