Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 108: Opening a Super Big Treasure Chest

This is indeed just a small river. Zhou Xu took a simple visual inspection and found that the width of the river is about two meters, which is the width that others can jump across with a single leap.

The water is not deep, and it is crystal clear, up to knees at most.

At the same time, there are fish in the water. Just now Zhou Xu clearly saw that a small fish quickly got out of the cracks in the rocks at the bottom of the water, and then disappeared.

"Is there any fishing on weekdays?"


While speaking, Wang Chuan led everyone to the river.

I saw that a fishing net was directly pulled up over there, crossing the two-meter-wide river, and catching fish in the river in this simple and crude way.

However, the fishing efficiency does not seem to be high.

Zhou Xu took a look and found that it wasn't a problem with the fishing nets. It should be that the fish resources in this river were not rich, and it was far from reaching the level of the Black Moon Camp and Grassland Camp.

Wang Luchong should also be aware of this, so he changed to planting vegetables, melons and fruits, and raising pheasants to provide stable food for his tribe.

Among them, thanks to the existence of 'Potato', he accomplished his goal relatively easily.

At the same time, these vegetables, fruits and farmed pheasants undoubtedly became the biggest harvest of his trip.

Leaving aside the terrible camp layout, this wave of his has wiped out Wang Luchong and annexed the harvest of the opposite population camp, which can be called a super big treasure chest!

It is not an exaggeration to say that he has made a lot of money.

During the period, Zhou Xu certainly did not forget to ask where these resources came from.

According to Wang Chuan, only a small part of them were actually found on this barren mountain, and many of them were brought out from the depths of the mountain, including those potatoes.

It made Zhou Xu further convinced that it was still very profitable to host the traverser's camp.

In any case, Zhou Xu took over this resource directly and comprehensively.

Moving along the small river, at the foot of the barren mountain near the deep part of the mountain, there is a relatively flat terrain. In Zhou Xu's view, this place is undoubtedly more suitable for farming.

"But leader, it might be a bit dangerous to farm in this position. Some tribes on the opposite side may appear near here if they go too far occasionally."

"It's okay, according to your previous description, the only thing that is more threatening in the depths of the opposite mountain is the Manshi tribe. Those on the periphery are just weak people who are attached to the Manshi tribe and survived by paying tribute to the Manshi tribe. Just a tribe."

"The Manshi tribe is located deep in the mountains, occupying the richest resource land in that area, and is far away from us. Even if they knew about us, they probably wouldn't be interested in trekking over mountains and rivers to cause trouble for themselves."

Zhou Xu at this time undoubtedly spoke of a problem that most tribes in this era have to face.

That is, the hands are not long enough, facing enemies whose distance is beyond their normal range of activities, even if they know that there are enemies over there, they may not be interested or unable to take action.

"As for those weak tribes who survived by paying tribute to the Manshi tribe, we don't have to be afraid of them."

Having said that, Zhou Xu paused.

"Also, as long as the opponent is not stupid, after a few times of deflation, he should not have any ideas about us in a short time."

Looking at this road, Zhou Xu's thoughts on the reconstruction plan of his barren mountain camp have become clear.

First of all, all the fields on the main camp were bulldozed, and the land was included in the camp construction, and all the plowing work of the fields was transferred to the foot of the mountain.

Afterwards, under his readjustment of the layout, the main camp will be greatly expanded, and the stronghold on this side will be directly annexed.

In other words, he didn't want this stronghold near the deep side of the mountain, and directly merged it into a camp.

On the same side of the barren mountain, the distance between the main camp and this stronghold is actually not much at all.

When Wang Luchong first set up this stronghold, he was afraid that the enemy would directly attack the main camp, so he set up a checkpoint here.

But in Zhou Xu's view, it was completely unnecessary.

In other words, checkpoints can be set, but there is no need to carry them out separately.

Just expand the camp all the way down, and then deploy patrol teams on the periphery to perform patrol tasks.

There is no need to build such a stronghold. While the value is limited, it is also in the way, hindering the development and expansion of the camp.

After seeing the topographical environment at the foot of the mountain, Zhou Xu, who had a good idea, took people back to the main camp and began to arrange it directly.

During the period, a subordinate quickly ran over and reported to him...

"Boss, the supplies for our rear have arrived, and they are now placed at the Gobi stronghold."

Hearing this, Zhou Xu nodded.

"Okay, I see. Let the members of the transportation team take a good rest first. I have already prepared the supplies that need to be brought back. You can just memorize them in batches. At the same time, people will also bring some back. I will make arrangements."

Like these fruits and vegetables, as well as pheasants, Zhou Xu must bring them back to his current base camp, which is the Black Moon Camp, for cultivation and planting.

As for the person to be brought back, it must not be their own people, but the more than one hundred tribal fighters here.

Obviously, there are too many opponents.

Although they have expressed surrender now, there is no guarantee that these guys will not cause trouble after they are released. It is one thing that the situation will not be well controlled, and what is more annoying is that it will cause unnecessary losses to them.

Under this premise, the easiest way to avoid this potential trouble is to disperse all these people and disperse them to various camps.

Of course, if more than a hundred tribal fighters were escorted back all at once, the pressure would undoubtedly be too great, so this first batch only escorted fifty people back first.

Zhou Xu has already arranged the whereabouts of these fifty people.

Thirty of them went directly to the mines in the Salt Lake camp to dig, and the remaining twenty were sent to the logging team and engineering team at the Black Moon camp to work as coolies, carrying wood and digging canals.

At present, these jobs basically require more manpower.

Under this premise, the remaining people will stay at the main camp to do hard work for the time being.

After all, all the fields on the side of the main camp had to be demolished, and at the same time the camp had to be greatly rebuilt, so there were a lot of places that needed to be worked on.

As for, what if these people make trouble?

Zhou Xu has already set up his own 'skeleton formation' near the camp, plus there are three major powers, Zhou Zhongshan, Li Ce, and the Hyena Skeleton, if the remaining people want to make trouble, they should still able to control the situation.

"Speaking of which, Zhongshan and Li Ce, when you were fighting before, didn't you find anyone on the other side who was particularly capable of fighting?"

Apparently, Zhou Xu still wanted to acquire some talents such as generals for annexing the population this time.

If you want to deal with the centaurs and hyenas on the grassland, it is most practical to give him a strong general without getting a powerful mantra.

But according to his current state, let him open the "eye of insight" to see the tribe of nearly 200 people one by one, wouldn't he look stupid?

At this time, it would be great if Zhou Zhongshan and Li Ce could provide him with some useful information.

But unfortunately, facing this question, both of them shook their heads.

This situation made Zhou Xu feel helpless.

[That's right, if there was a strong general on the opposite side, facing my shield formation at that time, the surname Wang probably sent a strong general to break the formation long ago, and could he be forced to die? 】

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