Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 587 The Horror of Iceland (119)

The flame lava dragon was thoughtful, and its instinct told it to bring the egg over and deliver it to the horse. This seemed to have been decided long ago. That giant egg should never have fallen into human hands.

But what attracted its attention at that time and prevented it from guarding the egg?

The lava giant lizard glanced at the little wolf, and now it felt that the egg was irrelevant. After all, from the first moment he saw the wolf, he knew instinctively that it didn't matter whether he was eggless or not; this wolf was his ultimate goal.

Since the ultimate goal of various plans such as delivering the egg to someone or protecting the egg is related to the little wolf, now that the little wolf has been obtained, other things are unnecessary to care about.


It spat out the message and flicked its tail slightly. It implies that he brought the wolf here - well, he is not so willing, after all, he does not want to give the wolf to any other horse. Regardless of whether the horse understood its hint or not, the monitor lizard turned its head and made a confident and indifferent show. It was impatient to look at the horse again, and turned its eyes to the wolf cub, wondering how to give it to the human while he was away. Get away.

"Xilulu." 'Hey, lizard, look at your virtue'

The hunter's horse neighed and didn't bother to look at the lizard. Of course he could clearly see its small movements, and he could also realize that this lizard was closely related to him, and what it was supposed to bring should be related to his 'brain', and Not this little wolf. But no matter what it is, Hunter Ma just wants to get the little wolf away now, and he is even worried about the fact that this lizard can not be restrained by the ball and stay at the pet storage place.

But the beast is the beast, and it is still here to guard, but he has connected with the person whose soul is connected to the little wolf.

"Xilulu——" 'Little ghost, see you later. ’

There was not much time to rest. The hunter took one last look at the little ghost and said goodbye to it. He knew that the little wolf could understand the horse's cry, after all, the person its soul was connected to was a horse. But whether it can understand the lizard call is another matter. Sure enough, as soon as he said these words, he saw the little wolf and the monitor lizard raising their heads at the same time and looking towards him. He could see the curiosity in the little ghost's eyes and the confusion in the monitor lizard's eyes, and the hunter's mood instantly improved.

Haha, it turns out he doesn’t even know the little wolf’s name!

No longer paying attention to the defeated lizard, the hunter stomped away to prepare for the final stage of the costume party. And when it left, the volcano lava monitor stared at it for a while, and swept the air with its forked tongue. It opened its mouth, but after all, it was just a lizard. It couldn't imitate the sound of a horse, and it couldn't imitate the tone of the horse's cry of "little wolf" just now.

This made his face darken, and he stared thoughtfully at the little white wolf who turned around and looked in the direction of the field, resting his head on the fence and mumbling some cute wolf words in his throat. It vaguely knew that the little white wolf wanted to see its owner, the white-haired tour guide. It's not easy to kidnap it, unless...

The monitor lizard pondered, there was no point in holding on to this place. Fortunately, the arrival of the horse just now reminded it of something... The monitor lizard made a decision in its mind, turned around and left, secretly crawling towards the east side of the dance venue.

* *

"Damn it, grab it and don't let it crawl into my face!"

"You don't care, if it runs around again I will kill it with one shot. I will do what I say!"

On the east side of the ball, far away from the current dressage competition venue and the hunter patrol route, in a dark corner that cannot be seen by the live broadcast camera, two hunter leaders are being tortured by a small lizard.

"Okay, okay, it's just a child. Why are you arguing with a child?"

Listening to the angrily issued ultimatum by the dragon hunter, Bingyi looked at the right opportunity and grabbed the little red lizard that was crawling around and preparing to run away. However, the powerful force of its struggle caused its body to tilt, almost allowing it to slip out again. Seeing him in such a miserable state, the dragon hunter finally felt a little relieved. He straightened out his dress, which was almost turned into rags, and taunted, "Can you do it? You can't do it, too?" At the same time, he was secretly ready to reach out and catch the scurrying little lizard at any time. .

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It is unbelievable that two hunters were so embarrassed by a newborn baby lizard, but it is actually the case. It was relatively peaceful when it first hatched, but it just didn't like staying in the hands of the dragon hunter. After Bingyi shot and killed a polar bear in the West District and stayed away from the crowd with the dragon hunter, he originally stayed in the egg held by the dragon hunter. The little lizard took the opportunity to jump out, directly into Bingyi's arms, and then flew over his head.

Sure enough, it was his biological cub, just when the dragon hunter saw this, he thought to himself, he saw this little lizard grabbing the fang hunter's hair, and its little head kept trying to push into his head.

"Is he hungry?"

The dragon hunter tried to decipher the little lizard's thoughts, especially when it climbed on top of the fang hunter's mask in confusion after it couldn't get in. The fang hunter roughly pulled it off. It was so painful that it hissed violently, and its little tail was all wet. Almost got cut off. This doesn't look like the show, the tooth hunter really doesn't like lizards.

"Go to its mother when you're hungry. Are you looking for milk on my head?"

Bingyi pretended to be impatient and said irritably. Goosebumps were rising on his back when he thought about the time when the lizard was about to crawl onto his face, and at the same time he felt suspicious.

According to Lu Daoist's interpretation of the volcanic altar, this lizard egg should be used for sacrifice and can cause the volcano to erupt. From the nervousness of Odin Raven at that time, it can be seen that his interpretation is good. Then why did the lizard egg suddenly hatch? Did he happen to break the egg when he dropped it? Or is it that the little lizard must rely on external force to get out of such a hard eggshell?

Then can the eggshell that hatched the little lizard be used as a sacrifice? What is the use of this little lizard? Bingyi became very interested in it and even tried to secretly stuff it into the magic worm ball-failed, it was really a lizard, not a magic worm.

And it had a certain reaction to him, or more precisely, to his mask. Bingyi was therefore convinced that there must be a deep connection between it, the volcanic lava monitor lizard, and the lizard hunter. So would it have any special reaction to the dragon hunter? However, before Bingyi could figure it out, the little lizard became abnormal. After staring at his scaly mask for a while, it suddenly began to struggle fiercely. The powerful dragon hunter couldn't control himself and almost let it escape.

But it struggled very hard and fiercely. It scratched, kicked, kicked and bit, almost tore the dragon hunter's dress, and there were blood marks on his hands. The dragon hunter couldn't help but let Bingyi take his cub away quickly. However, after being in Bingyi's hands, the little lizard cub made more noise and almost scratched the scales on his mask with one claw.

Could it find out that he was not a lizard hunter? Bingyi couldn't help but have this guess in his heart, but he became more and more suspicious. This monitor lizard egg was most likely born by a volcanic lava monitor lizard, and it was in his hands. It had no contact with the lizard hunter since it was born. Why did it recognize the lizard hunter's mask? And how did it hatch just after he exchanged identities and put on the mask? It was obviously dropped so many times before and it didn't break.

Suddenly, Bingyi thought of a possibility. Could it be that the Lizard Hunters were related to the Snæfell Volcano itself? From the Lizard Hunters to the Giant Lizards to the Lizard Eggs, was this a hidden quest line? ? The reason why these two brigades were different from them and became hunters, was it because they were naturally in a quest chain?

Bingyi improved this idea a little bit, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. At this time, the Dragon Hunter, who was still quite conscientious, saw that the Tooth Hunter was about to be beaten and finally lent a hand. He took this opportunity to extract information from him. This lizard kid was as noisy as if he had eaten a strong spinach. The Dragon Hunter was tormented by it and sweated all over. While he was distracted, Bingyi harvested a lot of information, which was also one of his goals to become a hunter.

First of all, the two hunter teams led by the Dragon Hunter and the Lizard Hunter (the code name originally wanted to give him was the Lizard Hunter, but he was dissatisfied and protested and called himself the Tooth Hunter) had indeed been active at the volcano, but after leaving the volcano range, they were forbidden to talk about news related to the volcano. Bingyi was smart, of course. He didn't ask Huoshan directly, but asked the lizards. He learned that the dragon hunters did encounter some small lizards when they were cleaning.

"Who would care what they eat at that time? Just feed it some insects."

The dragon hunter's patient temper could no longer hold on, and he wanted to press the crazy struggling little lizard into the sand to eat dirt. They couldn't break its legs to kill it, and they were really afraid of the consequences. So after the initial conversation, the dragon hunter decided to let its mother (?) feed it something.

Bingyi didn't refuse after hearing this, and took the opportunity to dig out something from the magic insect ball - although he felt numb at the thought of so many live insects, they were his insects after all, and he didn't want to waste them on this little lizard, so he took out a dead insect for the sake of courtesy.

It was the dozens of gray, lifeless insect eggs that Xiaocui left behind when she took over most of the death marks, obtained part of the power of death, and became Hela, the third daughter of Loki. Bingyi later gave one corn shoot to Tong Hege and left a few for them to study, and asked Xiaocui to hatch the rest.

According to Xiaocui, the death god Hela also has many servants. If these gray insect eggs can be hatched, they are likely to be qualified to become its servants. However, only two have been hatched so far, and they are dead insects without any breath of life. Xiaocui regrets that these two cubs are useless. Bingyi gave one to Xiaocui to eat and recycled, and kept the other in his hand to study. This dead insect is fluffy and looks like a gray ball, which is not very scary.

Now he simply fed the insect to the little lizard. All the links of the suspected task chain of the lizard seem to be related to George, and the task chain of the headless angel statue on the A5 side is also related to George. Could it be that she is following the task chain corresponding to the dragon hunter? Bingyi actually wanted to feed the insect with the breath of the Death Apocalypse Knight to the dragon hunter to see, but it was just a thought. He couldn't beat the dragon hunter. He deliberately slowed down his movements when he took out the insects, and he didn't see any special reaction from the dragon hunter.

"Look, it's just hungry!"

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Looking at the little lizard finally stopped making noise, the dragon hunter finally breathed a sigh of relief. Bingyi also felt strange. When he just stuffed the insect into the little lizard's mouth, it hissed and screamed furiously, but after tasting it, it suddenly froze and the whole lizard froze. Bingyi didn't think it really ate the insect, because the gray ball was always in its mouth.

But it stopped making noise because of this, which was another new clue for Bingyi.

This shows that the task chain of A5 can really match the lizard! So can he take on two tasks at the same time? He wants both task chains? Time waits for no one. Bingyi just vaguely heard the noisy noises at the dance venue. The costume party is about to reach its final climax. Bingyi is planning to participate in the horse racing part personally - he doesn't want to let go of tonight's reward. , so there wasn’t much time left for him to talk to the dragon hunter.

However, Bingyi soon discovered that the dragon hunter's attitude towards him had undergone subtle changes. After staring at him with meaningful eyes several times, Bingyi simply asked him bluntly and irritably what he meant. Then he heard the dragon hunter sneer and say firmly: "You lied to me."

"You did not lay this egg."

Bingyi was stunned after hearing this. Revealed? Could it be that the dragon hunter discovered something from the little lizard? But the fact that he was able to deceive the dragon hunter so far with his nonsense is already an extraordinary performance of the dragon hunter. At the same time, Bing saw something out of the corner of his eye and knew it in his heart. He didn't continue to argue, so it wouldn't look good if he continued to insist.

So he said openly: "Yes, it was indeed not born to me."

Seeing the dragon hunter suddenly clenching his fists as big as sandbags, he was really angry. Cold sweat broke out on Bingyi's back, but his face remained the same as before. He sneered, with a hint of helplessness in his tone: "But it's okay to have sex with me. difference."


Bingyi raised his chin slightly towards the distance and said coldly: "It's really a lingering ghost."

The volcanic lava giant lizard appeared quietly, revealing a shadow not far from them. No wonder the dragon hunter suddenly became angry. He must have some extraordinary power to judge connections and the like. After all, if the dragon hunter could directly judge blood ties and the like, he would not have been deceived by him in the first place.

Of course, the connection between Bingyi and lizard eggs is not as good as that between monitor lizards and lizard eggs. It is normal for dragon hunters to find problems. So Bingyi simply retreated to advance. Whether the dragon hunter had really realized something was wrong early on, or whether he really believed his words and was planning to cheat now, he was sure of it - after all, this giant lizard was very interested in Big George and Little The white wolf all showed unusual attitudes, and Big George and the little white wolf were closely related to him.

All three of them are connected, and there is no problem in theory for him to say so.

"You're still quibbling. I don't think there's a word of truth in your mouth."

The dragon hunter sneered, but hesitated in his heart. The dragon hunter does have extraordinary power. In addition to his strong fist and kick skills, he is also particularly sensitive to the dreams of various creatures. This sensitivity does not only take effect when various creatures are dreaming. Even when they are awake, dragon hunters can find the shadow of dreams in them, thus judging the relationship between them.

Of course, strangers will not meet each other in each other's dreams, but friends, lovers, relatives, and enemies, who are related to each other, will have the power of "dreams" in them when they get close, so they will interact with each other every day. There are often intersections in dreams every night. In addition to being unable to accurately judge the relationship between hunters (after all, it is affected by the power above), dragon hunters are very accurate in judging the connections between other people and the connections between hunters and other creatures.

So at first he was dubious about the fang hunter's words. After all, the dragon hunter did see the dream blending between the fang and the egg, and there was a lot of connection. But when the giant lizard appeared and a comparison revealed that it was much more closely related to the egg, the dragon hunter speculated that the tooth hunter was not telling the truth and planned to deceive him.

But he didn't expect the fang hunter to admit it so readily, which made the dragon hunter have mixed emotions. He was just cheating. After all, there was an indescribable and profound connection between the newly arrived monitor lizard and the tooth hunter. This made the dragon hunter think of some messy things.

Monitor lizard, tooth hunter, egg laying?

The dragon hunter's eyes became complicated. But Bingyi couldn't care about him at the moment. From the moment the giant lizard appeared, Bingyi was on guard against the small lizard escaping. Sure enough, as soon as it noticed the giant lizard coming, it immediately started struggling again, even doubling its strength. Bingyi It even accidentally jumped out - just kidding, of course Bingyi did it on purpose.

There is no way to catch the tiger's cubs if you don't enter the tiger's den, so he wants to let go and see what this little lizard wants to do. Of course, before letting go, Bing let the corn shoots lurk underground early in the morning, synchronizing with the little lizard. Once it tried to escape from sight or was taken away by the monitor lizard, the corn shoots would directly pop up and swallow it up. Corn shoots have rough skin and thick flesh, and they have the power to charge wildly against monitor lizards.

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However, the development of things was beyond everyone's expectation, even the little lizard's.


There was a sharp sound like a whip whipping the air, and the little lizard that was about to rush in front of the giant lizard was slapped by its tail and flew in the direction of Bingyi. The little lizard was obviously unprepared. It rolled a few times in embarrassment. It was covered in sand and struggled to get up. The lizard was completely stunned. The monitor lizard obviously did not intend to accept it, and even took two steps back to express its determination. At the same time, it looked at Bingyi - even wearing a mask, it could recognize that this was the white-haired tour guide. The monitor lizard shook its tail. .

Noticing the wolf hair wrapped around its tail, Bingyi's expression suddenly became subtle, and he vaguely guessed what the monitor lizard meant.

Is it going to trade eggs for wolf cubs?

Bingyi naturally wouldn't do this kind of business. What he cared about was the performance of the little lizard when it met the giant lizard after it hatched. However, Bingyi didn't see what he wanted to see - when he saw the little lizard's eyes straightened, it instantly Staring unblinkingly at the wolf hair wrapped around the monitor lizard's tail, the entire little lizard seemed to be frozen in place in disbelief and doubt of life.

Even when the volcanic lava giant slowly approached, it didn't try to escape. Instead, it crawled back to Bingyi like a sleepwalker, letting him take it into his hands and put it back into the eggshell.


The monitor lizard's thick and powerful long tail was longer than a human being. Seeing that Bing was unmoved by the pair's egg-for-wolf exchange, it raised the tip of its tail and tapped the eggshell. After the little lizard hatches, the eggshell is still very hard, and the sound when the tip of the tail is struck is like the collision of stones. Huh? Bingyi's heart moved slightly. The giant lizard's movement was too special, as if it was reminding him?

He turned the side of the egg shell that had been struck by the giant lizard, and looked carefully, and found that after the little lizard hatched, the volcanic lava giant lizard egg actually showed some lines that were not there before! These patterns looked extremely chaotic, and ordinary people would be upset just by looking at them. But Bingyi became more and more fascinated as he looked at them, and he was almost trapped in them. He was vaguely aware that the drawings on the eggshell seemed to be epic. The grand scene is like the end of the world.


The dragon hunter's exclamation drew back some of his attention, and Bingyi immediately felt his fingers become slightly hot. The giant lizard bit his finger! It quickly dodged the bullets shot by the dragon hunter, and smeared Bingyi's blood on the eggshell with the tip of its tongue. In an instant, the pattern on the eggshell became as red as blood, as if it had been activated, and Bingyi really Understand the meaning of the patterns drawn on the eggshell.


Sacrifice this lizard egg to Mount Snaefell, and it will erupt completely. The erupting Snaefell volcano will no longer be able to suppress the ancestor giant Ymir. The giants return, the World Tree collapses, and Ragnarok in Nordic mythology will happen again!

As Loki, the Nordic god who played a major role in the Twilight of the Gods event, and then obtained such a key item and activated it with blood, Bingyi successfully obtained the most important task in this warm-up competition! He could vaguely hear a huge voice in his mind that could not be ignored, announcing that he had received this quest line and could share it with his dependents.

Reenact Ragnarok.

The first link in this quest line is to destroy the World Tree Wine Party under the Aurora and thwart Odin's plan to send the Valkyrie to lead the heroes into the Hall of Valor!


At this moment, an earth-shattering explosion suddenly came from the dance scene in the distance. At the moment Bingyi received the task, he had just finished the third stage of the dressage competition and was about to compete for the partners who would advance to the horse racing. But chaos suddenly broke out. A polar bear (a tourist from the West District) suddenly attacked his partner like a madman during the game and was shot to death by several hunters. Bullets flying randomly caused panic among the passengers. A bullet that came from nowhere in the chaos actually shot through the heart of a rider!

Indiscriminate killing must be punished, but before the angry host could calm down the chaos, the rider who was shot through the heart stood up again. She was not dead, but the rich, strong death breath came from deep in her chest. It spread everywhere, and the dance scene instantly became as cold as winter, with the mist of gray mist blocking the lights of the dance.

Most of the tourists and tour guides did not know what happened, but today the third group of tourists in Iceland instantly realized what happened. By coincidence, the person who was shot turned out to be the little witch. She was seriously injured and was in critical condition. The mutation that triggered the mark of death! No one knows whether this was an accident or premeditated, but the Death Knight's death aura has arrived, not only surrounding the little witch, but also attacking Rider No. 6 - she also has the aura of the mark of death on her body, and Rider No. 6 is actually Black Angel!

No one guessed whether Rider No. 6 could be Bingyi, because Deer Taoist Miao Fangfei and others saw with their own eyes that the death energy that attacked these two people was only a small part, and the vast majority of the death energy attacked in the other direction, bearing the mark of death. Of course the one with the most is Director C! A large pile of miserable gray lifeless energy was whistling like a strong wind, rolling towards partner No. 1 in full view of everyone. Is No. 1 really Director C? ! No!

The scene turned into a complete mess. Under everyone's gaze, this pile of dead energy bypassed Partner No. 1 and swarmed towards the two hunters who hurriedly arrived not far from the east side of the dance venue!

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