Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 747 The Horror of Iceland (268)

With a volcanic crystal in hand, Bingyi can easily sense other ones after knowing its power fluctuations. The more of this thing, the better. It will be really useful in reality. After seeing the volcanic crystals, the tourists always thought it was just a good thing. Even Bai Lian's father was moved. Just at this time, Director Huang and others who came down from the mountain met him. Bai Lian's father hurriedly asked Huang and the others to Go down the mountain to rest, take the news back with you, and start looking for volcanic crystals together.

"Where is the heavy snow?"

Director Huang asked in a hiss. Her current alienated state was extremely deformed. Her whole body seemed to be enveloped in a dark golden dragon-shaped mecha, with almost no skin exposed. Even her voice sounded chaotic and harsh. This was very close. Returning to zero's alienated state, what's even worse is that Director Huang doesn't have a sympathetic passenger, so he can only carry it on his own.

Grandma Miao accompanied Huang Dao all the way down the mountain and kept giving her medicine. Tour guides will influence each other. Director Huang took the initiative to stay away from the red guide and his wife, but he was also stimulated a lot, and his tone was inevitably anxious.

"He's... well, playing with Hong Dao's family."

Practitioner Bai Lian's father was afraid of irritating Director Huang and didn't know what to say, so he winked at Aunt Miao. But it was obvious that Director Huang's SAN value was very low and he was not stupid. He exhaled heavily after hearing this, and his aura was even more terrifying.

"They went to the camp at the foot of the mountain?"

However, Grandma Miao was very calm and unaffected, and kept smiling. However, when her father Bai Lian said embarrassingly that they had not gone down, even Grandma frowned. Director Huang was anxious and angry, and cursed: "This scene Heaven and earth—"

"Don't let the children freeze."

Grandma Miao spoke first before she could finish her scolding. She squeezed Director Huang's palm and asked worriedly, "Why are you in such a hurry? Is Dabai from Director Hong's family going crazy?"

Yes, the safety of the child is the most important thing. Director Huang took a deep breath and barely suppressed her anger, but the alienation became more serious. She stared at Bai Lian's father, as if being stared at by a terrifying monster. Bai Lian's father's hair stood on end, thinking However, he was always taciturn, and he was so anxious that he didn’t know what to say. Yin Qiaoqiao’s mother heard that they had misunderstood, so she cut through the confusion quickly and said: “They are not engaged in a marital affair. There is a harmonious relationship between men.” We think differently.”

The matter of husband and wife... Director Huang, who was in a state of confusion, only heard the key points and stumbled for a moment in a daze. Sure enough, Daxue from his family is not clear from Dabai from Dao Hong's family, but they are both animals now, snow leopards and cats, with such a size difference, they are still in the wild, how dare Daxue bully people like this? ! She really didn't have the shame to tell the red director.

"Hey, I can't tell you. Let's come and see."

Seeing that Director Huang's condition was getting worse, Grandma Miao felt bad and hurriedly winked at Bai Lian's father. He also hated his clumsy tongue, fearing that something might happen to Huang Daoqi, so he quickly led the way. Director Huang felt even more anxious when she saw him leading the way. No matter how the two children could be seen by adults when they were doing things, she followed and stopped them. Several people were pulling and pulling, and after walking a few steps, she saw a snowdrift not far away. There was a big white cat lying on the bed, holding a small golden-red phoenix in its two front paws and licking its feathers.


Director Huang, who had originally planned to bring Daxue to kneel in front of Director Hong, was stunned. There were too many pollution illusions, and her eyes could no longer see clearly. She could only make out a vague outline, but she could still see it clearly. The scene ahead was different from what I imagined.

The heavy snow was still measured, and the snow leopard remained unchanged and turned into a bird. Of course, if it were two men doing this kind of action, it would still be a bit unsightly, but if it were a small animal... it would feel pretty good?

"Look, it's all those people in the West District who misled..."

Seeing that Director Huang had calmed down, Bai Lian's father was a little excited. He stopped being taciturn and said, "This is also the limitation of our thinking. If this is the case, it might be more convenient for the two men to have a tacit understanding. This will also make it easier to lead the whole trip. Team."

It was a mess in the West District, with one brigade and one tour guide leading a bunch of tourists who had a common understanding. The people in the East District are ashamed to associate with these people. Even if they are in harmony with each other, they are usually in pairs. No one dares to lead a brigade and commit obscene things. But even those who are most opposed to the Western District have to admit that the tour guides on the team can indeed enhance the strength of the entire brigade. Even if they have Huang Daohong as their guide, they win the individual competitions at the year-end celebrations every year, but they still lose in the team competition and the Western District competition. More wins less.

Could it be that the West District was playing tricks on them and deliberately misleading them? In fact, you don’t have to be a couple if you have a sympathizer? Daxue Dabai and the others come from the future. In the future, they will study this aspect more deeply. I am afraid they have already found various ways?

The year-end celebration is approaching, and parents can't help but feel a little excited. If they can learn these advanced methods and guide tours of the same sex can be paired up, Director Huang will no longer have to worry about going crazy. Even if she still has concerns, she can lead a girls' tour. In the team, women can hold up half the sky, and their female passengers are no worse than men.

"Stop disturbing the children."

Director Huang was silent for a moment, nodded to the big white cat, then turned and left. Grandma Miao and her father Bai Lian followed behind her, still discussing the matter and thinking of asking Dabai later, but Director Huang was not as optimistic as they were.

Even if there were alternative ways of same-sex pairing in the future, and even if most of the future would be convenient same-sex pairings, she still felt that the relationship between Daxue and Dabai in her family was definitely unusual. This was her intuition as a mother. Daxue looked at her in a different way, as sticky as silk, just like Lao An looked at her.

But no matter what... the men in Lao An's family are good at doting on others, and it seems that the brat will not let Dabai suffer. Now that the child has a companion and is a good tour guide, she can rest assured.

"Meow meow~" 'Your mother is gone'

In the snow nest not far away, the big white cat meowed after confirming that Director Huang and the others had left, and licked the feathers of the little phoenix affectionately. It was embarrassed to be seen by everyone with the bird in its mouth just now. Ah Feng shouldn't be embarrassed in front of others. After being discovered, he no longer held the bird in his mouth, but hugged it and licked its feathers, and the effect was not bad. The feathers of the little phoenix flame are immediately fluffy and dry as soon as they are licked wet, making them very easy to lick.

“Tweet…” ‘Alas’

An Fengniao sighed worriedly. Its feathers were twisted and twisted by the licking. Anyway, it couldn't be worse. She simply raised her paws and nestled them in the very fluffy long white hair on the Maine Coon cat's chest. He was in a better mental state now, but the situation was out of control. He was helpless and worried that Bingyi would think that he didn't like being intimate with him, so he forced himself to explain: "If it were my true form, no matter what we do together, we would be raped by others." I see, as long as you are not unhappy, it doesn't matter to me. ’

He even wanted to show off his relationship with Wei Xun to everyone, as if imprinting his breath on the deepest part of his body to relieve the deep possessive desire in his heart.

But now he is ‘Wei Xun’! For the sake of his lover's face, An Xuefeng was very restrained all the way, but this time he couldn't explain anything clearly. Team An, who has always been fearless, didn't even dare to think about what it would be like when Bingyi regained his memory after the competition was over. For a moment, his heart pounded, and he answered whatever Bingyi asked.

‘It’s okay, I quite like you even if you are an animal’

Bingyi was quite satisfied with easily asking about An Xuefeng's past personal life. As the god of deceit, Loki could naturally tell that An Xuefeng was not lying. He was very clean before meeting him, so he comforted him. He really didn't dislike An Xuefeng's animal state, and even liked it. As long as he didn't act like a bug, everything would be fine.

'I mean... forget it'

An Xuefeng hesitated to speak, and finally gave up. We will talk about the future later. He talked to Bingyi about the characters on the rock wall of the abyss crack: "My mental state has not fully recovered. I'm afraid it will take a long time." time. I have sealed the most polluting information on the ninth level of my mental illusion, but the previous information is mainly the explorer's self-narration and is not very polluting, so I can tell you first. ’

There are a total of thirteen chapters of characters on the rock wall, all of which are written in a twisted and strange ancient script. An Xuefeng said that it was Cthulhu's script, and the person who recorded it was a traveler from the West District a long time ago. .

'Human beings live on a small island called ignorance in the dark ocean. This ocean is vast and rootless and contains endless secrets, but we should not sail too far or explore too deep* - this is the meaning of the characters in the first chapter, This is the original quote from "Call of Cthulhu"

An Xuefeng explained that the power of Cthulhu is also an extremely powerful pollution. Although it does not count the journey to the 30th degree north latitude, it can still compete with the top pollution. It's just that it doesn't come from the earth itself, but from 'beyond the stars'. An Xuefeng has been the host for so many years, but he has never seen any extraterrestrial undertakings carried out in the hotel. Maybe there were alien gods in the past, but now they have no contact with the earth. It has nothing to do with it, there are only some relics left behind, and the stories passed down orally by the believers, which are similar to various myths, but the pollution is stronger.

After all, it is not located at 30 degrees north latitude, and it has nothing to do with the butterfly fragments. Therefore, it is not well-known in the hotel, but it is still an extremely difficult journey attraction.

An Xuefeng once explored the Cthulhu ruins, deciphered Cthulhu's writing, and gave Bingyi a pendant related to Cthulhu's power to guard against butterflies. The same was true for this former traveler who explored the abyss. She calls herself the 'Black Goat Cub', and perhaps that's her title. The Black Goat Cub is a very smart and crazy woman. After accidentally discovering the 'bottomless pit' leading to the primordial abyss, she used the power of Cthulhu to protect herself and went deep into the bottomless pit, trying to crack the most fundamental secret of the abyss. secret.

'The black goat cub believes in Shub Nicholas, the mother of all things, the black goat of the forest who gave birth to thousands of descendants. Most of the first few chapters are her prayers to external gods.'

'Long live! Long live! Shub-Nicholas! The black goat of the forest that gave birth to thousands of people! *’

The meaning revealed by those characters was extremely crazy. An Xuefeng suspected that the black goat cub had gone crazy when he came back from the depths of the bottomless pit and recorded these characters. Those characters did not look like they were carved by humans. An Xuefeng had experience and thought that this More like the marks left by tentacles.

Throughout the fanatical and crazy prayers, An Xuefeng keenly discovered the key sentences.

'The Black Goat Cub mentioned the word 'pregnancy' many times. She believed that the primitive abyss was gestating something, which was the consciousness of the primitive abyss itself. Once it is taken away, there is hope to solve the problem of the abyss. Once it is let go, when the abyss consciousness is truly conceived, the original abyss with consciousness will destroy the world.'

She was going crazy at that time. Can you tell whether what she left behind was true or false? ’

Bingyi listened with interest, but also asked rigorously.

‘These characters contain strong Cthulhu power, and they are most likely true’

An Xuefeng said solemnly: 'Shub Nicholas is a god with super fertility, the mother of all things, and is extremely sensitive to the birth of new life. This is not a text recorded by the black goat cub, but more like a prophecy made by an alien power.'

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