Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 776 The Horror of Iceland (294)


An Xuefeng raised his eyebrows. It was a bit ridiculous to let Michael be the Nordic sun god. However, after thinking about it carefully, An Xuefeng's brows gradually relaxed: "I think it works."

"The angel's flaming sword can kill the Nordic sun god, and Michael, the son of light, can naturally become the Nordic sun god."

An Xuefeng took out the flaming holy sword and stroked the flaming sword's edge with his index and middle fingers together. Just as it is very difficult to kill angels completely, gods cannot be killed casually. Most of the Nordic gods can only die in mythical ways, and it is difficult to kill them by other means.

But An Xuefeng used the angel's flaming sword to kill the Nordic sun god. The meaning of this is profound.

"The native theological sects in Northern Europe are being eaten up. This is a historical necessity."

An Xuefeng said that even if most of the tourist attractions visited by tourists are in the Nordic direction, just as Ragnarok will begin as scheduled, the native Nordic theological sects will definitely be invaded by Christianity. It can only be said that during the tourists' journey, It can slow down the speed of this encroachment. For example, Bing Yi has already collected several angels, and the reenactment of the death myth of the God of Light on Yi Wu's side is also based on the most original version.

But after the passengers finish their journey, everything will eventually return to normal. Whether the travelers side with the Norse gods, the giants, or the angels, the final outcome of the myth is still the same as it has been repeated for thousands of years. The flaming sword can kill the sun god Sur, not only because she will die from the flaming sword of the flaming giant, but also because the weapon attacks from the angels will gradually begin to restrain the Norse gods and even kill them.

"It depends on how Michael's renovation is going."

The sunbird said lazily, trying to yawn, but its mouth was crystallized and the opening range was limited. It could not fully open its mouth. It was hanging on the wolf fur uncomfortably. Now there is no dragon hunter fang hunter who can catch it. They are afraid that the sunbird will roll down again. An Xuefeng's two long legs clamped it between his legs. He held the flaming holy sword and placed it on the back of the sunbird. When he rubbed it gently, the sparks that shot out carried the breath of the original flame. It was like giving the sunbird a spa, making it relax and squint its eyes.

"I have collected two flaming swords in the hands of angels. These two flaming swords can be fused together. I have some doubts that the flaming swords in the hands of the archangels may have the same origin."

The flaming holy sword of Uriel, the fire of God, the flaming sword of Raphael, the god of healing, and Raguel, the archangel who represents fairness, justice and punishment. Although he holds a bow of punishment, he can also turn it into a bow when forced to fight in close combat. The sword and bow are burning with blazing holy fire, and the aura of power is very close to that of the flaming sword.

Bingyi was a little suspicious.

"Are you saying that their flaming swords are all derived from the flaming holy sword in Michael's hand?"

An Xuefeng revealed the truth at once and said thoughtfully: "The possibility is very high."

Michael leads the angel legion, and the combat effectiveness of the archangels who cooperate with him will be greatly improved. It is hard to say that it is not the resonance between the weapons. Michael represents the fire of the four elements, and if he could be considered the fire of God itself, it would all make sense.

"This way, even if I conquer the other angels, I won't have any advantage against Michael."

All the weapons he specializes in are controlled by Michael, so what advantage can he have?

Sunbird said lazily, then suddenly chirped and laughed: "Michael really likes flames. I'm afraid he is indeed the incarnation of fire and light -"

Anyway, Michael attaches great importance to the spiritual flames who can pray devoutly. He has an extraordinary tenderness for them. After decades of influence, I am afraid that part of his spirit will already be in the shape of a spiritual flame when they meet again. , when I thought of this sunbird, I moved my body impatiently, full of bad opinions about Michael. Suddenly he thought of something and asked with great interest:

‘An Xuefeng, can the hotel control the time? ’

If the old dream is not the real past history, but just a reenactment fabricated by the hotel, then even if the old dream can affect reality, how big of an impact will it have if Michael is given a small spiritual fire in the old dream? In the old dream, Bingyi was not born yet, so it was counted as twenty-five years. Can Xiaohuo's influence on Michael be considered to have continued influence for twenty-five years?

Will Michael have the 'memory' of spending these twenty-five years with the spiritual fire day and night?

If the hotel could control time and turn back time at will, that would be... so challenging! Bingyi also wants to possess such a powerful power!

But An Xuefeng's answer made him a little disappointed.

'I don't think so'

An Xuefeng thought deeply: "This is more like an old dream rule, it does not affect the past time."

For example, if there is a gap of twenty-five years between the old dream and reality this time, the rule is that what happened in the old dream will affect reality in the state of "twenty-five years later", limited to this journey. Just like in the first half of this year, if you see Michael in Jerusalem, he will definitely not have a small fire in his body. The rules will come into effect from the time when C and Michael started to get angry in the old dream. When Michael appears in reality, In front of Bingyi, twenty-five years of mental pollution will be superimposed on him in an instant.

Of course, although theoretically the influence of old dreams is limited to the current trip, tourists and tour guides - especially excellent tourists and tour guides, will be subject to looser rules in hotels. For example, even if Bing-1 does not After conquering Michael in the competition, when the competition is over, the impact of the mental fire on Michael will not be cleared, and he still has a chance.

But it’s best to seize the opportunity! The superposition of twenty-five years of mental pollution in an instant would make even Michael dizzy. The possibility of one misstep leading to eternal hatred and being subdued by Bingyi is really high!


Sunbird Bingyi shook his head thoughtfully, and discharged several spiritual lancets in front of him. This was the reward he received for breaking through his 'spiritual limit', but was it his own limit or the hotel's rules that he broke through?

‘Are there any ends to human limits?’

Bingyi humbly asked for advice, and the brief misunderstanding between him and the phantom cat made him suddenly more eager to know more about the hotel. Xiaocui and the others all had many things that they couldn't tell him. This was probably due to the hotel's restrictions, and Bingyi knew that. But now tour guides can travel around the five Nordic countries, and the journey has become a free trip. Bingyi believes that the restrictions on hotels should be reduced a lot.

An Xuefeng can also talk to him more.

'There is an end'

Sure enough, this time An Xuefeng did not shut up and continued, but continued: "Human potential and the height that a person can reach have an end."

‘My own potential and strength are not completely equal’

This topic is a bit serious, but An Xuefeng's tone is quite brisk: "If I just talk about my potential, I'm afraid I will have fully explored it in the first year of entering the hotel."

The dangers during the journey and all kinds of subtle pollution are stimulating the human body all the time, constantly exploring the potential of the human body until it reaches its limit.

'Some novels say that when people are pushed to their limits, they will open the 'gene lock' and burst out with extraordinary power.'

If Bai Xiaosheng could say that he could pile up data reports as thick as a city wall, down to the molecular and atomic level, An Xuefeng would have a headache after reading this. He knew that Wei Xun wrote novels and had read a lot of them, so he thought Let me tell him in simpler terms: 'We don't have genetic locks, we're more like spiderans\\

He said something in English: 'The poor rely on mutation, the rich rely on technology'

‘The props, weapons and items gained through the journey are considered technology, and after tapping our own potential to the limit, the new power we gain is the mutation caused by the influence of local energy on the human body.’

Strictly speaking, only the initial title and the series of titles that continue to develop can be considered an individual's initial potential. For example, the Devil Merchant of B1, the Painless One of B1, the initial title will basically become the strongest of the tourist/tour guide in the end. The titles and code names are like Life-seeking Man, Dream Chaser and Lizard Duke.

If the initial title is not blue or purple, but green, it means that your initial potential has not been explored; if the initial title is not the highest orange in the end, it means that your personal potential is very limited. And the series of titles developed around the initial title can be regarded as an extension of your personal potential.

However, the top tourist guides never have only one series of titles. Most of them have many orange titles that can be rotated to adapt to different journey environments.

"Human potential has its limits. If you want to become stronger, you have to rely on external stimuli."

Passengers are more like the golden vacuum cleaners sent out by the hotel, absorbing the overflowing energy while experiencing major events to prevent excessive energy from exceeding the threshold. No matter how much potential a normal person has, he cannot turn into a big ball of gem sunbirds like Bingyi. When he swallows the sun, the newly acquired energy is also transforming his body, and these pounds of energy are absorbed and digested by the tourist guides. If excessive amounts of energy are accumulated without anyone to deal with them, they will become pollution that ordinary people and ordinary areas cannot bear.

‘Too much energy is pollution. ’

An Xuefeng whispered that this sentence was not something he realized, and he forgot where he heard it from, but he would have new insights every time he talked about it. From the time they entered the hotel, obtained various 'titles', and were able to go to heaven and earth, they were no longer normal people - they might even be reproductively isolated from ordinary people. If the mother (Director Huang) hadn't been pregnant with him early, I'm afraid there won't be An Xuefeng in this world.

‘These energies are also your strength’

That is the newly acquired title.

The hotel restricts the number of titles worn by tourist guides, which may be related to the human body's endurance and the conflict between different pollution energies in the human body. It can be said that the more powerful tourist guides become, the more they actually rely on hotels. Once people are exiled to the battlefield in ten years and all the power of the hotel is withdrawn, so many "title" powers burst out in the human body at the same time, I am afraid that the vast majority of people will explode directly.

‘When pollution reaches its limit, human strength will also reach its peak? ’

Bingyi listened very carefully. An Xuefeng's statement was also very novel to him, but the more powerful power did not only come from himself, but the influence of external energy pollution, which made him frown slightly. For powerful people like An Xuefeng and his brother who have reached the top, has the pollution on their bodies also reached the saturation limit? Will this have a serious impact on the mind, sanity and character?

However, An Xuefeng shook his head again.


'There are many kinds of pollution in the world'

An Xuefeng said with a carefree smile: "When one kind of pollution reaches its limit, it can absorb other pollution."


An Xuefeng said these two words very calmly, but they shocked Bingyi's heart. An indescribable feeling made him shrink into An Xuefeng's arms and get closer.

‘Your brother takes a different path from me’

An Xuefeng rarely talks about life-seeking people so calmly: "His potential is very high, maybe higher than mine, maybe he has directly touched the rules."

Jiayi's life-loving person and Wei Xun's master also developed from cold-blooded people, which is enough to show how powerful this initial title line is.

‘But I have to bear more pollution than him.’

An Xuefeng smiled, and Bingyi heard some pride, helplessness and carefreeness from it. So many different kinds of polluting energy converge in the human body, and it is so difficult to find a balance between the pollution. An Xuefeng is like building blocks, constantly building upwards, weighing and betting on a balance point, just like walking on a tightrope, and you never know when it will collapse like a mountain.

‘So if I fight your brother, I still have a better chance of winning’

Feeling Bingyi’s heavy mood, An Xuefeng deliberately teased him: ‘Your brother has been hiding, he is also afraid of me, the pollution leader’

‘Let me be your sun god, kiss me again, and when your brother comes out, I will not scare your brother, I will go around him’

‘I didn’t say I won’t let you be the sun god’

The complex emotions were interrupted, the sun bird glanced at An Xuefeng with a smile, and saw that he didn’t say anything more, knowing that he had revealed enough this time, and didn’t ask any more questions, and followed his words and said happily: ‘If you want to be, of course I can share my power with you, and then you will be almost the same as me’


An Xuefeng choked, looking at the round and hard sun bird in his arms, thinking about the characteristics of the Icelandic sun, and finally said euphemistically: ‘Of course I want to be like you, but two suns will crush Fenrir Wolf to death. ’

Men can’t say no, so of course Fenrir Wolf can’t do it!

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