Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 804: Icelandic Horror (313)

"Are you really planning to seize the sword in your old dream?!"

The dragon hunter had just heard Bingyi say this when he returned to reality. It was like hearing fantasy. This was too risky. In the old dream, Bingyi only recovered the power of fire, devil, and master. Even the pulling thread had to be fused with the demon insect before it could be used. And many people can't enter the old dream to help, just like the fang hunter, he definitely can't enter the dream.

"The Tooth Hunter is still guarding the Fountain of Destiny in Asgard. I didn't plan to let him go with me to the Land of Fire this time."

Bingyi wrote lightly that even if he changes from reality to old dream, he doesn't plan to bring a fang hunter. There is a deadly little lizard in the Fire Country! It's almost Ragnarok, and it would be really desperate for the two of them to merge and betray each other at this critical moment.

"This time to the Country of Fire, I only plan to take you and B1 with me."

As Bing talked, he selected the burning world wood that Bing Er had treated, and burned them again with the sun's flame, until they all burned to an iron gray color. Tong Hege said that it is safest to guarantee ten pieces of burning world wood. Even if it cannot be made into a scabbard, it can still be used as a sword hilt - the handle of Odin's spear is the world wood. It can be said that there is such a successful precedent that can be followed, Bing repeatedly DIY is easier to succeed and easier to be recognized by Norse mythology.

"You are so confident."

Ting Bingyi didn't even intend to take Fenrir, Wolf, Corn Snake and Xiao Cui with him. Although he knew that they were busy with their own things at the moment, the dragon hunter couldn't help but rolled his eyes, rarely speaking in a bad tone. But when Bingyi pretended to be surprised and turned around and said, "Actually, I think it's enough to take you alone, Meng must be your home court," "It's absolutely no problem with you here," and "I'm all relying on you." Long The fire in the hunter's heart suddenly vented like a punctured balloon.

Although I felt like I was being manipulated by Bingyi, who knew this kid could talk? The dragon hunter calmed down and thought about it carefully. Bingyi didn't want to start a war with Surtur, and his goal was to steal the Flame Demon Sword. In this way, the less noise they made, the better. And he, the dragon hunter, had just swallowed the dragon's brain, and was using the power of dreams to influence the Archangel Remiller in the icon, stealing his power and making him weaker. He absorbed a lot of dream energy and became stronger again.

There is no absolute certainty in dealing with the Surtur Dragon Hunter in reality, but if it is in an old dream, as Bingyi said, it is indeed his home ground, allowing him to exert extraordinary power.

Thinking of this, the dragon hunter thought it was a good idea for Bingyi to steal the sword in his dream, but he didn't understand: "Why bring B1 in?"

The dragon hunter asked in confusion: "As an undead, he is most afraid of fire. If you take him into the Kingdom of Fire, wouldn't it be torture? He won't be able to exert much power."

"I don't necessarily want to take him to the Fire Country. One is to see which rune he corresponds to."

Bingyi explained: "Also, he can play a special role. You will understand it after you fall asleep."

B1 is special because the incarnation of his old dream was originally a sheep. Among the other people who used abyss sheepskin to reshape their bodies, he is the only one who has the highest compatibility with the abyss sheepskin. After almost being resurrected, he is the original black goat, and he also automatically finds his body. He has regained a lot of strength, and even the little white sheep Maria who is also a sheep in her incarnation is not as good as him.

After all, Maria is not from the abyss, and B1 is too compatible with the abyssal sheepskin. Practitioner Bai Lian all thought that maybe he didn't need to be skinned and could be resurrected directly. However, it would be better to let B1 wake up from his old dream and take a closer look - this is what he said on the surface, but An Xuefeng secretly told Bingyi that he might be the best at skinning. After letting Bingyi return to reality, he couldn't help but stare at B1. I didn't expect that he had such a unique skill.

It’s okay to sing and turn into an undead and become a demon. How come you’re still skinned? Even B1 was surprised when he heard this and even joked, "What are you peeling? Fruit peel?" ’, but B1 readily agreed to the matter of falling into a dream. He also wanted to know which rune character he corresponded to.

"There is no special induction in reality. It may be that the character is not powerful enough."

Bingyi planned to let Odin focus on closing the Golden Lunga Gap, and not find that all the characters were in his hands so quickly, so he did not plan to comprehend the power of the last few runes for the time being and completely take away the authority of the God of Wisdom. In this way, the characters The power is contained in the stone slab, and they have no special reaction until now, and they can't tell who corresponds to which character.

But it's different when you bring it into the old dream. The avatar in the dream is more sensitive to characters, and you might get unexpected gains. He specifically consulted An Xuefeng on this matter: "If reality affects old dreams, will there be a superimposed effect if characters in reality are brought into old dreams?"

Is it a set of characters in reality, a set of characters in old dreams, or is there just one set of runes in total?

"Only one set."

An Xuefeng's knowledge that it was the Fountain of Destiny irritated Bingyi, so he comforted him: "There is only one set of rune characters, and fusing them with the incarnation in the old dream is equivalent to transferring the real characters into the old dream."

An Xuefeng believes that this is also Odin's plan. The Fountain of Destiny connects reality and old dreams, and Odin often discusses the future with the three goddesses of destiny under the Fountain of Destiny, and transfers all the runes to old dreams. In reality, Bingyi can no longer control them, but Odin has a high probability of taking the runes back to him.

So it's okay to bring the Character Slate into the dream. That's all. As long as it doesn't fuse, Odin won't find it.


As soon as Bing understood it, he mentioned the Fountain of Wisdom and the God of War Tyr to An Xuefeng, and said that he had moved the Fountain of Wisdom and the spring from the Kingdom of Mist into the Lost Paradise, and when the time came the World Tree Once the spring dries up in the collapsed reality, the spring in Paradise Lost will truly become the only divine spring.

In addition, he also kidnapped the three Nordic goddesses of destiny. They are currently in the belly of Fenrir Wolf. It will depend on whether to kill or keep them. Ragnarok is approaching, and the fate of destruction is just around the corner. The strength of the three goddesses of destiny has been greatly weakened. In addition, Fenrir Wolf still has a pile of poisonous dragon meat in his belly, which is constantly consuming the goddess's power. They have not made any movement until now and are very quiet.

"In mythology, Fenrir's wolf's cub can swallow the sun and the moon, and its own devouring power will not be bad, it will only be better."

An Xuefeng also thinks so, and the group of people who are related to destiny have always been the most realistic. For example, astrologers and half-life Taoists are closely following Bingyi. The three goddesses of destiny must also be very understanding. It might even be more beneficial for Bingyi for the Fenrir wolf to swallow them - for example, when the fang hunter wants to secretly abduct the Fenrir wolf, these three goddesses might even tip off Bingyi.

After all, if the fate of the tooth hunter compared with Bingyi, it would be a matter of heaven and earth.

Arrange things in reality, bring enough fire to burn the world wood, ask Bing Er in detail about many matters related to raising and herding sheep, go back to the volcanic cave to talk to Miao Fangfei about falling asleep, and pay attention to the state of Remiller who is trapped in the icon and dreaming. Anyway, after chatting with Yu and Huimi for a long time about the Fire Kingdom's dreams, Bingyi, who was rushing to catch up, finally went to Lost Paradise. He handed the Burning World Wood to Tong Hege and asked him to guide and transform them into long wooden boards that could be connected together, and polished the basic prototype of the scabbard. Then Bingyi raised his hand with a smile:

"Xiaoguang, come."

"Cuckoo, coo, coo!"

In the lost paradise that was beginning to take shape, a ball of pure white light-like owls cooed happily and flew onto Bingyi's hand. It rubbed his fingers with attachment, was fed a flame crystal by Bingyi, and then fluttered onto his shoulder. , stood by his neck, rocked and cooed, humming the divine song. After the efforts of Xiaoguang and the angels, Bingyi's Divine Comedy has been basically finalized.

It is more like a Satanic hymn than a divine song. The song is sometimes ethereal and melodious, sometimes deep and majestic, and a faint halo spreads out from around the small light body, falling like stardust.

"Spiritual protection and stable beliefs will naturally favor you more."

Tong Hege, who was standing nearby, picked up some stardust and rubbed it on his fingertips. He nodded happily after feeling it for a moment. Angels appear with their own hymns, and gods appear with divine songs. Most of them are used to enhance one's own momentum, strengthen one's own belief, suppress the enemy and shake the enemy's belief, and unknowingly influence people who were originally hesitant and neutral to one's own camp, etc.

The higher the level and the more successful the Divine Comedy is, the better the additional effects will be. This divine song is not yet the final version. Bingyi wants to get all the seven trumpet-blowing angels - at least Michael must get it, and then let him participate in the arrangement, so that the level of the song will definitely be improved. But now the half-finished Divine Comedy has achieved good results.

Mainly due to Xiaoguang's credit, although the Dawn Angel is a fictional angel, the reputation of 'Lucifer' and 'Lucifer' in various derivatives is even higher than that of many orthodox angels. Many people even think that Michael is Lucifer's lieutenant, and Lucifer, the son of the morning, the bright morning star, is extremely proud and loyal only to God. When he fell into hell, he became a terrible Satan who can compete with the kingdom of heaven.

If Xiaoguang wasn't just a fragment of his soul, not a complete one, the divine song he composed would probably be the best.

"This time I will take Xiaoguang into the old dream."

Bingyi bumped the little owl and fed it a piece of flame crystal. Bingyi solemnly sang to Tong He.

An Xuefeng and Yu Xiangyang believed that Maria's father's reaction when Director Huang "woke up" was special but not as good as Grandma Miao's reaction because the spiritual imprint left here belonged to the Whitechapel captain of that generation. If Dan Lin Her family members were also present at the time, and they probably behaved in a very special way, even more special than Maria.

Because he is the Holy Son of this generation, and not surprisingly the Whitechapel Captain of the next generation.

In this case, there is no need to rely on Maria. To stimulate the awakening, parents have to let the corresponding animal incarnate. Maria is too uncontrollable, and she is far away in heaven in reality. Although the SAN value is relatively stable, who knows when the memory will be restored, and it is not easy to communicate with her freely at any time. Dream.

Yu Xiangyang believes that Dan Lin is better and more controllable than Maria, especially since he is ambitious and has already reached cooperation with Bingyi. A deeper cooperation would not be a bad thing. Moreover, the matter of waking up cannot be concealed. Holy Son Danlin’s involvement in it can be regarded as an explanation for the West District.

But after An Xuefeng pondered for a moment, he asked Bing Xiaoguang to be brought in to try it out.

"Although it has no family members in the old dream, it has a corresponding rune character."

An Xuefeng said seriously: "I think the probability that it can awaken the spiritual imprint is not small."

Currently, the token of the Tower of Babel is in their hands, and Xiaoguang is contracted by Bingyi, making him more controllable. As the former 'Holy Son' of White Church in An Xuefeng's generation, he is senior to Dan Lin and closer to the 'predecessors'. He should be able to awaken more imprints. The most important thing is that An Xuefeng wants to try Let’s see, if the members of the brigade that went to Northern Europe in the past all started a journey to 30 degrees north latitude, and if the people who wake them up accordingly are also pioneers, will they be able to obtain more information?

At present, he, Bingyi, and Illusion Cat are all pioneers. Although Yu Xiangyang did not open up the 30 Degrees North Latitude Journey, the relationship between him and the Half-Life Taoist is an alternative connection between zombies and Taoist priests. Chen Cheng tried to leave the Ancient Oasis to the Half-Life Taoist back then. Although he did not succeed completely, there was still some connection, especially now that Bingyi and his friends have retraced their steps in the Sahara, the Half-Life Taoist finally obtained the Broken Butterfly Eye, which is slightly related to the 30 Degrees North Latitude Journey.

In addition, the Dragon Hunter will also enter dreams. Although the Death Sahara he opened up is completely different from the Ancient Oasis, the location is in the Sahara. The Dragon Hunter and Yu Xiangyang should be able to maximize the awakening of the spiritual imprint. Then there is Miao Fangfei. Although she did not open up the 30 Degrees North Latitude Journey, Bingyi opened up the Tusi King Tomb with the same name as Miao Apo's journey back then. The effect of awakening Miao Apo together should be similar.

In this case, it depends on the people in Whitechapel. Maria and Danlin have definitely not opened up the journey to 30 degrees north latitude, but George has a Babel Tower. Although he has transferred the Babel Tower to Black Widow, Owl Xiaoguang was separated from the token of Babel Tower. If they can succeed, they will use the lineup of all pioneers to awaken the old pioneers. The overlap of the two may have some special effects.

"Di Feiyu."

Bringing Xiaoguang, Bingyi brought B1 and Miao Fangfei into Paradise Lost. After fiddling with the Fountain of Destiny for a while, he finally called Di Feiyu with a smile and looked at the old man who was holding the shrunken Kunpeng and looking at him with energy: "Are you ready? I'm going to take you to the Old Day Dream to revive."

"Always be prepared."

Di Feiyu said seriously, and then couldn't help laughing: "Hey, it's actually pretty good here. Everyone is very motivated and united. Director Bing, your garden will definitely not be simple in the future, no, now."

He sighed: "I didn't die that night thanks to Director Bing. I never thought that there would be a day of resurrection..."

"I won't break my promise, and you may be stronger after resurrection."

Di Feiyu was seriously polluted by the power of the abyss. Even if Bingyi removed the soul pollution and brought him into the Old Day Dream, his soul was still stained with the breath of the abyss. If it was a normal resurrection, he might be a tourist who easily attracted abyss pollution and monsters in the future, just like it's easy to see ghosts when Yang is weak and Yin is strong.

But he will fit in well with the Abyss Sheepskin. An Xuefeng estimated that he would have a high success rate in reshaping his body with the Abyss Sheepskin, and he would also have a strong increase in strength after resurrection.

"It's good to be alive."

Di Feiyu was very content. He stood in front of the Fountain of Destiny with Bingyi, watching the figures of their corresponding elders emerge in the spring. The Fountain of Destiny connects reality and the old dream, but it is not something that can be crossed at will. Previously, the phantom cat could go back and forth from the old dream to reality through it, but the fishhook carved by Bingyi with the World Wood could not pass through the Fountain of Destiny to reach the dream.

He discussed this issue with the Dragon Hunter, An Xuefeng and Yu Xiangyang separately, and the three of them almost all thought that there were two key points. The first point is that it is the soul that enters the old dream, the spirit. The phantom cat is in a spiritual state and can enter and exit freely, but the wooden hook is a physical entity and naturally cannot. Another point is that this may be related to the rune.

Just now, he and B1 tested it, and the Undead Lord successfully entered the old dream through the Fountain of Destiny, and landed next to B1's animal incarnation. But perhaps because it did not integrate the rune, it was soon rejected again. Then Bingyi took Miao Fangfei to the Fountain of Destiny after getting her consent, and asked B1 to make her soul leave her body and enter the Old Daydream through the Fountain of Destiny.

Miao Fangfei's attempt was very successful this time. She woke up directly in the form of an animal incarnation, and was not rejected from the Old Daydream. After these two successful experiences, Bingyi was relieved and called Di Feiyu to prepare. Although this experiment took a lot of time, slow is fast in such critical matters. As long as it can succeed once, everything is worth it. Bingyi even called the Dragon Hunter to come together and asked Di Feiyu to carry a piece of Dragon Hunter scale with him as a guarantee.

"When we come out of the Old Daydream this time, it will be almost Ragnarok."

It is now past 7:30. After entering the Old Daydream to take the Flame Demon Sword and wake up the elders, there is not much time left for them. Everything is ready. Bingyi's eyes swept over the dragon hunter, Di Feiyu, Tong Hege and B1. Seeing that they were either smiling, firm or calm, but there was no hesitation or retreat, the corner of his mouth curled up: "Let's go."

Taking the processed fire world wood from Tong Hege, Bingyi saw Di Feiyu's soul put into the fountain of destiny and closed his eyes, falling into the old dream.


The vision was completely dark, and a distant and clear dragon roar sounded in Bingyi's ears. In the colorful halo, at the junction of dreams and reality, Bingyi opened his eyes and saw the dream dragon that was as bright and magnificent as crystal again. Compared with reality, dreams are the real home of dragon hunters. The end of its crystal-like dragon wings and dragon tails turned into a halo and merged into the dark depths of dreams.

The halo on its two crystal dragon horns was particularly bright, surrounded by a faint dark green light, which was the spiritual power absorbed from the back of the brain of the poisonous dragon Nidhogg. The white light on its dazzling dragon wings was exceptionally soft and holy; it was the dream power intercepted by the angel Remuel, and a bluish-purple light floated on the dark scales on its chest, as if reflecting the power deep in its old dreams.

Not only it, but the tour guide cloak on Bingyi quietly turned black. Under the power of the Lord, the butterfly patterns on the corners of the cloak emitted a blue-purple light, which complemented the light emanating from his chest. This has never happened before when I was dreaming. Sure enough, as An Xuefeng said, those dreamers who may be stimulated to 'wake up' during restless moments may be related to the butterfly fragments.

But why are there dragon hunters? Did he also make a journey to the 30th degree north latitude?


The dream dragon, who was originally looking at the blue-purple light on his back scale, saw that Bingyi's chest also lit up, which was brighter than it, and couldn't help puffing out his chest and whining at him. In order to maximize the power, the dragon hunter is immersed in the state of the dragon in the dream, without even intending to speak human words. The powerful dragon-wing cave sets off a dreamlike light and shadow in the dark dream, and it shrinks in the change of light, until it shrinks to It was as big as a quail egg, and was held in Bingyi's mouth.

The dragon hunter had never entered the old dream. That time it was just a sound coming from outside the dream. This time, just to be on the safe side, Bingyi decided to try it with him after discussion. The crystal dragon's body is lubricated by dragon armor. After shrinking, it wraps its body with its wings and tail and forms a ball, like a small piece of crystal candy. After making sure it was ready, Bingyi closed his eyes and fell completely into his old dream.

After a while, in the temporary camp at the bottom of the volcano in the old dream, the silver-white Maine Coon cat slowly opened its eyes. After successfully falling asleep, Bingyi stood up and looked around, and found An Xuebao and Yu Xiaohou surrounding him, staring at him slightly nervously.


The Maine Coon puffed up its cheeks and then opened its mouth. A small, crystal-like dragon poked its head out from the tip of the cat's tongue in a dizzy manner. There was a hazy halo around it, which perfectly matched the old dream.


After bringing the dragon hunter into the old dream, the next step was easy. The dragon hunter successfully led the way and found Di Feiyu who was in the dream with the induction between the dragon scales. By the way, he found the extra spring of fate in the old dream - it It's actually at the intersection of the Kingdom of Mist and the Kingdom of Fire, where the large crack in the abyss can project the reflection of the Gate of the Abyss!

It’s just that this big crack is completely different from before. The flow of the surging river is cut off by huge mountain-like rocks. The border of the Fire Country is filled with extremely cold icebergs. If you look carefully, those icebergs are all the corpses of frost giants!

The Nordic gods and giants have joined forces to destroy the rift and have achieved initial results. Without the intersection of the great rivers of the Country of Mist and the flames of the Country of Fire, the first life would not have been born between ice and fire. Without the collision of ice and fire, the Gate of the Mist Abyss The reflection is no longer there, and the river is cut off. The human skin (sheepskin) filled with pollution cannot be seen flowing down the water into the abyss. This large crack is considered half-destroyed.

The extra fountain of destiny hangs on a hidden basalt wall, flowing like a miniature waterfall. A big fish swims and leaps in the water of the Fountain of Destiny. It is Kunpeng. It held Di Feiyu's soul tightly in its mouth, preventing him from being affected by anything else. An Xuebao and the others brought the abyss sheepskin with them this time, and wrapped Di Feiyu and Kunpeng together, using Di Feiyu's Judging from the state of the soul, it is best to reshape the body with abyssal sheepskin.

"Meow meow meow~" (B1 woke up in the animal incarnation, right, otherwise the dragon hunter and I wouldn't have gone back)

With the crystal dragon in his mouth, Bingyi had the power to communicate in dreams without having to fuse the magic insect strings. It took a look at the passage to the Kingdom of Fire that was blocked by the corpses of the Frost Giants, and felt that it was okay to enter the Kingdom of Fire from here. After all, it was convenient for him to carry the little golden butterfly with him to open the passage. There is no need to go back to the camp again and again and waste time. The big white cat summoned the owl Xiaoguang and directed it to fly to the snow leopard.

"Ouch." (Let's go back and see the red team)

However, An Xuebao pondered for a moment and whispered, saying that the red team was not in good condition.

While Bing was busy working in reality, the phantom cat returned to the camp. It came and went without a trace and made no movement. At that time, An Xuefeng was also awakening the news from Huang Daotao. When he sensed something was wrong, he felt familiar power fluctuations. The phantom cat awakened the red guide or the red team... maybe they all woken up. By the time it arrived, their communication had come to an end. An Xuefeng only saw the illusion. After the cat left, the red team returned to 'normal'.

It's just that the red guide is okay, but the aura of power on the red team's body is obviously weakened.

‘I’m afraid the mental imprint he left here wasn’t much, it’s very unstable, and it’s still gradually weakening. ’

An Xuefeng sighed in his heart and saw that the Cat Bing's face was calm but its tail was waving anxiously behind him. He licked its forehead distressedly and said softly: "Go back and take a look. There may only be one chance to wake up."

'And even if he doesn't wake him up, when you come back from the Land of Fire, his spiritual imprint will probably be gone.'

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