Thriller Tour Group

935 Iceland Photo Album Your tour guide for this East-West Regional Competition...


The passenger settlement was finally over, and Sunbird couldn't help but let out a sigh. He was still immersed in the massive harvest, and enthusiastically used his hard beak to pick at the photo album with tundra glaciers and lava on the cover in front of him.

This is the Iceland photo album, a special souvenir of this match, and there is a stamped card next to it. Wei Xun was even more familiar with this card. It was clearly the itinerary card that was stamped and certified by the tour guide every time the tourists completed the day's attraction tasks during the competition.

“Tweet, Tweet, Tweet! (I won a lot of titles this time!)

The sunbird chirped happily, rubbed its wings against the phoenix's folded side, and praised: "Chirp, chirp, chirp!" (It's very capable of doing something).

At the same time, he did not forget that * * * who actually made this reward successful and was not swallowed up by the hotel, opened his ruby-like beak, intimately took the healing white light controlled by * * *, and commanded him to help turn over. Open a photo album.

The very first photo in the Iceland photo album has a strong sense of oppression, with dense black clouds almost hanging down to the sea. The dark sea is choppy, and a shadow like an island can be vaguely seen on the sea in the distance. If you look closely, you will find that this hill-like shadow is actually two huge killer whales stacked on top of each other. Their bodies are rotten and twisted, bulging and deformed, like evil gods, making people tremble in their souls, and their brains are blank.

This is exactly the scenic spot mission of whale watching on the first day, taking photos of whales at sea!

And this photo is not one-sided, the healing white light is like a nimble and powerful finger. If you turn over the page, you will see a different picture on the back of the photo. We are no longer watching killer whales from a distance, but we are getting closer. The huge and terrifying whale carcass cannot be completely captured in the photo, but we can clearly see the thick, blackened and rotten skin, the dirty and overflowing blubber, and the huge protruding blood vessels. Like ferocious earthworms climbing on the nervous and trembling flesh, there is a strong rotten smell faintly exuding in the photo, and the salty and cold sea breeze almost brings people back to the terrifying sea.

However, next to this terrifying whale carcass, there is a killer whale that is incompatible with its painting style. It is black and white like a panda in the water. It is round and cute and floats on the rough sea. It is exactly what the task of the day's attraction requires to be intimate with the whale. Interactive', this killer whale was transformed by An Xuefeng. I saw it grinning like it was smiling, and I could faintly see a red collar on the sharp teeth of the killer whale, and there seemed to be someone standing in its mouth——

Hmm... Sunbird remembered that he had forgotten about An Xuefeng at that time. He didn't even realize that the killer whale was a human being. He was also very interested in capturing a wild killer whale, putting a collar on its teeth and naming it Xiaohu’s past.

Ahem, belated embarrassment welled up in his heart. Sunbird blinked and ignored the photo as if nothing had happened. He looked back and saw that there were nearly ten more photos on the next page——

There was 'Wei Xun' who used standard grappling skills to suppress passengers at the airport. The devil businessman who was protected behind him by his 'hero saving beauty' was shocked and his mouth widened, and his eyes were full of gratitude;

In an alley, 'Wei Xun' coldly beat up Big George who was trying to find a thoroughbred horse with his fists. He pressed on Big George like a robber and searched for the pistol and gold card;

There are also photos taken at the front desk of the hotel, where ‘Wei Xun’ and Bingyi, who was wearing a dark blue tour guide cloak, shook hands when they first met. ‘Wei Xun’ had a serious look on his face, exuding an aura of not letting strangers in, while the tour guide opposite him had a nice and ambiguous smile. There were two lines of cursive characters in the corner of the photo, which read, ‘I heard you are very powerful.

‘I like powerful people’

This handwriting clearly belongs to Bingyi!

Sunbird couldn't help but take a deep breath, a breath stuck in his throat. The hot golden-red phoenix riding on his back and looking at the photo album with him seemed to have become heavy, making the sunbird want to throw it away. The white light tentacles that had penetrated into his crystal feathers, which were originally peaceful, became restless and jealously rubbed the sunbird's feather slits, causing waves of unbearable itching.

With a click, Sunbird firmly closed the photo album, its movements showing an inexplicable heavyness. Alas, he remembered that he flirted with An Xuefeng a little, and indeed said these two words, but his voice was very low at the time, and only the two of them could hear it.

The problem is that this photo shouldn’t appear in other people’s Iceland photo albums!

But Wei Xun clearly remembered that when he was talking to An Xuefeng, the devil businessman was standing next to him! Yes, his voice was soft, and the Devil Merchant must not have heard it, but if it were like this photo, what he said would be turned into words and printed on the photo, that would be really, really...

Destroy it quickly, what kind of photo album is this, it’s obviously dark history!

“Tweet, Tweet, Tweet, Tweet??” (Why are there still words printed on this photo?)

Wei Xun finally couldn't help but ask questions from his soul. An Xuefeng was silent for a while, and then said: "This is what a hotel is like."

Just like some photos taken in photo studios in the past, after making a photo album, some photos will have words such as "Friendship lasts forever" and "Friendship will last forever" next to them. The hotel will also put some of the photos it considers key and iconic. The words are selected and randomly printed in the album.

Just like these two sentences, the hotel believes that this is the tour guide's unabashed praise for the tourists. It believes that it will have a very good positive effect and motivation for the tourists, and Bingyi is an excellent tour guide for this competition, so It selected these two sentences.

The photo of the scene where Wei Xun and Bing Yi met and shook hands may not be in everyone's album. But these two sentences may appear in everyone's album. Of course, the source of the words will be marked, such as "Bing Yi once said", "——Bing Yi" and so on.

"It's okay, what I said before is often selected into the album."

Seeing that the sunbird was completely depressed, like a withered plant, An Xuefeng quickly comforted him with his own example. He didn't participate in many competitions in the past ten years. After all, he was too strong and basically went to judge. But he basically didn't miss the year-end celebration. Although the year-end celebration will not retain video records, it will also produce commemorative albums and other things.

As the strongest traveler, An Xuefeng's words will be selected by the hotel every time. And he doesn't often say harsh words, and he doesn't want to be selected to be printed in the album, so he often keeps silent and doesn't say any "famous sayings". The hotel will also print some of his daily words, such as: "Eat potatoes in the evening——An Xuefeng", "An Xuefeng said: "The barbecue tastes good" and so on.

If we look back to the year-end celebration albums of previous years, especially those years when Ximingren participated, his words were often selected, such as "Hmph - Ximingren sneered", "Ximingren said impatiently: It's really disgusting, trash", etc. Seeing that the sun bird came out of his depressed mood as he listened, his eyes began to shine, and he was about to say something but stopped. An Xuefeng's expression made him lose his mind and couldn't help but make a promise. When he returned this time, he would turn out all the old albums for Wei Xun to see. Damn it, God knows he never said this before, because he didn't want to recall these dark histories at all! Who knew that this time, alas, there was nothing he could do. "After experiencing the old dream this time, there would have been a reward of inheritance."

An Xuefeng didn't want to talk about the photo album anymore, so he changed the subject: "But this time the situation is special."

During the old dream, the hotel had already seen that An Xuefeng was controlling the puppet. In the old dream, his corresponding parent was Director Huang, which obviously could not be considered as Wei Xun's family member. After all, An Xuefeng had experienced the old dream before and inherited the inheritance, which was also recorded by the hotel.

So there was no inheritance in the settlement of the passenger Wei Xun. If he insisted on arguing with the hotel, then if he really followed the rules, they would suffer.


"When you settle as a tour guide, you will most likely settle for two inheritances."

An Xuefeng said: "The phantom cat is your mental illusion, and the red guide and red team that appeared in the old dream this time are indeed your parents. Even if... the hotel noticed some problems, it must give this inheritance."

"Two inheritances?"

Wei Xun was a little happy, but his brother should have experienced the old dream before. If his brother had received the inheritance, could he receive it again? An Xuefeng's answer was affirmative. After all, the hotel couldn't give all the inheritance at once. Each time, only a small part would be given.

So Wei Xun would definitely get the inheritance.

"In addition, the phantom cat is your mental illusion. If Ximingren doesn't take the initiative to apply to the hotel for this reward, the reward generated by the phantom cat's activities in the competition will also be settled to you."

Although he said so, An Xuefeng was sure that Ximingren would definitely not take the initiative to apply for this thing. The hotel is not pursuing it now. If he clearly told the hotel that he sneaked into the competition and controlled Bingyi's mental illusion activities, the fine that the hotel would ask him to pay would be a terrible number, which would not be worth the loss.

Besides, Ximingren should be more concerned about his image in front of Wei Xun. It's just a small reward, so there is no need to do this.

"Really? I'm really looking forward to it!"

Sunbird's eyes lit up after hearing this. He didn't care about the rewards. He just wanted to see what the phantom cat did through the evaluation. He had been curious about this since the competition.

With all kinds of images flashing through his mind, Wei Xun was full of expectations and asked * * * to start the tour guide's settlement evaluation. However, soon, the smile on Wei Xun's face disappeared.

[The performance of your journey in this warm-up competition is being settled, and the comprehensive evaluation is being conducted——]

[The comprehensive evaluation of the hotel owner * * * is as follows:

[After evaluation, the excellent tour guide C1 performed extremely well in this East-West District Competition and successfully led the tourists through all the mission attractions in the competition! Since the rules of this competition are to block memory, and your initial rank is a weak tour guide (C1/B1, C2/B2, C3/B3), the difficulty of this competition is too high for you, so the tour guide salary you received in this East-West District Competition will be doubled! 】

【Unfortunately, there were too many powerful travelers/tour guides who used various means to sneak into the team you led this time. You did not find them and did not report them to the hotel, which led to the loss of control in the second half of the competition. Since the level of the travelers/tour guides involved is far higher than yours, you will not receive additional punishment, only the most basic punishment】

【Your basic salary as a tour guide for the East-West Competition has been deducted, and the remaining points will be retained normally! The hotel kindly reminds you that if you encounter travelers/tour guides who behave incorrectly again, please report them to the hotel immediately. Reporting will be rewarded, and exposing will be rewarded! 】

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