Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 708: Icelandic Horror (229)

"This is?!"

The fang hunter is holding the angel's head with wings on his back. The evil spirit and blood have not dissipated all over his body. The golden scales and bony protrusions wrap his hands like custom-made boxing gloves. The hooks are sharp and the scales are hard. There are mottled blood and flesh in the gaps between the scales. , looks absolutely terrifying. The fang hunter who returned from the Hunting Angel has obviously lowered his sanity and is in an alienated state.

A thick, long tail covered with golden dragon scales poked out from behind him, hanging down to the ground like a kangaroo. The sharp tip of the tail was slightly raised, and it touched the ground impatiently. The rustling sound of the scales made Werewolf Walker jump. , the conditioned reflex falls into a state of alert!

The tooth hunter's combat intuition is extremely sharp, and his cold, reptile-like vertical pupils stared at Werewolf Walker for an instant, just like ferocious beasts staring at each other, sizing up and confronting each other. After a few seconds, Werewolf Walker took a step back and transformed from a werewolf back into human form. , which is basically equivalent to showing weakness, muttering: "Scare me..."

It's no wonder that Werewolf Walker overreacted. The sound of the dragon's scales rubbing against each other is like a time bomb countdown in the heart of every West End peak traveler. It means that the Lizard Duke is already in an attack state and may retaliate with an iron fist at you at any time! Although the travelers in the werewolf mercenaries basically cooperate with the tour guides in the werewolf alliance and travel as a team, occasionally they will fall into the hands of the Lizard Duke, or encounter the brigade led by the Lizard Duke. Whenever such misfortune happens, it will leave a deep psychological shadow on the top travelers - Lizard Duke is a real butcher tour guide!

Unlike the mad woman Black Widow, Black Widow just likes to reminisce about the past, and always quietly lets George (her mental state) join the journey, twisting her spirit to deceive other passengers into becoming the captain. George is still very responsible, but he is not a living person after all. The passengers can easily suffer a mental breakdown under the leadership of the mentally minded Captain George.

But if you are familiar with the Black Widow's routine, this thing is easy to prevent. At least the top travelers have their own means to protect their own spirits. In addition to the mental aspect, Captain George is very serious and responsible in all aspects. Black Widow is usually very cooperative with the journey. Generally speaking, it goes smoothly. Moreover, the hiring fee for Black Widow to lead the team is also three S-level leaders. The cheapest among them, some of the top travelers in the West Region like to work with her.

But the Lizard Duke is different. He is a real butcher and tour guide, and he often leads groups to destroy them! It's not that he intentionally killed people, but that the Lizard Duke never misses any opportunity to delve into the scenic spots and plots to open up a journey to the 30th North Latitude. He even did something particularly crazy - massacre the native people on the journey.

Whether it was the punishment from the hotel or the hatred and resentment of the passengers, the Lizard Duke was arrogant and never paid attention to it. He doesn't regard the lives of tourists and tour guides at all. He is ruthless and unpredictable. He may be resting quietly one second, but he can be violent the next. Rumor has it that even the Silver Moon Killer often suffers severe beatings from the Lizard Duke— —

That's right, a top traveler was severely beaten by a tour guide. This kind of rumor would never be spread among other tour guides. Tour guides all enter the hotel because they are seriously ill and on the verge of death. Even if they can also awaken the power of various titles, usually the titles of tour guides tend to be mental, twisted, and deformed, and there are few physical enhancements.

It can also be said that tour guides who will become seriously ill in reality simply do not have the luck/talent to stay fit. As for the travelers who are carefully selected by the hotel, except for a few who are extremely talented, most of them are strong and tall men and women. And even if they are not in good health at the beginning, as they complete the journey again and again, the hotel will strengthen the physical fitness of the passengers, allowing many people to usher in a second growth, until everyone is 1.8 or 1.9 meters tall.

In this case, it would be a fool for the tour guide to confront the tourists head-on. Unless it is reset to zero, it will be difficult to defeat the tourists in close combat. And zeroing is a trump card, which can easily lead to mental breakdown and cannot be used frequently - but the Lizard Duke is an exception.

He is extremely rare. There is a butcher guide who connects tourists. The most fatal mental breakdown for a guide and the inability to regain his will in time after returning to zero, and the fact that he can easily lose control completely are not a problem for the Lizard Duke. During a trip, he resets to zero as often as he eats and drinks.

And his alienated form 'Fallen Demonic Dragon' (also known as the wingless golden dragon) gained extremely tough scales and strong physical strength at the cost of dragon wings. When it returned to zero, the Lizard Duke was clothed in gold Dragon Armor, the fists are covered with hard and sharp bone spurs, they are so powerful and invincible that they can really beat people into a living pulp.

While S1 Devourer usually keeps a low profile, the notorious Lizard Duke seems to be S2, but in fact he is the most dangerous tour guide in the hearts of tourists in the entire West District! Werewolf Walker was particularly wary of him - several years ago he suspected that Silver Moon Killer had the title of Fenrir Wolf and coveted his bloodline. He also believed rumors that Silver Moon Killer had angered the Lizard Duke and that the Lizard Duke wanted to kill him and replace him. Travelers, thinking that everyone is a wolf, Lizard Duke's aesthetic is quite fixed, so he went up and introduced himself, and by the way, he wanted to suck the Silver Moon Killer into the storm - but he was almost beaten to death by Lizard Duke.

Since then, not only the West End Butcher Alliance has issued a wanted order for the werewolf mercenaries, but the Lizard Duke has also been targeting him. All kinds of sadness and hardship can only be described in words. In those years, the dreams of Werewolf Walker were all about golden iron fists. In short, now Werewolf Walker is almost allergic to the lizard Duke's alien state and hates all contact with tourists. It even affected later, when someone secretly rumored that werewolf mercenaries and tourist guides from the Werewolf Alliance had an improper tour guide relationship, Werewolf Walker immediately overreacted.

He believed that if there were other travelers from the West District present, they would feel as if they were facing a formidable enemy. Unfortunately, Lisa died and Maria ran away. Werewolf Walker looked around and saw that Tang Xiang and the others were just on normal alert. Bingyi even faced After Lizard Duke's alienated state showed an expression of curiosity and admiration, he suddenly felt that the wolf was as lonely as snow, with a melancholy feeling that everyone was drunk and I was alone.

"Maria ran away."

The tooth hunter spoke impatiently, his voice deeper and hoarse than before, with a metallic coldness, which sounded very cool. At least b1, who was originally extremely wary of him, showed a slightly startled expression. Musicians like them have some kind of voice control. But Bingyi was even more interested in the fang hunter.

Look at the changes in him. That chaotic and bloodthirsty temperament is completely different from the feeling given by his title. It's more like a pure aberration - just like the feeling of returning to zero! Bingyi originally guessed that the tooth hunter might be more interested in tour guides, but now he is even more sure. He put down the rune-character slate that had not been completely integrated, and said to the particularly friendly Hunter: "What you hunted back is more valuable than Maria. Thank you for your hard work."

Saying this, he summoned Fenrir Wolf. The wound on the wolf's body has been greatly healed. It is a big ball of snow-white, and its ice-blue eyes look particularly beautiful. When looking at people, it has the wildness of a wolf and the intimacy and loyalty of a dog. As soon as it landed, it smelled the fang hunter. At the smell of blood, his ears pricked up alertly. He looked at Ya Hunter and then at Bingyi. After Bingyi nodded, he ran to Ya Hunter's side without hesitation and threw himself into his arms.

Fenrir wolves are huge, and when standing upright, their front paws can easily rest on the shoulders of a fang hunter. The hunter threw away the head and wings in his hands and hugged the giant wolf. He leaned back like a roly-poly and was almost thrown to the ground. But with the strong dragon tail supporting him behind him, the tooth hunter stood up straight again. Miao Fangfei regretfully put away the camera that she had taken out out of reflex.

With the big stuffed wolf in my arms, I couldn't pick up the head and wings with my bare hands. But he didn't care. Seeing that Fenrir Wolf's injuries were greatly improved, he gave Bingyi a look of satisfaction. It was rare that he felt that Bingyi was indeed a reliable and honest partner - to restore Fenrir Wolf's injuries. It's part of their deal.

With Fenrir Wolf in hand, the aura of the fang hunter was obviously much calmer. Bingyi walked up to him and patted the wolf's head. The two of them stood side by side and whispered about Fenrir Wolf's physical condition. They looked like someone. A wolf-raising group gathered together to eat wolves, and it was unexpectedly harmonious. Seeing this scene, Tang Xiang smiled helplessly, Yin Qiaoqiao couldn't help laughing, Miao Fangfei and Yao Jinghe were eager to try it, and Werewolf Walker had goosebumps, feeling sour and disgusted.

Fenrir Wolf is really a pretty boy who sticks to the tour guide. He sticks to him wherever he goes. He sticks to the Lizard Duke outside and sticks to Bingyi during the journey. This is a fucking sugar baby. Damn it, why is Fenrir Wolf so lucky? The white wolf is as handsome as the black wolf!

Why hasn't Walker encountered such a good thing? If he still has amnesia now, he would turn into a big black wolf and get involved!

"It smells like the tree of life."

On the other side, the angel's head and the angel wings that are taller than a human are being studied by An Xuefeng and Tong Hege. The head is very bloody and has been smashed into a pulp. The flesh and blood are blurred and it is completely unclear. appearance. The wings seemed to have been torn off alive, with a long string of bones attached to them, which were still intact. The color of the wing feathers was not pure white, but a warm yellow. Carefully plucking a feather, Tong Hege cut a wound on himself and swept it with the feather, and the wound healed naturally.

"The breath of the tree of life, the powerful healing power, the key is..."

The key is to be able to fight the Lizard Duke to such an extent and even hurt him. This kind of strength should not be underestimated.

"It's an archangel, an angel of the same rank as Archangel Uriel."

Under the angel's wings, Holy Infant Danlin felt that his power had returned to his normal age, and he was using a special tin can to collect the blood dripping from the base of the angel's wings, without wasting any of it. In Maria's absence, he was the most authoritative person in this matter. After careful inspection, Dan Lin concluded: "It is Raphael, the angel of Mercury."

Raphael! One of the most well-known angels, it is clearly recorded in the Bible and is the angel most revered by pilgrims. It is said that he performs all healing miracles, is the ruling angel of the second day, the monarch of the angels of power, the guardian of the tree of life in the Garden of Eden, and is one of the seven angels who always stand before the throne of God*

He will also be the second angel to sound the trumpet in the Last Judgment.

"His healing powers are really good."

The tooth hunter was brushing Fenrir Wolf's fur with a homemade brush, and the mental relief Jianmen's expression gradually softened, and he took the time to compassionately say in his busy schedule: "I smashed the angel's head, but I didn't expect him to pretend to be dead. He ran away while I was cutting off his head, and I only had time to tear off his wings."

Being unable to fly and having no wings is an unspeakable pain for the tooth hunter. I thought I was sure of victory, but in the end I didn't kill the angel. No wonder he looked so stinky!

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