Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 557 The Horror of Iceland (90)

"Wait a minute, I didn't say I wanted to exchange trips."

Seeing this, b1 immediately said, although he did have the idea of ​​​​exchanging journeys before, and was interested in exchanging tickets for b3 Ea Dead Music Festival, but he was still hesitant, but now this situation made b1 immediately react, these brigades He definitely has some plans for his muse Bingyi!

Moreover, the tour guides also knew the results of tonight's night story gathering. Four people died at the hands of Bingyi. Some people wanted to seek revenge, and some wanted to covet the rewards he received.

Things are no longer simple now. B1 will never agree to any request to change teams before discussing it with Bingyi. Besides, it's not like he's in a hurry now.

"Whatever you want, tell me the number."

Indeed, b1 is not in a hurry now, but the tour guides who want to change teams are anxious. It stands to reason that the duration of the evening story session and the evening duel are the same, one hour from 11pm to midnight. Because Director C quickly ended the game, there was free time, but even so, after the large-scale awards ceremony, it was now eleven-fifty.

There are only ten minutes left before the evening duel. It is stipulated that an agreement must be reached before leaving Iceland, and they will leave Iceland on time at 0:00 tonight and return to the country where they are on their itinerary! That means they only have ten minutes to reach an exchange agreement!

"I think you have undead talent. I happened to encounter some undead fleets."

a2 smiled, and the half-living, half-skeleton pirate parrot on his shoulder chirped in response. He was also the one who spoke just now.

Although the outside of the bonfire is pure black to the tourists participating in the evening storytelling session, the tour guides can observe the development of the storytelling session. a2 was originally just because Yuntianhe was a little interested in Bingyi. After watching the evening story meeting, his interest became more intense, but he didn't expect that he was bound to win.

It's great if you can change it, but there's no need to pay too much if you can't. a2 is very cautious and does not want to be the first to eat crabs. The purpose of his opening his mouth now was to completely muddy the waters and see if he could profit from the chaos.

"Whatever you want."

Sure enough, when A2 spoke, B2 immediately became tit for tat, but at this moment he showed extraordinary meticulousness: "You have also seen the tickets for b3's exchange trip, and you must also know that it is the most beneficial to you. But she is not saving fuel. The lights, you know.”

"I can be a witness to your exchange of journeys - after you have completed the exchange of journeys, I will exchange journeys with b3 again."

That’s right! The rules do not limit a brigade to only one change of journey! Yi Er did not use force to force b1 to change. The exchange journey only has one day tomorrow, and then b1's team will have to spend the journey with his brother's team. Otoji doesn't want to make b1 unhappy because of his attitude, thus causing his brother to suffer - he will never do such a thing.

It is indeed most beneficial for b1 to exchange trips with b3, but the tickets in her hand are too targeted, and she may have thoughts about her brother. Yi Er first pointed out this point, and then explained it with reason and emotion, and said with great sincerity:

"I am Hyung-ichi's younger brother. I just want to spend the journey with my brother... Please, this is really important to me."

However, when he said he was Director Bing's younger brother, the tour guides who gathered around couldn't help but frown. When Bingyi mentioned his brother in the story, the tour guides felt their scalps go numb for some reason. As if to protect themselves, they subconsciously cleared their brains and did not think further. Bingyi's brother was a bit evil, and his younger brother was also pretty good. Poison, only Bingyi himself seemed okay, and this person actually buried the rewards he was given in a pile of graves, giving him the feeling of a good old man.

Can good bamboo shoots emerge from bad bamboo? A2, who was originally watching the excitement and having fun, calmly took a step back. The pirate swimming in the sea looked free and arrogant, but in fact he had a particularly keen sense of danger. He suddenly didn't want to exchange journeys with B1. The priests who were on the separate ship were full of praise for Bingyi. If they teamed up for a day, wouldn't Bingyi completely abduct the priest's heart?

Everyone on his ship likes to go to the priest to confess. Once the priest's heart is completely biased, shouldn't he, the captain, be secretly shunned? Thinking of this a2, let alone exchanging journeys, I even want to leave this hellish place in Iceland as soon as possible. He glanced at Yuntianhe who was not far away and came to Bingyi's side diligently, and then took a sullen drink with a dark face.

"This... let me think about this again."

Even though the colorful butterflies on Oji's shoulders were flapping their wings, giving B1 a strong sense of danger, he still held on. It's just that he can't resist for long. Why hasn't Bingyi come over yet? b1 couldn't help but look over, only to see Bingyi beside Yu Xiangyang and Wei Xun. He didn't know what the three of them were talking about. Bingyi had a pleasant smile on his lips, which made b1 smile bitterly.

It seems like he really isn't worried about who he will be on the same team with tomorrow... Oh, but Bingyi is indeed such a confident person.

In this case, he would concentrate on himself.

"Others still need to consider, but my brother definitely wants to join me."

Otoji noticed b1's look and knew that he was a worried brother. His expression became much more relaxed, but his tone refused to give in. But he no longer targeted b1, and looked sharply at the other tour guides. a2 shrugged, took a step back with a smile. He, the strongest person, retreated, but the other tour guides had to directly face Oji's edge, and they still wanted to compete.

"I, I also want to be with the boss."

After Otoji spoke, Bingji's tone was obviously weak when he spoke again. He said with a sad face: "Second brother, you know that many people in my team have died. If I don't follow the boss, I will have to join the team with a stranger tomorrow. "

After last night's duel and the murder of a strong passenger from the team today, there are only two strong passengers from the West Region and three weak passengers from the Western Region in Team B and B participating tonight. The Zach who died tonight was from his team. Now there is only one strong traveler left in his team, plus three weak travelers, a total of four people, which is already less than half the number.

According to the rules, tomorrow he will team up with a brigade from the same district that he has never seen before. And that brigade has not participated in the evening showdown in the past two days. Obviously there are very few dead people in the team... Bing Er feels that if he joins the team, he will definitely You have to suffer!

"Brother, you don't need to talk about this anymore."

But Yi Er just waved his hand coldly: "There are fewer people left in my team than you."

Otoji really wanted to meet his brother every night for the long-term plan. He didn't kill anyone today, he just drove one of them crazy. But by chance, the hammer that his brother threw when telling the story at the end hit the two West End strongmen who flew into the darkness. , happened to be all in his team! Now there are only one strong passenger from the East District who is crazy and has been turned over by the Yin-Yang Butterfly and the Sea Snail, and two other weak passengers. In total, there are even fewer people than the second team Bing.

If he couldn't be on the same team as his brother, he would have to join the damn a2 team tomorrow!

Bing Er retreated in despair, b3 remained silent, a2 smiled and took a sip of wine, looked around, and saw a5 holding the black cat hadn't left yet, and asked with a smile: "Hey, what, you still want to change? But Xiao Beauty, to be honest, you can’t beat him.”

"I'm not young, Captain."

a5 smiled charmingly, the succubus' tail swaying seductively. She was holding the cat, showing off her hot figure tightly wrapped in black succubus leather armor. Her ambiguous tone seemed to be teasing everyone. Even a2 raised his eyebrows, and b1 quickly lowered his eyes. The soul-stirring look she gave just now made him almost lose control and want to agree to any request from a5. This is the mental influence of the succubus!

And Otoji's eyes became more and more sharp and resistant to her - in the story, the demon kings all liked the succubi, especially a5 who had a black cat, and his brother happened to have a cat too. The more they seemed to match, the more Otoji felt. It feels like an eyesore - he can't let anyone steal his brother's attention!

Facing his murderous gaze, a5 was wary and did not dare to delay any longer. He put his fingertips against his red lips and smiled: "There are only three people in your team, and three more people died in my team tonight (Brother Qing, Brother Qing, Dong Yang, Strong Traveler from the East District)...there are only six of them. Together with the two tour guides, we will be a whole team.”

According to the rules, each country has two brigades at the beginning. The total number of tour guides and tourists is 22 people. That is to say, according to the rules, there is a high probability that the total number of tourists and tour guides in a country must be within 22 people. It’s not a violation! Although they have one less tourist, the two teams together have exactly one more tour guide!

"The b1 team that is cooperating with Director C is also a full team. You and I are also a complete team... Wouldn't it be more appropriate for the three of us to be together?"

"What do you mean??"

b1 couldn't help listening to the exchange between the two of them, and lost his voice in shock. Even Bingyi in the distance looked here with interest.

"The rules don't say that one brigade can only exchange with another brigade at the same time."

a5 laughed: "You and I can exchange with Bingyi together."


b1 was a little dizzy after hearing her words: "You and b3 are swapping with me? But your two teams are not in the same place, right?"

b3 is in Norway and a5 is in Sweden. Do they mean to let him travel to two countries in one day? Not even Icelandic horses can run like this, no, no, no!

"of course not."

When b1 blurted out and was about to refuse, a5 intercepted his words and said ambiguously: "I will feel bad if you have to run around like this... My exchange journey token is very special. You don't have to go to Sweden to exchange it with me."

As he spoke, a5 patted the black cat in his arms, and saw it meowing a few times before spitting out a pure black little mouse.

"After all, the token of my journey I exchanged is very special."

After hearing this, b1 looked at the mouse with suspicion and was cautious not to make any move. But Yi Er directly let his butterfly fly around the little mouse, and suddenly a subtle smile appeared on his face: "Your exchange of journey tokens is very sinister."

B1's face was solemn, there was indeed a problem! But where exactly is the damage? He looked at the little black mouse and saw it shivering and huddled up. It was frightened to death by the butterfly and squealed in fear. He secretly thought that this butterfly in Otoji was the real poison.

"This is a Black Death rat. It carries the source of the Black Death. It will break out in four hours and five minutes."

That's four o'clock in the morning, when most people are still immersed in sleep.

Yi Er said directly: "It is already dead. It is a soul mouse, but the source of the Black Death has become more dangerous. It has changed from infecting people's bodies to infecting people's souls."

"When you take over this Black Death mouse, the attraction 'Black Death' will be superimposed on the current journey, which is equivalent to a double journey and double attractions."

"The brigade that exchanged the Black Death rats can freely exchange them to any scenic spot with rodents."

Of course there are rodents in Iceland, and the Arctic fox diet in Iceland includes lemmings. It seems that a5 may have had this idea for a long time - no matter who she exchanges the journey with, she can lead the team to parachute to Guide C. Around you! Thinking of this, Ou Er narrowed his eyes slightly and suddenly laughed: "Since we are going to join the team, who will be the leader and who will be the deputy?"

"You are in charge and I am in charge."

"make a deal."

Yi Er said neatly, now it seems that a5 is more calculated than b3. Since she is targeting her brother, let him see what she really wants.

After saying that, he quickly went to the above to advance the most common exchange journey ticket, and after b3 and b1 exchanged, he exchanged it with b3. In his opinion, b3 is weaker than his younger brother, so there is no possibility of rejection.

But a5 quietly glanced at b3 and found that b3 also pretended to glance at her casually. A5 narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled without saying a word.

There are only three teams of passengers left, and it’s not just Team B and Team One.

It would be best if she could be exchanged with Guide C alone. Even if they couldn't join a team... she didn't want to find a stronger guide.

After all, who wants to be the assistant director if he can lead?

For b3, if she wants to exchange with B2 again, she will have to team up with a2 tomorrow because of the number of people after the exchange. But the difficulty of a2's journey may be even higher than that of the original Eya Music Festival.

She wanted to live, but she didn't want to die. In comparison, the trip to Iceland corresponding to b1 is certainly more suitable for her. Especially since everyone in Bingyib1 has survived these two days, they must have their own secrets.

"Ah this..."

b1 saw the flirtations between them and couldn't help complaining, "Didn't you ask me if I wanted to stack them up?" But, but, the Undead Ea Music Festival and the Ghost Black Death Mice are all related to the ghost of death. Mice can infect ghosts, and they may be used by him to deal with the undead at the Ea Music Festival... At the same time, Although both journeys are dangerous, the rewards are indeed extremely high.

b1 is really excited. If he can survive this day and come back with the team on the fourth day, he will never be able to catch up with C1, at least he won't be too far behind! His only concern was whether Bingyi would be in danger when facing two tour guides with ulterior motives at the same time. But b1 looked up and saw Bingyi smiling at him.

Apparently he heard the whole thing, but he didn't say no.

"Hurry, time is running out!"

Time passed by, and Ouji couldn't help but urge. There was less than two minutes left before zero. B1 no longer hesitated, and quickly exchanged journeys with b3 and a5 at the same time. Next, all he had to do was exchange with b3. .

But just when Ouji was holding the token and preparing to exchange it with b3, something unexpected happened. The black cat on a5 suddenly became huge and pounced on the butterfly on Ouji's shoulder! Of course it didn't pounce, but without warning, a smaller cat came out of its mouth, and unexpectedly grabbed the trip ticket that Yi Er was holding in his hand, and was about to exchange with b3!

"court death--"

Yi Er was furious, he could only advance one ticket for this trip exchange! He turned the butterfly into a knife on the spot, but instead of killing the black cat, he held b3 hostage. The black cat is too flexible, a5 is not weak, and they are not opponents that can be quickly eliminated in a minute. Only b3, she got a ticket to exchange attractions, and has not used up the opportunity to advance the trip.

However, the moment he grabbed b3, the feathers on his wings fell off, and he instantly changed from a fallen angel to a skeleton, entering a state of suspended animation! Even if Ouji dismantles the entire skeleton and infects it with poison, it won't help. All b3 and a5 want to do is survive for one minute.

One minute came quickly, and when it was midnight and the final moment when he was about to be forced to leave, Otoji took a deep look at a5 and b3. The cruelty and madness in his eyes were frightening.

These two people have been deeply hated by him, and once they meet again in the future, they will fight to the death.

But for a5, at least now, her goal has been achieved. The black cat ran back, shocked, covered in unknown insect eggs, meowing and vomiting in pain, and he didn't know when Yiji had poisoned him. a5 felt distressed and picked up the black cat and touched it, then looked at b3, who was slowly transforming from a skeleton back into a human body, and was also panting in pain, and showed a pleasant smile.

b3 took a breath, smiled shyly at her, and lowered his head in surrender.

a5 raised his eyebrows and nodded reservedly. b3 is nothing to be afraid of, next...

"Director C."

a5 looked at Bingyi with a smile, stretched out his hand to him, and smiled playfully: "It seems that your teammates today are us."

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