Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 771 Nutrient Solution 260

'Owner! ’

When Bingyi found the big-eyed worm with golden-red feathers from the Demonic Insect Ball, he was a little silent for a while. The impact of amnesia was much greater than he imagined. It was obvious that the red-haired big-eyed worm had been staying in his ball of demonic insects, but Bingyi didn't find it when he searched for the ball of demonic insects.

This extremely weird-looking worm has a very strong aura of solar power, which is almost the same as the power on the Arabian sun fragments. Bingyi was sure that it was indeed a trophy from when he harvested fragments of the Arabian Sun. Although it cannot be said to be a god, it has a blood contract with Bingyi, the newborn sun, and is connected to his sun power to a certain extent, so it can temporarily act as a sun god for him and drive for him.

Anyway, Bingyi didn't plan to drive the car very far, so he just drove into his lost paradise and it was done. It was a sudden change from a cat god pulling a cart to a hairy worm pulling a cart. It was a little hard for him to accept for a while, and the ruby ​​red feathers on his body became a little dull.

Fortunately, when he summoned the Anka Worm, this little thing gave him an unexpected surprise. When it came out of the devil's ball and landed next to Bingyi, it turned from a red-haired worm with hot eyes into a pure golden sunbird!

Bingyi was surprised and communicated with it, and found that when he transformed into a bird state, the red-haired big-eyed worm would also be affected by him and transform into the form of a virtual sunbird. And just like An Xuefeng's phoenix bird state, Anka Worm's sunbird form also has two forms, one is a pure golden sunbird, and the other is a blackened version of the dark phoenix bird... um.

Thinking of maggots turning into elves in Northern Europe, and seeing worms turning into birds in Arabia, Bingyi felt a little frightened for a moment. The world contains too many insects! Maybe An Xuefeng was just a worm before he turned into a bird... He flapped his wings to collect the exploded feathers, and Bingyi let the worm that turned into a golden sunbird get into Su Er's body, controlled her and then got on the driver's seat of the Japanese car. Position, he began to absorb the power of the sun with all his strength, eliminating the unnecessary and retaining the essential.

The power of the sun completely enveloped Bingyi, and until now, no gods or giants have discovered him. The pursuit in the outer circle is still going on, but more and more gods and giants are losing money. The golden dragon and the crystal dragon are also injured. Although the three-headed dog is not afraid of getting tired, the two and others who run with the three-headed dog are. We can no longer catch up with it, so we simply stay alone and fight on our own to help stop the gods. They had sun marks on their foreheads, and the gods and giants were too lazy to deal with them, which delayed them for a long time.

But as Thor becomes more and more furious and the situation escalates, they don't have much time left. Bingyi absorbs the sun's energy faster and faster, more and more, the originally huge sun is getting smaller, and the red color is mixed with more darkness, becoming increasingly dimmer. At the same time, the phoenix bird is getting bigger and bigger. Now it is no longer a baby bird, but a large bird with a tail feathers of two and a half meters long. The power of the blazing sun turns into its feathers. The feathers that do not hinder flight are covered with gem-like flame crystals, like wearing an indestructible gem armor. The golden horse mane sweeps across its body, covering it with a layer of bright golden sunlight.

Although it is not a round ball like the sun, the golden sunlight surrounds its body in a circle, making it look like a circle. The majestic heat of the sun pours into the body of the bird all the time. , this kind of scorching heat that can burn human bones to ashes is not unbearable for him. He does not feel pain, which makes it difficult for Bingyi to define the safe limit. However, his body is not damaged for the time being, and his thinking is not in a trance. Then he absorbs the heat of the sun as quickly as possible.

Finally, the solar energy in its body reached the point of saturation, and although the sun on the sun car was almost completely dull black, there was still a little bit of red that had not been completely sucked up by it! This is because Bingyi absorbed a large amount of pure flame crystals before. The sun in Northern Europe is originally the largest flame crystal. The power absorbed before can be perfectly integrated with the power of the sun absorbed now. So far, Bingyi has absorbed enough to become the sun, but the old sun has not yet been absorbed. He sucked it clean.

Perfect! This is best. Bingyi still wants to keep it, but he can't suck it completely and destroy it. Now it's like there are two suns on the train. The setting sun and the new sun are parallel. The terrifying hot temperature has melted all the snow and ice on the surrounding basalt rocks. The cows that were half-length on the ground have long since shrunk. Underground, after the Tooth Hunter and Dragon Hunter released the magic chain, it tried to hide downwards.

It’s really life-threatening. It’s so uncomfortable to be scorched by one sun, let alone two suns!

‘Director C, the cows are here! ’

Bingyi's eyes moved slightly, and Tong Hege's excited words came to his mind. The big cow had nowhere to hide, and was finally driven into the lost paradise. The gods and giants present did not notice anything wrong so far because the gate of Paradise Lost was still open and the smell of the cow was still there. As soon as Lost Paradise closes, they will immediately know that their home has been robbed.

'Keep the door open for now, I have something to send in later'

Bingyi instructed, he looked at the situation in the field, and then began to restrain his own power of the sun.

It's time to end.

* *

【Why does it feel like it’s getting colder...】

One of the Nordic gods in the melee couldn't help but muttered: [Damn Frost Giants, if they weren't so big and in the way, humans would have died long ago]

They haven't been able to kill anyone for so long. It would be a shame to the Nordic gods to tell them.

[Not necessarily... I think Thor might not be serious about it]

Youshen winked, shook his head and whispered: [I don’t see anyone serious about it]

The Frost Giant was right next to him, and everyone was wary of each other, so it was impossible to fully cooperate. It's just that Bergmir seemed to be yelling fiercely, but how could he really kill Wei Xun? He was definitely blocking the gods from time to time not accidentally, nor because he was worried about Loki. After all, the Frost Giants had to take the ship of Loki's daughter Hela to go to the battlefield.

[The cow was not lost, and Loki kept his promise]

A god sighed: [Only Sur... Sur's death now may be better than dying on the battlefield of Ragnarok]

Now the souls of the dead return to the underworld, just like Balder, the god of light. Hela will not die in Ragnarok. The Kingdom of Hades will still exist. When the Ragnarok War is over, the souls in the Kingdom of Hades will be released. Baldr can become the god of the new era, and Sur can probably do the same this time.

If you want to calculate it this way, the hatred of the Loki disciples for killing Sur cannot be said to be a mortal hatred, but can be regarded as paid off. When Sur is released in the new era, she can still be her sun god.

[It’s difficult, her sun is about to go out]

Youshen shrank his neck. The current temperature is so low that even the gods can't stand it. The sun on the solar train is like a carbon ball that is about to go out. Most of it is black. Only the middle point is still dark red, but it is like an ember. Can't last much longer.

If the sun god dies early, the sun will probably be extinguished early. This day of wolf winter is too difficult. Will Ragnarok come early? Even God has no confidence in his heart.

[The King of Gods is at Snæfellsberg, but he didn’t come]

A voice sighed.

[It’s not Odin who’s waiting, it’s Loki that everyone is waiting for]

The other god had a very ugly expression on his face and repeated, "Both the thunder god, war god and giant are waiting for Loki"

In the current situation, the key to whether Ragnarok will start early or not is Loki. No one knows whether Loki's descendants were really all expelled, or whether he hid in the dark and admired this scene with satisfaction. Therefore, no one on both sides dares to attack with all their strength, and all the gods and giants are vigilant about gathering strength.

The God of Thunder looked solemn, and the thunder and lightning were still chasing the three-headed dog, but he looked in the direction of Iceland from time to time. The longer the time passed, the darker his mood became. The sun is about to go out, and Loki will arrive before the sun goes out completely. The offspring of Fenrir Wolf must devour the sun and moon, and he will not miss this.

It would be okay if Loki only brought the Fenrir wolf, but once he brought all his children, the Ragnarok War would probably begin early. Until then...Thunder God looked at the young man who was riding on the three-headed dog, covered in blood but still as steady as a mountain. Loki should care about him, and Thor felt the aura connected to Loki in him. If things go wrong, he must catch Wei Xun as quickly as possible and have him in his hands. Then he may still be able to negotiate terms.

The temperature is getting lower and lower. Even thunder and lightning can't break through the extremely cold ice and snow. Extremely thick darkness shrouds the surroundings. The sound of three-headed dogs snoring, the sound of giants running, the sound of the golden dragon roaring and a little fighting sound can be heard in the distance. There was no sound at all, the sky and the earth were completely silent, and there was no breath of life. It seemed that everyone had frozen to death in this cold winter.

This is the last wolf winter before Ragnarok.


"Oooh ooh-"

[Howling wolf! 】

When the howl of the wolf sounded, the God of Thunder suddenly looked into the distance. The movements of the Nordic gods and giants were almost the same. Even the crazy golden dragon raised his head coldly and looked towards the direction of the howl of the wolf with a pair of scarlet dragon eyes.

【Loki is coming】

The one-armed God of War came to the God of Thunder with a sword in hand. Looking far into the distance, there seemed to be a huge figure running towards him in the darkness in the distance. The howling of wolves came from beside it, as shrill as the cry of a ghost. The temperature dropped to the extreme for a while, and even the sun seemed to have lost any temperature. The surrounding atmosphere was condensed to the extreme. Not only the gods, but also the frost giants were heartbroken.

In the Winter of Wolves, Fenrir wolves will become the strongest. Not only it, Loki's children will become extremely powerful this winter, powerful enough to fight Thor and kill Odin. Now that the Sun Goddess is dead, Loki's power will be the most powerful today. Which direction the situation will develop depends on what he does next.

Even Bergmere couldn't help but look into the distance and muttered: "Is it just Fenrir wolf that's coming?"

"Only Fenrir Wolf, of course."

A voice sounded, smiling and answering his questions: "Because I have always been here."

This voice sounded from the middle of the battlefield. It was extremely familiar and pleasant, but it made all the giants and gods present feel tense and their scalps numb.

【Loki? ! ! ]/"Loki!!!"

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