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822 Icelandic Horror (329) There will be another update soon...

‘Are you sure? ’

‘Nonsense! ’

Yu Xiangyang's nervous and hopeful questions and the voice of the phantom cat scolding sounded at the same time, and he continuously controlled multiple mental lancets to cut. Where did Bingyi get so much power? Even if a normal person were to slice into pieces, he would be exhausted and collapse after cutting out one piece. Is Byeichi trying to squeeze himself alive into ashes?

Thinking deeply, the expectations in Yu Xiangyang's eyes also dimmed. Indeed, although Bingyi had enough spiritual lancets in his hand, there was nothing he could do even if there were too many knives and he could not use them. Although he can share power with An Xuefeng, An Xuefeng's body is not here, so the power he can share is limited. Once Bingyi's own strength is exhausted and is contaminated by flower petals or butterfly fragments, the consequences will be disastrous.

'you! ’

However, no matter what they think, Bingyi's fate is not under the control of Yu Xiangyang or Phantom Cat. An Xuefeng, who has always been the most steady and never puts his teammates into a fatal situation, pondered for a moment after listening to C's words, and actually relaxed! The big silver-white cat fell freely with its four paws blooming, and the long hair on its body fell to the ground like silk. The water rippled and loosened, and the big silver-white cat landed on a bone fragment.

I saw that the extremely thick and deformed bone fragments were stepped on by its four claws like snowflakes under the scorching sun. In an instant, the door collapsed and fell. At this moment, the silver-white cat on the door had already jumped lightly onto other bone fragments. The petals of the bone fragments grew too densely and tightly, in clusters, but it was convenient for Bingyi. All the bone fragments touched by its four claws collapsed, and the big cat seemed to be running on a series of dominoes. , in the narrow snow cave full of bone fragments, only the bones that fell one after another and its light figure could be seen.

However, just as Yu Xiangyang worried, attaching the power of the knife to the four claws to cut pollution in a large area consumes Bingyi greatly, not to mention that it has been cutting the bone fragments on Taoist Master Kongkong's body since just now. It was consuming strength. At the moment, it just ran around like this, and the breath on its body began to float and become unstable. It was tired and stuck out its tongue and gasped. The most terrible thing was that there were bone fragments protruding from under its fur, cutting pollution at close range. Pollution is attacking it too! The newly cut bone fragments began to sprout and grow again. In the blink of an eye, Men Bingyi was surrounded by distorted bone fragments. The situation was dangerous!

This can't go on like this! The little red-haired monkey scratched its ears and cheeks anxiously, then jumped off the snow leopard and landed on the open ground. Terrifying heat spread outward from its body, and the air was burned to the point of distortion. This was the power of the Drought Demon. Drought Demon can affect nature and is far from an ordinary zombie, but its power is not strong enough to resist the pollution of flower petals. However, Yu Xiangyang had already planned. He saw the shape of bones suddenly bulged under its hair, and pieces of bones as black as ink jade stood out.

The red-haired monkey is not big, and the black bones look delicate and delicate. However, there is an extremely strong yin energy on them. At a glance, they feel extremely evil and eerie. When the black bones appeared, the surrounding bone fragments faintly tilted towards him, as if they were surrendering!

Yu Xiangyang is not a drought monster transformed into an ordinary zombie. He did not turn into bones before, but filled his bones and flesh with spirit. He is indestructible, immortal, immortal, and immortal. He is the leader of all the bones in the world. After turning into a title, Yu Xiangyang can still Absorb the power from any bones in all things in the world, whether they are bones in reality, bones in myths, or 'bones' in illusory dreams and illusions, they can all be robbed at will by the non-transformed bones. By coincidence or not, it is all in vain. The long deformation is mainly based on bones, and the petal pollution in his spiritual imprint is also based on bone changes!

When Yu Xiangyang's black bones were filled with gloomy aura, and he exerted all his strength with the power of Drought Demon and Invincible Bones, the petals of the bone fragments around him suddenly collapsed, and all the power of the door between the most important bones was drained away. , those white bones suddenly turned into bone powder as if weathered for countless years, and fell to the ground like fluffy white sand, leaving only wisps of petal pollution like snow-white mist. Without the bone fragments to hide behind, all these polluting mist were sucked away by Bingyi's mental lancet, cut and grouped separately, and the efficiency was much higher.


But Yu Xiangyang didn't do it to improve efficiency. The red-haired Hanba vomited a mouthful of black blood, and the black bones on his body turned faintly white. Daoist Master Kong Kong’s bones were all soaked with pollution, and the power absorbed from the bones was inexplicably contaminated with a lot of pollution. Even with the cutting and attraction of the mental lancet, the terrifying power of petals still directly contaminated Yu Xiangyang’s body. Not turning into bones, this is his most core basic title. If it is completely eroded by pollution, he will probably end up like Taoist Master Kongkong. However, Yu Xiangyang endured the severe pain caused by the pollution and called to Bingyi anxiously. :

‘Come on! ’

The bone fragments whose strength had collapsed due to his plundering were giving way to an empty path in front of Bingyi. Yu Xiangyang wanted to rescue Bingyi from being surrounded by the petals of the distorted bone fragments! But Bingyi, who was exhausted, did not respond. Yu Xiangyang felt anxious. Could it be that the pollution was so deep that he could not escape? Thinking of this, he immediately raised his head to look at An Xuefeng, hoping that he could take the opportunity to bring Bing Yi out. However, when Yu Xiangyang raised his head, he only saw a flash of extremely dazzling white light, which almost blinded him.

Then Yu Xiangyang watched helplessly as this extremely hot white light streaked across the sky above the cluster of bone petals like a meteor, and fell directly on Bingyi. The extremely high temperature erupted from the door in an instant made Yu Xiangyang subconsciously take a step back, but still Without waiting for fear in his heart, Yu Xiangyang saw that white light completely integrated into Bingyi's body, and Bingyi, who was so exhausted that he could not move, was as if he was suddenly filled with electricity and resurrected on the spot, and began to run on the bone petals again. Harvest.

What just happened? ? How is this going? ! After a moment of surprise, Yu Xiangyang suddenly had a flash of light in his mind, and when he looked above his head, he found the answer. I saw An Xuefengbao, who was originally clinging to the 'sun' that Taoist priest chanted in the air, kept clawing and tore off a piece of the 'sun'. Whenever Bingyi cuts the bone petals to the point of exhaustion, he can receive the power of the sun supplied by the snow leopard.

So that's it.

It can still be like this!

Yu Xiangyang was really convinced. The sun sung by the empty Taoist priest was not a clean and sanitary natural charging station for Bingyi. Today was the day of the sun, Bingyi’s day, and this was Iceland and Northern Europe. In the realm of the sun, it is really simple to swallow up some external sun power. Swallowing the 'sun' can be regarded as robbing the power released by Kong Kong Taoist priest's chanting, but at the same time, Bing, who had replenished his energy, repeatedly cut the petals to separate the pollution, and Kongkong Taoist priest regained control of himself faster, making the power brought by the chanting more powerful. powerful,

The sun and moon sung by Kong Kong Taoist priest were originally just used as an elevator from "earth" to "sky" for the people trapped in the snow cave. Unexpectedly, Bingyi turned into a self-sufficient perpetual motion machine! This is not over yet. When An Xuefeng tore up so many suns and fed them to Bingyi, so many that the empty Taoist chants began to intermittent. The words "The road is ruthless, moving the sun and the moon" sounded more and more blurred, and the floating movement The sun was getting smaller and smaller, being forced by the moon and the sky and the earth, and when it seemed to be out of balance, An Xuefeng actually threw the remaining half of the sun to Bingyi, and then he turned into a phoenix and filled the sunrise and moonset. The cycle keeps flying up and down, and the chanting of Taoist Master Kongkong is continued again and again!

Yu Xiangyang was amazed by his operation. No wonder An Xuefeng dared to listen to Bingyi and let him go down to cut. I'm afraid An Xuefeng had already thought of this! With the supply of an entire sun, Bingyi will never be exhausted again. In just ten minutes, most of the bone petals growing wildly in the core were removed by him. Daoist Master Kongkong's body that was originally completely wrapped in bone fragments was exposed again. , this is just the energy of two lancets just used, and the stock of Bingyi's knives is more than enough.

The only problem is the chain reaction caused by too many contaminated bone fragments, so that the cut bone fragments will soon be contaminated by flower petals. Although Bingyi can use the mental lancet to cut away the pollution, he does not store the petal pollution. container, he himself did not want to eat the contamination directly. After all, the butterfly fragments in his chest were too exciting, and Bingyi was afraid that eating the petal contamination would make them stronger.

This caused the cut pollution to slowly leak out. Although the deformed bone fragments grew slowly, they were still there. Only one removed bone fragment did not grow again, and that was the bone fragment that Yu Xiangyang absorbed the power of. That place. The most important thing in dealing with pollution is the time gate. In the past, there have been too many examples of passengers who originally had the upper hand, but because they were a step slower in dealing with pollution, they gradually went crazy and collapsed and were eventually engulfed by pollution. Yu Xiangyang knew that even if the situation seemed to be good at the moment, We must not relax. After all, the sun sung in the chants does not really have limited energy. We must clean up enough bone fragments before the power of the sun is exhausted to restore the pollution to its previous level.

The most efficient way would be for him to absorb the power of the bone as before and work with Bingyi to cut. Yu Xiangyang glanced at the white and contaminated immortal bones on his body, and made a decision in an instant. The black and white intertwined bones pulsated like breathing, and in the blink of an eye, clusters of bone fragments farther away from the door shattered into sand one after another. Bingyi's efficiency in separating contamination instantly increased countless times. In an instant, nearly half of the distorted bone fragments were removed. Victory was in sight, but Yu Xiangyang's situation became worse. Half of the black untransformed bones had turned into white. , even the red hair representing the drought demon is faintly white.

If this continues, I'm afraid that once Bing Yi finishes cutting Kongkong Taoist Priest, he will have to cut Yu Xiangyang again! An Xuefeng had been paying close attention to the overall situation, and when he saw this, his heart sank and he was about to do something. But at this moment, the continuous chanting paused, and Taoist Master Kongkong’s extremely tired and hoarse voice sounded, and he quickly said something in the gap between the chanting:

"Don't stop, continue to absorb the power of Pindao's skeleton - this is his opportunity to advance!"

The Drought Demon is not the end of the zombies. It is written in "Xu Zi Bu Yu" that "the corpse first turns into a Drought Demon, and then changes into a Jian." If the Drought Demon is a strange and evil creature, then the Jian is a mythical beast that can completely get rid of the identity of a zombie!

With the strength of Yu Xiangyang and the others, it would be extremely difficult to take any step forward unless they started a journey to the 30th degree north latitude. Han Ba ​​has already reached the end of his orange title. To become a Jian Qie requires the right time, place, people and a very long accumulation. The ashes that Ban Ming Taoist has ground for Yu Xiangyang day and night over the years include all kinds of ashes in heaven, earth and sea at home and abroad. A kind of skeleton full of power, and this time the power of Kong Daochang's skeleton is like the last weight from quantitative change to qualitative change!

Yu Xiangyang could actually vaguely feel that the power in his body had been stretched to its limit, even to the point where it caused severe pain all over his body. But the mysterious and mysterious feeling of breaking through the title or obtaining a new title has not come. To obtain any title, it must not be a separate accumulation of strength, but also must be in line with the power represented by the title.

Originally, Taoist Ban Ming planned to use Xia Bingyi's relationship with the Ming Tombs to allow Yu Xiangyang to advance in the Eight-Armed Nezha City when his strength reached its limit. The jade is carved on the Chinese watch in front of the city tower, and is called "Wang the Emperor Returns" and "Wang the Emperor Comes Out". It is a mythical beast that specially watches the emperor's foreign tours and returns. If he advanced in the Eight-Armed Nezha City, Yu Xiangyang would definitely You can find the feeling faster.

But now how can we find an emperor in Iceland, and how can we get to the imperial capital!

"This is not a place where dragon energy gathers...but it doesn't matter..."

Yu Xiangyang was anxious, and Taoist Master Kongkong also mentioned this. Thanks to Bingyi, the petal pollution on him was suppressed again, and even because An Xuefeng replaced the sun and entered the cycle of chanting, Taoist Master Kongkong recovered his strength. Extremely fast. If Yu Xiangyang can advance to become a beast, the progress of the shattered bone fragments and contamination will definitely be greatly accelerated, which will also reduce Bingyi's burden. Therefore, Taoist Master Kongkong did not hesitate to use his strength. He very slowly raised his white-bone hand and raised it in the void. So once you catch it——

"Jian has more than the characteristic of looking at the emperor..."

"It is also the nemesis of the dragon clan, and it especially likes to eat borneol brains..."

If Yu Xiangyang eats some borneol, it will also meet the characteristics of Jian! Hearing what Taoist Master Kongkong said, Bingyi and An Xuefeng felt relieved. There might not be anything else to say, but Bingyi still had some stocks of borneol, just enough for Yu Xiangyang to eat!

"Just in time... there is a dragon here... Hey, if you want to hide it from me, Master Dao, you still have some skills."

However, before Bing opened his mouth, he heard Kongkong chuckle, and a dreamy light flickered. He retracted his bone-white hand that reached into the void, and unexpectedly caught a dragon out of thin air——

A crystal dream dragon!

Before the dragon hunter could recover from the impact of petal contamination, the white bone fingers pierced its head like a sharp sword! Bingyi was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat and shouted quickly:

‘! stop! ! ! It’s my own dragon! ! ! ’

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