Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 597 The Horror of Iceland (129)

"Oh, Odin??"

The death knight's head fell. When they saw the tall white-haired figure, everyone present and even Zhou Xiyang were shocked for a moment. When did this Odin come? ? Or is it that some of them have been chosen as believers by Odin? A5 stared at the death knight's head in Odin's hand, and looked at the raven on Odin's shoulder with some reluctance and hesitation.

Today, not only Odin has a raven, but that person also has one. Could this ‘Odin’ actually be——

"The death mark is gone."

A cold and calm voice sounded, and then a green light was seen. The dragon hunter stepped out of the void, with Xiao Cui sitting on his shoulders. She looked a little weak, with thick green blood at the corners of her mouth, and a heavy gray death air lingering around her body. She looked very weak. She just smiled, closed her eyes, and fell asleep on the dragon hunter's shoulder. This kind of intimacy and trust didn't look like a fake. Everyone saw the dragon hunter and 'Odin' look at each other, nodded slightly, and had hundreds of thoughts running through their minds.

If 'Odin' is Bingyi in disguise, there is still room for the death knight's head. It was even said that he might be sabotaging Odin's plan by pretending to be Odin and taking the head. After taking back the head, he could get another reward from Odin.

No one hopes that this person is really the envoy of Odin lurking here, otherwise not only will it be impossible to obtain the death knight's head, but the death knight crystals they grabbed before may have to be handed over.

It would be nice if we could confirm that he was really Bingyi in disguise, but no one took action. After all, dragon hunters are really suspicious now. The dragon hunter came too suddenly, and then the death knight kept chasing him. Is it possible that the dragon hunter was Bingyi in disguise? Could it be that the white horse that was first favored by the Valkyrie was Wei Xun?

If he is a C-1 connection traveler, there is a high probability that he will also share his death mark, which will attract the death knight to chase him. This makes some sense - but who is the rider of the white horse?

If the Dragon Hunter is the Dragon Hunter himself, is it possible for him to rush here to help Bingyi at all costs? Even though Dream Chaser and Bingyi are good friends, they have all lost their memory now. It is impossible for them to become so good so quickly. This is embarrassing for so many people who want to cling to the great director! And there is a host sitting in the auditorium. How can the dragon hunter steal a horse and escape so easily? ?

The suddenly silent scene was filled with undercurrents. Everyone's eyes were moving between these people, each with their own thoughts. But the puppet master already had his own opinions. She narrowed her eyes slightly and glanced at the zombie-like horse with sparse white hair, which was digging dust with its hooves out of boredom. Standing next to this false 'palace', a figure could be vaguely seen next to it. From the beginning of the battle to In the end, he never made a move.


In the silence, these two coughs can attract everyone's attention. Most people's main eyes are still fixed on 'Odin', and they only glance at the Black Angel from the corner of their eyes. After all, she is seriously injured and on the verge of death. , looks like it’s about to return to zero. It would be troublesome for her to really return to zero and attack indiscriminately at this juncture.

"The horse it over...?"

Just listen to the Black Angel's anger, and there is still a hint of hope in his tone as he endures severe pain: "The extradition...our people going to the Hall of Valor...will come?"

"...Coming soon?"

Her words shocked the hearts of everyone present. Yes, it was already past twelve o'clock in the morning, and their current seven team partners could all be said to be the winners who ran the farthest and fastest in the end (after all, everyone else was there) Stopovers to deal with famine and plague horses). Even if the Valkyrie doesn't come, they kill - assist in killing the Death Knight, this merit is enough to enter the Hall of Valor.

But now no one wants to enter the Hall of Valor. At least they must find a way to store the Death Knight crystal they just grabbed.

"You are all heroes and will surely receive awards."

After Black Angel finished speaking, he heard 'Odin' say calmly, and raised his hand to let the raven fly away. At the same time, he threw it casually and unexpectedly threw the death knight's head behind him. The death knight's head that came out of his hand seemed to have lost its restraint, and let out an ethereal, hoarse, scalp-numbing sigh. A thick, miserable gray mist suddenly filled the air, attracting everyone's attention.

Chance! No one knew why 'Odin' would throw the head away, but this was their only chance to get the head. Everyone's eyes couldn't help but follow the throw made by the head, and in the next moment they saw an agile black figure. The shadow flew out vigorously, and was rushing towards the head in mid-air, but before it could touch the death knight's head, a bolt of lightning struck from the air.



Amid the shrill meowing, a bolt of lightning suddenly appeared out of thin air and struck the black figure. It turned out to be a black cat. However, when lightning struck, an angel's halo appeared above its head, resisting the lightning and allowing it to escape. The black cat was frightened and ran back to its owner, while A5 clutched the angel statue with a solemn expression.

This statue of a headless angel obviously benefited a lot from the death of the Death Knight. Half of its head had grown, but the top of its head was scorched and cracked. You can imagine how powerful that lightning was. There were several more rumbles of thunder, and several bright bolts of lightning crashed down. This time, they scattered the miserable gray death energy that had once again condensed on the death knight's head.

This time everyone could see clearly that the lightning was struck from the sledgehammer at the hand of Holy Infant Danlin! Then, in full view of everyone, the crackling and flashing divine hammer floated up, and a majestic divine voice came from it:

"You must not touch the prey of gods."

This is the voice of Thor! Today is Thursday, the day of Thor. He also intervened, don't even think about the death knight's head. Everyone watched helplessly as the head fell into the Hela palace and disappeared. And the tall figure of 'Odin' has disappeared. Just now, the death aura was filled with electric light, and no one noticed where he went - I'm afraid he has indeed disappeared, after all, today is not his day.

"Everyone who works together to trap powerful enemies is a hero. We are never stingy with heroes."

After first shocking everyone with their wandering thoughts, Thor's voice became kinder: "Go, leave this dark and silent Kingdom of the Underworld, and go outside. The Valkyrie will lead you to the Hall of Valor."

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His voice became softer and softer, and gradually moved away, and the divine hammer fell next to Holy Son Danlin again. However, no one dared to underestimate it, and the scene was quiet for a moment.

"I'm leaving."

The dragon hunter was the first to say calmly, with a calm tone, but the pressure made people feel suffocating, like falling into an ice cave for nine cold days: "I want to go back to the host and report your achievements to him truthfully. ”

The words 'truthfully' made everyone present turn dark, but no one dared to stop him. The dragon hunter turned around and walked outside, but his figure disappeared about fifty meters away - mortals cannot stay in the underworld for too long. After he left, a faint emerald green light flashed outside, like a Valkyrie coming with an aurora and taking him away.

If he returns directly to the host, there will really be little time and room left for them. Thor didn't ask for the Death Knight Crystal, but Odin might. Ten birds in the forest are worth less than one in the hand, so save what is in your hand first. If he really continues to be greedy and waits until Odin sends someone to arrive, there will be no turning around.

"Okay, okay...since...cough cough cough cough, then let's go..."

Black Angel then said that she wanted to go to the Hall of Valor to treat her wounds the most. She weakly patted the unwilling Silverfish Horse and walked outside. Just like the Dragon Hunter just now, she estimated in her mind that after walking about fifty meters, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed. They left the underworld and came to To a barren tundra.

There are still traces of death energy erosion on the tundra, but there is no strong death energy. They have all been absorbed into the underworld, leaving only some dense iron trees. And these iron trees are gradually disappearing.

The kingdom of Hades...

The puppet master glanced around and saw no sign of the dragon hunter. He seemed to really leave and return to life, but the puppet master chuckled softly. She lay weakly on the back of the silverfish horse, which was a little anxious and unwilling to look back. She looked as if she had fainted and was being taken away by him, but in fact, she whispered to him through the puppet organization: "Pony, shine."

The silverfish itself does not emit light, but this insect is extremely poisonous. When the toxin accumulates to a certain extent, it will bloom with bright emerald green fluorescence. It's not good to poison in secret. Silverfish said this when he surrendered to her, and the puppet master also made him a bug cover that could cover up the fluorescence.

Bright emerald green fluorescence blooms, like the color of the aurora. But the puppet master just pretended to leave. After she was far enough away, she ordered the silverfish horse to turn back and quietly hid behind an iron tree that had not dissipated. Now there were not many iron trees left. The puppet master looked at After scanning, she did not hide behind the nearest tree, but chose a farther one. As soon as she hid the silverfish horse, she saw Yuntianhe and the ghost horse coming out.

They walked away until they were out of sight of the puppet master, and then a burst of emerald green light lit up, like an aurora. But the puppet master knew that this was not the aurora, but the phosphorescence on the graveyard, a ghostly will-o'-the-wisp! Obviously Yun Tianhe and Ghost Ma were just pretending to leave. They must have circled back and hid behind the iron tree!

"Then we won't bother you."

After Black Angel left, Yuntianhe said politely, but before leaving, he walked to Dan Lin and leaned over to pick up the hammer.

"Director Cui's divine hammer, I will take it away first."

However, the divine hammer that was floating lightly in the air just now seemed to weigh a thousand weights. Yun Tianhe tried it and found that he couldn't pick it up, so he smiled and let it go. He said neither softly nor hardly: "Since this is God's will, then I will not act rashly, God is tolerant and generous, and he will not be stingy with us.”

The yin and yang of his words obviously implies that Thor's will is still there and will not let them take away Thor's hammer. But there was no way he could let Dan Lin get what Director Cui brought out cheaply. With Thor's character in full public view, there was a high probability that he wouldn't just take away the hammer right now.

After that, Yun Tianhe rode the ghost horse and left without looking back. After disappearing into the Kingdom of the Underworld, there was a faint emerald green aurora flashing outside. Their two partners left, and the only ones present were A5 and her partner horse, and Shengzi Danlin and his partner horse.

A5 (little witch) felt a little ready to move, this might be an opportunity. She glanced at Holy Infant Danlin, who was sleeping soundly with his fingers in his mouth - his partner Ma was bored and kicking the dirt beside him, showing no intention of leaving. However, as if feeling A5's gaze, the horse raised his head and looked around blankly, as if he just realized that there was no one here anymore.

It clattered up to Holy Infant Danlin, easily picked him up and threw him on its back, taking the divine hammer with it. There is no longer the weight that Yuntianhe could not lift before. Then it whistled, attracting the zombie horse chewing dirt in front of the palace to look over. There was a whistle between the two horses, and they didn’t know what they exchanged, and they left the Kingdom of Hades without looking back. This time, there was no green light outside, only crackling bright lightning flashed by, as if the God of Thunder had taken direct action. Take them away.

In this way...except for A5 and her partner horse, the only thing left in the field is the palace not far away.

Even A5 couldn't help but take a deep breath. She really wanted the death knight's head. Now that the death mark on her body is gone, it means that the death knight is really dead. However, the death brand is a double-edged sword, which will attract the death knight to kill him, but it can also restrain the headless angel statue.

But now the statue of a headless angel, which is suspected to be a sacrifice to the evil god, is stronger than before, but she only captured three Death Knight fragments. And her use of it to resist lightning and save the cat angered the statue even more. If you miss this opportunity to improve yourself, then...

The consequences of making a deal with the evil god are so unimaginable.

Making up his mind, A5 walked towards the palace. One step, two steps, until she reached the entrance of the palace. She stopped and unexpectedly put down the black cat Heiye who was seriously injured and was dying. She pushed the cat's butt and pushed it into the virtual image of the palace.

"The night is connected to my soul. If I kill it, my soul will be seriously injured. This is my sincerity."

A5 suddenly smiled and said, "I'm afraid none of them really left. Your and Dan Lin's acting does look flawless, but you can't fool them."

"I guess those people are waiting outside, waiting for you and me to kill each other, and then come back to pick up the slack."

"But why should we kill each other? I can help you - absorb the power of that head as quickly as possible. At least help you hide it. Odin is really coming soon."

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"If you don't believe me, you can kill Heiye at any time. If you want to test me, you can check Heiye's soul."

The headless angel statue was about to turn her into an irrational believer of the evil god, its puppet, and she could detect it through the soul fluctuations in the night.

"Maybe all I need is the trash you don't want."

A5 said calmly: "Then why not give it a try?"

After a long moment of silence, the palace door, which had been closed since Icelandic Horse No. 5 left, finally slowly opened. A5 smiled charmingly and flipped her hair. No one knew that her palms were sweating nervously. She took a deep breath, pulled her partner Ma, and walked into the palace.

* *

Why hasn't there been any movement?

Dan Lin secretly thought that he and his partner Ma were hiding behind a big iron tree at the moment. The lightning and thunder just now seemed like the god of thunder leading them away. Of course it was just an act.

As early as when he received the Thor's Hammer thrown by Guide B, he had received the message from the other party.


Not only when they cooperate to deal with the death knight, but also after killing the death knight - with Odin sitting in charge and the Holy Infant Danlin restraining them, the death knight will die tonight.

However, whether you can keep the fruits of victory depends on your own ability.

What Bingyi wants is the power contained in the death knight's head, its power to die, and those divine substances - it can be said that Bingyi wants them all! But these things happen to not be what Dan Lin needs most. What he wants is the fourth seal represented on the back of the death knight.

According to legend, God made a grand plan in order to create a new world from the old world and bring the sentient beings to be saved in the old world to the new world. God wrote all the historical processes arranged in this plan into the book and sealed it with seven seals, because these arrangements cannot be known prematurely*

When the Lamb (man) breaks the seal, it is the time of doomsday catastrophic judgment and the birth of a new heaven and earth. The first to four seals are the laws of the world set by God, and when the first to four seals are opened, the knights of the apocalypse will appear one after another. And it is written in the Book of Revelation: "When he opened the fourth seal, I heard the fourth living creature say, Come."

'And I looked, and behold a gray horse. The one who sits on the horse is called Death, and Hades follows him.'

Dan Lin doesn't want anything from the Apocalypse Knight. What he wants to find is the clue of the fourth seal, and uses it to collect the seven seals in sequence, and finally use them to find the historical book written by God himself!

Only in this way can his title reach the ultimate level, and it is the most precious thing only to him. Unless Bingyi can snatch his title, this long search will not mean much to him.

The two reached a consensus that Bingyi would try his best to get the death knight's head, and Danlin would also try his best to coax and intimidate these people out, and then the two would share the spoils together.

Now Bingyi has indeed captured the head - if the incarnation of Odin is Bingyi in disguise. Dan Lin also used Thor's hammer, pretending to be Thor's voice, and giving the illusion that Thor was always keeping an eye on this place. And these people have indeed left, and there are still Valkyrie Auroras outside. However, Dan Lin is the most attentive.

When he came out, he found that Valkyrie did not come to pick him up immediately, so he suspected that something was fishy, ​​and A5 did not leave. Although Bingyi sent a message to him and asked him to leave before A5, he deliberately left A5 at the end, which seemed to be a conspiracy. But Dan Lin still felt that it was not safe, so he pretended to leave, but actually hid behind the big iron tree, staring in the direction of Hades.

If A5 left, she should show up now. If A5 wants to fight for the head, there should be a fight over there.

Why didn't he feel any movement?

Dan Lin should be an ally of Cui Dao.

At this moment, behind a big iron tree nearby, Yuntianhe stared at the tree where Dan Lin was hiding, and slowly comforted the ghost horse. The thick green will-o'-the-wisp in the ghost horse's eyes gradually extinguished. In the previous battle, its potential was further stimulated. As long as it wanted to, it could plunder any soul and imprison and torture it.

Today is Thursday, the day of the God of Thunder, and Dan Lin is a believer in the God of Thunder, and he still holds Thor's hammer in his hand - this is Director Cui's Thor's hammer! Yuntianhe will never let anyone take away what belongs to Director Cui!

Fortunately, he saw Dan Lin coming out with Icelandic Horse No. 5. This was Wei Xun's horse, and it was also the secret code between Yuntianhe and Wei Xun. As long as Dan Lin can come out with the No. 5 Icelandic horse, it means that he is credible for the time being.

Unable to contact Director Cui, he could only participate in Director Cui's mission through Wei Xun, but Yuntianhe was happy with it. However, now that Dan Lin has come out, only the little witch is left inside, without any movement. This worried Yun Tianhe.

The little witch seemed to be in trouble.

The puppet master thought to himself, his eyes falling on the big iron tree where Yun Tianhe was hiding. In fact, the ghost horse and will-o'-the-wisp can hide the aura of living people. They returned to the woods quietly, and even the puppet master could not detect it.

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However, she had already used puppet silk to control some dead iron tree branches on the ground as eyeliners. This forest had no secrets for her. Of course, this is mainly because the iron trees have basically dissipated and there are not many places to hide. There are only a few large iron trees left here - there are people hiding behind almost every tree.

Everyone is still here.

Black Widow's plan is probably in trouble this time, and the little witch is also in trouble. She may have thought that it was Wei Xun or Bingyi in the illusory palace, but the puppet master knew that the 'Wei Xun' hidden in the illusory palace was actually a dragon hunter!

There is no mistake, the puppet master secretly thought in her heart. She has now basically determined that the 'Dragon Hunter' is Bingyi, 'Odin' is Wei Xun, and the one hiding in the false palace and secretly controlling the situation is the Dream Chaser. And tonight, they changed their identities more than once!

Everyone knew that Bingyi was bold and reckless, but Wei Xun, who was new to the team and returned home, lost his reputation after only one trip to northern Tibet. That trip to the Sahara was like soy sauce, and his shine seemed to be completely eclipsed by Bingyi. However, the puppet master could be regarded as the first person to pay attention to Wei Xun at that time. She even sent her general Pinocchio to try to rob Wei Xun away.

The puppet master claimed to know something about Wei Xun, and his craziness was by no means smaller than Bing's, and she roughly figured out that the Dream Chaser and the Lizard Duke each represented a final quest line. The Lizard Duke is Loki's quest line for Ragnarok, and the Dragon Hunter is probably the quest line representing the Odin Protoss.

Before, she quickly deduced that Wei Xun should have taken over the mission from the dragon hunter. During the horse race, he and the dragon hunter exchanged identities - Bingyi and the Lizard Duke exchanged identities. Of course, Wei Xun could also change the identity of the dream chaser. If Bingyi could change his identity with the director, Wei Xun could do it too. After this exchange, the rider of the third horse is actually the dream chaser. Then one of him and Bing were on the front line, and the other was in the rear. When the host noticed something strange, he immediately came over on horse No. 5 - I'm afraid he said horse No. 5 was controlled by a puppet and deliberately let O Ding brushed it off, it was all planned long ago.

At that time, she clearly saw that the 'Dragon Hunter' was riding the Yu Xiangyang horse when it arrived, and the No. 5 rider it had previously partnered with was suspected to be Wei Xun. The most critical thing was that when they were chased by the miserable gray horse, the 'Dragon Hunter' He actually exchanged riders with the horse in front!

How can there be such a tacit understanding? It was nothing more than premeditated.

Then they exchanged positions... With the strength of Dream Chaser and Yu Xiangyang, they could of course cooperate and run to the first place. Wei Xun and Bingyi pretended to cooperate and fell behind, waiting for the miserable gray horse and everyone's attention to be taken away. Then they calculated from the rear, Xiao Cui, Helheim, Hades - the rider who was lagging behind used a dream catcher to fish out the two horses Famine and Plague, making people mistakenly think that he was a dream catcher. After all, the dream catcher It is Dream Chaser's signature weapon, but the puppet master knows that Dream Chaser is not stingy with his weapon, even she borrowed it once!

Bing Yiweixun and the others used this to deceive everyone, and led everyone to run in the opposite direction. The dream chasers and Yu Xiangyang, who were at the front, escaped and took a shortcut to come here in advance, building their dreams and building this palace.

In other words, the person she saw when Silverfish Ma took her into the illusory palace before was none other than Dream Chaser! Outside, Wei Xun and Bing Yi played the tiger skin and danced the drum. This place became the underworld of Helheim. Wei Xun had Xiao Cui on his shoulder. Of course, he could hide and reappear at any time. It looked like a dream chaser hiding in an illusion. If they hit the same target, no one will be able to discover their flaws.

The only thing is that when Bingyi felt that he could not save his head, he threw it towards the palace. This made the puppet master completely sure that the dreamer was in the palace.

If not the dream chaser, who would have the strength to keep this head? Wei Xun?

What an ingenious calculation, the puppet master secretly praised, her eyes drooping, and through the perspective of the puppet's dead branches, she could see the 'Dragon Hunter', the Devil Merchant and Shao Yuanma hiding behind the huge iron tree on her left.

The 'Dragon Hunter' was the first to leave. The aurora that looked like a flashing Valkyrie was actually the aurora caused by Shao Yuanma, one of the devil merchant partners who was coming.

Everything has become a closed loop.

Now that the Dragon Hunter is stuck, and the others will not show up easily for various reasons, it is a good time for her to attack Wei Xun.

After realizing that the Black Widow's plan is likely to fail, the puppeteer lost interest in the Death Knight's head. The five Death Knight power crystals captured this time are enough for the Black Angel to use for the time being. She thought carefully about inserting puppet threads into Wei Xun's body - Bingyi, she is not going to move for the time being, it's too weird. And Wei Xun is a good candidate, especially since he is a strong traveler. After twelve o'clock in the morning, he should be losing his memory now.

The puppeteer does not intend to control him completely, but just wants to implant some puppet threads to obtain various information from him in time. After today, the Black Angel will leave Iceland, and she wants to leave some contacts here in case of emergency.

The puppeteer should have taken action long ago. The longer it drags on, the higher the possibility of Wei Xun recovering his memory - after all, Director Bing is mentally unstable, and Wei Xun's SAN value will definitely drop quickly.

However, what made her hesitate was the little white wolf in the dragon hunter's arms.

If this was the little Fenrir wolf, then the red giant lizard must be wandering around. It is likely to be part of the Duke of Lizard and is likely to find the puppet thread.

The puppeteer does not want to take risks.

Why hasn't B3 (puppet master) taken action yet?

Behind the big iron tree, the little white wolf Bingyi held in the dragon hunter's arms shook his tail thoughtfully.

When throwing the head just now, Bingyi deliberately stimulated its gray death aura, took the opportunity to turn into a little white wolf and hid in the dragon hunter's dress, and was taken away by him. Wei Xun was right. B3 and A5, the two people who shared the death mark together, each had their own plans. After the death knight died, the mark left on them seemed to disappear, but it could actually be recovered.

So they acted separately. Now A5 is still in the underworld to discuss cooperation with Wei Xun, and B3 definitely has a plan. Otherwise, why didn't she leave? Is she still waiting here to eat hot pot?

At this moment, the dragon hunter grabbed his claws. Bingyi's pupils shrank slightly, and he saw a white ball of fur quietly crawling not far away.

He couldn't wait any longer, or the daylily would get cold. Yiwu (silverfish) secretly decided to act on his own without telling the rider!

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