Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 796: Icelandic Horror (307)

"Oh damn, what's this thing licking my nose...dragon meat?!?!"

The person with the most sensitive sense of smell present was the werewolf Walker. This extremely vicious smell made his mind go blank and his stomach was churning. The whole wolf almost rolled his eyes. He immediately held his breath and backed away quickly, rarely questioning Director C out loud. However, before he finished speaking, Director Bing said that this was dragon meat—dragon meat? ? Werewolf Walker's tone immediately changed:

"God, you said it's dragon meat?! This, this smell, this is indeed dragon meat."

It was really unbelievable to the wolf. Werewolf Walker stared at the long black and green 'meat strip'... Help, his eyes hurt just looking at it for a while, but there is no need for Director B to lie, this is dragon meat. The power?

"That's right, something went wrong in the Kingdom of Mist. I scraped a lot of flesh from the poisonous dragon Nidhogg."

Bingyi said vaguely: "Although it looks ugly, the stuff is good - the fang hunter and the Fenrir wolf are all rushing to eat it."

Something's wrong in the Land of Mist? Scrape meat from a dragon? Does this mean that Director Bing promoted the Kingdom of Mist and killed the dragon?

"Director B is so awesome!"

Miao Fangfei immediately understood the spirit, held her breath and praised, looking at Bingyi with bright eyes. Of course she felt that the weak toxins in the air were affecting her eyes. It's a little painful, but this kind of extremely high-quality poison is a great tonic for Miao Fangfei, who is good at voodoo magic. She also adapted the fastest: "Although the smell is a bit irritating, it is actually beneficial to us."

favorable? The other people who were about to express their gratitude to Director B looked at Miao Fangfei inexplicably. Whenever she talks about eating dragon meat to keep fit, everyone will praise her, but she talks about the smell. What other benefits can this smell bring! But seeing Director Bing look at Miao Fangfei appreciatively, and believing that Miao Fangfei would not take the wrong aim, everyone present was a little hesitant. Yao Jinghe tried to take a few puffs, and her face suddenly turned green. She had to recite the sutra many times before she calmed down.

The poison in this poisonous dragon's flesh is really extraordinary. Even if you don't come into contact with it, just being in the same space with it is unbearable!

Seeing everyone's reaction, Bingyi took a closer look at the poisonous dragon meat spit out by Wangcai and was immediately speechless. I saw that the outer layer of cooked meat, which had been simply grilled and could block and eliminate toxins, had been digested by Wangcai and was mottled, revealing a lot of raw meat. They didn’t know what piece of meat it was, but it was soaked in the poisonous dragon’s blood. No wonder the passengers reacted so strongly.

Previously, I saw that Wangcai Tun's sheepskin was well preserved, and Bingyi also thought that its stomach was quite reliable. But now it seems that its storage skills are still worse than Tong Hege's. But it doesn't matter. The large amount of dragon meat placed in the bodies of Wangcai, Fenrir Wolf and Corn Snake is originally a reserve food to replenish their energy. The precious longan, longan, liver and other items and some of the refined meat are properly preserved in Tong Hege's belly.

"Nidhogg is a poisonous dragon, and his meat is naturally poisonous. It will be much better after roasting. But this pungent smell will always exist."

Bingyi immediately took out a piece of World Tree wood and ignited the sun fire. He cut off all the outermost layers of the dragon meat and then put the dragon meat on the rack to roast it again. After the skin stopped bleeding, the faces of the passengers looked much healthier. Everyone sat around the fire, sometimes intoxicated by the pure woody fragrance that came out when the wood that Director B took out was burning, and sometimes their faces were distorted because of the dragon meat that was mixed with the even more unpleasant smell of roasted grease. Listening to Director B say this The smell of dragon meat will not change even after it is roasted. Werewolf Walker twitched the corners of his eyes and said in a loud voice:

"Dragon meat must be a good thing...Fenrir Wolf ate a lot?"

"It's a lot, but it will do more for you than just refuel."

Bing Yi, most of the passengers present were thinking actively. In fact, they thought of something when they heard Bing Yi emphasize the pungent smell, and they all fell into thinking.

"The Guards' operation in the old dream went smoothly and many people were resurrected."

Miao Fangfei said, but her face was not relaxed. Most of the people who are still alive today have resurrected the incarnations in their old dreams, but they still fall into dreams, and they still rely on eating smelly sharks to stay awake.

"The pungent smell can keep us awake in reality. The smell of poisonous dragon meat alone is far stronger than that of smelly shark."

Moreover, they are all local specialties of Northern Europe, and the possibility of similar functions is very high. Although it is already afternoon, the old dream will end in less than half a day. But the closer it gets to the end, the more dangerous it becomes, and the role of smelly sharks is also diminishing. The feeling of drowsiness is getting stronger and stronger, and it is becoming more and more frequent. In addition, other brigades who do not know whether they are enemies or friends are entrenched not far away and are watching eagerly. At this time, the poisonous dragon meat sent by Director B can keep them awake more. People are very happy.

"I'll try it first."

After Bingyi determined that the poisonous dragon meat had eliminated most of the speed, and both Fenrir Wolf and Fang Hunter loved to eat it, Werewolf Walker stepped forward to become the first taster. He cut off a piece of dragon meat with his sharp nails and stuffed it directly into his mouth. Inside, he was gagging and chewing ferociously, and finally gave a thumbs up to Chong Bingyi with a distorted face.

"Okay, good stuff."

After eating the poisonous dragon meat, an extremely strong and terrifying smell went straight to the sky and lingered in the mouth for a long time. If nothing else, the werewolf Walker was so awake as never before, even if he closed his eyes, he couldn't sleep! The energy and remaining toxins in the dragon meat are stimulating his body all the time, and the cold wind and snow of the Wolf Winter are polishing his muscles and bones. Werewolf Walker immediately turned into a big wolf howling and munching on the poisonous dragon meat that was given to him.

Werewolf Walker is strong and can eat a lot, but that's different for other travelers. Except for Miao Fangfei, who was highly resistant to poison, who also cut a piece to taste, and pinched Banban Qicun, who wanted to slip away, and stuffed it into the snake, most people only tasted it briefly, and Dan Lin only took the poisonous dragon meat in his hand and smiled helplessly. , dragons are almost as bad as demons in the Bible, how could he, as the Son of God, eat dragon meat?

But watching Bingyi went out on an adventure and distributed his loot to them, and completely ignored the close confrontation between the east and west districts. The dragon meat distributed to the east district travelers and the west district travelers was not bad at all, and even the werewolf Walker ate it quickly and the demand was high. , and gave him some more. Dan Lin saw all this, and he was truly impressed by Bingyi's calmness and confidence.

If tour guides all over the world have their own strengths and weaknesses, Bingyi is definitely the tour guide most coveted by tourists. Dan Lin sighed in his heart. Seeing Bingyi discussing with Miao Fangfei, Dan Lin slowed down and waited for them to finish talking before stepping forward.

"How to say?"

Bingyi just had a secret chat with Miao Fangfei and learned that Tang Xiang and Yin Qiaoqiao were on the surface to explore the way to the top of the volcano, but in fact they were helping Wei Xun in an old dream, and their bodies were hidden in a secret place in the volcano cave. In the fork in the road. Is An Xuefeng asking Yin Qiaoqiao and Tang Xiangrumeng to help because there is something wrong with the sheepskin used as a human body? Or in reality, the turmoil in Nidhogg's Death Domain and the transfer of the Fountain of Destiny indirectly affected them?

Or are there angels in the old dream again?

The original plan with An Xuefeng was to meet at dinner time, but now that it was almost dinner time, there was still no news from An Xuefeng, which really made Bingyi worried. Although he believed in An Xuefeng's strength, Bingyi still wanted to dream about it. It's just that he still has a lot to do here, and he has to find ways to find people. When Bingyi was thinking about it, he saw Dan Lin approaching. He raised his finger secretly, and the two of them connected with each other. On the surface, they are polite and polite, but secretly exchange information.

If before, Bingyi was only interested in the external gods and wanted to make profits from it, thus establishing a superficial relationship with Dan Lin, then the goal changed from Bingyi to want to use the external gods to invade the Nordic gods and destroy Ragnarok. With the Jin Lunga Chasm unable to finally appear in the world, the relationship between Bing Yi and Dan Lin has become even closer.

Dan Lin is ambitious and wants to collect the clues of the seven seals, and finally take away the history book written by God himself, and write the future by himself. Both White Church and devout faith are stepping stones for him to climb up. Bingyi also hopes that he will become bigger. To become stronger and create greater glory, the two hit it off. Bingyi provided a lot of convenience for Dan Lin, and even secretly took him to meet the death knights, Raphael and Raguel on his side. Basically, except for the key to the door of heaven, everything else Dan Lin wants is as satisfying as possible.

And Danlin lived up to Bingyi's expectations, showed his value, and brought him big news.

'I went to heaven'

Dan Lin whispered: 'I have established a close relationship with Gabriel. If necessary, I can call her to the world.'

'oh? ’

Hearing that it was Angel Bingyi, he became excited, and Dan Lin explained the whole story in a few words. It turns out that Dan Lin's strength has further improved during this period. Originally, the title he used most among the trinity was the Holy Infant and the Holy Son. After meeting the Knights of the Apocalypse and many angels, he had some insights. Coupled with the previous accumulation, he finally made a breakthrough. Now I can master the most powerful part of the title - the Holy Spirit.

After becoming the Holy Spirit, Dan Lin was able to secretly talk to angels. Gabriel was the archangel who conveyed messages for God, and Dan Lin was the first to be contacted.

'The Angel Legion is preparing to invade Northern Europe at Ragnarok. Michael will be in charge of the army. A total of nearly a thousand angels will be dispatched. The other three angels blowing trumpets will also be dispatched to lead the attack from different directions.'

Dan Lin's real detective found a lot of news, including the fact that the elite soldiers led by Michael were not preparing to attack from the front, but were preparing to lurk in the Jin Lunga Gap. When Ragnarok came to the battlefield, both gods and giants suffered heavy casualties. Take action, destroy the gods and giants, and destroy the inheritance of the second generation of the gods - if it develops normally, the original route of Nordic mythology will be almost the same. After the second generation, there were basically not many myths and legends. The local sects had long been replaced, and even the statues of Thor and Odin were completely torn down.

‘Walking the Kinlunga Divide? ’

Bingyi raised his eyebrows, but unexpectedly, Michael was actually preparing to invade from the chasm. No wonder the Nordic gods went all out to seal the rift. Maybe Odin himself had divined it.

‘And in the battle planning, the archangels listed you as a key target’

‘The point is to kill me? ’

Bingyi, who was thinking about it, joked casually, but Dan Lin objected: 'No'

‘Originally Michael was very hostile to you and listed you as a target that must be killed, but I convinced the Archangel Sariel. ’

Dan Lin's tone was rare and light, and he blinked at Bingyi: "When facing the invasion of the outer gods, the Nordic gods and giants, who are old enemies, can also fight side by side." So if the angels want to invade Northern Europe faster and better, Satan’s power should also win over’

‘Although Michael is firmly opposed to it, the Archangel Sariel thinks this idea is quite good. I think it is very likely that he will secretly come down to the world to seduce you.’

'You have to be prepared in advance, he is very interested in Satan. ’

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