Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 660: Iceland Shock (188)

"Actually, you don't have to worry too much."

At the same time when the astrologers were planning David's future as an angel, and the major brigades and tour guide alliances outside were making plans, on the seaside cliffs on the black sand beaches of Iceland in Northern Europe, in the ancient black stone castle, the stone window facing the cliff coast There were abnormally large flocks of seabirds flying nearby. They were not nocturnal birds, but now they gathered around the stone windows of the castle and fiercely attacked each other. The shrill bird calls were intertwined with the flying blood-stained bird feathers. The scene was strange and strange. Horror.

Occasionally, a seabird loses a fierce battle and spirals miserably into the air, only to be caught in mid-air by a large invisible net. Dozens of spiders crawl towards it silently, and in an instant its body turns into a bag. The plasma soup was eaten clean by spiders, leaving only a shriveled bird skin. The bird skin was pulled by the spider silk and attached to the stone bricks outside the castle. Looking down, the scene was horrifying - the outer wall, which was more than ten meters high, was actually covered with bird skin from top to bottom. Unknown seabirds died from spider venom!

"What are you talking about? I'm not worried."

A carved wooden easel was supported by the stone window. The unique smell of the paint was not unpleasant, but the mixture of bird blood and spider venom created a strange, fishy-sweet smell. A petite woman in a pure white lace gauze dress stood in front of the easel, twisting the paintbrush with her white fingers. She was concentrating on painting, with a sweet smile on her red lips, and her fair and almost transparent cheeks were flushed, like a girl embracing spring.

However, in front of her were terrifying spider webs all over the sky and a flock of birds fighting for life and death. The cold sea breeze carried the smell of snow, blowing her long flaxen curly hair, and the ribbon holding the curly hair fluttered in the sea breeze. The beautiful gauze skirt was too thin at such a low temperature, but it made her look even more holy. Soft. Even the tulle covering her face was blown by the sea breeze, revealing the brown scars left by severe burns on her face. It would not make people feel ugly, but would only make her more pitiful. She was as beautiful as a suffering angel who fell into the world.

And when her red lips pursed slightly, showing a melancholy expression, it made people even more heartbroken and wanted to give everything for her.

"I never worried."

As she spoke, she smiled and tore into pieces the painting she had just carefully drawn, and even the easel was crushed into powder under her white fingertips. As if time had stopped, the seabirds that were still flying and fighting outside the window stopped for a moment. Their bodies were turned into plasma by the spider poison, and in an instant, only the skins of the birds were left.

The woman whispered: "It's just a seabird."

...What a madman. What's the point of venting his anger on these ordinary seabirds? If you have the ability, you can bring Di Feiyu over.

Seeing her like this, the little red lizard beside the stone window couldn't bear to curse, and a cunning light flashed in its eyes, which stimulated the black widow to think about taking action against Di Feiyu over and over again, and finally gave up with regret.

Forget it, it's better not to irritate her.

After all, Black Widow is really angry and crazy now, which can be seen from the clothes on her body. If you look carefully, you can find that everything from the pure white lace gauze skirt to the white hairband to the silver threads intertwined with the linen curls like decorations are all made of fine spider webs. The black diamond-like embellishment on the skirt and the black gem-like brooch on the neckline are all like spiders with claws and fangs.

The black widow wrapped in spider silk is like a poisonous spider. No matter how gorgeous her smile is, this is the time when this woman is most dangerous and crazy.

After spitting out the letter, the little red lizard recalled his own affairs. The scales on its body turned black and looked like dried blood, especially the tail turned almost pure black - this was because on that battlefield, the real primordial abyss crack appeared, and it was polluted by the primordial abyss while grabbing it. To a trace of pure abyssal power.

With this power completely blocking the hotel, the little red lizard completely remembered everything.

The hotel will set the location of the competition in Northern Europe, and it is bound to reach an agreement with the Nordic natives/gods. The rules of the hotel can dominate the journey, but the hotel also makes concessions on some things involving the Norse gods. For example, the Snæfellsjökull volcano, such as the volcanic lava lizards related to the Snæfellsjökull volcano.

Long before the competition started, the Lizard Duke took advantage of the shelter of the volcanic lava lizard shell and projected some conscious thoughts into it, which can be called his 'brain'. The plan was that the little lizard would be in his body under the multiple layouts he set up in Iceland. Or born next to a large lizard. Even though the lizard broke out of its shell by then, he would not be able to recover all of his memories, enough to carry out various subsequent plans.

However, the plan never kept up with the changes, and even had serious deviations from before... Let's not mention these for now.

All in all, everything so far has turned out better than the Lizard Duke originally planned.

Until the cracks in the Primordial Abyss really appeared, the legendary Jin Lunga Gap in this warm-up match might really reappear in the world. The little lizard who had captured the breath of the Primordial Abyss to shield the hotel completely restored all his memories. He immediately realized that something big was going on. Got it.

And for tour guides, this is probably a golden opportunity not to be missed.

However, everyone knows with his tail that he is currently working as a coach for the C team and will definitely be focused on by the hotel. It's hard for a little lizard incarnation to plan much more. So the Lizard Duke rarely thought of Black Widow, his 'partner'.

This partner has something to say. After all, the little lizard took away the spider silk from the lizard egg when he ran before - he will not let anything related to the black widow stay in the C-1 team. After all, the Lizard Duke knows that this woman is jealous. She is extremely strong-willed and crazy, and it would not be good if Fenrir the little wolf was targeted by her.

And now it used this spider thread to find the Black Widow's castle in Northern Europe - the Black Widow has already had a layout in Northern Europe, and it will not be affected by the hotel. The Lizard Duke knows this. This was part of their previous cooperation, otherwise it would be difficult for him to leave his mark in Northern Europe before the competition, even if he was an Icelander before entering the hotel.

There are damn tour guides on Thirty Degrees North who are treated favorably by the hotel.

The Lizard Duke thought sourly that he had planned the Tower of Babel a thousand and eight hundred times in his mind. But the original abyss is different - compared to the pollution at 30 degrees north latitude, the butterfly pollution in the abyss is of course more suitable for tour guides! What the Lizard Duke wanted to plan before was also the butterfly fragment that comes standard for the trip to the 30th North Latitude.

But now the Primordial Abyss is about to appear, and the suspected source of the Maria Butterfly is about to appear, so why bother about the fragments! Determined to seize this opportunity, the Lizard Duke immediately put aside his previous plans and prepared to use the primitive abyss power in his body as a bargaining chip to negotiate a deal with the Black Widow.

Then I happened to see the Black Widow watching the live broadcast - no wonder she didn't express too much about the little lizard taking away the spider silk. There is a live broadcast that can monitor the movements of the brigade at any time, and it is estimated that the Black Widow also wants to monitor the little red lizard's actions and let it Don't spoil her George. The two of them are trying to keep each other in check, each has an important plan, but they can be considered to be restraining each other.

But before the little red lizard could say a few words of false greetings, it and the black widow watched Bingyi's shocking feat of saving lives through live broadcast at the same time.

For a moment, the Lizard Duke's heart beat faster and he thought about a lot. But no matter how many thoughts he had, they faded away when Black Widow went crazy.

Black Widow should I put it?

Even in ‘Bingyi, save the people polluted by the abyss! ’ Among this amazing and surprising feat, what she was most concerned about was that damn, Di Feiyu was rescued by Bingyi, and even entered Bingyi’s kingdom of God!

George has not yet been resurrected, but Di Feiyu has been resurrected and entered the divine kingdom of Angel Bingyi!

Lizard Duke was speechless, Black Widow was really crazy. The Lizard Duke cannot understand the idea of ​​a weird tour guide like Black Widow who only cares about resurrecting tourists and doesn't even care about the primordial abyss. It was even thought that the Black Widow was possessed by an evil spirit - Duke Lizard had already secretly analyzed it before and believed that the Black Widow might be the sequelae of inheriting George's journey to the 30th North Latitude.

After all, there is no news that the trip to Thirty Degrees North Latitude could change owners. They must have paid a lot of money for changing owners. Maybe Black Widow's wholehearted devotion to the cause of resurrecting George is a sign of it - it can't be that she is really innocent. Affectionate and pure, I just love George to the extreme! Lizard Duke shivered with chills just thinking about it, especially when he thought that Black Widow and he were both S-class tour guides. They both felt that the virus like Black Widow would be transmitted along with S-class tour guides, and he rarely had contact with her on weekdays.

However, it is true that the more unfortunate others are, the happier they are in contrast to themselves. Look at the Black Widow who has been repeatedly cut in line, and then think about Fenrir the little wolf. When the Lizard Duke appreciates some Black Widow jokes, he is even more gloating. Mercy, lo and behold, there's a hapless guy here.

"I think he pays more attention to tourists. After all, this person is an anomaly among tour guides."

Seeing that the black widow seemed to have stopped going crazy, the little red lizard said hypocritically:

"Perhaps it would be better if you let the passengers take action."

It suggested maliciously, wanting to find out more about Black Widow's backhand. But the woman was still immersed in her own world and ignored it. After killing the seabirds to vent her anger, she looked like a moody young lady pampered by an aristocrat. Her gloomy look was instantly replaced by a smile. Black Widow Shi Shiran sat by the stone window, hummed a song and took out her mobile phone, as if Seeing some interesting scene, she suddenly smiled. She smiled sweetly and said to the red lizard beside her: "Let's take a look again and see what the real angels are doing."

Oh, it’s time to watch those live broadcasts again. What are real angels doing? It wasn't interested. To be honest, Fenrir wolf hadn't been released for too long and couldn't see its figure. The little red lizard felt a little jealous of Bingyi. It is stained with abyss pollution, which may be reflected on Fenrir the wolf cub. This was something the Lizard Duke had planned for a long time. After all, the hotel would probably check the people around Bingyi repeatedly. Fenrir the little wolf already had too many special features.

Being infected with the abyss pollution can shield the hotel to a certain extent. With it restraining the pollution on the little wolf, it will not spread out of control. Although he is confident, the little red lizard still wants to see the current situation of the little wolf. However, even though it spat out the message arrogantly and impatiently, it still looked at the live broadcast on Black Widow's mobile phone with an honest body.

The next second the little red lizard's pupils trembled and he almost screamed.

Its wolf!

Bingyi is going to do something crazy to his little wolf! !

* *

"What do you think about letting Fenrir and Little Cui have a litter?"

Under Vatnajökull, in a temporary sunken igloo, the cramped space that could barely accommodate two people was illuminated by the weakest light. There was a thermal blanket spread on the ice and a sleeping bag placed on top.

This is the temporary residence of Director Bing and Wei Xun. Obviously, this cannot isolate them from the extremely cold ice. But being able to get a sleeping bag is already a special benefit for the tour guide. After all, most of the supplies of the two teams are in the RV. When pollution comes, only the passengers in the RV who are the last to be engulfed by pollution have the chance to escape with their luggage, and most of these luggage are corroded by pollution. Not used much.

The sudden pollution caused heavy losses to both brigades. If you add up the total, the amount distributed to each person is even less.

However, compared to others, Director B's igloo was not cold. The sky fox's plush body and nine tails covered the ice, like a big blanket. A white wolf curled up behind Bingyi as a pillow for him. Bingyi was holding the wolf's tail and looking at it, stroking the black tail tip with his fingertips.

Fenrir's little wolf is all white and flawless, but now its tail has turned black, giving off an aura of pollution. This makes Bingyi feel unhappy, as if his things have been soiled. But it is very difficult to remove pollution. This is a different concept from saving Di Feiyu, and it cannot be solved by cutting off Fenrir Wolf's tail.

"Asking you, after all, Xiaocui was also your devil insect before."

Seeing that Wei Xun didn't answer, Bingyi put down his wolf tail and tried to wrap a long ferret around his hand with great interest to use as a sleeve, but the ferret bit his finger unceremoniously.

At midnight, it was obvious that Ah Feng had lost some memories. This makes Bingyi find it interesting and scary. The puppet of a powerful person like Ah Feng will be deprived of his memory. The power behind the journey is so powerful that it is unimaginable.

But Ah Feng, who has lost his memory, is more unruly and dangerous, especially more straightforward. After hearing what Miao Fangfei and the others said, "Guide B may also be affected by the pollution" and "Tourist comforts the tour guide," they calmly assigned themselves and Bingyi to the same igloo without saying a word. Then when Bingyi joked and asked you how to comfort you, he turned directly into a ferret, hugged Bingyi's hand with his little paws and rubbed it, and Bingyi suddenly lost his temper.

The matter of testing Ah Feng through his amnesia was temporarily put aside by Bingyi. Looking inside the Lost Paradise, he discovered that Di Feiyu's soul and Xiao Jinpeng's soul were both safe. After using the Lost Paradise to eliminate the remaining abyss pollution deeper in the soul, Bingyi Without disturbing them, he took out the runes.

So far, all six runes are in the hands of Bingyi. Except for the four pieces of Bailian, Philip, Charlie and Di Feiyu, the runes after Yu Xiangyang's death are in Wei Xun's hands. Heydrich The rune character is in Lisa's hand after death.

These two pieces of runes were given to Bing Yi before midnight tonight. So far, a total of six people from the two brigades have died, and all six pieces of runes are in Bing Yi's hands. Each rune character is considered part of the Nordic wisdom and authority. Even though he is extremely interested in the vampire knife, Bingyi still chooses to hold them in his hands first.

The primordial abyss was too dangerous for him at present, and the butterfly mouthparts even more so. Although he was very interested in the vampire knife that turned into a butterfly mouthpart, Bingyi still decided to touch it as little as possible before his strength improved. And his strength is indeed growing rapidly - leading the souls of Di Feiyu and Xiao Jinpeng to the Lost Paradise, Bing Yi did not think much about it just to save them. However, it was a blessing in disguise. The completion of this induction ceremony seemed to be of great significance to Paradise Lost.

In fact, when the bodies of the Three Knights of the Apocalypse and the Angel Uriel were brought into the Lost Paradise, there was no special change in the Lost Paradise, but when Di Feiyu's soul was received, they all appeared spontaneously!

After completing this ritual, Bingyi clearly felt that the three heads of the Knights of the Apocalypse and the statue of the Angel Uriel were more connected to Paradise Lost. Bingyi felt that he had a deeper control over the power of the Lost Paradise, and subtle changes were also taking place inside Paradise Lost. More importantly, after the angel statue of Uriel came into contact with Paradise Lost, Bingyi merged with Uriel's spirit body. The progress has improved instantly, and the various powers that were only initially integrated before have also made considerable progress.

Especially wisdom and authority.

The authority over the flames is owned by Bingyi. It is Loki's authority and no one can compete with him. The fusion of Uriel's angel fire only allowed Bingyi Vulcan to move further into the world and into other myths.

But wisdom and authority are different. When Odin, as the God of Wisdom, was in charge of the Nordic wisdom and authority, Bingyi could hardly take anything away from him with only six runes, and he might even be plundered by Odin. Wisdom and authority.

But after integrating the wisdom and authority of the angel Uriel and the help of the outer gods, the situation is completely different. Bingyi successfully mastered these six runes and some of the wisdom and authority related to them.

Not only that, because of Bingyi’s contribution in killing the Archangel Uriel, Thor himself praised Bingyi when he left. Bingyi can fly so high in the air and kill angels in the sky. He is worthy of being a skywalker— - Skywalker is one of Loki's nicknames. With Thor's personal recognition, the most important thing is that after the Frost Giants woke up, they all recognized Bingyi's identity as 'Loki'.

With the recognition of the Nordic gods and frost giants, Bingyi's identity as 'Loki' is increasingly recognized, which causes a chain reaction - for example, when Ragnarok is approaching, in Nordic mythology, Bingyi's children are all It has long been a big monster, extremely destructive.

Therefore, Fenrir Wolf, Corn Snake and Xiao Cui have all undergone many changes. Xiao Cui has changed the least. After all, she has the power of death, and Lost Paradise is based on the Kingdom of Hades. Xiao Cui has basically become a It's Loki's daughter. The corn snake has changed the most. It was the least like the earthly python Jörmungandr before. However, Bingyi has the highest identity and trust in its 'children'. In addition, the corn snake and the white lotus layman have experienced together. The mythical event of 'Loki testing Thor'.

After many accumulations, the corn snake falls into a deep sleep and sheds its skin in Bingyi's Lost Paradise. After the molt is completed, it will truly have a super-large body and grow into an earthly python.

But something was wrong with Fenrir the wolf wolf.

It was the first Fenrir wolf recognized by the Nordic gods. This time it turned from a small wolf into a big wolf. However, its wolf tail turned black - heavily tainted by the abyss.

When he discovered this, Bingyi's heart sank suddenly. He took out a vampire knife and drew on its tail, but it was of no use. He was puzzled. Fenrir, the wolf cub, and the others were all in the Lost Paradise and had never been exposed to pollution outside. How could it happen like this? Could it be that he was infected by Di Feiyu? But corn snakes are fine.

'It doesn't necessarily mean it's contaminated'

Yu Hehui thought of something and hinted vaguely: 'The pollution may be caused by the influence of others...'

Tooth Hunter, Red Lizard!

C immediately locked onto the suspect. Apart from him, the only one with Fenrir's wolf pelt was the pack of fang hunters! And this lizard does seem to have appeared in the cracks of the abyss - damn, is it secretly influencing Fenrir wolf cub?

Bingyi made a serious note to him. The top priority was how to remove the pollution from Fenrir's little wolf. What he first thought of was that in mythology Fenrir wolf had two wolf sons, one of which swallowed the sun and the other swallowed the moon. If Fenrir wolf cubs could give birth to two cubs, could the pollution be transferred to the wolf cubs?

But it's a pity that the pollution comes from external sources. Even if the pollution on Fenrir's wolf cub is removed, if the things done by the lizard are not solved, the pollution will happen again.

Letting Fenrir Little Wolf and Little Cui have cubs is just an angry word, and this problem must be solved from the root.

Bingyi thought for a while and decided to summon Die Da to try. After all, the connection between butterflies and the abyss seems to be very deep.

However, when Bingyi summoned Dieda, he was shocked by the changes that happened to it.

Dieda actually pupated again! And it is not an ordinary insect pupa. Its pupa is as long as a palm, but its shape looks like a human figure. The facial features and body are vaguely visible, and the big butterfly knot turns out to be a human pupa!

If Die Da formed a humanoid pupa, Bing Yi would not be so surprised. After all, Bing Yi knew that Die Da's mental state was in human form. But the appearance of Die Da's human-shaped chrysalis does not look like him. Instead, it gives Bingyi a strange sense of familiarity, as if he has seen it somewhere but is not familiar - the lower half of its face looks a bit like B five.

* *


In the conference room of Fengdu Station, team leader Wu Yun dropped the cup in his hand.

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