Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 780 The Horror of Iceland (297)

Seeing the fang hunter hurriedly hid in front, Bingyi raised his eyebrows thoughtfully, and suddenly remembered that the dragon forms of the fang hunter and the dragon hunter were both in the abyssal alienated state. Could it be that the sun really has such a strong restraint on abyssal creatures, even powerful ones like Are Dragon Hunters and Fang Hunters intolerable?

"It's actually not bad."

Bingyi told Dragon Hunter to sit in the front if he felt uncomfortable, but Dragon Hunter shook his head, pondered for a moment and then considered: "It's because the sun's heat is increased by the sun."

On the way back from the volcano ruins, the dragon hunter looked at the sunbird and felt very fond of it, and was ready to take it back to its nest to sleep. It should be that Fenrir Wolf's body was extremely cold during the increase of Wolf Winter, which offset part of the sun's heat, making the dragon feel quite comfortable. But now the dragon hunter didn't think about it anymore. He quietly raised his hand to wipe the hot sweat from his forehead. He just felt that he had to sleep next to Bingyi. All his dreams were about searching for water in the hot desert.

This is thanks to the Fenrir wolf currently pulling the sun chariot. If it were replaced by the two Sunshine Pegasus originally pulling the chariot, the dragon hunter would have to consider wearing a blindfold.

"for you."

"It's okay, I don't need to..."

Thinking back, the dragon hunter was surprised and took what Bingyi handed him. After taking a look at it, he immediately wanted to return it to him - Bingyi wanted to give him the precious artifact Sivaling Giant Shield! This is an artifact that was originally placed on the sun car and can isolate the heat of the sun. The dragon hunter felt that he was not yet at this level, so he quickly refused and said seriously: "You have to keep this shield yourself, don't give it to others easily."

The most powerful thing about the Nordic sun is its extreme high temperature. If this giant shield falls into the hands of Bingyi's enemy, he can target the sunbird to death.

"You are not someone else."

Bingyi smiled and forced the giant shield into the dragon hunter's hand: "Besides, you are stronger than me, wouldn't the shield be safer in your hands?"

"Your strength is definitely not weak now."

The dragon hunter still felt hot to his hands while holding the huge shield, and said seriously: "Don't belittle yourself, just on the way to Iceland, you broke both the dragons me and the tooth hunter."

How strong the dragon's defense is. The Sunbird broke the crystal dragon wings and the golden dragon claws to pieces. It depends not only on its weight. The Sunbird is really restrained from the tour guide in a certain sense. The Dragon Hunter thinks that even the Tooth Hunter can't kill Bingyi in the Sunbird state - just like a dog biting a tortoise with nowhere to bite.

"Dragon Hunter, do you want to be beaten!"

They did not lower their voices, and the conversation was heard by the fang hunter with sharp ears. He immediately turned around and scolded him, retorting righteously: "I don't have any broken bones, I'm just a sunbird. I can throw it like a shot put!"


The dragon hunter was too lazy to argue with the fang hunter, and continued to push the shield back to Bingyi, lowering his voice and whispering to him: "I really have the authority to daydream, and the sun is good for me. Besides, the fang hunter likes lizards. A dark and humid cave is not like a real dragon. I prefer to sleep in a dry and warm place.”

"I can hear it!"

The tooth hunter couldn't bear it anymore and turned around to roar, some golden dragon scales appeared on his body. But the giant shield between Fenrir Wolf and the sun car was taken away by Bingyi, and the terrible heat there turned into a hot wind and blew away the layer of burnt red hair of the tooth hunter, making him wish he could leave the sun Bingyi. Stay far away and don't want to get close at all, so you can only encourage the dragon hunter to come out for a duel.


The dragon hunter's eyebrows were curled up with joy. He held his giant shield and hid his hair behind his back. From time to time, he would poke his head out and quarrel with the fang hunter. It was rare for him to smile heartily. Bingyi watched the Tooth Hunter and Dragon Hunter going back and forth with great interest, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips.


"Oooh ooh-"

Feeling that his father was very happy, Fenrir wolf also howled wantonly. When a wolf howled, the wolves responded. The white snow rolled up and turned into a pack of wolves. However, they were soon burned by the sun and were afraid to step forward. Seeing this, Fenrir Wolf stepped heavily on the wind and snow with its paws and left the ground, and it flew up like a Pegasus pulling the sun carriage! The sun carriage can carry the sun across the sky, not just by the Pegasus. The artifact sun chariot itself can also carry the sun off the ground when driven. However, the Fenrir wolf does not have wings after all. The chariot can only run at low altitudes and cannot pull the sun to high altitudes like the two Pegasus horses, making the whole of Northern Europe. Can see the sun.

But it was enough, the Japanese car was far away, and the wolves turned into white snow no longer melted. They use the solid ice that fell in the Winter of Swords as their bones, and the thick snow piled up in the Winter of Wind as their skin. Thousands of giant wolves rise from the snow waves, and the howls of wolves are heard one after another along with the howling wind and snow. throughout Northern Europe, leaving the few surviving aborigines in despair.

"The wolf is coming...the wolf is coming soon..."

A few kilometers away, the Sandfield Heath camp has long been submerged by heavy snow. The remaining warehouses are now more like underground caves. All the combustible wood has long been burned for heating, and other metal shelves have fallen sideways. A circle was formed in the deepest part of the warehouse to protect them from the ubiquitous cold wind. The Icelandic natives, wrapped in layers of thick clothes, were as close to each other as big potatoes, but their lips were still blue from the cold.

"It's going to be freezing... Hurry, take out the crystal..."

" will be discovered by the wolf..."

The man who spoke was trembling all over. The flame crystal that he and Bingyi exchanged for food has now become the temporary leader of this small group. However, the leader couldn't resist the severe cold. He didn't know whether it was because of the cold or fear. When he exhaled the white mist, his expression became even worse, as if even talking would take away the little heat left in his body.

"Continuing to suffer from the cold... is also death... it's the same..."

The person who spoke had chattering teeth and his consciousness was blurred. Suddenly he began to tear his clothes and murmured in a daze: "It's so hot... so warm... hot..."

This is freezing to death!

"Quickly...squeeze him..."

Seeing this, the people next to him hurriedly squeezed him with their bodies. They were all frozen stiff, and the thick fur clothes were frozen with ice. The person who wanted to tear the clothes could not even lift his hands, and the pain became more and more uncomfortable. I couldn't even speak, and my breathing became weaker and weaker. Seeing this, the leader's eyes showed a trace of despair and sadness. He no longer hesitated and took out the last flame crystal.


When that dim red point appeared in the darkness, exuding melting warmth, all the aboriginal people couldn't help but pray. Even the tough guys who bleed and don't shed tears wanted to cry at this moment, but their tears had already frozen into ice. . Everyone spontaneously formed a circle close to each other, with heads and shoulders above each other, greedily and eagerly gazing at this last bit of light and heat.

This was given to them by the tour guide who had camped in the camp. A few impure flame crystals allowed them to survive two winters. However, its power was consumed quickly in the extreme cold. This was the last crystal, but It is also getting darker and darker, as if it will run out of power at any time. The aborigines had prayed countless times, praying that the tour guide would come back. They hated themselves for not leaving him behind in the first place. Even if they knelt down and begged, even if they gave all the food in exchange, they could no longer endure the cold and dead winter. .


"Oooh ooh-"

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but after the flame crystal was taken out, the howling of wolves in the distance became clearer, as if it was approaching them quickly, but no one cared about it now, so everyone’s eyes were fixed on this small flame crystal, even if Neither of them wanted to return to the cold, deathly darkness.

"Great Fire God Bingyi, we pray to you..."

After their bodies warmed up a little and they stopped stumbling when speaking, the leader led everyone to start praying devoutly. They prayed that the flame crystal would not be extinguished before death. They begged Bingyi to bring their souls into the warm kingdom of flames after their death. Don't suffer any more in the freezing cold kingdom of Hades.

"I confess..."

The howling of the wolves was getting closer and closer, and the leader knelt down deeply on the ground, his forehead and hands pressed against the ground that was warmed by the flame crystals. This should have been an extremely humble gesture, but this gesture was closer to the flame crystal, making other people unable to help but envious and wishing they could repent and pray together. But the area they surrounded was not big, and no one wanted to step back, so they could only sit on their knees and pray in a low voice with the leader.

"I confess..."

"The wolf is the loyal attendant of the Fire God Heiyi. It will lead us to a warm country——"

Therefore, they should not be afraid or hesitant. When the wolves howl sounds, they should take out the crystal as soon as possible to guide the direction of the wolves.


"The wolf is the messenger of God..."

The howling of wolves getting closer and closer in the mind-numbing prayer is no longer so scary, and being killed by a wolf is no longer scary. Everyone has smiles on their faces, and blood stains are flowing from the corners of their frozen lips, but no one cares, murmuring prayers Almost crazy, no one panicked even when the roof of the warehouse that shielded them from the wind and snow was suddenly violently torn open. Everyone subconsciously looked up and saw the huge and fierce wolf head that seemed to be able to swallow the world.

At this moment, thinking was almost stagnant, all emotions seemed to be frozen by the cold wind, and the expression on everyone's face was almost numb, waiting for the arrival of fate.

Until the giant wolf that had looked at them ferociously looked back, a blazing red light bloomed next to the hole. This was - the pupils of all the survivors suddenly shrank, their faces were twisted with excitement and almost crazy, and the crackling sounds in their throats were difficult to complete. Speak up.

Tick ​​tock.

The sound of water melting from the ice and snow sounded, at first it was a drop, and then it continued continuously, like a rain curtain hanging from the edge of the hole. The red shadow reflected was faint and not very clear, but all the survivors were desperately looking at it. It refused to look away even if its eyes, which had not seen light for a long time, were so painful that they shed tears.

This is--

"I hear your prayers."

The round red shadow didn't look huge, but it occupied all the survivors' sight. Bingyi's voice sounded, solemn and solemn: "So I came."

"But I am much more than a flame."

The ball that transformed into a sunbird was more like the sun in the Nordic understanding. The heat was doubled, and the melted water was roasted by it into mist, making a hissing sound, but it was particularly beautiful to the ears of the survivors. That's right, flames alone cannot withstand the Wolf Winter or make the giant wolf stop.

Although these survivors were small in number, their beliefs were extremely pure, and they were the first people he discovered. Bingyi held back his temper and persuaded: "Come on, call my name, I am -"


Before Bingyi could finish speaking, the aborigines who were so excited that they were almost crazy and speechless shouted loudly, cried and laughed with excitement and madness, and fell to their knees with great piety.

"You are the sun!"

"It must be the sun!!"

In the boundless cold darkness, all living beings in despair cannot mistake that red light. This is the sun! It is also their last and wildest hope!

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