Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 727: Icelandic Horror (248)

Wanting to enlighten life is not an easy thing. Bingyi pressed his finger on the owl's forehead but couldn't really put it down. He felt the terrible resistance and resolutely resisted the invasion of Loki's divine power. He even wanted to counter-contaminate Loki's divine power. It felt like I was facing a terrifying giant wave hundreds of meters high, and I would be shot to pieces at any time!




Fenrir Wolf, Corn Snake and Xiao Cui immediately felt the crisis and dilemma faced by Bingyi. They did not hesitate to stand closely with Bingyi, gathering the power of the Nordic pantheon to resist the backlash of the Tower of Babel token! Yes, it is backlash. The Tower of Babel and Iceland are completely different from the same mythological system. Now Bingyi wants to use the power of the Nordic gods to enlighten the souls attached to the tokens of the Tower of Babel. This is tantamount to an invasion of energy pollution. There will definitely be a counterattack.

This kind of enlightenment seems to be much simpler than directly making a human out of wood and giving life to it. After all, the attachment itself will provide a huge amount of energy, and the owl has been conscious before, so it is not difficult to enlighten it again, and Bingyi is also I didn't expect to become a fat man after one bite, but I just wanted to add some spirituality to the soul attached to the owl mummy, and reenact the mythical story of the birth of the elves of light and darkness.

There are the bonuses of myth reenactment, the bonus that today is Saturday Loki's Day, the soul on the owl once had intelligence, and the crystal clear angel skeleton of the morning at close range, but even so, it is difficult for Bingyi to succeed. sky! He is equivalent to single-handedly confronting the pollution at the Tower of Babel on the thirty-degree journey north latitude. It is equivalent to driving away the pollution from the soul that is on the verge of collapse and restoring his sanity.

No one can guarantee that they can do this. There are too few pioneers in the journey of 30 degrees north latitude. Most people are still exploring and have not yet reached the stage of transforming pollution, utilizing pollution, and expelling pollution. Bingyi has not come this far. Even if he has memory, the tomb of the Tusi King has not yet been fully opened. He has no experience in this area at all.

But he has experience in other areas! He once expelled the abyss pollution from Di Feiyu's body and restored his soul to purity, returning to Paradise Lost! When resisting the terrifying impact of energy pollution from the Tower of Babel, Bingyi felt a little itchy. He wanted to take a light knife and cut it to see if this pollution could be cut. Even though he had never encountered this kind of pollution, Bingyi could feel it. , although it is very different from the original abyss pollution, it is equally powerful. It is essentially the product of excessively powerful alien energy radiation!

This kind of powerful energy is usually exclusive and cannot exist at the same time. Seeing that the blessed Loki's divine power alone cannot overcome the backlash of the owl mummy, Bingyi simply started to do hard work. He and Yu Hehui were connected. As soon as he raised his hand without communicating, Yu Hehui took out the abyss parasitic fungus juice and remaining pupa juice stored on his side, and then poured it all over the snow-white owl.


There was a burst of sound like water pouring hot oil, and the smell in the tent instantly became foul and overpowering. The originally snow-white owl was completely doused with fungus pupa juice, and the interweaving of black red and dark green dyed its snow-white feathers into a disgusting brown. Brown, like a mummy on the verge of decay, fading away the vivid illusion and returning to reality - not only fading away the illusion, An Xuefeng's breathing stagnated, and he watched George's soul almost die from the water!

The power of the primitive abyss and the pollution of the Tower of Babel fiercely confronted each other. The residual soul of George attached to the mummy in the center of the 'battlefield' caused a great sin. His soul has been too deeply affected by the pollution of the Tower of Babel over the years. The pollution of the primitive abyss Treating him and the mummy as one body, George's remaining soul was crumbling like a candle in the wind.

But An Xuefeng didn't bother Bingyi, nor did he intervene rashly. George's rebirth in this situation is tantamount to dancing among the scythes of death. The only thing that can compete with the pollution at 30 degrees north latitude is the pollution at 30 degrees north latitude, abyss pollution and battlefield pollution. If you want to free him from the influence of the Tower of Babel, you must first introduce new pollution and fight fire with fire, so that you can have a chance of survival.

An Xuefeng holds the contamination of the Pyramid and Daxizhou, two journeys north of 30 degrees latitude. Theoretically, he can suppress any other single token of 30 degrees north latitude. However, the process of suppression is also an anti-pollution process. If he takes action, it will be suppressed. After passing the Tower of Babel, George also survived. He would also be attacked by the pollution of the Pyramids and Atlantis, and the consequences would be even worse. Because An Xuefeng can use the power of 30 degrees north latitude, but it is difficult to clear them, even the hotel can hardly do it.

But Bingyi is different, he can not only drive the abyss pollution, but also remove the abyss pollution! As long as George's remnant soul attached to the owl's mummy is really contaminated by his abyss, Bingyi's plan will be mostly successful. In An Xuefeng's view, the possibility of his success was very high. How could the pollution at 30 degrees north latitude on the Tower of Babel token resist the pollution of the primordial abyss?

The problem was Bingyi. When An Xuefeng saw that his expression remained unchanged and his free hand subconsciously covered his chest, his heart tightened and he immediately knew that something was wrong. Before Yu Hehui entered the tent, An Xuefeng was actually checking Bingyi's heart injury. The stabbing of his heart to zero tonight was completely different from the previous zeroing. During the reset, Bing used the Maria Butterfly fragment to a large extent. Strength and the power of the abyss guided the Lizard Duke to regain his consciousness from losing control and returning to zero. This incredible feat made the power of the butterfly fragments in his body overactive and almost out of control.

That's the Duke of Lizard, the great director of S2. Bingyi used so much power to recover from losing control, and it's conceivable that he has almost overdrawn it! Overdrawing other powers is fine, and they can be recovered by nursing, but the power of the abyss is different. Bingyi overdraws the power of the abyss and the power of Maria Butterfly that he can control. Once this part of the power is overdrawn, it will be even more huge. He has not yet controlled the terrifying energy that is suppressed on weekdays, and it will be unrestrained and ready to move, and it may drag him into the abyss at any time!

Just like now, when Bingyi used the power of the abyss again, An Xuefeng could feel that his spirit was in danger and on the verge of losing control. The butterfly fragments were extremely active, especially when facing the Babel Tower token, the cruel and bottomless aggressive pollution was vividly demonstrated. Bingyi had already sensed the danger. He dared to use the power of the abyss pollution at this time, probably because he wanted to use the power of the Babel Tower to consume part of them, and use the pollution to invade the owl mummy to transfer the pollution part to it.

But it was too dangerous for him to do so. It was like walking on a tightrope on a cliff. Success was good, but once he couldn't hold on, he would lose control when controlling the power and might even be controlled by the butterfly fragments. Bingyi has always had good luck. He is like a seagull fighting the wind and rain. He always likes to throw himself into a series of big bets. Whether he wins or loses, he can gain unspeakable excitement and happiness.

Even though his hands are tightly covering his heart now, Bingyi's mouth is raised. He is enjoying it. He enjoys the pleasure of controlling the terrifying and huge power to fight against the eroding enemy and the critical feeling when his body is on the verge of losing control. This is his happiness. An Xuefeng will not stop him, but he is like the last shield in front of Bingyi, ready to help him get the bottom. Seeing that the Babel Tower token is difficult to resist the pollution of the abyss, the owl's mummy will be stained black, but at the same time, the active butterfly cocoon silk is about to penetrate Bingyi's chest. An Xuefeng made a prompt move and activated the pendant of R'lyeh.


The sound of the waves accompanied by the inaudible chaotic whispers loomed, successfully stagnating the unstoppable Mariya butterfly power. An Xuefeng brought this pendant into the competition specifically to smuggle private goods to guard against the Black Widow. Although R'lyeh is not a journey to the 30th degree north latitude, the pollution is also extremely terrifying. The most important thing is that it is a heavy pollution in the ocean, which can be connected to An Xuefeng's Atlantis.

It is impossible to bring the token of Atlantis into the warm-up competition. This pendant can be of great use at critical moments, such as now. The strange pollution power of the 30th degree north latitude surged out, catching the abyss pollution off guard. The cocoon silk that just emerged on Bingyi's chest was pressed back at once, and after An Xuefeng interrupted this out of control, the situation returned to Bingyi's hands again. Seeing that the owl mummy was almost polluted, he no longer used the power of the abyss pollution and the butterfly fragments, not giving them any chance to stir up a bloody storm again, and this time his fingers finally succeeded in pressing on the mummy owl, pressing on the side of its neck.

Bingyi didn't know that the owl's corpse was still embedded with the fangs of the black widow. He could only keenly feel that the power of the abyss gathered the most here, just like the loopholes in the defense shield. The abyss pollution could infect the Babel Tower token so quickly. The two demon insect fangs made great contributions, and George's extremely weak, almost dissipated residual soul was also weak and entangled in the spider fangs. It protected him from the abyss pollution and allowed him to barely hold on until now.

Then there is a chance to usher in a new life.

Bingyi stared at the owl's mummy. It was no longer snow-white and lively. It completely turned into a brown, sticky and rotten corpse. There was almost no breath of life. George's residual soul was doubly polluted by the Babel Tower and the abyss. He could no longer be called a "human". Even Di Feiyu's situation at that time was better than that of the owl. After all, he still had the rune in his body to protect the last bit of "human" spirituality, while George's residual soul had already tended to chaos.

But don't worry, the demon Bingyi with a very low SAN value stretched out his hand, and the tip of his sharp black nails burned with fire. Loki's most original flame was imprinted on the neck of the owl's mummy, where the poisonous spider's fangs were, so that the warm and burning flame slowly penetrated into George's residual soul to dispel the pollution and ignite the spiritual light.

However, Yu Hehui held his breath and looked at it for a long time, but found that the owl's corpse had not changed at all, and the progress was very slow. He didn't dare to speak to disturb Bingyi, and couldn't help but whispered to "Wei Xun" (An Xuefeng). The remaining soul of George on the mummy was too weak to carry emotions and consciousness. Yu Hehui thought that maybe the soul of the god of light Balder should be released, and it might be better to let George's soul merge.

But An Xuefeng disagreed with his point of view.

'The god of light Balder is not George's soul, he is the mental state of the black widow'

An Xuefeng said calmly: 'Let him out, the situation will only be worse'

Maybe this mental state will completely overwhelm the fragile residual soul and replace it. After all, the mental state is not a real person. Even if it is really given life by Bingyi, it will not be George. This is a more cruel despair.

‘Be patient, his plan will soon succeed’

After saying this, An Xuefeng stopped talking and stared at Bing.

The plan is about to succeed? Could it be that the quantitative change has reached a qualitative change? Yu Hehui believed in An Xuefeng's eyesight. He looked at the owl corpse and suddenly held his breath after a while.

A little light flickered in the muddy slurry on the owl mummy, like a morning star rising in the night sky, or like the morning light at dawn, extremely weak and extremely dazzling. Success! At this moment, Bingyi's fingertips were burning with Loki flames, and the runes he controlled flashed through his eyes. He tried his best to mobilize the power of wisdom and authority, and finally stopped in the Tower of Babel pollution and the pollution of the abyss. Today, when George's real remnant soul is on the verge of destruction, this faint light shines through.

It is the rune character corresponding to George!

Including the empty runes, there are a total of twenty-five, and the two brigades have a total of twenty-two people. If C is the plural (phantom cat), there are twenty-three people, and there are two runes that no one corresponds to. .

At that time, Bingyi speculated that the two runes corresponded to the two leading coaches at the time, Ya Hunter and George. Even though Coach George is 'dead', he still hasn't changed his views. George's remnant soul has suffered too much pollution and torture, and he is not a Nordic. It is too difficult to convert him as a Nordic god. He needs an opportunity.

His corresponding rune character is an opportunity to connect George with Northern Europe, allowing Bingyi to truly have the authority to enlighten him! There was no time to see what rune character George corresponded to. When the light spot appeared, Bingyi's finger was firmly on it. He used his wisdom and authority to seduce Di Feiyu's soul. Although George's residual soul was more troublesome, , but now Bingyi has more comprehensive wisdom and authority.

At this moment, he finally clearly felt that there was a certain connection between his own power of wisdom and authority and George's rune characters. What surprised Bingyi was that George's corresponding rune characters actually contained extremely bright and vigorous power, just like Dawn is approaching, and it is not the activity of the physical body, but the light that represents the leap of the spirit. It is actually very close to George himself.

George corresponds to the character Daeg! Corresponding to the English letter D, the original meaning is dawn, day and infinite cycle. It is bright, representing breakthrough and transformation. Breaking through the barriers of constraints is a kind of lucky change. Even if you are unlucky, you can win in the end. Even if it is a reverse change, there is no bad change. Even if the speed of change is slow, you will eventually see the dawn of success!

Bingyi immediately activated the positive power in this rune with all his strength, protecting the severely distorted and polluted remnant soul of George. The power of the rune flashed on Bingyi and George's remnant soul, connecting them into a line of light. Thousands of strands of white light gathered together, like a blooming dandelion, or like a bird's egg entangled with light threads, a cocoon about to break out of its shell. It was not big. It was grown from the dirty owl mummy, but it was not contaminated at all. Decay and death.

Bingyi knew somewhere that when the light egg broke out of its shell, it was the day when maggots were born. Oh no, it was when the elves were born. But to spur its birth, a media is needed. This time Bingyi didn't intend to lead him into the Lost Paradise and stuff grapes into the eggs. He used the spiritual method of the Nordic gods. Then Bingyi bit his finger and let the blood burn in Loki's flames, and then Let the flames burn on the eggshell, and only his majestic and solemn words can be heard in the blazing fire.

"In the name of Loki, God of fire and trickery, God of lies, God of stories, God of wisdom, Skywalker."

"May you be like the dawn and day, endless cycle, endless life"

His voice was like a divine word, resounding throughout the camp and spreading throughout the five Nordic countries. No one could sleep during today's competition. They were all woken up by Director C's voice. No one in the live broadcast room was distracted. Even though Director B's live broadcast room was blocked due to Wei Xun's involvement, the audience could still benefit from other people's live broadcasts. Hear the voice of the explorer in perspective!

What big thing is happening? Countless people were scratching their heads trying to figure it out. The astrologer frowned and held a handful of rune-character stones in his hand. He randomly scattered the stones on the table. The most conspicuous stone in the center rotated several times before finally stopping, with the character D engraved on it.

For a moment, the astrologer grasped the armrest so hard that the veins on the back of his hand tightened. The rune symbol D, day and dawn, could it be said——

It set off a storm in the hearts of astrologers. Thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room in Iceland, including the black widow who left the camp and immediately watched the live broadcast again, heard his last majestic and sonorous words.

"And I will give you spiritual light in the morning light and give you new life!"


As soon as the explorer finished speaking, he heard a rustling sound, like the sound of falling snowflakes, or like a baby bird rubbing its eggshell. This was a sound that could be heard throughout Northern Europe, as if announcing that there would be new creatures in Northern Europe. , be reborn in the aura given by God!

Click, click——

In the small tent, countless pairs of eyes of Bingyi, Yu Hehui, An Xuefeng, Fenrir Wolf, Corn Bamboo Shoot and Xiao Cui stared at the ping pong ball-sized white light egg on the owl mummy that was imprinted with the mark of the God of Fire Loki. , dense cracks are appearing on it, and white fluffy figures can be seen busy in the eggshell, ready to break out of the cocoon at any time.

What will this hatch? Bingyi noticed that the pollution power of the abyss on the owl mummy was gradually dissipating. It was obviously very polluted by the power of the abyss before, but it was like a key or a channel, with the power of the Tower of Babel constantly being transmitted to it behind it. It won't be long before things get back to normal.

As if feeling the power of the Tower of Babel in the rapid resurgence of the owl mummy, the light egg shattered faster, no longer willing to be entangled and bound by the power of the Tower of Babel. Finally, under Bingyi's expectant gaze, a crack opened in the middle of the white egg, and a pair of fluffy, white soft tentacles poked out from the crack, feeling the surrounding environment with curiosity and trembling.

Bingyi still had a smile on his face, looking at the little thing with great interest. Could these be the white ear feathers of an owl? To be honest, he was really looking forward to the snowy owl...huh?

However, when this thing came out more and more, exposing more and more of its body, Bingyi couldn't hold back the smile on his face.

‘Brother Bug! Father, another insect brother! ’

The corn snake twisted into a flower in excitement, and the cheers sounded so harsh. No, how could it be possible? Why did another worm hatch out of this egg? Strange, why would he think of another word? It’s like this isn’t the first time you’ve experienced this?

No, the Nordic gods turned maggots into elves. There is no reason for him to turn an owl into a furry maggot! There must be something wrong there!


As if feeling God's resentful gaze, the white-haired worm's little feet curiously exploring the outside world suddenly retracted into the eggshell. It honestly withstood the burning of Loki's flame for a longer period of time in the eggshell. It was only a few minutes, but Bingyi felt that it had been as long as a year or two. When the flames finally dissipated, the white light egg burst from it, like a phoenix egg reborn from the fire. With a clear cry, it hatched from the egg shell. It's no longer a hairy maggot, but a round white owl the size of a tennis ball!

It was as beautiful and pure as an elf, and it took the initiative to fly down into Bingyi's palm. Its big eyes were pure blue, and it looked at the god who gave it new life. The soft ear feathers rubbed Bingyi's fingers, making him smile.

Is this right? Sure enough, the heat just wasn't enough!

"Let me give you a name..."

The proud Bingyi gave the owl the easy-to-understand name Xiaoguang - he would not call it George. The origin of this owl must be kept secret. Then Bingyi held the mummy of the owl in one hand and Xiaoguang in the other, turned around and was about to review the past and look forward to the future with An Xuefeng and Yu Hehui.

But as soon as he turned around, he felt the faint gaze stabbing him in the back. Bingyi lowered his head and saw that the phantom cat had woken up at some point. Its cat eyes were staring at the owl's cheerfully chirping ball in Bingyi's hand. There was an incredible look in its cat eyes!

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