Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 794: Icelandic Horror (306)

【who is it? ! 】

As soon as the fang hunter finished speaking, he heard a sharp sound coming from the direction of the palace of the three goddesses of destiny. Bingyi and the dragon hunter looked at each other and made an instant decision, but did not hide back in the World Tree. The huge corn snake appeared silently and instantly, and instantly entangled the three goddesses who were full of anger and anxiously walking towards the spring. Before their faces showed shocked expressions, the dreamy dragon wings flickered quietly in the silver light. However, the eyes of the three goddesses were blinded for a moment.

With the perfect cooperation of the corn snake and the dragon hunter, the Fenrir wolf flooded the temple like a rumbling avalanche in the flash of silver light, and swallowed the three goddesses with a huge mouth. Everything was so fast that even the fang hunter didn't react. His figure appeared from a short distance away. He was stunned at first, then his face turned extremely ugly, and he quickly walked to Bingyi's side.

Bingyi directed Fenrir Wolf and Corn Snake to hide in the roots of the tree. It had only been a minute since the sudden attack. The three goddesses of destiny were as if they had never appeared before. There was an eerie silence all around, except for the spring water that was still flowing. Lost paradise. After doing all this, Bingyi looked at the tooth hunter with a smile - his face was so ugly at the moment, he almost wanted to pull Bingyi up by the hood collar: gritting his teeth: "Are you crazy?!"

"of course not."

Bingyi smiled and patted the back of Ya Hunter's hand. He was only wearing a cloak. The tour guide's cloak was so wide that Ya Hunter could pull the entire cloak off him if he exerted more force.

"I've never seen such a lunatic like you, so hurry up and leave!"

When Bingyi touched the back of his hand, he immediately let go as if it was burned. As if he was afraid of being infected with some madman virus, he looked at him with a very complicated expression... and a bit of admiration. Seeing that Shen Devouring God was too It was so pleasurable and overbearing. I don't know whether it was tension or excitement, but electric currents flowed from the spine to the top of the head, which really made the tooth hunter gradually start to get excited.

But now is not the time.

"Tell me you're ready for war with the Norse gods."

The fang hunter lowered his voice, suppressed his intense emotions, and almost growled: "If you don't have this preparation, why don't you run away quickly?"

"There is no need to run, the three goddesses of fate are not dead."

The dragon hunter stood next to Bingyi, looked at the eye-tooth hunter with caution, and straightened Bing's collar.

"You didn't kill them?"

The fang hunter frowned even more when he heard this. He frowned and looked at Bingyi, unable to see what this man wanted to do.

"The Fountain of Destiny is connected to old dreams. As you can see, the goddess of destiny can carve runes. I doubt that old dreams will be affected by them."

Bingyi is very calm, he knows exactly what he wants: "Before the old dream ends, the fountain of destiny must be only in my control."

"It's such a big breath, can you drain all the water from the spring?"

The fang hunter laughed angrily and kicked his foot by the spring. This fountain of destiny is the same as the other two springs. No matter how much they take away, it will not be reduced. If they want to completely transfer it, they can only gamble on the collapse of the World Tree. Later, the spring water here dried up, leaving only the transferred spring water. However, the Fountain of Destiny is related to old dreams. No one can be sure that old dreams will not be affected after the spring here dries up.

"You don't even plan to knock down the World Tree in advance."

"It depends."

The fang hunter asked strangely, but Bingyi answered confidently, which made the fang hunter choke. He looked at Bingyi angrily and cracked his knuckles.

"The Nordic gods don't have three heads and six arms. It's impossible to block the gap, keep an eye on the ancestor giant, and investigate Nidhogg's death and still have the energy to gather here at the Fountain of Destiny."

The dragon hunter rationally analyzed: "Fenrir Wolf and Jörmungandr appeared for a short time. Now is the Wolf Winter. The magic aura of each world is chaotic, and there is a high probability that it will not attract the attention of the gods."

Otherwise, they would have been discovered long ago when they released wolves, snakes, and three-headed dogs in the Kingdom of Fog and the Kingdom of Giants.

"Even if this is the case, how long do you plan to lock him up? Are you still staring at the spring water here?"

The tooth hunter still felt that this plan was all a flaw, and he couldn't bear to be irritable because he failed to silence those who knew about it.

"Of course not, we have to see the changes in the old dream first."

Bingyi said with a smile, the stagnant atmosphere finally relaxed a little. B1, who didn't dare to interrupt just now, volunteered and decided to go to the old dream to explore the situation first. After dragging the sleeping B1 into the roots of the tree, Bingyi and the two hunters discussed the next plan together.

"The three goddesses of destiny are now in the belly of Fenrir Wolf, next to Nidhogg's poisonous flesh and bones."

"The good news is that they can only rely on the web of fate to protect themselves against the poison, which is considered the limit. They have no spare power or strength to slit the Fenrir Wolf's belly and escape."

Bingyi spread his hands: "The bad news is that they know that we can kill Nidhogg. The evidence is conclusive. It is impossible to let them out before Ragnarok."


The tooth hunter was still holding back what he wanted to say, but no matter what he said, the matter was already a foregone conclusion. The tooth hunter, who waded deeper and deeper into the muddy water, was uncertain for a long time, and finally stopped struggling:

"I can stay in Northern Europe for the rest of the day to mislead the gods and conceal the disappearance of the goddess of destiny."

The fang hunter who thought about it simply started to divide the spoils in advance: "When Ragnarok begins, I will take charge of the current goddess Verdanti."

B smiled and said nothing, but Dragon Hunter felt that Fang Hunter's request was too outrageous, and he choked directly: "Are you thinking too much?"

"It doesn't matter whether it's a corpse or a bone, whether it's alive or dead."

The fang hunter was calm: "My current strength is not strong enough, I need 'now'. I am not interested in the other two goddesses or the web of destiny. No matter what items are in the palace, you can do whatever you want."

He said it calmly, and Bingyi also told him frankly: "Before the old dream is completely over, I can't hand over the two goddesses of the past and present to anyone else."

Both the goddess Virtue, who represents the past, and the goddess Verdanti, who represents the present, can carve runes on the surface of the wood pieces and decide the fate together. If Dade is in charge of the past, then Verdanti is in charge of the present. Only when the two gods work together can it be an old dream where reality and the past are intertwined. It is absolutely impossible for Bingyi to give these two away.

"You have so many eyes."

Hearing Bingyi say so clearly, the fang hunter couldn't help but complain, his face looked better, at least Bingyi didn't fool him -

"Actually, I think among the three goddesses of destiny, the goddess of the future is the most important to you."

Damn it, just when he felt like looking at Bingyi, this person started messing with people again. The tooth hunter sneered: "The future? The Nordic gods still have a shitty future!"

The youngest of the three goddesses, Shikodi, is in charge of the future. However, the world is about to be destroyed at Ragnarok. The new era is what will happen after the new era. There is no future for the current Nordic world. It can be said that this goddess is currently the weakest, and her divine power is far inferior to the others.

"You're wrong."

Bingyi smiled when he heard this, and Youyou said: "Tooth hunter, have you forgotten your true identity?"

identity? The tooth hunter frowned, his thoughts distracted. Could it be that he has some hidden identity? Was it forgotten in his lost memory? The future... His hidden identity is related to the future? The fang hunter couldn't help but think more and more seriously, until the voice of the dragon hunter next to him drew his attention back.

"Are you saying that we hunters are likely to be recalled during Ragnarok?"

The fang hunter's thinking was not aligned with Bing's, but the dragon hunter's was. They are used to following the brigade, but they are not tourist guides, but 'hunters'. No matter which camp they are on, they are essentially heroes selected into the Hall of Valor. By Ragnarok, they will likely be forcibly conscripted by the gods.

"Yes, Shikodi is not only the future goddess, but also the Valkyrie."

Bingyi said meaningfully: "Only a Valkyrie can shuttle between the battlefield and the Hall of Valor. If you master a Valkyrie before Ragnarok, you will have much more freedom whether to participate in the war."

Bingyi's mouth is really a devil, the tooth hunter complained in his heart, his originally unshakable decision was a little shaken when he said it, and he felt that what this man said was really reasonable. Especially when he saw that the dragon hunter was also interested in the future goddess, the fang hunter even made plans in his mind. We are afraid of robbing things, and the more we rob, the easier it is for others to take advantage of us. However, the tooth hunter finally held on and did not agree directly. He just agreed to cooperate with Bingyi and we would see the situation after the reward.

If he was strong enough 'now', why would he need the Valkyrie to help him escape from the battlefield? Bingyi was non-committal about the fang hunter's decision. It was a good thing to bring this person into the camp, and the purpose of the fang hunter joining the group was clear from the beginning to the end - after roughly discussing it, the fang hunter urged them to leave quickly, pretending to be worried about them. Don't let the gods notice the problem. In fact, he glanced at the roots of the tree several times from the corner of his eye.

Fenrir devoured the three goddesses of destiny, and it had to stay next to the Fountain of Destiny so that the three goddesses could still be counted in the world of Asgard. The fang hunter stayed to guard the spring, so he could naturally be alone with Fenrir wolf again. Apparently he decided to cultivate some feelings with the wolf in the last calm before dusk. Bingyi ignored him, said hello and took the others with him. After leaving, the battle between Raphael and Raguel became increasingly fierce, and other Frost Giants had already arrived to join them. This time dragged on long enough, Bingyi let them retreat on their own and then returned to Lost Paradise, taking others out himself.

The snow is howling, the howls of wolves are heard in the distance in the darkness, and the cold air suddenly fills the lungs. The throat of the cold person is itchy, and it is back. This is the reality of the wolf winter! Bingyi couldn't help but take a deep breath and looked around at his companions. He saw the same excitement and smile in the eyes of B1 and Dragon Hunter.

They left quietly, just as they came quietly in the first place. They did not make a big fuss in the three worlds as they imagined, but they returned with the same fruitful results! Nidhogg's dragon alone had eaten up all of them. There was no need to exchange more pleasantries. The dragon hunter and B1 each went back to the cave to digest food and master their strength. Bingyi also felt that there was still a lot of power in his body that he had not absorbed, but this time he I couldn’t stay any longer and didn’t even look at the Japanese train.

The sound of rushing water filled my ears, and Bingyi returned to the Lost Paradise! Looking at the three springs lined up one after another, the spring water is clear and rippling with blue waves, faintly emitting invisible ripples of power. This is the biggest gain this afternoon besides dragon meat! Tong Hege was standing next to the Fountain of Destiny. His arms turned into wood and his fingers sprouted buds. It seemed that he wanted to plant the tree of life next to the Fountain of Destiny.

However, his movements froze, motionless and he glanced at his feet. Next to the spring at his feet was a large golden-brown Maine Coon cat!

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