Thriller Tour Group

958 The God of Wealth is Dead Black Tiger Dragon

The drizzle was falling and the sky was gloomy. Black Tiger was taken in by the slightly solemn atmosphere. His wailing voice was much quieter. With his ears behind his back, he arched his back pitifully, arching his collapsed back. Back to how it was.

Thanks to the fact that it is the Black Tiger Evil, it can freely transform between the visible and invisible forms. If it was really a serious black tiger, it would probably have suffered a fractured spine and been completely paralyzed by the 'sun' just now. How could it be like now, but it would return to its original state within half a minute, and it would be a majestic tiger again, as if nothing had happened just now.

But how can we pretend it didn’t happen? The dream chaser suppressed a smile, and Wei Xun's expressionless face was filled with fire, but the wanderer next to him clearly didn't know the true weight of the Sunbird Xun, and was still seriously analyzing various possibilities and making suggestions.

"The black tiger that the black tiger evil turned into may not be complete enough, so it can't carry people."

You Ziming analyzed: "If there is a problem with the paper figures, then I am afraid that the paper figures held by the special armed police in the other two brigades also contain black tiger evil spirits. And if it is not just for the armed police, it is for all talented people with strong energy and blood in the entire Chengdu." Those who can transform into 'black tigers' will be even more scattered, and the one we have gathered so far is probably less than one-third of Zhao Gongming's black tiger."

Therefore, it is normal that Zhao Gongming's black tiger can carry him, but the black tiger created by Wei Xun cannot carry the sun. However, the current situation of Zhaogong Mountain is unknown, and it is the highest peak of Qingcheng Mountain. If it is really occupied by pollution, the appearance of an 'foreign invader' is likely to cause a chain reaction on this mountain and even the entire Qingcheng Mountain.

Wei Xun's incarnation of the sun can blind even the black tiger. If he rides the black tiger in again, coupled with the butterfly fragment's own attraction to pollution, there is a high possibility that Zhao Gongshan will recognize Wei Xun as one of his own. Without resisting and being completely open, Wei Xun would be like a mouse in the oil tank, going to Zhao Gongshan to purchase goods.

So if the black tiger really can't be ridden, then things will be complicated.

"There is another possibility. We don't know Zhao Gongming's condition at the moment. It's possible that he himself was seriously injured and is weak, and the Black Tiger itself is also in poor condition, which affects the Black Tiger Sha and makes it weak and unable to carry people. "


The black tiger who was licking his paws turned his head and glanced at You Ziming inexplicably when he heard the word 'weak'. He bared his teeth fiercely, and his long black tail was whipped to the ground like a steel whip, causing a splash of water to hit him. There were two holes on the ground on both sides of his body, nearly half an arm deep into the ground. These two potholes don't look like they were formed naturally, but they look like they were stepped on by someone.

But how could a normal person step on the earth and make two holes? The person who just wanted to sit on its back was not a normal person!

Facing Heihu's silent condemnation, You Ziming choked and coughed slightly, Wei Xun's eyes were cold, Dream Chaser... Dream Chaser couldn't hold it anymore.

"I think there is another possibility that the 'sun' is different."

In order to prevent himself from laughing out loud, Dream Chaser joined the discussion seriously: "Is there a possibility that Zhao Gongming is the essence of the sun, but you become the sun? The weight of this one is different."

Wei Xun glanced at the dream chaser faintly, and suddenly said: "Do you know what state the Black Tiger Evil was in when I captured it in Wu Zhen's spirit?"

"What state?"

Dream Chaser asked cooperatively.

"It split open from the middle, as if it was turning into a tiger skin to wrap around Wu Zhen's soul, turning him into a black tiger."

Wei Xun said slowly, and a bad premonition suddenly flashed through the dreamer's heart. Just as he was about to say something, Wei Xun sighed: "It's true that Hei Hu can't be blamed entirely. There aren't many people in the world who can carry me on his back. Captain An is one of them, and you... but I hurt you back then." It’s broken, ugh.”

Faced with Wei Xun's hesitation, Dream Chaser responded coldly. He had long known to be wary of Wei Xun playing the younger brother card, and now he has not wavered at all——


You Ziming next to him was shocked and said that he heard something from Wei Xun's words, but the impression left by so many years of getting along was still the main thing. Wei Xun has been in poor health since he was a child, but he likes to pursue excitement. Once, You Ziming was taken to the Wei family for a party. After the party, the adults were discussing the adults' affairs. When You Ziming was going upstairs to play, he happened to meet the young Wei Xun, who looked excited and walked from the fourth floor. If you are eager to try the high steps, you have to jump down.

For them, who were still children back then, the four steps were already as high as a cliff. When Wei Xun jumped down, You Ziming's heart almost stopped, and he subconsciously raised his hand to pick him up without knowing what to think. The two children rolled into a ball on the thick carpet, which alarmed many people. You Ziming doesn't remember much about what happened next. He only remembers that Wei Xun's eldest brother, the protagonist of the party, walked quickly. He was dressed in black and looked like a murderous god of death. He was extremely dangerous. The cold look he gave him made You Ziming do what he did later. Long nightmare.

Looking back now, even though I can't remember exactly what Wei Xun's brother looked like, his aura still makes today's You Ziming tremble every time he thinks about it.

Apart from that, what impressed him most was how light Wei Xun was. That is not the weight that a normal person should have, even a patient who has become seriously ill and has finally lost weight to skin and bones should not be so light. Wei Xun fell on him like a piece of paper or a butterfly. It was so light that Wei Xun would have been able to fly to the ground safely if You Ziming hadn't rushed to pick it up.

Of course, people can't be so young. When You Ziming thought back later, he only thought it was because he was young at the time. When the memories of his youth were applied layer by layer, the already profound impression gradually deepened and finally became exaggerated. Exaggeration is dangerous, exaggeration is light.

But no matter what, even if Wei Xun returns to normal weight, it is impossible for him to break a bone. Unless this Jia Er is some kind of glass man, like congenital skeletal dysplasia, hey, it seems that the inspectors have had serious illnesses that are difficult to cure. Is this some kind of selection criterion...

You Ziming was deep in thought, his eyes glancing over the dream chaser from time to time. Although he didn't say anything else except the sound of "fracture", the dream chaser still had a very strong urge to defend himself. Ignorant mortals don't know how much the sunbird really weighs. He dares to vouch for it, even if it is just for fun. Even if a person is ordered to hold a bird, he will suffer a broken bone!

However, when the dreamer opened his mouth to explain, what he said was completely different from what he was thinking.

"My memory was blocked during that time in Iceland, so it doesn't count as my true strength."

The dream chaser said deeply: "Dreams can carry everything. Don't say you are the sun, even if there are a few more suns, they will not hit me again."

His arm strength is not in vain, he is a dragon! When Iceland itself broke its bones while holding the sun, but the Lizard Duke's Golden Dragon was able to fly holding the sun, it made the dreamer angry to death, and now it has to save face. Ximingren is Wei Xun's brother, and Wei Xun is willing to call him brother... He can't be inferior to Ximingren!

"Really? That would be great!"

Wei Xun sincerely breathed a sigh of relief: "I wanted to go to Zhaogong Mountain with you from the beginning. It would be convenient to take care of each other."

"That's the truth."

Dream Chaser nodded. He was a serious inspector. If there were any problems, he could immediately take Wei Xun back to the hotel through the inspection certificate. To be honest, he didn't trust Wei Xun to act alone.

But what does Wei Xun mean by this? Dream Chaser originally planned to sneak into Wei Xun's daydream and quietly enter Zhaogong Mountain with him. Although this method is risky, it is much safer than Wei Xun going into the empty mountain alone... Wait?

Recalling what Wei Xun had just said about 'tiger skin', the dreamer's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and a bad premonition came to mind, but it was already too late. Wei Xun walked up to the black tiger and scratched its chin with his finger. It was like unzipping an animal's pajamas. There was a soft swipe sound and the entire black tiger's limbs spread out to the left and right, turning into a piece of thick black fur. Velvet tiger skin, the huge tiger head is on the top of the tiger skin, and a pair of big copper bell eyes are still spinning, which is indescribably weird and scary.

However, when Wei Xun smiled and held up the tiger skin and walked towards the dream chaser, a drop of cold sweat flowed from the dream chaser's forehead and he still wanted to struggle.

"Wait, I can sneak into your daydream..."

"Do you think I'm a daydreamer?"

Wei Xun smiled and said, giving the dreamer a friendly push: "Brother, I want everything I want, and I never daydream."

The patter--

The rain continued, and the rain in the mountains seemed to be heavier than outside. The repaired stone steps were glowing with water, and the bustling figures of tourists in the past were gone. The mountains and forests returned to the mountains, looking quiet and deep, but there seemed to be something unusual about it.

For example, the branches and leaves of forest trees are withered and yellow, hanging down in bunches, but the shape of the leaves is like large and small circles, and the rain hitting them makes a tinkling sound, like falling on metal. A thick layer of dead leaves also fell on the forest floor. No one was cleaning them, but they naturally gathered into piles, like mountains of money. Even the giant dragon would be dazzled when he came.


There was a slight sound of water, and a very majestic black tiger was walking slowly on the mountain road carrying a man in a black trench coat. It was not fast, and every step left a deep tiger paw print on the ground. It was very calm and majestic, and the tiger hair was It didn't get wet from the rain and stick to the body. Instead, it rose up in the wind like fine and dense flames, overflowing with evil energy. Like the tiger king in the forest, the black tiger does not forget to look around when moving forward, showing the majesty of a tiger. A pair of eyes flashes with a ray of fantasy light after seeing the densely packed copper coin leaves like a hill. The tiger's tail sways, as if walking. Make it feel good next to the pile of money.

However, when the people on him also leaned down and took a closer look at the piles of money leaves around him, Black Tiger secretly took a breath, tensed his body, and walked more steadily.

‘I feel the power of the God of Wealth’

‘The pollution here is very serious, and the power of the God of Wealth is also polluted’

Wei Xun solemnly chatted secretly with Dream Chaser, holding a token in his hand curled up in the sleeves of his windbreaker. The death order sign was sensed, and the small golden dragon entrenched on it was echoing the Zhaogong Mountain ground veins. Wei Xun is a well-known God of Fire. Not to mention the God of Fire Loki who has not developed much strength since returning to China. He was originally the master of the small spiritual fire and was certified by the emperors of the Ming Tombs as the True God of Fire!

There is always some connection between gods. For example, right now, Wei Xun can feel the power of the God of Wealth, but this power is extremely weak and tightly entangled by the ubiquitous pollution, as if it is about to fail.

As long as God does not die and faith persists, divine power should not be exhausted. Especially a god like the God of Wealth. The world is so big, and the God of Wealth is sought after by thousands of people and welcomed by everyone. Wei Xun originally thought that even if Zhao Gongshan fell and Qingcheng Mountain fell, Zhao Gongming, the true God of Wealth, should still be the leader. After all, there are too many people who believe in him.

However, when he actually arrived at Zhaogong Mountain, he had a different feeling.

‘I suspect that Zhao Gongming is dead’

Wei Xun said solemnly: 'His power has been scattered throughout Zhaogong Mountain, even Qingcheng Mountain, or the entire Rongcheng, and is enveloped by his power. ’

But not necessarily to spread contamination. The gathering of money requires popularity. Unlike heaven and earth, where there are naturally wind, rain, thunder and lightning, there is no "money" in heaven and earth. Only the existence of people is needed for "money" to exist. Zhao Gongming can be said to be a god who has a very close relationship with his believers. . His pollution spread out and spread all over Chengdu, giving Wei Xun a subtle idea.

Walking in Qingcheng Mountain, Wei Xun felt an aura of pollution that excited the butterfly fragments and made him extremely hungry. Just a wisp of vague pollution was so terrifying. The moment he caught it, Wei Xun's SAN value dropped directly. half. Compared with it, the pollution of money sore is simply child's play.

This made Wei Xun suspicious.

‘The pollution of money sores may itself be a kind of protection, protecting people from the more serious pollution of Qingcheng Mountain’

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