Thriller Tour Group

933 Passenger Wei Xun won the title. There will be another update soon.

After the points are settled, the titles obtained in this competition will be settled. Wei Xun actually considered whether the clay puppet could get the title. Even if it could really get the title, there would definitely be many restrictions. After all, the title is essentially about the development of one's own potential, and what potential the puppet can have, but it is just a clay figure.

The strongest thing about clay figures is their stability. In this way, it is difficult to achieve the title by integrating external energy (pollution) into the body, resulting in increased strength.

Not to mention that now the clay puppet has been completely destroyed and turned into the incarnation of the little sun that he just 'pregnated' and stripped off. It is more like it has been returned to the factory and formatted. I don't know how many more titles it can get. But even so, Wei Xun still stepped down from the title of passenger after the little sun took shape, and he became the passenger.

After all, this competition involves too many major events and too many large rewards. The hotel is holding its nose and admitting it now, but if Wei Xun really receives double portions according to passenger standards for all the great achievements he led, then The hotel might really turn its back on you.

Everything must be done within a certain degree. Even if the hotel operates according to the rules, it must be within the scope of the rules.

Therefore, whether the passenger status can obtain a new title, Wei Xun is relatively Buddhist. He rubbed the little sun with his wings, not particularly concerned about it.

Fortunately, Wei Xun soon discovered that his considerations were completely unnecessary. The number of titles that the passenger Wei Xun received was simply shocking. And just like his previous trip to the Sahara of Death at the 30th Degree North Latitude, the titles Wei Xun received did not include the lowest quality green titles, but all started with blue titles!

[You obtain the honorary title of [Dream Man]]

[You obtain the honorary title [Twilight of the Gods]]

[You obtain the honorary title of [Contest Winner]]

[You obtain the honorary title of [Resurrection from the Dead]]

[You obtain the honorary title of [Highlight Traveler]]

[You receive the honorary title of [Gold Medalist]]

[You obtain the blue title of [Glacier Walker]]

[You obtain the blue title of [Pureblood Icelandic Horse]]

[You get the [High EQ] blue title]

[You get the [Rider] blue title]

[You obtain the [Hunter] blue title]

[You obtain the blue title of [Sommelier]]

[You obtain the purple title of [Whale Whisperer]]

[You obtain the [Diver] purple title]

[You obtain the [Dark Elf] purple title]

[You get the [Death Rock] purple title]

[You obtain the [Death Brand] purple title]

[You obtain the purple title of [Plague Knight]]

[You get the purple title of [Dream Famous Doctor]]

[You obtain the purple title of [Facing the Abyss]]

[You get the purple title of [God of War Character]]

[You get the [Survivor] purple title]

[You obtain the purple title of [God’s Chosen One]]

[You obtain the purple title [Bow of the Winter God]]

【You get the orange title of [Conqueror]! 】

【You get the orange title of [Dream Wanderer]! 】

[You obtain the orange title of [God Eater]! 】

[Dream Man (Honorary Title): Automatically obtained after passing an old dream test. It is just a symbol of honor and has no practical effect]

[Twilight of the Gods (Honorary Title): Automatically obtained after experiencing Ragnarok once. It is just a symbol of honor and has no practical effect]

[Contest Winner (Honorary Title): Automatically obtained after participating in the East-West District Contest and becoming the winner, just...]

[Resurrection from the dead (honorary title): automatically obtained after death and resurrection, just...]

[Highlight Passenger (Honorary Title): Automatically obtained after gaining more than 30% of the audience support in the East and West Districts in a competition, just...]

[Gold medalist (honorary title): Automatically obtained after receiving a gold medal issued by the hotel, just...]

[Glacier Walker (blue title): You have passed the glacier hiking assessment task and are a well-deserved glacier walker. Even the Eskimos will give you a thumbs up! When you wear this title, your shoes will automatically add infinitely durable crampons, and you will never slip when walking on glaciers and climbing ice peaks! 】

[Thorough-blooded Icelandic horse (blue title): You have been judged three times by local people in Iceland as a pure-blooded Icelandic horse. Who can say that you are not! When you wear this title, you will become an excellent pure-blooded Icelandic horse, and gain the characteristics of shortness, cold resistance, and strength. When you are in Iceland, you will obtain additional characteristics: the favorability of the Icelandic natives is doubled; when you When you are outside Iceland, you will receive an additional feature: lifetime ban (cannot trigger/accept additional journey tasks for a period of time)]

[High emotional intelligence (blue title): You can easily gain the trust of the indigenous people and let them entrust tasks to you. Even gods can be persuaded by you! When you wear this title, you will have a higher probability of activating tasks, and you can accept tasks across camps at the same time! 】

[Rider (blue title): You are a rider who has participated in dressage. The tacit understanding between you and your Icelandic horse has been praised by the indigenous people! When you ride with this title, you will not fall off your horse and you will be able to hear what your horse is saying. 】

[Hunter (blue title): You are a qualified hunter who won the title on the first day of the pre-heating competition! Did the hunter shape the hunter, or did the hunter dominate the hunter? Maybe this is a mystery, but when you wear this title, you will automatically get a gun, and when you use deep-sea fish oil as a bullet, you can cause double damage to pollution-type enemies, and make mentally disturbed people Stay awake and shoot hard! 】

[Sommelier (blue title): You have drank the most precious soul champagne, and your picky tongue will no longer be able to drink other inferior wines from now on. Only tasting those fine wines can make you happy. Being so picky, you are naturally a qualified sommelier. When you wear this title, you will also get BUFF corresponding to the characteristics of the fine wines when you taste the fine wines! 】

Wei Xun looked at each title carefully. Although the orange titles and purple titles were very powerful, these blue titles would also be very useful in special situations.

He is now preparing to go to the Tomb of the Tusi King in the future. An Xuefeng has said many times that the journey to 30 degrees north latitude, which has not yet been completely explored, is in a 'sleeping' state, and it will be relatively simple to explore at this time. If you have too many powers, especially if you have too many titles with high pollution coefficients, the journey will be disturbed and the difficulty will rise.

Just like the title, it is safest to combine a blue title with an orange title explorer to start a journey to the 30th degree north latitude. The tomb of the Tusi King is too complicated. It is contaminated by mountain gods, Pingping and Wu Laoliu, and now there are many more A butterfly fragment, it would be best if it could be simpler.

When Wei Xun looked at these blue titles, several title permutations and combinations quickly flashed through his mind, and he was still thinking about it when he looked at the purple titles. Compared with the blue title, the purple title is more or less polluted.

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