Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 785 The Horror of Iceland (300)

‘When exactly will the dragon come? ! ’

Seeing B1 continuously absorbing the power of skeletons and corpses, the corn snake swooped among the snakes to feast. Originally thinking that this was B1's way of indirectly attracting the poisonous dragon Nidhogg, he found a good position to lurk and prepare to give the dragon a fatal blow at any time. The teeth hunter's muscles tensed up and he held his breath and waited for a long time, but he didn't see half of the dragon shadow. He finally couldn't help but pull the string and question Bingyi.

The roots of the World Tree were too huge, so several people were scattered to collect supplies, making contact difficult. Coupled with the tacit understanding of previous cooperation, this time the tooth hunter was finally willing to connect with Bingyi and communicate in his mind.

‘No hurry, kill the dragon last’

Bingyi secretly whispered: "If you want to conquer the world, the only thing you need is the time difference."

The poisonous dragon Nidhogg has a great reputation and is an important dragon creature that has eaten the world tree. Moreover, it has survived Ragnarok. I have no confidence in capturing such a powerful dragon Bingyi alive, and I don’t have the time. I want to get the most out of it. To kill it quickly, the dragon hunter, fang hunter, Fenrir, wolf, corn snake, etc. will try their best. At that time, they will not care whether the news will leak out. Once Nidhogg dies early, it will definitely attract the attention of the gods and giants. , before that they have to go to the next world, it’s best to make a time difference——

When the recent giants came to the Kingdom of Mist to investigate the cause of the dragon's death, the Bingyi gang took advantage of the lack of defense in the Kingdom of Giants to seize the Fountain of Wisdom. When accidents occurred one after another in the giant camp and the gods came to investigate, they had already gone to A Sgard, go and steal the lair of the gods. Playing the time difference is the most efficient, so they don't have much time to stay in the Kingdom of Mist after the death of the dragon.

You have to eat and take what you need before dealing with the giant dragon. Whether it's dead corpses, skeletons, tree roots, venomous snakes in the world, they can all be swallowed up as much as they can with their open bellies.

‘Isn’t this here to attract Nidhogg? ! ’

The tooth hunter realized that he had misunderstood Bingyi's plan, and couldn't help but grit his teeth. He felt that he was just like an idiot for lying dormant and crouching, and damn Bingyi didn't explain it directly! The tooth hunter stood up straight, no longer hiding, and immediately joined the team searching for supplies. But other smart people had already understood the essence of this operation, and they all threw their arms away and ate it like crazy.

The corn snake swallowed the tree and Tong Hege transformed into a vine that penetrated deeply into the roots of the World Tree. Like a parasitic vine, it raced against time to absorb its power. By the way, it twisted off large pieces of the World Tree that were full of energy and swallowed them with the vines. stored in the intra-abdominal space. Not to mention the Fenrir wolf and the heeling dog. Although they are carnivores, under Bingyi's order, they all gnawed at the tree crazily and stored all the wood pieces in the space inside their abdomen.

The dragon hunter didn't want to bite the tree, so he symbolically cut off a few pieces and transformed into dragon wings. He flew to the intersection of the sea of ​​corpses and skeletons and the roots of the World Tree, where b1 was. While monitoring the movements of the undead here, he was constantly gaining insights. The undead gray mist pouring towards b1. This gray mist contains the energy of skeletons and corpses, as well as their strongest emotions.

Countless years have passed away and their memories have been annihilated. The skeletons and corpses only have the strongest emotions left, including resentment and hatred, joy and sorrow, just like the most colorful fragments condensed from countless fragmented lives, which makes the dragon hunter happy to see him. ——After discovering that he could not make the Nordic gods fall asleep for a long time, the dragon hunter pondered deeply and believed that this was related to the fact that the dreams he had transformed could not easily make the local gods fall asleep.

But if you want to transform a dream that matches the Nordic characteristics, you need a lot of accumulation. The dragon hunter doesn't have much time to travel around the Nordic continent to collect materials. It just so happens that the undead skeletons in the Kingdom of Mist were once creatures of Iceland. All these emotions are in line with local characteristics. When the dragon hunter landed not far away from b1, b1, who had closed his eyes, glanced at him. Seeing that he was a dragon hunter that Bingyi trusted, he didn't pay much attention. This made it easier for the dragon hunter to search for insights and enrich his dream material library.

Dream bubbles fell from the dragon hunter one by one, passing through the gray mist of the undead, absorbing some bright or dark, sad or angry fragments. It did not affect the power of the undead, but on the contrary, it eliminated some extreme emotions from it. B1 is more convenient to absorb. One dragon and one undead are mutually beneficial, and they are both satisfied. The dragon hunter still has the heart to take a look at Bingyi from time to time.

It was seen that the Sunbird did not take part in the search for supplies. Instead, under the cover of Fenrir Wolf and the Head Dog, he landed on the World Tree and walked around on it. Because the sun bird has short legs, it looks like it is rolling back and forth on the tree roots. The extremely high temperature of the sun leaves a series of burning ashes on the World Tree, and the roots on both sides of the ashes where the heat spreads turn into After seeing the iron-black color, the leader dog Wangcai followed Bingyi closely, chewing and chewing the iron-black tree roots.

'What is this doing? ’

The dragon hunter glanced at it from time to time, and finally couldn't help but asked curiously.

‘Burn the World Tree and see’

Along with the sun bird, the flame giant Surtur in Norse mythology has a huge fiery magic sword. It is said that the light of this sword is more dazzling than the sun. In the myth, Surtur used this sword to kill the sun god. , burned down the world, and even the World Tree was completely burned to ashes by this sword, which sounds powerful.

Although it is currently unclear whether Surtur's Demonic Sword of Fire is more powerful or Michael's Holy Sword of Flame is more powerful, but if the Angel Legion wants to invade Northern Europe, and they are both the masters of flames, there must be a battle between them—— Ahem, Loki Bing is the god of fire, so he will probably be involved in the war.

Michael's side B had a plan early on, and he was also full of bad intentions towards Surtur. Yu Hehui and Little Lizard in the Kingdom of Fire have already explored the territory of the Fire Giant, and they may encounter Surtur soon. Bingyi coveted the Demon Sword of Flame in his hand, but he had to make some predictions before trying to seize the Demon Sword.

After all, this is a terrifying magic sword that can completely burn the world, engulf the earth, and burn everything in the sky, land, underworld, and world.

‘Looking at the current situation, the Demonic Sword of Flame is indeed hotter than me’

After rolling a few times, the Sunbird looked behind it. Only the roots of the World Tree that were in close contact with it were burned to ashes, and other tree roots that were burned by the heat only turned into iron gray. The legendary Demonic Sword of Flame was swung at will, but it directly burned the entire World Tree to ashes. Such a hot sword is just right for him to use.

Especially as the god of fire and the sun, the existence of this demonic sword of fire simply suppressed his light. In the end, it was not the fire god Loki who burned the Nordic world. Bingyi would not let it go, he grabbed it with his claws. If you grab the charred World Tree fragments that have been burned by the heat, most of them will break at the touch, which means they are completely useless. In the eyes of others, Bingyi's behavior is simply crazy and wasteful, but there are too many roots of the world tree here. He can burn them as he wants, and others will not care about him at all.

All the charred trees of the world it inspected along the way were shattered at the first touch. None of them were what Bingyi wanted. Wangcai had more in his belly and didn’t have time to pick them all one by one. Sunbird simply let it continue to bite, devour, and collect the burned-to-black World Tree, and continued to roll and burn the wood on the World Tree.

If you want to take away Surtur's Demon Sword of Fire, Bingyi must make preparations in advance. He originally thought of using a Japanese car and the fire-resistant giant shield Svaling for transportation. He also thought about using An Xuefeng's Sun Giant, which had been made into a zombie, to replace the Fire Giant, but these were not very safe. , after all, the Demon Sword of Fire is too hot. In Norse mythology, only Surtur can use it.

I was casually walking on the World Tree just now, and accidentally discovered that some of the wood had been burned to ashes by him, but most of the wood had only become charred black. When the vitality of the World Tree and the power of the sun were strangely blended together, Bingyi's spiritual light flashed. Flash, suddenly thought of something.

A long time ago, when Yu Xiangyang was still alive, they were chatting together. When Bingyi and Yu Xiangyang were discussing folklore and supernatural stories about zombies and Taoist priests, Yu Xiangyang once said that a good friend of his used a lightning-strike mahogany sword. Normally, peach trees that have been struck by lightning will either catch fire and burn to charcoal, or be chopped to death. However, some old peach trees growing on the sunny side of the mountain are struck by lightning by chance, and the appearance will be charred black, but the inner core will become darker. The red color contains majestic yang power and a hint of thunder and lightning. It is not damaged by thunder and lightning, and does not decay when encountering evil spirits. It is the best material for making filth-removing magic weapons and peach wood swords.

There is also an extremely rare and unlucky old peach tree that grows in the hole of the heaven and earth. It was struck by lightning nine times without dying. When the core of the tree is taken out, it is as red as blood. When you touch it, your fingers are numb and there is a faint sound of thunder. The sword made from it is The famous nine-turn lightning peach wood sword can kill the ghost king. It is said that a ghost king whom Yu Xiangyang knew was almost killed by this kind of sword.

So when Bingyi was inspecting the roots of the World Tree, he suddenly had a whim. The World Tree contains extremely strong vitality, similar to the old peach trees that grow in the holes of heaven and earth. His current solar heat is extremely pure, but not as hot as the Demonic Sword of Flame. If it burns the World Tree first, is it possible that a small part of the part that was not burned to ashes will mutate into the 'Thunder Strike Peach Wood'? A kind of 'burning world wood'?

The power of the sun restrains the abyss. Bingyi does not expect that this "fire-burning world wood" can become a weapon to kill abyss creatures, but will some world trees really mutate and become more resistant to fire and burning? Like the nine-turn lightning strike, is it possible to withstand Surtur who burns the world after being burned multiple times?

Bingyi discussed his idea with Tong Hege. Tong Hege, who knew a lot about plants, thought it was feasible, so he started to burn trees in large quantities. The charred wood pieces that Wangcai swallowed were measured in tons with each big mouthful. Needless to say, under the scourge of this group of humans and beasts, the roots of the World Tree, which were originally as vast and stable as a city wall, were visibly chewed into tatters and were much mutilated, especially when the Jörmungandr Corn Snakes, the giant wolf Fenrir and the alpha dog Wangcai ran back and forth on the roots of the tree, while the extremely heavy sunbird C-1, with a terrible weight comparable to the sun (even the poisonous dragon Nidhogg is not as heavy as it!) was in the world. When rolling back and forth on the roots of the tree, the entire tree roots began to tremble. In just half an hour, it had already begun to tremble!

‘The dragon is coming! ’

The movement on their side soon attracted the attention of the giant creature that was also destroying the roots of the trees. When the huge black shadow appeared above them, the dragon hunter immediately sounded the alarm. The next moment, the dragon's voice sounded like rolling thunder throughout the Kingdom of Mist.

【You are--】

The poisonous dragon Nidhogg did not immediately attack the new group of people who appeared in the Kingdom of Mist, because it recognized the hell dog Garm and Fenrir wolf, and thought it was sent by the god of death Hela to help it. Just when I was grumpy and wanted to say that they were early and the tree hadn't fallen down yet, I realized that they were destroying the tree as hard as it was, very efficiently!

So the originally grumpy and vigilant poisonous dragon Nidhogg lowered his guard and happily greeted them, encouraging his dragon wings to land on the tree roots. However, the moment it relaxed its vigilance and fell, a golden figure ripped through the air like an arrow and rushed toward it. Its claws tempered by the power of the sun fiercely scratched the poisonous dragon's reverse scales!

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