Thriller Tour Group

810. The word count has been filled in. The word count has reached 3,000 words. Little angel...

When he first entered the Kingdom of Fire, the extremely dazzling light made the crystal dragon squint. As Ragnarok approaches, there is a thick darkness and silence in the world and in dreams. Even if there are dots of firelight and some flame crystals glowing, those lights seem to be swallowed up and eroded by darkness at any time. It looks like it is shrouded in a layer of blackness. The fog is extremely dim.

Even Bingyi, who turned into the sun, looked bright red, but it couldn't illuminate very far - of course, this is because the sun in Northern Europe only produces heat, not light.

However, the Kingdom of Fire is extremely bright. Everywhere you look is bright or dark red. The cracked earth under your feet is made of flame crystals. The mountains in the distance are like dark red volcanoes. The higher you go up, the more red they become. Bright, from time to time there are bright spots exploding in the air, streaming out extremely dazzling white light. In the front, you can faintly see a blazing river full of flames, or it can be said that the flames are raging like a river.

Muspelheim, the Land of Fire, is the source of all flames, heat and light in the Nordic world. Except for the fire giants born here, no existence can endure the dazzling light and terrible heat* here, even gods They can't survive here for long. Even the dragon hunter was so hot that he couldn't breathe. The crystal dragon scales on the dragon wings looked as moist as jade, but in fact they were sweating non-stop.

‘Drink some spring water from the Land of Mist’

Bingyi said in his arms, the big fluffy cat pushed the root of the dragon hunter's wings: "Put me down, I will just find the strength to set the sun."

‘Hiss, be gentle’

The dragon hunter's wings felt sore when it hit him, and he quickly hugged the big white cat up, but he was a little reluctant to let it go. The big fluffy cat is so cute. Maybe it’s because the crystal dragon doesn’t have long hair. Dragon hunters really like this kind of big fluffy cat, especially Bingyi just was with the snow leopard in the snow. Hu Huan, the hair on his body is long and cool, it is really comfortable to hold him in such a hot Land of Fire.

But after all, Bingyi likes men, and good friends should keep a distance when they fall in love. Crystal Dragon complained in his mind that Bingyi and Wei Xun's relationship was progressing too fast, and there was a size difference in the old dream, so he was worried that his friend would suffer. While sighing, it is true that all fluffy animals like to get together. Apart from anything else, I watched the silver-white Maine Coon and the snow leopard rolling in the snowdrift, and the dragon was so cute that I wanted to grab the fang hunter's camera to take a picture.

Why don't dragons grow hair?

With random thoughts in his mind, the dragon hunter let go of the big cat and watched it fall to the ground. He took out some spring water from the Kingdom of Mist and drank it. A refreshing chill entered his throat, and a light mist rose around the crystal dragon's body. The unbearable heat It disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The Kingdom of Mist and the Kingdom of Fire are the two original worlds in Nordic mythology. Only the cold springs of the Kingdom of Mist can relieve the heat of the Kingdom of Fire. Bingyi transferred the spring water from the Kingdom of Mist to his own Lost Paradise, so of course there is no shortage of water. However, he wanted to regain the power of the sun by relying on the light and heat of the Fire Country, but he had to endure the high temperature and not drink water.

So soon the crystal dragon saw the big snow-white cat meowing angrily and running around because it was burned. Although Bingyi didn't feel any pain, the burn caused horrible numbness, soreness and swelling, not to mention that he frantically jumped into the river of flames to take a bath, and his long snow-white hair was quickly burnt to black. Withered, the skin and flesh were burned to the point of cracking and oozing pus, like a devil in hell.

But this self-abuse method was the most efficient. Within a few minutes, the scorched black cat regained the power of the sun. The scorched black scars on its body fell off piece by piece, revealing fiery red gem-like crystals. When Bingyi walked out of the river of flames, he was already an elegant flame crystal cat - this time he did not forget to use the flame crystals to carve fluffy cat hair, otherwise a bald cat would be more hairless than pure crystal. The bird is ugly.

"Come on, take me away."

The big flame crystal cat crouched still as soon as it walked out of the river, meowing softly at the crystal dragon. Which dragon can resist this temptation, not the crystal dragon anyway, and this is a friend asking him to help! The crystal dragon flew towards the big cat excitedly. Of course it remembered that the Nordic sun was very heavy, but the dragon hunter boasted that he had eaten so many dragon hearts and gnawed some dragon bones. Although his body was not as strong as the tooth hunter, his strength was also high. It has grown a lot and the bones are much harder, so there must be nothing wrong with it, and this time he will directly use four paws to hold the cat!

So the dragon hunter happily stretched out his paws, immediately picked up the big cat in his arms, lifted it up violently, and then heard clicking sounds one after another.


The crystal dragon's cry of pain could be heard far away, and all four of its claws were broken from holding the cat.

* *

‘Why have you gained so much weight! ’

A quarter of an hour later, at the edge of the Land of Fire, the crystal dragon flew with difficulty carrying a flaming crystal cat. Cats are so small compared to dragons, just like cute dragon toys. However, the crystal dragon is as tired as an old ox, carrying a mountain on its back. It flies unsteadily and wants to spit out its tongue to breathe. , the bones in the body also made overwhelmed creaking sounds from time to time.

‘I didn’t expect it either. Fortunately, you are here, otherwise it would have been terrible. ’

Bingyi didn't expect that he would suddenly be overweight after entering the Land of Fire. Maybe it was because this was the place where the 'sun' was born. After he recovered the power of the Nordic sun, he only felt a steady stream of power pouring into his body, and It is also because of the right time and place and the fact that it is closer to the original Nordic sun - a large, overweight flame crystal.

Fortunately, he came with the dragon hunter, otherwise Bingyi wouldn't be able to move. The big flame cat poured water from the spring of the Kingdom of Mist on the crystal dragon to prevent the dragon from being scalded, and comforted him: "If you persist, just put me in front."

Before coming to the Country of Fire, he had already thought of a way to minimize the hostility of the Fire Giant Surtur and steal his Flame Demonic Sword - Bingyi did not intend to come to the door on his own initiative, he wanted to let the Fire Giant Come and find him!


The ground shook violently with a deafening roar, like an earthquake, and the sparks in the flame crystallized earth were shaken out. Large swaths of sparks were like a snowstorm that gathered into a raging stream of flames and lingered on a group of giant beasts running across the earth. This group of giant beasts They were so huge that each one was like a hill, and the surging flames wrapped around their horses' hooves, like balls of enchanting and dazzling fire clouds.

This is a group of flame war horses that are a specialty of the Fire Country. Their bodies are as black as coke, their manes are as red as flames, their eyes are as bright as flame crystals, and their breath is like burning sulfur, emitting thick black smoke. They run wildly across the vast and desolate land without restraint. When they are thirsty, they drink fire from the river of fire. When they are hungry, they use their hard hooves to dig up the earth and dig out the pure flame crystals to devour them.

They are extremely heavy, and the horse's hooves can easily break the ground and dig out purer flame crystals. In Nordic mythology, they are the mounts of the flame giants. It is also said that the flame giants themselves are as close as the flame war horses. The flame giants have a human upper body and a horse lower body. Their burning hooves are so heavy that they can even attack during Ragnarok. When they entered Asgard, even the Rainbow Bridge was trampled down by them.

Although the myth does not mention whether the flame giant is in the form of a centaur, Yu Hehui has already gone deep into the Kingdom of Fire and has given Bing a lot of clues. Most of the fire giants are like the frost giants, giants that walk upright on two legs, but the strongest fire giant Surtur and his sons are centaurs, with the body of a fire horse from the abdomen down.

Therefore, they can run faster and have stronger fighting power. Their horse hooves can trample through the chests of gods. Their horse bodies also make them have a very high affinity for flames. They are basically not afraid of any flames. The hottest flaming magic sword can only be used by the strongest giant Sur. Only Ter can pick it up. His long red hair is like a horse's mane condensed by flames, his pointed ears are like horse ears, and his eyes are bright and majestic like the purest flame crystals. He is revered and feared by the flame giant clan.

The giants admire strength the most, so they all respect and worship the flame war horses. The entire Fire Country is a racecourse where the flame war horses gallop freely. Surtur and his sons would often come to the racecourse to play and race with the flame horses.

'It is said that Surtur and his sons prefer the flame war horses, believing that their offspring can inherit the most powerful power of the Fire Country'

Yu Hehui said it very implicitly. All flame war horses feed on flame crystals. The strongest flame giants can also directly feed on flame crystals. However, flame giants without horse bodies cannot eat crystals directly and can only eat normal food. Considered a low horse.

‘Surtur will lead all his sons to the war at Ragnarok. I think there is a high probability that they will have one last ‘play’ with the flame war horses before they go to war.’

The Twilight of the Gods destined the giants to suffer heavy casualties, and the flame giants were basically wiped out. Surtur, who has experienced countless dusk, naturally knows this. Giants are naturally warlike and are never afraid of going to the battlefield. But before going to the battlefield, they also have to leave some seeds to deal with the invasion of the alien gods after the new world.

This time, the invasion of the outer gods is directly in the face, and the situation is even more serious. When Ragnarok begins, everyone will really have to finish the game together, and the Fire Giant will have to save more seeds.

However, this time, the Surtur family was destined to be unable to attract the slightest attention from the flame war horses. At this moment, the flame war horses galloped across the ground with excitement and neighing, trying their best to chase the figure in front, their eyes bright even if they were tired and panting. , extremely excited and never give up.

It was the crystal dragon flying in front of them not far away, but it was not it that made the horses restless, but the ruby ​​​​3-guided horse on the back of the crystal dragon, which was carved like a flame crystal. The magical horses in Northern Europe all have the same virtues, and they can't hold back when they see the third horse!

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