Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 554: Icelandic Horror (87)

The audience in the live broadcast room may still be in the mood to listen to the anecdotes of the big guys, and guess which top boss the pronouns in the stories Yu Xiangyang told are referring to. But the travelers who attended the real-life story session around the icefield campfire were driven crazy.

"The boat was full of sea snails. They were multiplying rapidly. We couldn't kill them. Sea snails were everywhere, even on the lifeboats. In the end, our group was forced to jump into the sea. The South Pacific Ocean is located below the equator. Although the water here is not as cold as the North and South Pole, people cannot float on the sea for too long.”

Yu Xiangyang is still telling the story in a calm tone: "Fortunately, A Feng has formed a deep friendship with a special killer whale during his many years of adventure. The South Pacific is the territory of this killer whale. We are only 100 meters away from Pohnpei Island." Not too far.”

"Pohnpei is a coral-covered high volcanic island in the Tongaro Islands. The island is rich in vegetation and is one of the wettest areas in the world. It is also the home of flytraps and lorikeets. Micronesia live on the island. The Romanians make a living by growing rice and producing tropical products such as cocoa beans and breadfruit. There is an international airport on the island. Although most of our supplies were lost with the shipwreck this time, as long as we can reach Pohnpei. If we reach the island, we can collect supplies by air in the shortest possible time and continue going to sea by boat.”

"The killer whale sent us to the island in batches. A Feng commanded the killer whale, while I sank to the bottom of the sea and walked along the traces of solidified magma on the bottom. The appearance of these sea snails was so strange. They were not originally on the ship. , it means that there is most likely a large nest of sea snails in the nearby sea area."

"If we don't get rid of it, even if we repack and travel from Pohnpei Island, we will still be very likely to encounter sea snail attacks when passing through."

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!!!"

However, not many people are listening to Yu Xiangyang telling stories now. His calm words are mixed with screams of despair and fear. This is not an auditory hallucination, but the real words of the tourists who participated in the storytelling session, because there are so many Yellow-green sea snails were vomited out one after another by a strong tourist in the West District.

They broke away from their hard shells and squirmed together like slimy slugs. They had a strong and disgusting sea smell. They were not afraid of the cold ice and snow on the ice sheet at all. They crawled around as soon as they landed on the ground. They especially like to go to The strong man in the West End who had vomited sea snails was waving his hands in pain, trying to peel off the sea snails that covered his entire face.

None of the other passengers had such a serious and bad reaction. Only the strong passengers from the West End who were in his group were shocked. After recovering his memory, Bobby deceived the Yin-Yang Butterfly who had been seriously injured and even almost killed him again. Today he was repeatedly targeted by vindictive Yin-Yang butterflies. The butterflies laid eggs and multiplied in his body, and the hatched larvae crawled through every internal organ in his body and even invaded his brain. This made Bobby go crazy and completely out of control.

I am afraid that it is precisely because of this potential psychological shadow that he is particularly sensitive to sea snails that can invade the human body and lay eggs and reproduce in the human body! Bobby's madness can't calm him down at all, and the passengers who can't stop his vomiting can only save themselves.

However, Yu Xiangyang mentioned in one sentence, "Although we encountered hurricanes, storms, giant sea monsters, undersea volcanic eruptions and some ghost fleets", although he did not go into details, making it impossible for weak travelers to imagine in detail, it allowed strong travelers to experience difficult things in their imaginations. The dangers and fears of speaking, especially the inability to use offensive and defensive epithets in real story sessions.

Even the top travelers in the past couldn't kill them. Under the double physical and mental blow, they couldn't kill these sea snails at all, and they couldn't even stop them.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, get out of here, get out of here-!!"


Piles of sea snails were vomited out by Bobby. He screamed in panic and vomited in pain but was unable to stop it. The slimy sea snails got into his nostrils, ear holes and even eyes! His eyes were wide open, bulging out of their sockets like goldfish, and he could vaguely see two sea snails crawling around in his eyes. A large amount of thick yellow-green mucus was secreted from their abdomen and feet, which was wrapped with a string of A bunch of tiny balls, like sea grapes, come together to form an egg sac.

Sea snails living in groups invaded the warm and moist human body and began to lay eggs. This horrific scene was more frightening than sea snails eating people. The rampant sea snails caused a series of screams.

"Don't come over here, get out of here, don't come over here!"

At this moment, a funny but terrifying scene appeared next to the bonfire. Countless passengers moved their bodies and tried desperately to get away from the group of yellow-green sea snails, but they were unable to stand up and escape at all. There are only three kinds of people who can stand up in the real story meeting, the storyteller, the eliminated person who has a nervous breakdown and escapes into the darkness, and the third director! They could only sit on the ground and move their bodies, which was not much faster than the spread of sea snails, especially since the man was still vomiting.

The area illuminated by the bonfire is not large, and in just a minute or two, sea snails have already occupied nearly a quarter of it! If he vomited for fifteen minutes like Ah Cheng in Yu Xiangyang's story, no, he would vomit for another five or six minutes at most, and the huge number of sea snails would drive him nowhere to go! Just like Dong Yang, the storyteller Yu Xiangyang was unable to realize the changes in the situation. The passengers could only hope that the sea snail would kill five people quickly so that the real story would end quickly.

However, An Xuefeng turned into a ferret and rushed to the bonfire immediately. He stood up with his paws on his chest and looked at the scene that was gradually getting out of control. The expression on his face was very solemn.

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Of course, he clearly remembered the various events that happened during the journey to R'lyeh in the South Pacific, and he also knew what Yu Xiangyang wanted to say. As long as they talked about that, they could use the power of the campfire illusion to influence the passengers of the little witch and the black angel, plant seeds in their hearts, and the pollution would be subtly transferred to the two tour guides.

By then, they can really test what they have in their hands. Even if it doesn't work for a while, they can plant the seeds of whispers in their souls. In this way, even if they exchanged journeys and were not with Wei Xun, even if the Babel Tower token was really designed by the Black Widow to appear in Iceland, then the horrible pollution would conflict with the power of the 30th degree north latitude, and the situation would be completely in their hands.

However, this time, even An Xuefeng didn't expect that the strong passenger in the West District would be so sensitive to sea snails! Lu Shucheng is not a fool. Doesn't the fact that she can take the initiative to eat something mean that there is no lethality that can endanger life? Didn't Yu Xiangyang also say that no one was injured? Although these sea snails look disgusting and have extremely strong vitality, they can parasitize and lay eggs in the human body, but they really won't kill people.

They won't kill people and won't affect people's nerves, so is it necessary to be so scared? But now the situation is completely out of control, and sea snails may soon be all over the land. If all the tourists are seriously parasitized by sea snails, they can't tell any stories, but no one will die. By then, this evening story meeting will be completely ruined.

An Xuefeng saw that the bloody bonfire was burning more and more vigorously, and Wei Xun stood up on the bonfire. An Xuefeng knew that the hotel would definitely intervene. Until now, he couldn't remind Yu Xiangyang, so he just hoped that he would get to the point quickly.

However, even though the campfire was in complete chaos and Yu Xiangyang could not hear the screams, he continued to speak at his original speed, neither hurried nor slow: "Finally, when most of my companions floating on the sea were sent to Ponapei Island by the killer whale and it was about to pick me up, I found the egg sacs of sea snails in the deepest seafloor rift formed by the eruption of magma. They cling to the rock wall in clusters like apple snail eggs. The deeper you go into the rift, the denser the eggs are. In the end, there was almost no place to step on the rock wall. There were dense egg sacs everywhere. They were very tough and would not break even if you stepped on them. I crushed some of them with a bone knife. The egg sacs were like The balloon filled with colored water burst, spilling yellow-green mist that filled the deep sea. "This mist was like the mirage gas exhaled by the legendary mirage, floating in the sea and condensing into an illusion. I saw a huge stone fortress like an island. It was built of huge, dizzyingly high green stones. This fortress had magnificent stone statues and gorgeous reliefs, but its structure was completely contrary to any building in human cognition. It was a kind of twisted weirdness that did not belong to the earth and came from outside the stars. It was so deformed that it made my stomach cramp and want to vomit. "This kind of building should not appear on the earth. A strong sense of disgust rose in my heart. I felt disgusted and wanted to destroy everything I saw. I slashed at the fortress with a bone knife and fired machine guns. The bullets splashed and rebounded on me. A normal person would have died, but my bones were hard enough and the bullets could not hurt me. It just made me suddenly sober up. I saw that the thick accumulation of sea snail egg sacs in front of me were all smashed by me. The sea water was dyed a rich yellow-green. Under the egg sacs, I saw thousands of wriggling sea snails, and their thick mucus spread all over the trench. "

"You can't clean it up with a knife and bullets, and the killer whales won't want to eat these things. I called down Ah Wei, and the salamanders he raised spewed blazing flames in the trench, killing the sea snails. Burned completely, the things that were submerged by them finally appeared - it was a faceless green stone sculpture leaning against the depths of the trench. There was no sea creature like barnacles and seaweed on it. It was as smooth as new, as if it had just sunk into the trench, but it gave people a strong sense of uncleanliness. "It is not a human, nor a creature that can be imagined by humans. I can only say that it is very evil, very, very evil. This is the sense of danger and fear that only the strong can experience. The moment we saw it, Ah Wei and I knew that this was the source of the mutation of the sea snails in this sea area, and it was also what we were looking for -" Huh? Yu Xiangyang opened his mouth when he was about to get to the key point, but found that he could no longer speak. What's going on? He has only been talking for five minutes. Have enough people died? This shouldn't be... "Ah?" When Yu Xiangyang broke away from the story and looked back at the campfire story meeting, the scene in front of him made him lose his voice. He saw that all the passengers were pitifully crowded at the westernmost end of the campfire, and their bodies were covered with indescribable yellow-green mucus. On the snow, beside the campfire, around him, there was sea snail mucus everywhere that exuded a strong smell of the sea.

Not far away, there was a strong passenger from the West District who had vomited to the point of collapse. He looked very bad, his nostrils and ears were enlarged, and his whole body was covered with yellow-green mucus. He was trembling and panting, and his eyes showed an expression of fear and fear, but even though he looked particularly bad, he was not dead or crazy - none of the audience members died.

No way, could these people be scared like this by sea snails? They are really just snails with tenacious vitality and can reproduce.

Unable to understand, Yu Xiangyang looked at An Xuefeng in silence, but saw that he was looking at Director C on the campfire. Yu Xiangyang looked over and his expression suddenly became serious. Some people who could not stand the silence and wanted to end the real story as soon as possible would wait for Director C to announce the next storyteller, and the passengers who looked at him were startled!

Then he saw that the person above the flame was no longer a human, but a demon! Its curved devil horns are located on both sides of the snow-white hair, the devil wings that cover the sky spread out behind it, and the devil's long tail stirs the flames one after another. The black and red flames lingered around him, like the demon flames in hell, making him look like the devil coming out of the abyss!

Director C was completely alienated, and his SAN value dropped to 1 point at some point!

Bingyi didn't know what was going on around him. When Yu Xiangyang mentioned A Feng's killer whale partner, he subconsciously thought of Wei Xun's killer whale. Then the crazy and violent emotions that entangled him completely surrounded him, making Bingyi fall into the story of Yu Xiangyang. In a trance, he seemed to see Yu Xiangyang in the deep sea and Wei with a red lizard standing on his shoulders.

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Red lizard? It looks more like a fire dragon.

Bingyi, who was thinking, vaguely heard the sound of their conversation.

"This kind of stone is very special. It looks like the statues in Raleye City."

"Oh God, there seems to be writing behind the statue. We have found a major clue! Quickly, carry the statue back together."

Raleye? The sleeping city of Cthulhu in the Cthulhu Mythos? Is this real? Ah Feng and the others really found Laleye?

While thinking intermittently, Bingyi felt that his consciousness was withdrawing, and he could no longer be immersed in the story for too long. However, he really wanted to know what happened next. Bingyi wanted to stay at all costs. Gradually, a wisp of flame burned around him. It was extremely small and seemed to be absent, but it made Bingyi's gradually distant consciousness return to him. Gather together.

This is Loki's fire! But why does Loki's fire burn at this moment? Moreover - this does not seem to be the original Loki fire in his body!

When this small flame merged into Bingyi's consciousness, Bingyi suddenly realized. It turns out that Loki is not only the god of fire, trickery and lies, but also the god of stories! This authority is far less famous than his other authorities, and it is much weaker than other authorities. After Bingyi mastered the authority of fire and deceit, he was in the "True Story Meeting" scene, especially the story told by Yu Xiangyang It seems to contain extremely powerful power, which can enhance his strength in disguise. The combination of various factors allowed the authority of the God of Story to be naturally evolved.

Although it is still extremely weak and cannot be compared with the incomplete fire of Loki that was previously fused, it can still allow Bingyi to stay in this story.

The statue seemed to be being moved, and Bingyi's perspective followed Yu Xiangyang and A Wei as they floated to the surface, and finally arrived at Pohnpei Island where everyone settled. In order not to affect the lives of local people, twelve people built a temporary residence deep in the tropical rain forest on the island, far away from the crowds. While waiting for the arrival of airlift supplies, they studied the words on the statue.

The signal here is very poor, and even the satellite phone cannot contact Abai in the distance. Fortunately, Brother Liu who was traveling with him was pretty good at deciphering these words, and Ah Feng's spirit was always on the verge of madness, making it easier for him to resonate with the statue. Bingyi could feel that A Feng often stood beside the statue and meditated. Bingyi could clearly see his strong forearms exposed by rolling up his sleeves, could see the falcon perched on his shoulder, could see him wiping his long knife, but could not See his looming face clearly.

All I know is that this man is very trusted by his companions. He is crazy but reliable. Even Ah Cheng, who was beaten violently by him, trusts and is close to him more than fearing him. If he were a normal person, he would be a very good leader, but that's just too normal. Ah Feng's strong sense of contradiction and danger, wandering on the edge of madness and reason, on the verge of mental collapse, attracted Bingyi even more.

Sometimes he even felt as if he was being stared at by Ah Feng. He was obviously someone he had never seen in the story, but Ah Feng's spirit was entangled in his spirit. His originally manic and violent emotions were rarely calm, just like sleeping soundly in the afternoon. The lion beside his brother enjoyed a moment of peace. This obviously very unfamiliar yet vaguely familiar feeling made Bingyi's heart beat erratically.

The heart beats louder and louder, as if there is something alive in the heart that is being attracted, trying to break free and wake up. Bingyi seemed to hear some murmur in the dark. It was this green stone statue that seemed to come from Raleye that was attracting him! what is that? Just when Bingyi was curious and wanted to continue immersing himself in it, the violent spirit that entangled him became restless. It wrapped him gently but could not refuse, and wanted to send him out. Bingyi's heart beat faster and faster, as if a butterfly was fluttering its wings in his heart and about to break out of its cocoon.

But in the end it couldn't resist Ah Feng's power and fell into a deep sleep again. Bingyi and Bingyi were sent out of the story together. As his mind sank into darkness, Bingyi vaguely heard what Ah Feng seemed to say to him. He didn't know that Ah Feng in the story glanced over, as if looking through the statue. Got something.

* *

A few months ago, deep in the tropical rain forest on the island of Pohnpei.

"How's Team An's status lately?"

David, who followed the Romans, squatted on a felled tree stump, holding a bowl, swatting a few mosquitoes to death, and feeding charcoal to his fire dragon while waiting for his meal. It rained for a week after coming to Pohnpei Island. Fire Dragon hated the overly humid environment and was very depressed and uncomfortable. However, it was not as worrying as Captain An’s mental state. He stayed there day and night. Meditating next to the statue of Raleye brought back from the depths of the ocean floor really makes people worry about his mental state.

"I felt fine before... but now I feel like there's something wrong."

Lu Shucheng sighed, and gave David a full spoonful of grilled fish, grilled chicken, and a few local roasted taro and horseshoe snails to make soup. She could make incomparable delicacies from even the simplest ingredients. However, when she heard that Captain An was having a mental problem, David couldn't care about eating. He was so frightened that he jumped up: "Go and have a look, he's going to be here for a while." It’s crazy, we all have to finish playing, what’s going on?”

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"You know a butterfly landed on the statue two days ago."

Lu Shucheng said worriedly and lowered his voice: "Captain An has basically strangled butterflies whenever he saw them in recent years, especially the butterfly that is blue and purple. You know what I mean..."

"He strangled the butterfly to death? No, he didn't strangle the butterfly to death??"

"It's not just that." Lu Shucheng said with a bitter face: "I, when I was delivering the food, I heard him chatting with the butterfly and even gave it a name!"

"You gave it a name? Is Captain An crazy??"

David was shocked when he heard this. How could An Xuefeng do such a thing? But when they walked deep into the rainforest and David saw An Xuefeng leaning against the statue, taking off his combat gloves and looking intently at the blue-purple butterflies on his fingertips, he felt that the world was simply magical. . He couldn't afford to offend the crazy An Xuefeng. David and the fire dragon shrank together and even tried to hide, but An Xuefeng had already noticed their arrival.

"You are here."

An Xuefeng said coldly, raised his finger and let the butterfly fly out at will - wait? Released? He no longer holds butterflies in his hands? Then David and Lu Shucheng watched in disbelief as An Xuefeng straightened up and left the statue of Raleye.

"I deciphered the message on the statue. It is a treasure map recording the location of the magic book "Pohnpei Holy Code". The treasure is on this island."

""Pohnpei Sacred Code"? Can this magic book be found?"

David immediately became happy and looked at An Xuefeng. The magic book matched his series of titles very well! The Pohnpei Codex is a very important book in the Cthulhu mythology. According to legend, it was the ancient ruler of the ancient rulers of Gantanoso, Imash-Mo, and his successors. It is written in the mainland Narka language, written on specially treated banana leaves, and bound with an extinct plant fiber. The book records information about Cthulhu, his family, and the Deep Divers*

If they can really find this book, it will definitely be of great help in their subsequent exploration of R'lyeh. Among the team, David is indeed the most suitable to master this book. An Xuefeng has never been a stingy person. After returning home, he quickly drew out the deciphered treasure map and handed it to David. David was really happy and repeatedly praised Team An for being really wise, wise, calm and not crazy at all. But David is a man who can easily lose control of his mouth when he is happy and relaxed. He said baldly:

"Ann, did you name the butterfly? Oh, I really didn't expect you to name the butterfly. What's its name? Why did you let it go again? You... cough cough cough!"

David was punched by An Xuefeng and doubled over. He was coughing and crying and was in embarrassment. An Xuefeng moved his fists, his joints cracking, and said coldly: "It's been too long since I've moved my muscles. Do you want to practice with me?"


David was shocked and shouted stop, not daring to mention the butterfly anymore. The other team members also talked and laughed, and were very happy that An Xuefeng had regained his energy. On August 10th, they set sail again by boat, heading to R'lyeh in the Cthulhu Mythos. On top of the mast, looking at the undulating sea and the terrifying monster with a huge twisted figure faintly emerging from the sea, the blue-purple tentacles slapped the sea hard and stirred up turbulent waves, but An Xuefeng thought of the monster that stopped next to him, giving him The blue-violet butterfly he had a special feeling for.

He had a feeling that they would meet again eventually.

* *

"...The number of head-droppers and sorcerers Gu Po who died in that golden spider city is simply countless. Their heads were cut off, and their blood flowed into rivers and were eaten back by the Gu insects. Then they were all refined by the evil high priest of the Champa Dynasty. Sacrificial tribute..."

Bingyi woke up from the story in a daze. As soon as he opened his eyes, he heard someone telling a story in a foreign language. He couldn't hear clearly for a while, and there was a buzz in his head. Sometimes it was the sound of the fluttering wings of butterflies, sometimes it was Ah Feng's words. The "war head" that Ah Feng said seemed to be the name he gave to the butterfly. However, Bingyi felt that he It seemed to be talking to him.

is it possible? Ah Feng is just a person in the story. How could they have a conversation across the air? But Bingyi felt that with Ah Feng's strength, he might actually have some special perception. He subconsciously held his chest, and the sound of butterfly wings still sounded in his ears, as if it vibrated to the deepest part of his soul.

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Is there really a butterfly hidden deep in his heart?

Who is Ah Feng? Is he still alive? Where is he now?

The more people know about this world, the more people feel how poor their original knowledge is. The sound of butterfly wings gradually disappears. Bingyi finally wakes up completely. He can't wait to end the story to talk about A Feng with Yu Xiangyang. . However, it seemed that he was inspired by his 'weak' action of covering his heart, his voice became more and more excited, and his saliva flew wildly.

Zach's heartbeat was pounding. Although he was a strong passenger in the West District, he was from the fainting sheep team. His strength could only be said to be not weak, not even as strong as the two passengers who were beaten to death by Director C yesterday. Just now, he was screaming in despair to avoid the sea snail mucus, but his spirit was not polluted much, and his rationality was still there. From the moment he discovered that the SAN value of the C-channel was almost zero, he immediately thought that this was an excellent opportunity!

It can be said that as long as you say something casually, the SAN value of Bingyi can be reset to zero! In this way, we can monopolize the biggest reward of tonight's night story session, and end this story session completely!

Zach was originally a calm person, but Yu Xiangyang's story finally had a certain impact on his spirit. When the audience was silent, he stood up without hesitation and started telling the story directly. In order to influence Director C to the greatest extent, Zach racked his brains and chose a story about the Golden Spider City in Southeast Asia to tell. In his opinion, all Asian things are similar.

His story tells about the mysterious golden spider city in the ruins of the ancient Champa dynasty. It also has man-eating leeches and scary and bizarre wizards and head-droppers. It is indeed terrifying and immersive. A weak traveler from the East District in the Ghost Captain team is captured. He was so frightened that he rushed into the darkness. Zach immediately became more and more passionate about the story. After discovering that Bingyi was still motionless, he had an idea and found another way to focus on the various tragic situations that a Gu woman encountered in the story.

Miao Fangfei is the captain of the Bingyi team. If she goes crazy and dies, she may have some impact on Bingyi. This impact is the last straw that overwhelms the SAN value of Bingyi! Sure enough, as he told the story, Miao Fangfei's expression quickly became ugly, with veins popping out on her forehead and her teeth clenched, as if she was suppressing something.

Go crazy, go crazy, Zach stared at Bingyi with a SAN value of 1 point and his expression was almost crazy. Especially when he saw Bingyi finally opened his eyes, he was ecstatic and almost declared his victory!

However, An Xuefeng and Yu Xiangyang, who were also paying close attention to Bingyi's condition, felt relieved after seeing him open his eyes. Neither of them cared about the crazy Zach at all - he could still see Miao Fangfei, the frightened passengers and Director B, which meant that he was not a normal 'storyteller' and there was no Director B. If the host starts telling a story without authorization, it is completely inconsistent with the rules of the story meeting. I am afraid that he will be punished or have backlash.

"Zach story is invalid."

Sure enough, the first words that Director C spoke made Zach couldn't believe his ears, and almost frantically asked why. But Bingyi ignored him completely. He looked around and smiled: "I will tell the real story next."

Through the stories of Dong Yang and Yu Xiangyang, Bingyi has roughly understood the rules. With the fire of the god of stories, his sensitivity to stories has improved a lot.

Starting from life will give a stronger sense of reality; the protagonist of the story can be yourself or someone else, and all methods related to the story can be used. For example, in Yu Xiangyang's story, after a passenger vomited, the smell of vomiting reversed the Let more people be immersed in the story, just like the concept of 5D movies, giving the audience the most realistic experience in terms of visual, auditory, tactile and other aspects.

Mental dangers are more destructive than physical monsters; telling the dangers in a bland description with a sudden startling effect is better than going straight to the point...

Bingyi understood all the techniques, and he had already thought about what story he wanted to tell - Bing put his hand into his sleeve and secretly held Mjolnir. He was preparing to tell the freshest story that happened today, starting with Thor threatening to 'kill him' and then throwing Thor's hammer to give the audience the most realistic 'tactile' experience. This is a genuine artifact.

This plan has a high probability of success, but it cannot be straightforward from the beginning. Directly talking about Norse mythology may make people defensive. After all, the scenic spots on the team's journey are all in Northern Europe, so they should have experienced them more or less.

Bing thought for a moment, and did not directly say, 'This story happened in which year and month' like Dong Yang and Yu Xiangyang, but said: "When I was young, my brother told me a lot to coax me to sleep. Stories, myths and legends from various countries, I never thought that one day I would experience it personally..."

Starting with family members telling stories to lull them to sleep is a daily routine. Most people should have had this experience since childhood. Bingyi felt that this was the perfect beginning. However, as he stepped into the role of 'storyteller', he didn't even notice that the entire audience instantly became silent. Everyone, even Yu Xiangyang and An Xuefeng, had indescribable expressions on their faces.


Amidst the shrill screams, Zach, who just now was frantically trying to get Bingyi's SAN value back to zero, completely collapsed. He actually tried to frame Bingyi! This is Bingyi, the one who loves to read bedtime stories to him! Haha, hahaha, he is crazy, he must be crazy.

Zack ran wildly into the darkness amid the screams, the bonfire burned and crackled, and the scene fell into silence again, only the sound of Bingyi telling a story echoed...

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