Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 595: Icelandic Horror (127)

"Helheim, my kingdom of the underworld—"

Xiaocui's high-pitched words echoed in the soon-to-be-formed Death Zone. In an instant, the miserable gray insect eggs that had been secretly thrown across the Death Zone by their master peeled off their disguise and began to grow rapidly. Xiaocui originally wanted to hatch them into the dependents of the death god Hela, but with her current strength and authority, it would take too long to do so, and would produce quite a lot of failed eggs.

So Xiaocui stopped their development without hesitation and let them evolve on the spot. Many pale gray insect eggs grew rapidly upward from the ground like seeds, growing into towering trees. It is neither green nor iron-gray, neither branches, leaves nor trunks. This is the legendary forest of iron trees on the road to Helheim, the underworld. There are only steel leaves in the forest, and the original yellow moss on the ground is dying. The air was corroded by the strong wind and disappeared into thin air, just as the myth said that the forest of iron trees was completely empty.

Further back in the Iron Tree Forest, several gray insect eggs shattered and together formed the Gate of Hela. This was a mottled wall composed of a strong aura of decay and death, with the terrifying quasi-three-headed dog Wangcai guarding the wall. . Its cute and harmless appearance makes many people not know that it is a dog brought out by Bingyi from the parliament. It was born from Tingting but is composed of the purest abyss pollution and battlefield pollution.

These pollutions spread, disguised as the biting cold and profound darkness deep in the Gate of Hella. You can vaguely hear the hissing of boiling water and the boiling incense of ginseng, which is the roaring roar of the Hwagmir Spring in the underworld. The sound - of course only sound. The things that the insect eggs can turn into are limited to this. Except for the outermost imitation of the iron tree forest, they are all pure empty shells. It would be a waste to use all the insect eggs with great potential here, but Xiaocui doesn't care. She will do her best to achieve the master's goal perfectly. And once this battle is really won, the death energy will be as much as she wants - she It can also breed more eggs.

But no one else knew that the underworld that Xiao Cui had transformed into was just a forest that was bright and shabby on the inside. All the partners were currently in the "Iron Tree Forest", and the changes in the surrounding scene were so real and terrifying that the aurora cast by the Valkyrie was weakened again. This time, it was because the light could not reach the underworld. Even the raven sent by Odin was blinded by the sight in front of him and gave a loud warning cry.

It not only warned Hela that the miserable gray undead horse had rushed towards them, but also warned the host in the distance that Helheim, the underworld, had actually come to the world!

"Luo Ji"

In the distant auditorium, the host's face was completely ashen as iron. He didn't understand why the always reliable and honest Dragon Hunter suddenly snatched the horse and ran away. He suspected that he was seduced by Loki who turned into a fang hunter and deceived the host. I went to ask in person, but I heard from the guard that the dragon hunter had never been here at all.

When the news about the raven came, the host suddenly realized that Loki had switched identities with the dragon hunter at some point! The tooth hunters imprisoned by him were just Loki's accomplices, but Loki himself was already at large through his tricks. This time the host will never admit his mistake. The daughter of Loki, Hela, and her kingdom of the underworld, who fell on the shoulders of the 'Dragon Hunter', are the ironclad proof!


"Hmph, Loki still understands the importance of taking action now."

Odin believes that Loki also understands that the volcano has not completely erupted yet, and Ragnarok is still brewing, and it will not be time for the final battle. In addition to being fond of pranks, Loki is often both good and evil, and has indeed helped the Nordic gods obtain many artifacts. Now he did not hesitate to take the initiative to reveal his identity and stopped teasing. Instead, he asked Hela to bring the underworld to the underworld. It must be an alien god with evil intentions who was about to cause trouble and was discovered and suppressed by Loki.

Thinking of this, the host, who originally planned to wait for Loki and the Outer God to suffer losses, pondered for a moment, and finally raised his riding crop so that it was dyed with the sharp silvery white color of the divine spear.

Those grudges would have to be settled later, and now he decided to help Loki.


The divine spear tore through the air and let out a sharp whistle, then flew into the distance under the guidance of the raven. But everyone was no longer at their original position. When the miserable gray horse appeared in the Kingdom of the Underworld and was irritated by the stimulation, the Bing and Yi horses turned around and ran deeper. Logically speaking, that place should be Hela's palace Eludnir (actually Xiaocui has not transformed). Once there, the Kingdom of the Underworld will completely descend, and the invaders will definitely be expelled from the Nordic mainland.

This angered the miserable gray horse, and it neighed and ran quickly, even faster than the Bingyi horse. At the same time, the gloomy gray life spread out, like a terrifying dark sky that was about to cover everything. But the dragon hunter who was still in chaos raised his gun and fired directly when he felt the attack. The hunter leader's bullets were still very aggressive.

After firing blank bullets to briefly repel the miserable gray horse, he threw it down without hesitation. Suddenly, he tightened the reins of the horse with one hand and took out the dream catcher with the other hand, and fished it in the opposite direction to the miserable gray horse. .


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The man who was pulled by Bingyi stood up and suddenly stopped, but saw that the net bag passing through the void in front of him suddenly sank, as if he had hit something. The silver-white dreamy net bag was instantly dyed gray, and the terrifyingly pure and thick death aura revealed the identity of the lurker. The dream catcher can not only catch dreams, but also reveal all the food hidden in the illusion. As expected, the Knights of the Apocalypse have been lurking beside them, and there are more than one of them!

Da da--

Da da--

The crisp sound of horse hooves that could resound through the soul fell, and after being salvaged and revealed by the Dream Net, the shadows of two horses slowly appeared in the thick gray fog. The white horse represented the plague, and the black horse represented the famine. I don’t know when it happened again. Two knights of the apocalypse arrived, right in front of the guide horse, and almost collided with them.

Everyone present felt as if they were hit by heavy pollution for an instant. Painful coughs accompanied by hungry gurgles came and went, as if plague and famine had come to the world at the same time.

At this point, even Bingyi felt lucky that he didn't wait until the end to take action. By then, the appearance of the War Knight will probably cause chaos and civil war for everyone present. By then, the strong men he abducted will not be a help, but a burden.

But they are obviously not a burden. The riders who can fight all the way to the final horse race are no different from the Icelandic horses. When the black and white horses appeared and two more knights of the apocalypse were about to appear, they suddenly saw ghosts crying and howling around them, B1 (devil businessman), Yin Qiaoqiao and the ghost captain Ma commanded by Yun Tianhe. The dark death energy brought by countless ghosts and ghosts made this place quickly transition to the underworld, but the too strong death energy actually made the black and white horses that gradually emerged become looming.

Death is not their authority. Even if they are also knights of the apocalypse, they will be rejected in the kingdom of death. The sudden and heavy death aura traps them like a rope. At this moment, the lead horse, which was loosened by the dragon hunter, has already He was the first to rush in front of them.


Its wings cut through the cold air, and it fluttered into flight, leaping over the two horses' heads and running into the distance. The miserable gray undead horse chased after him. The figure of the Knight of the Apocalypse on the horse began to appear due to the heavy death aura. The terrifying coercion made people breathless. The Icelandic horse was restless until he ran away and left with this aura. It's still not dispersed, which is enough to know how terrifying its strength is.

This made some people hesitate, but most people did not chase after them, but stayed here to use their strength to deal with the black and white horses. They are both Apocalypse Knights. The rewards for defeating Famine Knights and Plague Knights will not be less than those of Death Knights. Moreover, they have just arrived here and are restricted by the death energy of the underworld. It is obvious that the benefits are easier to obtain there. No need to take any more risks. What's more, the results of horse racing are no longer important now. Against the Apocalypse Knights who have invaded the Nordic god system, this merit will definitely make them look at Odin differently and be selected into the Hall of Valor!

And staying here to contain them can be considered helpful to the pair. There were only a few couples who either had to end their relationship with the Death Knight, or were worried that Bingyi was far ahead of the others and pursued them. Seeing the death knight's persistent pursuit and the appearance of Xiaocui and the dog, the riders were basically certain that there was definitely a leader in the pair. Is it the Icelandic horse or the dragon hunter who came unexpectedly? There are more people who suspect that the dragon hunter is Director Bing in disguise. After all, he has a criminal record.

The heavy gray mist blocked all light, but fortunately it was just dim and not absolute darkness. A few riders on Icelandic horses galloped past amidst the clatter of horse hooves, chasing the looming figures in front of them while sizing each other up silently.

The puppet master is sure that the little witch is also chasing her. She has the mark of death on her body. Even if there is no black widow to control her, she will take action tonight. If they meet each other, the puppet master is sure that the years of tacit understanding between him and Silverfish will not be lost to others. Silverfish is also strong enough. The only problem is that some of the people chasing him are stronger than Silverfish.

Away from the sight of others, A5 stopped riding at the critical moment. She took out a black cat from her arms and threw it to the ground to transform into a giant cat. Then she abandoned her mount and jumped onto the black cat. The giant black cat opened its orange eyes and flew out with a meow. With three jumps and two jumps, she was ahead of the other horses. Only the horse in the front ran too far. Fast, like a ghost flying, its hooves don't even need to touch the ground, it is Yuntianhe and the ghost horse.

Hurry up, hurry up. Yun Tianhe's eyes were as bright as fire, and there were cracks on the cross he was holding tightly, which was not a good sign. This indicates that the true God is in danger of death and the false gods are about to rise. All believers should use all their strength to fight against the false gods at this moment. But it didn't matter to Yun Tianhe whether it was true or false. His breathing became more rapid due to excitement, and his eyes showed a fanatical look.

He had a premonition that he would witness a miracle tonight. And he must feel around Cui Dao as quickly as possible. Even if he cannot become the subject of the miracle, he must at least leave his name on the corner.


The horse left behind by A5 was at a loss. It ran after two steps and sneezed due to the heavy death breath. It wanted to turn back, but couldn't help but look ahead. It remembered the white snow-like wings on the side of the fastest horse. It was obviously the first time it saw it, but it instinctively drew it close to it.


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It snorted, and the shoulder blades were itchy and numb. The Icelandic horse turned its head and licked the hair there with its tongue. Under the thick snow-white horse hair, a pair of wing bags like young butterfly wings were growing. .

"Da da da, da da da -"

Just as the Icelandic horse hesitated, the sound of horse hooves sounded again behind him. The rider on the horse noticed the lonely Icelandic horse, glanced at its shoulder blades, and without much hesitation, he leaned over and grabbed its reins. The Icelandic horse didn't need to hesitate anymore, it walked happily. Run with this pair.

"Sure enough, this is fate."

Dan Lin sighed softly on the horse and dropped the cross from his neck. When he realized that three cliffs were about to appear in this death realm, he hesitated. Even if he wanted the power of the death knight, Trinity was his original title. Will helping the Nordic pantheon at this moment cause his title to recede, and the gain outweighs the gain? Dan Lin thought carefully, but he did not stay where he was. Although he slowed down, he still caught up, which showed his inclination.

"This is an act of justice."

Dan Lin sighed, with a look of pity and compassion in his eyes: "The lost horse will be guided back to where it belongs by me."

If the Death Knight wants to borrow the power of the Trinity God, then he may gain more from tonight's adventure than he imagined. After making the decision, Dan Lin immediately asked his partner Ma to speed up and catch up. Zhou Xiyang was also worried about Director Bing, but he slowed down just now because he wanted to wait for Wei Xun and the others. Wei Xun seemed to be in extremely bad condition, and Zhou Xiyang could tell. He was worried about Director B, and he was also worried about Wei Xun, fearing that he wouldn't be able to survive the game.

Zhou Xiyang discovered that there was another pair of partners chasing Director C, but they were too slow and fell to the back. He originally thought it was Wei Xun and the others, but when he slowed down and waited for them to catch up, Zhou Xiyang smelled a familiar scent. The last horse was not Wei Xun, but Shao Yuanma and the Devil Merchant. Their slow running was simply due to their weak strength and being eroded by the death energy. To be able to catch up here was already an extraordinary performance.


Zhou Xiyang shook his head, and an orange-red sunset crystal was thrown out by him. The sun always controls the underworld, even at dusk and sunset. This crystal can help Shao Yuanma and the Devil Merchant arrive faster. After all, Shao Yuanma's title of Aurora should still be useful. Then Zhou Xiyang began to run wildly to catch up with the team in front, still worried in his heart.

Where did Wei Xun and his horse go?

An Xuefeng rode around to the front! As 'Wei Xun', all the things in the underworld transformed from gray insect eggs along the way can also be used by him. Things that Xiaocui and Wei Xun themselves have not mastered yet, An Xue, who has rich experience and broad knowledge, can use them to his advantage. But Feng was very familiar with it as soon as he got started. With the help of these things, he reached the center of the desolate Death Zone one step ahead - this was the end point Wei Xun planned to try to lure the death knight to, and the place where his lost paradise was.

However, his current title as the Lost One is just a beginning, and his followers are just the original few. Xiaocui's control over the power of death is not comprehensive. Just as Hela's palace cannot be truly restored by her summons from the underworld, Wei Xun's Lost Paradise is only an unbuilt prototype.

He wants to slay the Death Knight here and use his collapsed energy to construct a paradise. This is a big gamble. The Death Knight may not be fooled, and with Loki's participation, Odin may not use his full and well-intentioned spear. Death knight killed. The people who caught up had their own ideas. An Xuefeng pondered for a moment. Even though he didn't know Wei Xun's title as a loser, spiritual communication allowed him to roughly guess Wei Xun's true goal.

Then let him come and build him a city first.


An Xuefeng held the necklace from Daxizhou on his chest and whispered. His forehead cracked with fragile and beautiful cracks due to excessive use of strength, but it didn't matter. The water vapor filled with the fishy smell of the sea spread, and a brilliant and magnificent palace suddenly rose from the ground. Then, as if it had gone through great changes, the outer walls of the palace turned into an old lead-grey color, exuding a strong and dead atmosphere. It looked very similar at first glance. The palace of the underworld.

At least the riders chasing Bingyi were shocked when they saw the majestic palace in the distance in the thick fog. Could it be that the Nordic Hades really appeared and Helheim reappeared? ? If the real Nordic God of Death appears, the Death Apocalypse Knight will no longer be able to play any tricks on this Nordic land. After a moment of hesitation, she saw the winged Icelandic horse in the front and ran towards the palace without hesitation. The small emerald-green elf figure fluttered its wings and flew with divine majesty. With a finger, the door of the palace burst open. As if to welcome them back.

This posture frightened everyone, even the miserable gray horse stopped. On the horse was a silent knight in armor. He stopped far away facing the palace, and the gray death aura lingered around him, becoming more and more terrifying. The atmosphere became tense, and everyone's hearts tightened.

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The Death Knight's gathered strength may be an attack, but it may also be a temporary retreat. Once the white horse and rider at the front escape into the palace and the death knight's attack becomes hopeless, he will most likely choose to retreat temporarily. But none of the pursuers wanted him to evacuate, they all wanted to kill him. So everyone accelerated their horses and approached the death knight as quickly as possible.

But at this moment, the white horse that was about to run to the entrance of the palace suddenly stopped, raised its front hooves and looked back provocatively. The rider on its back held the dream catcher in one hand and held the reins loosely in the other, without even looking at the palace behind it. It seemed that he didn't believe that the death knight dared to pursue him again.

"Zheng buzz——"

But the moment they stopped, as if they were waiting for this opportunity, the death knight and the miserable gray war horse suddenly turned into a miserable gray death aura, extending hundreds of meters in an instant, directly hooking towards the Icelandic horse and its back. Get the knight's head! At the same time, darkness descended suddenly, accompanied by the miserable screams of countless ghosts, and the Kingdom of Death was forcibly connected to this side. The Death Knight was going to directly drag those with the most death marks into hell!


But at the moment when the kingdom of death appeared, a statue of a headless angel and a cloud of white mist-like poison slammed into the unformed dark shadow. The silverfish poison that could poison the soul wiped out countless undead souls, and countless undead souls were killed. The statue of the head angel was half-pierced into the middle of the shadow of the kingdom of death. Evil power, extremely evil power spread in the darkness, and in an instant the darkness was fixed so that the kingdom of death could not be completely formed.

A5 (little witch) and Yiwu (silverfish) horses took action at the same time, decisively and fiercely, instantly cutting off the death knight's escape route and cutting off the connection between him and the kingdom of death. He would not be able to leave easily. But they are not the fastest.


The death-qi scimitar that could annihilate all living things condensed around the necks of Bing Dao Ma and Dragon Hunter, but was suddenly stopped at the critical moment. That was the Bible thrown out by Yun Tianhe! They are not printed copies that can be seen everywhere in later generations. Both Bibles were written by past popes themselves, and were infused with papal piety and a faint hint of real divine power.

It was disrespectful to attack rashly in front of God, so the death knight stopped even if the target was close at hand. But this is not the arrival of the true god after all, and it cannot delay him for long. Run quickly. Seeing that Yuntianhe's face was pale and he was vomiting blood, the audience in the live broadcast room were all worried. Taking this opportunity, Director Bing and his horse should escape into the palace quickly, so as to alleviate the life and death crisis and follow up. Anyway, the Knight of the Death Apocalypse is like a prey in a jar when his back is cut off. There is no fear that he will escape without any warning.

However, until Yun Tianhe vomited blood and almost fainted, the Bible couldn't bear the death energy and fell dimly, and the Apocalypse Knight struck again unscrupulously, Director Bing and his white horse did not escape into the palace! This is Cui Dao, Yun Tianhe thought with admiration in his extremely weak state. He will never retreat, and will always take the greatest risk to fight for the greatest benefit.

His grandma looked at the miserable gray Death Mist Blade Dragon Hunter so close at hand and thought, who knew that the palace behind him turned out to be a useless illusion! He also disguised himself so well that he almost deceived everyone. If he hadn't been a master of dream illusions, the dragon hunter would have been fooled.

There is no way out. The place where the illusion of the palace is is the third cliff that quietly appears. There is no way out but death. The determined dragon hunter has deep eyes and faces the enemy with a dream catcher in hand. He is not Never died. But at the critical moment of life and death, he couldn't help but wonder whether he and Bingyi had truly formed an alliance, or whether he was being used by him again - "What?!!"

The dragon hunter's eyes widened in disbelief. In the flash of lightning, he was actually shaken off by the third guide horse. Then he watched helplessly as the third guide horse blocked in front of him and faced the enemy. He only heard a loud rumble and the lightning came in an instant. The gray mist was briefly defeated, but Guide Horse B was also knocked away. It fell to the ground in pain with lightning all over its body. Thor's hammer fell from its mouth. He had just used it to block the attack, but it was also counterattacked. serious.

The dragon hunter stared blankly, as he had blocked an almost fatal attack for him.

"Run quickly!"

Xiaocui, who was sitting on his shoulder, scolded sharply, regaining the dragon hunter's consciousness. The thick death gray mist that had been repelled by the electric light came back again, attacking him like a sharp blade. Sure enough, this death knight also came towards him. Is it because he was supposed to be dead but returned to the world for some unknown reason?

But - the dragon hunter doesn't want to die now. He will not let Bingyi block the attack for him. Finally, he took a deep look at Guide Ma Bing and saw that a pony had already rushed to him anxiously to lick his wounds. Dragon Hunter suddenly showed a pair of illusory wings on his back, taking Xiao Cui with him when the gray death energy was about to attack him. Sneaked into the dreamland.

He is not in reality, but he is everywhere. The death brand tugs at the death knight's nerves, leaving him stuck in place for a while, frantically searching for traces of the brand. And everyone present would not miss the opportunity. In an instant, everyone took action at the same time, using their strongest tricks to attack the death knight!

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