Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 653: Iceland Shock (181)

"Don't worry, the deaths of Yu Xiangyang and Heydrich were planned."

Before Di Feiyu came to the RV with a tired look on his face, Wei Xun simply said this, and in a few words he passed the death of Yu Xiangyang and Heydrich. If it weren't for the spiritual connection, Wei Xun was sure that he didn't mean this, and Bingyi even suspected that Wei Xun was trying to perfunctory him.

"I didn't enter the old dream this time. Di Feiyu wants to know better."

An Xuefeng was sitting on the bed wearing a black cashmere sweater, holding a dry towel to wipe Bingyi's hair. The interior space of the RV is narrow, and the stove is at the foot of the bed. A small pot on the outdoor portable stove is steaming, and the aroma of milk and wheat is filled with the boiling water. It was pitch black outside the car window, without any trace of human existence. Heavy snow was hitting the car window. The only sounds in the car were the sound of snow, the sound of towels wiping hair and the sound of water boiling on the stove. It was unexpectedly quiet, just like human beings in the wilderness. final residence.

An Xuefeng looked at the heat, closed the lid and let it simmer for a while, and briefly talked about what happened in the day after Bingyi fainted.

After cleaning the battlefield, it only took less than two hours to hike on the glacier. After some discussion, everyone decided to take their sleeping partner with them and move on. Thor did not take away the Thunder Goat before leaving. The travelers used ice cubes from the remains of the Frost Giants as a cart. Miranda and others who were trapped in old dreams were placed on the ice and let the Thunder Goat pull them to continue hiking.

Although there are protection from the Æsir and the Frost Giants, the journey ahead is quite difficult. Ice sheets collapsed, volcanic rocks shattered, and underground magma even spewed out. Steam tens of meters high was like a snow-white steam column, and the temperature was so high that people would be burned if they came close. But the most dangerous thing is a monster related to the abyss.

"The tooth hunters call it the banshee. It will appear in the nine worlds before the end of the world and the Jin Lunga Chasm appears, mourning."

The banshee will not actively attack people, but it carries heavy abyss pollution and is extremely dangerous. For peak travelers, this danger is even more terrifying and cannot be approached. The appearance of the banshee was accompanied by extremely bad weather. Everyone on the glacier hikers was blocked by the banshee, and encountered a terrible snowstorm before they could even discuss the countermeasures.

"The arrival of the blizzard plunged the ice field into winter. I shot the banshee with the winter god's yew bow, and the brigade passed through the rift before an even bigger blizzard came."

"You know how to use a bow?"

Bingyi suddenly raised his hand, grabbed Wei Xun's wrist and brought it down. Under the dim light, he could see blood stains on his slender, pale fingers. The gauze wrapped on them was soaked when he wiped Bingyi's hair, and there was blood. He rubbed Wei Xun's fingertips and said neither lightly nor harshly: "The fingers are almost broken, so reluctant? Are everyone else dead?"

Bingyi's tone seems to be born with a smile, and sometimes people can't tell whether it is a joke or a good intention. But An Xuefeng noticed the corners of his pursed lips and the slightly furrowed brows, felt the truest concern in his emotions, felt comfort in his heart, and wanted to say something, but considering Wei Xun's character, he moved the words to his lips After swallowing the warm words, he changed his words and said with a smile:

"If you were me, I wouldn't be able to help but take action when faced with this situation."

An Xuefeng raised his brows, feeling a little unruly and excited, but also a little regretful: "That's a banshee that even Lisa and the others find troublesome. I killed her with one arrow, and she wasn't as strong as I thought."

"This little injury? It's okay. I don't feel any pain anyway."

"It happened that it lost a feather after it died. It was black and red. It should be an item related to the primordial abyss -"

An Xuefeng kept chattering for a long time, and suddenly found that Bingyi was silent. Deciding that he was wrong, he reached over Wei Xun's shoulder to take a look, only to find that Wei Xun was looking at him with strange eyes.

It's like looking at a fool, and a little annoyed.

Wei Xun's fingers were almost broken when he touched him, and he still carried him all the way to the RV. Bingyi was really worried and angry, and even a little angry at other people. In the end, Wei Xun was confused. What kind of banshee is so strong that she deserves to be challenged? , the items dropped by the banshee were precious and needed more, and I almost laughed in my heart. Didn't this person still respond to him in the abyss? Why are you so straight now? Is this what he wants to hear? It seems that his worries are unnecessary. After all, Wei Xun is just a puppet, and the little banshee must be just an interesting thing to Ah Feng——

An Xuefeng:......

Feeling what Bingyi was thinking, An Xuefeng's face almost turned green. Fortunately, the porridge was boiling. He used the porridge to change the subject and said angrily to Bingyi in his mind, "You can't say anything at this moment." 'I know you care about me, I'm happy, but I also have to maintain my personality' and the like, that's so damn stupid and will definitely make the tour guide even more irritated.

‘This bow of the winter god Ullal is given to you by the God of Thunder’

An Xuefeng whispered, pretending to be serious: "I used your bow and arrow."

‘What, you want to pay the rental fee and the usage fee? ’

Look at what he said, there was a hint of thorn in it, he was still angry, and he didn't even pick up the porridge. An Xuefeng didn't care, and the mood in his mind became more and more serious, even a bit preachy: "Can your bow be used by others?" ’

If other people were told by him such a combination of punches, they would be aggrieved and angry, but Bingyi was not an ordinary person. He was vaguely aware of something, so he leaned on the bedside in his spare time and raised his eyebrows: "You are a casual person." ? ’

'of course not'

An Xuefeng said with a smile. In the live broadcast room, he had a serious face and was stirring hot porridge with a spoon to dissipate the heat. No one knew that the conversation in his mind with Bingyi was becoming more and more inappropriate.

'Of course I'm yours'

I used your bow, so of course I am your man.

His tone was serious and serious, so that no one would think it was a joke. It was as if it was a matter of course, something he had accepted in his heart. Bingyi is suspicious by nature, and I have to say that he likes this tone more than others. He finally took the bowl of porridge that was no longer too hot, tasted it a little, and was satisfied that the temperature of the porridge was to his liking.

Bingyi didn't like food that was too hot, just like a cat's tongue. Of course An Xuefeng knew this. He also doesn't like things that are too bland and prefers spicy food. This bowl of porridge obviously has nothing to do with the heavy and spicy taste, but it is extremely fragrant, thick and smooth, with a clear liquid like rice oil floating on it. The wheat aroma is also mixed with a rich milk aroma, a bit like milk oatmeal. , but it is countless times softer, more fragrant and smoother than it.

This is porridge made from a grain of Sif goddess' wheat and a small cup of divine goat's milk. The porridge is obviously not hot anymore, but after drinking it, Bingyi breaks out in sweat, as if it's toxins accumulated in his body. After all the discharge, I just felt refreshed.

"... After crossing the rift valley, Heydrich and Yin Qiaoqiao found the place where the banshee haunted. It was a crack leading deep into the ground. There was a piece of blue ice at the top of the crack, and the headlights reflected on it. , Heydrich found runes engraved on it.”

While Bingyi was eating porridge, An Xuefeng took out three wild boar ribs (also a reward from the Asa Clan), briefly processed them and grilled them on the stove, while continuing to summarize what happened today. The piece of ice they found was actually the frozen fortune-telling stone in the old altar. The runes engraved on it corresponded to the English letter i, which originally meant ice and snow.

But its deeper meaning is stagnation, just like ice, symbolizing that all actions will be frozen, which means separation, compromise or sacrifice*

As the rune characters on the fortune telling stone foreshadowed, the temperature dropped sharply after crossing the rift valley. Even though the passengers drank the detoxified giant's blood, they still could not resist the severe cold. Ragnarok is not only the twilight of the gods, but also the twilight of countless giants. Even the frost giants cannot bear the blizzard brought by the Banshee of the Abyss, and the flame crystal promised by the frost giant Ufa has not yet reached their hands.

Unable to withstand this terrible cold, the travelers were unable to move forward and could only stagnate. They tried to dig a passage under the ice and snow. With the help of top travelers, digging a passage was not difficult. But just because Peak Passenger took action, an underground crack was dug when digging a passage. Peak Passenger's powerful strength attracted a group of abyss banshees.

"The more powerful it is, the more it will attract destruction and death."

An Xuefeng said calmly that he and his companions had experienced many such things.

There are too many abyss banshees, at least dozens of them, and An Xuefeng cannot kill them all with just one bow. The terrible pollution caused Lisa and others' bodies to become deformed. At the critical moment, no one expected that Heydrich would actually take action. He set off a soul storm and attracted most of the banshees. Once they were gone, they never came back. Even Lisa and Maria went to find him later with no results.

It was not until half an hour later that Miao Fangfei solemnly announced Heydrich's death. As the captain, she sensed the death of her team members, and Heydrich died just like that.

"Let me see the feathers you mentioned that the banshee dropped."

"It's at Yin Qiaoqiao's place."

Obviously, Bingyi did not believe that Heydrich would die so easily. His strength had already been demonstrated when fighting against the Knights of the Apocalypse and Archangel Uriel. Just like the White Lotus Master, he could last for a long time even if the corresponding rune letters appeared. , not to die like this.

Especially the way he died was very bizarre. Bingyi didn't think Heydrich was the kind of person who would sacrifice himself for others. Wei Xun said that he took the initiative to set off a soul storm and attracted most of the abyss banshees. This seemed strange. Like Heydrich would have done.

"That's really not his style."

An Xuefeng commented objectively, and Tong Bingyi secretly thought in his mind: 'Be careful with Heydrich, the forces behind him are by no means simple.'

Based on the information Wan Xiangchun has investigated before, the House of the Dead in the West District and the Devourer may be inextricably linked. Both the Lizard Duke in S2 and the Black Widow in S3 buried people during the confrontation. It is obviously impossible that the Devourer in S1 did nothing. . Think of Heydrich as the back-up man of the Devourer. He took the initiative to die due to the Banshee of the Abyss after recovering his memory. People have to wonder whether this is his purpose and he wants to take this opportunity to find clues to the original abyss.

But what he did was too obvious. Walker, who had not yet recovered his memory in the brigade, was shocked and grieved, saying that he had never expected Heydrich to be such a good person. The other passengers, who went up to Yin Qiaoqiao and down to Yin Guangyuan, could all see that Heydrich's move had a deeper meaning.

However, everyone can see it, which means that there is a high probability that this is used to divert the target. Heydrich's ultimate goal may not be here. Therefore, An Xuefeng did not immediately focus all his attention on the banshee feather.

“After tunneling under the ice to escape the frigid zone where the Banshees of the Abyss plague, it’s enough time for a glacier hike.”

An Xuefeng said: "We arrived at the ice slope to climb, and then all the passengers who had fallen into their old dreams woke up."

"They came with amazing news."

An Xuefeng spoke solemnly, word for word, and his voice sounded like thunder in Bingyi's heart: "In the old dream, both brigades fell into the Jinlunga Gap."

“All caught in the Kinlunga Divide?!”

Bingyi was shocked. Wasn't falling into the chasm the final outcome of his old dream? This is the first day of the dream, why has the situation become so bad?

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