Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 740 The Horror of Iceland (261)

The most powerful tour guide in the future? Did you wake up here to save your parents? Risking your life to open a passage into the abyss?

Passengers understand every word of what Director Huang said, but when put together it sounds so incredible! The passengers couldn't wrap their heads around it for a while. They clearly had serious doubts that the eldest son of the red guide would become a cruel butcher and tour guide in the future, but now he turned around and turned into a dutiful son? ? The passengers were silent for a while, silently watching the white cat tour guide roll call at the fire——

After the little animals expressed their excitement, they had the discipline to stand in a circle in front of the fire and let the white cat inspect them one by one. Isn't this just the tour guide's roll call!

In order to let parents intuitively believe that Bingyi is a 'good' tour guide, An Xuebao promoted this parade. After all, everyone is human and has strong understanding ability. The first few people who were supported by the snow leopards all understood after they stood up, and everyone cooperated and stood still. Mainly because most of the current incarnations still alive are from the East District, so who can not cooperate with Director B?

The transformed animals that were originally in a heap were easier to distinguish after they stood upright. Bingyi looked at them one by one and had an idea in his mind. At present, all the living incarnations in the old dream are here except the phantom cat. In the east area there is the little golden snake Miao Fangfei, the emerald green turtle Tang Xiang, the floating lotus white lotus layman, the red-haired monkey Yu Xiangyang and the snow leopard A Feng. In the west area there is a little Miranda the black bat, Charlie the little lizard, Betty the golden deer and Heydrich the raven.

Except for Miao Fangfei and Tang Xiang, who had just been resurrected by An Xuefeng, the other incarnations had more or less recovered some of their power. However, it is still too weak compared to the battles with the giants of the Nordic gods, the invasion of volcanoes by the angelic legions, and the avalanches. In particular, the old dream restricts them to only act in the form of animals. Many titles that are suitable for humans are not so applicable to animals, and the animal state will be seriously affected by bestiality.

Not An Xuefeng, an old orc like him, other travelers who were acting in animal form for the first time were really not used to it. Now during the terrible catastrophe, even Heydrich, who deliberately seeks death in reality to fully explore his old dreams, has to stay away from the edge. It was obviously Odin's special gift for the raven to fly again, but he did not participate in the aerial battlefield, which shows how intense the battle was at this time.

The big white cat sighed softly, it was really worried about the safety of the phantom cat now that it was so dangerous. He had to enter the passage and descend into the abyss as soon as possible. He seriously suspected that the phantom cat was in the most dangerous place, not too far away from Director Hong and his wife who were at the center of the fierce battle, but the little golden butterfly was now in the hands of Director Huang...

"A good tour guide is the leader of tourists."

Just when Bing Yimao was about to look back at Director Huang, a very tall man among the silent elders spoke first. Except for his darker skin, his facial features were very similar to Tang Xiang's. You could tell whose parent he was at a glance. Seeing the green little turtle looking back at him, the man knew that he really recognized the big white cat as a tour guide, and suddenly solemnly thanked the big white cat.

"It owes you its life, so I owe it to you."

"Good boy, I heard that you have raised some bugs. Come, let grandma show you."

Not only Tang Xiang's father, but Miao Fangfei's aunt also smiled and waved to Bingyi to express her goodwill. Listen to the meaning behind their words - the big white cat swept its fluffy long tail hanging behind it, and the tip of its tail swept across the paws of the snow leopard squatting beside it. It was as light as a feather brushing against it, making the leopard's paws itch and eager to try. I wanted to press it, but I held it back, a grunting sound came out of my throat, and I communicated with Bingyi’s spirit:

"When I resurrected the incarnations of Tang Xiang and Miao Fangfei, I told their relatives that I was your passenger and that you sent me to resurrect their incarnations. The key to resurrection is also in your hands."

Even though Bingyi hasn't entered the old dream for a long time, An Xuefeng has already been prepared for Bingyi to enter the old dream. Even if the red and yellow directors are not here, the situation can be eased if Aunt Miao Fangfei, who has great authority in the team, and Tang Xiang's father stand with the big white cat for saving their lives. Besides, the relatives of the children who have died want them to be resurrected. Death also wants multiple guarantees, so that as long as Bing thinks about it, he can get help from relatives in his old dream.

"Hey boy, can you resurrect these poor kids?"

The muscular werewolf with a huge body and a terrifying scar that spanned half of his face. He looked very fierce and was close to the fire. He carefully held the little wolf cub that was only covered with ice and snow and had no breathing in his wolf paws. He leaned close to Dabai. The cat asked him in front of him and solemnly promised:

"If you can save the little wolf, I, the Wolf King, owe you my life."

Because he was worried that the little wolf cub's body would rot, the big wolf man had been carefully burying it in the ice and snow.

"The relatives of Werewolf Walker are most concerned about resurrection. If you resurrect the little wolf, he will be your help"

An Xuebao said: 'Don't worry, as long as the strong travelers who are alive in reality have not recovered their memories, they will not recover their memories in their old dreams.'

Of course, the dream incarnation of the Robbery Passenger whose reality is dead will have all the memories. In this way, as long as the SAN value of Werewolf Walker does not drop to zero in reality, there is no need to worry about backstabbing by the little wolf in the old dream. However, An Xuefeng believed that based on Bingyi's current strength, he would still choose Director Bing's side even if Xiaolang regained his memory.

The Wolf King is the only captain other than the Red Team (Guide Hong’s husband) and one of the strongest passengers. An Xuefeng did not resurrect the Little Wolf, first because of the strength of the East and West Zones in his old dream, and secondly because he wanted to leave it to Bingyi came to show mercy. In this way, there will be people in the east and west districts, and Bingyi can have his old dream.

But now is not the time. Based on An Xuefeng's experience, it will take at least half an hour to an hour and a half to resurrect the avatar, and it has to be in a safe place. There is no such time now.

"It's about to go into the abyss. How can you revive it with such little time, Superman?"

A haughty female voice said, it was obvious that she didn't have a good relationship with the werewolf. The werewolf glared at her, looking like a bug. She roared, but didn't speak because she was afraid of the unstable snowy mountain outside that was avalanching. The woman stood with her arms folded, looking at the big white cat. She had high cheekbones and white skin. She was not a kind and approachable person. She was born with a sense of distance.

Bingyi had seen her when he used the power of the dragon hunter to spy on the old dream. She was B1's mother and had a good relationship with Red Director. The big white cat looked at her calmly. People always love the people in the house. Although the woman's tone was fierce just now, she was actually helping him out.

"You look good."

Sure enough, after a closer look, the black-haired woman spoke. She had a unique ending tone when she spoke, and the tone sounded very elegant and solemn. She raised the corners of her lips and smiled at the big white cat. People who don't usually smile will be amazing once they smile, especially since she is such a beautiful woman. Although it was the first time they met, her tone to the big white cat was like that of an elder to a favorite younger generation, which made people feel close to her unconsciously.

"Is he okay in the future?"

The black-haired woman asked softly without time for more small talk, and Bingyi knew that she was asking about B1. After all, it is still inconvenient to be in cat form. Simple words are fine, but long sentences are difficult to communicate. However, Bingyi has his own way. The big white cat nodded to the black-haired woman first, then looked at Miao Fangfei's aunt, meowed at her twice, and then raised his paw, and saw that there was a crystal clear rose-red ruby ​​on the back of its snow-white front paw——

No, no, this is not a jewel.

"Insect King." Miao Fangfei's aunt said, her eyes slightly widened, and she saw that the rose-red jewel used its limbs to support its body. It turned out to be a big rose-red spider. And it is definitely not an ordinary spider, it is the kind of extremely rare and extremely difficult to subdue the insect king (queen insect)! The next moment, something happened that made the passengers gasp. The big spider turned into a rose-red light and merged into the body of the big white cat.

The big white cat's originally snow-white hair tips were coated with a layer of rose color, which looked particularly dreamy. There were a few cinnabar red dots on both sides of its forehead, like beauty spots. They were the compound eyes of the spider, but they did not look abrupt. Instead, they added a bit of magical charm. The big white cat's hair became longer, lighter and softer (influenced by spider silk). When it stood up, the long hair was blown back by the wind, as if it had light rose-red silk wings, like an elf in the wind.

There is always a second time to fuse with the magic bug. Bingyi has completely let himself go. Even in the old dream, the hotel has fewer restrictions on tour guides than tourists. This is the first time for Bingyi (maybe he has done it in his lost memory?) to fuse with Little Rose. In reality, he has only merged with Little Cui, but he still succeeded. Several green silk threads flew out from its claws and stretched out to the relatives of the tourists. It was the pulling thread! Although Bingyi left Little Cui outside to guard, he brought Little Rose with him when he entered the dream this time, just to regain the ability of "pulling thread" after fusing with the magic bug. With it, it is easy to communicate with anyone. Sure enough, the effect of pulling thread was immediately revealed. The parents did not dodge and the silk thread was easily pulled. "He will be very good in the future and will be a rising star. He has become much stronger during the journey. I have a good relationship with him and we are friends who trust each other." Since Director Huang believes that the white cat and the brown cat are both tour guides, this point of B1 tour guide cannot be revealed. Bingyi made a note that he would have to check his testimony with B1 when he returned to reality. After a brief summary, he said to the werewolf: "He is very strong and is a passenger in my team. He often turns into a wolf on weekdays and has carried me several times. The smell of the wolf may be left by him." Of course, he is a soul entering the old dream. The smell that can come in with his soul is most likely Fenrir Wolf, after all, the soul contract is there. But it does not prevent Bingyi from saying this to gain more favor from the big werewolf. Sure enough, after hearing what he said, the black-haired woman and the big werewolf were stunned. Time was tight and there was no time to greet each other. Director Huang's patience was also at its limit. After seeing the big white cat finished talking to the two, he took it out and called Aunt Miao Fangfei to prepare to release the little golden butterfly to discuss the matter of the abyss passage in detail, such as how many people can enter the passage and how long it can last. This is crucial and concerns the lives of Director Hong and his wife. She did not say such an important thing in the cave to prevent tourists from the west area. Even Director Huang, who hoped that everyone would unite and tide over the difficulties, would not be so stupid as not to be on guard. Their mission itself had the factor of confrontation between the East and West Districts. Director Hong and his wife were both very important in the East District. She would not risk killing them.

Especially the werewolf captain, he was really powerful, especially his close combat strength and speed were terrible, and he was very restrained by the tour guide. Even Director Huang was always on guard against him.

When leaving the cave, Director Huang always paid attention to the movement behind him. However, what surprised her was that the werewolf did not clamor to come out this time, but was very quiet.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? What did the tour guide do to you?"

Director Huang didn't know what happened in the cave after she left, and other tourists also found it strange. Seeing the usually strong werewolf in a daze like a sculpture, the black-haired woman also had empty eyes, and couldn't help asking.

"No, he just told us some news about the kid." The big werewolf muttered, "The tour guide is good, even animals recover faster than tourists." "That's a top-level tour guide." Tang Xiang's father said, tentatively asking, "What do you mean, there will be a mixed group in the future?" "Yes, this kid is in his team." The captain of the big werewolf had no intention of hiding anything. While speaking, he couldn't help shaking the wolf cub's body in his hand, and sighed in a complicated tone, "Good boy, you are doing really well."

"Why, he will also be the captain in the future."

"I didn't become the captain. I just rode for the tour guide and had some connection with his soul."

The big werewolf pretended to be disgusted, but in fact everyone could hear the show off in his tone, as if being a mount for a tour guide was more honorable than being a captain. Thinking of the werewolf Walker carrying Director Bing in his amnesia state, the expressions of the little animals transformed by the passengers were indescribable, but the passengers in the cave were in disbelief and exclaimed in low voices.

"Let the werewolf get close?"

"Riding a wolf?!"

"Soul connection??!"

"Yes, yes, it's like this. The brat finally became a bit of a human being."

The werewolf captain laughed, very pleased with himself, and the whole wolf relaxed - what he missed most was the dead wolf cub, and judging from the relationship between the wolf cub and the tour guide, the resurrection should be stable.

"It's just a wolf training, how can it be considered a partner?"

Seeing him so proud, of course someone came to pour cold water on him. But before the werewolf captain could show his face of 'You are just jealous', the black-haired woman muttered to herself to the body of a little black goat: "He said he and you are mutually trusting friends, then I will not worried."

"What did you say?!"

The werewolf captain's eyes widened when he heard this, and the other passengers and elders also looked at each other, feeling even more incredible. How good of a relationship does it take to be recognized as a friend by a tour guide, or a first-level tour guide, or to trust each other? ? That’s it for being in tune with each other!

Tang Xiang's father and Yu Xiangyang's parents looked at each other in disbelief. How come the future tour guide Jiayi has such a good relationship with two people from the West District? The red director and his wife don’t have foreign ancestry, so the big white cat can’t actually be the S1 director of the West District!

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