Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 706: Icelandic Horror (227)


Maria suddenly dealt such a cruel blow to Lisa, and countless viewers in the live broadcast room were shocked and lost their voices. No one expected that such a thing would happen suddenly at the end of the scenic spot mission! Werewolf Walker immediately transformed into a giant wolf and chased after her. Yin Qiaoqiao restrained Dan Lin, who was still repairing his body. An Xuefeng immediately put together Lisa's body and asked the ancestor giant statue to resurrect Lisa.

The ancestor giant Ymir was also extremely angry. This was equivalent to a sneak attack by an alien lurker and killed his human believers in front of him. He did not take his ancestor giant into consideration at all! However, he has not yet fully recovered. Most of his body remains are still suppressed deep in the Snæfells Volcano, making him unable to personally kill the alien invaders.

Nor can the dead Lisa be resurrected.

[Her soul is not in the world. If you can find her soul, I will resurrect her]

The ancestral giant Ymir promised to freeze Lisa's body with ice, keeping her in the same state as when she died. At the same time, he let the cold wind and flying snow carry his order throughout Northern Europe, ordering all the frost giants to hunt down Mary. Ya, once he finds her traces, he will kill her at all costs.

After a while, the werewolf Walker came back and cursed angrily: "He disappeared and someone came to pick him up. Damn it, why are the outer gods so quiet today!"

As he spoke, he took out a white feather as long as an arm, which was an angel's feather. Hermod was killed by an angel. After Maria attacked and killed Lisa, angels responded. After the failure of the Doomsday Judgment, the angel did not Staying away, the gods have weakened their control over the human world through the winter of Finbul, and have quietly lurked in.

[Birdman who looks like a bed bug]

The statue of the ancestor giant cursed angrily, examined the angel feather, and after pondering for a moment, said that although the giant family is extremely eager to expel the outer gods, it is difficult to locate the trace of Maria with just an angel feather. .

He was implicitly hinting to the tourists to hand Danlin over to the giant. Maria killed someone and escaped, but did not take away the Holy Son Danlin. He suddenly seemed a little helpless. Especially when recovering his body, Dan Lin used the Holy Infant state, which is the most powerful self-healing state. The white and tender baby was held in Yin Qiaoqiao's arms, surrounded by tourists of all sizes, who looked like they were bullying a child.

But what seemed like 'bullying' was actually protection. It was impossible for the passengers to hand over Dan Lin to the ancestral giant. Even if Dan Lin and Maria were suspected to be from the outer god camp, that was an internal matter among their passengers. What's more, at their level, they have already seen clearly that the essence of the so-called "camp grouping" is just that the hotel catalyzes them to kill each other, and the strongest ones are forged in the brutal fighting and training of blood and fire.

Mid-level and high-level passengers may still treat people from different camps as enemies in order to vent their anger due to terrible survival crises and mental distortions. However, when reaching the status of top passengers, unless they are truly a life-and-death enemy, otherwise The confrontation and cooperation of any group are just a means to seize greater benefits, obtain more information, and survive an extremely dangerous journey.

Just like now, the three major camps of Giants, Nordic Gods and Outer Gods have already stood. It is best for the brigade to have travelers from these three parties. Maria had this intention in leaving Dan Lin behind. Dan Lin’s status in the First Brigade of the Western District was like that of Wei Xun in the Homecoming Brigade. As the leader of the brigade under Whitechapel, Maria treated Dan Lin like the Sunset Brigade. Chang Zhou Xiyang has the same preference for Wei Xun.

If she really fights to the death, she will risk her life to take Dan Lin away. He will mean the next ten years of Whitechapel. But now that the old dream is still there, with so many dead peak travelers, Lisa being attacked and killed is not an unsolvable grudge. It is more like Maria taking Lisa's runes to gain a foothold in the outer gods. To determine the status, all the top travelers know it well.

The situation was a bit stalemate for a while, but fortunately at this moment, Tang Xiang arrived late with Bingyi on his back.

【Loki, you are very good】

When Bing arrived, even the giant statue of the ancestor nodded to him. Bingyi is the one who collects minced meat and milk along the way, resurrects the Frost Giants, repels the invasion of the alien gods, and absorbs and weakens the power of Odin's Spear. He is also the most important player in their giant camp in Ragnarok. The character is ruthless and cunning, and can be regarded as the intellectual figure among the rough and brutal giants. Now he is competing with Odin for the power of wisdom. Even Ymir is kind to him and looks at him differently.

Seeing Bingyi taking the Holy Infant from Yin Qiaoqiao's arms without any intention of giving it to him, the Ancestral Giant didn't say anything more. He just said in a deep voice that it was safe around the statue, and they could rest assured to handle the follow-up matters here and regain their strength. , the statue will protect them. At the same time, the ancestor giant also returned the light elves and dark elves to Bingyi, and gave him a rune fragment. It is the rune corresponding to the phantom cat.

"Lisa was attacked and killed by Maria. She entered a past dream and Maria escaped. I already know this."

Bingyi shouted softly: "I have sent tooth hunters to chase Maria, and the results will come soon. Now you have more important things to do."

"This attraction mission has not been completed yet."

B1 added that he rushed to the amphibious ship as soon as Lisa's rune fragment was taken away, and happened to meet Bingyi who was walking this way. After exchanging information, they simply came back together. At this moment, b1 took over the Holy Infant Danlin from Bingyi, while Bingyi took a bunch of sealskin backpacks from Tang Xiang - the ones containing seals with corresponding human faces for each person.

The mission of this attraction is to hunt seals, dig out the brains, and draw rune characters. Although after the war, the ancestor giants have a temporary advantage, to be precise, the mission has not been completely completed.

The ancestral giant knocked out all the runes from the completely broken altar and gave them to the corresponding travelers. These incomplete runes are just fragments. They need to be gathered and fused with the seals (the power of the overflowing runes) to form a complete rune tablet corresponding to each person.

Everyone got their own sealskin backpack, the altar was destroyed, and the resentment of the seals who were hunted and sacrificed in the past disappeared. In the backpack, they no longer showed the deformed appearance of human faces and seal bodies, but became The original appearance. They screamed happily, and their bodies emitted a golden light, which was the light of the runes.

Each passenger holds his breath and carefully fuses the rune fragments with his corresponding seal, and then draws out the power of the corresponding rune in his body. This process is not pretty. Sometimes people and seals merge. Twisted, sometimes as gray and hard as a slate, but with countless spots like seals, looking at it for a long time really makes people go crazy.

Bingyi was very interested in holding the seal that no longer had a cat face in one hand, and holding the seal egg in the other hand under the tour guide's cloak, eager to see how strange they would look when they merged. He didn't give up until the phantom seal got impatient and bit him. He took out the spare tour guide's cloak and covered them. He threw the runes in and let them transform under the cloak. He looked up at Ah who was approaching. Front.

Ah Feng is determined, and he often changes into animals. With experience, he completed the scenic spot mission the fastest and extracted the runes. An Xuefeng held his corresponding slate in his hand, straightened his somewhat messy collar, and chatted confidentially: "Take Lisa's seal, the rune she corresponds to is very special."

Lisa's rune fragments haven't been recovered yet, and the sealskin backpack containing her corresponding seal is in Bingyi's hand. The seals inside were darting back and forth in confusion and curiosity, shouting loudly. Compared with other seals, they were lively and even noisy. They talked a lot at first glance.

‘What is it? ’

Bingyi raised his eyebrows. The seal only exuded golden light and did not show the shape of the rune. Although he had a guess in his mind, he was not sure yet.

‘It is the character ansuz, corresponding to the English letter a’

An Xuefeng said that when he was most dangerously close to the core of the altar, he was directly behind Lisa and saw the rune light overflowing from her almost melted body, faintly echoing the statue of Odin.

That's right, echo.

The original meaning of the rune character a is exactly the Lord God Odin! It also means mouth (that’s why her corresponding seal is so noisy). From a reverse perspective, this character represents lies, deception and traps, indicating that plans will be disturbed and communication will be poor. Lisa was attacked and killed by Maria, which corresponds to this character.

‘Lisa can cut off the statue of Odin and give the altar a fatal blow, which is related to her corresponding character. But the altar was completely destroyed, and the statue of the Founding Titan replaced the statue of Odin, which also caused her to suffer fatal injuries.

In other words, even if Maria didn't kill her, she would basically die. The power of the Ancestral Titan can heal everyone else, but I'm afraid it won't work on Lisa.

Because she corresponds to Odin and represents Odin secretly.

Bingyi frowned, Lisa had always been nice to him, but she was also a devil. She died like this, which made Bingyi feel sorry. He originally wanted to say something, but when he raised his eyes to look at Ah Feng, he was surprised to find that the man was extremely calm.

'She is a good person and has a good relationship with you'

Bingyi commented, looking at An Xuefeng with a strange look: 'She was killed by Maria voluntarily. Did the two of them discuss it? ’

'I'm afraid not'

An Xuefeng said helplessly that those fanatical believers had never had any emotional intelligence. They didn't discuss it with Lisa in advance as soon as they saw Maria. After Lisa is resurrected, I am afraid that Whitechapel will have to compensate the occult and Lisa with a lot of resources. If Lisa cannot be resurrected from the old dream——

The captain of Whitechapel knows the resurrection technique. Although the conditions are extremely harsh, and it is said that the one who has resurrected two people has almost reached the limit of three people, Lisa will definitely be resurrected. Otherwise, the occult will never give up and will do it for Lisa. For revenge, Maria must die. If the First and Second Brigades of the Western District were to face each other completely, the strength of the entire Western District would be weakened, and Whitechapel did not open up the 30th North Latitude. If they were really calculated based on their strength, I am afraid they would not be the opponents of Mysticism.

Whitechapel is firmly in first place, and there is also a reason why Occultism keeps a low profile and is willing to give in. It is said that astrologers think that first place is unlucky, and in Whitechapel, it is like a target to be hostile to the Butcher Alliance, and the captain will use the resurrection spell and travelers are willing to marry Under the premise of good karma, no one will compete for this first position.

There are very few life-and-death fights between peak travelers. Most of them are games between interests and calculations. They are cruel and realistic. As long as they don't touch the reverse scale (such as the tour guides in the contact brigade), it is difficult to decide whether to fight for life or death. But Bingyi has not yet recovered his memory in this regard, so he cannot tell him everything clearly.

'I thought you couldn't stand this kind of thing and would avenge Lisa'

Bingyi tentatively said softly, he still remembered that when A Feng lost his memory, at the airport, he would step forward and rescue stranger B1 when he was in danger. Now that he has regained his memory, his strength has become stronger, but his heart seems to be much colder.

'She will rise again. ’

Bingyi's test was that he was interested and wanted to understand. An Xuefeng smiled, stood side by side with him, and stared at Lisa's seal.

'I can't save everyone'

It was clear that Ah Feng looked very young, but when he spoke, his eyes were aged and there was a quiet sense of weariness, as if he had experienced too much and had not had any real rest or relaxation for a long time. However, even though his tone was calm and calm, Bingyi, who was mentally connected, could sense his emotions, like sparks under the embers. Even if they seemed to be extinguished, they still persisted and burned. As long as the time was right, they would ignite a raging fire again. .

He said I can't save everyone, but in his heart he thought I must become stronger and save everyone.

Although he is so powerful, he is not immersed in power and still wants to become stronger. Heiyi admires this kind of person. On such a dangerous journey, it is far more difficult to survive with others around you than to survive alone. This is not a challenge.

"Lisa will come back to life."

He said firmly, but what he said made people want to believe it: "What is your corresponding rune character?"

"Tyr, corresponding to the English letter t, originally means Tyr, the god of war, and its original meaning is wisdom and immortality."

An Xuefeng handed him his slate, and through the slate, the two held hands together under the tour guide's cloak. This character represents warriors and adventure, perseverance and victory (and male sexuality), but it also has reverse connotations.


An Xuefeng had only held hands with his lover for two seconds when he saw a big golden-brown cat suddenly thrust out, and jumped proudly onto Bingyi's shoulders, separating the two of them. Bingyi was surprised that the phantom cat had returned to normal, and for a while he only focused on checking the phantom cat's condition. An Xuefeng secretly took a deep breath and raised his lips at the phantom cat with a smile.

The rune character t also symbolizes that there may be emotional losses and crises, so be careful.

Alas, the relationship has just been finalized and the relationship has been settled. Before the relationship can be solidified, the warm-up competition has begun. Moreover, his lover still has amnesia, and he is also carrying the shell of Wei Xun, making it difficult to deepen the relationship. When the competition is over, the life-seeking man will return again. An Xuefeng is not optimistic enough to think that this man will support him and Wei Xun. If the meeting is delayed again, the year-end celebrations will begin again, and then they will go to the battlefield, and their future is uncertain.

Sometimes An Xuefeng, who has always been tenacious and strong, would worry about gains and losses. While he was having a headache about the future, he would also sigh with unsatisfactory worry. He and Wei Xun would not have slept with each other just once from the time they fell in love to their death. That would be too tragic!

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