Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 520: Iceland Shock (54)

An Xuefeng and Roger were the first group in the team to dive into the big crack. The silver lady that B1 talked about was too evil, Miranda and others were afraid and wanted someone to explore the way first. Even though he knew that Miranda and others had something to hide, An Xuefeng was still the first to go into the water. He was always fearless and rushed to the front. Moreover, he had to go into the water after Miranda and others. He suspected that Miranda and others would do something wrong in front. However, as soon as he got into the water, An Xuefeng felt vaguely that the feeling of diving in the big crack at this moment was different from that in the morning and noon. It was terribly quiet around, and there was no trace of any aquatic creatures around. The sound of Miranda and others talking on the surface of the water was first blurred as if separated by a layer of glass, and then completely disappeared. An Xuefeng felt something was wrong and wanted to float up to see the situation, but was pulled by Roger who was always vigilant and worried that Wei Xun would cause trouble for his girlfriend - he was not looking for trouble! Betty took the initiative to want to be in the same group with Director C, how could Wei Xun not bear a grudge? What a joke, all the tourists who were connected with the tour guide were so weird!

If it was on land, An Xuefeng could easily dodge Roger, and if he turned into a killer whale, he could also dodge easily, but Yu Xiangyang's damaged diving suit, Old Mark's attitude and the silver ball made An Xuefeng not want to take off the fully enclosed dry diving suit so quickly. So although he dodged sideways in the water, he was still touched by Roger, lost some balance, and turned upside down in the glacier water.

But before he turned back, An Xuefeng was upside down and saw a silver light flashing deep in the volcanic rock crack on the left!

Catch it, you must catch it. This thought flashed through An Xuefeng's mind for no reason, and a sense of impatience and urgency surged in his heart. But the more this happened, the calmer An Xuefeng became. Wei Xun's body seemed to be a little strange, and he could easily suppress complicated thoughts and stay calm.

The thought that just came to his mind was wrong. An Xuefeng pretended to be angry and ignored Roger who came over to make gestures. He dived slowly and did not throw Roger away. Before entering the water, the tour guide specifically emphasized that two people should be in a group. That might be some kind of rule. It might be dangerous to act alone.

An Xuefeng thought of the silver substance that had stained his body from Yu Xiangyang, and the silver sphere it condensed into. His heart moved slightly. He might have found the same kind of silver substance. Looking at its behavior, it seemed to lead him alone.

Could it be attracted by the salmon flower he ate?

Could the silver substance be so smart? Is it a living thing or a non-living thing?

An Xuefeng pondered in his heart, but he didn't speed up his dive. Even Roger dived faster than him - Roger was determined to quickly get down to the cave deep in the big crack, record a simple cry of the silver girl and turn around and leave - the psychological pressure of being with Wei Xun was too great. Seeing that his SAN value had dropped by five points for some reason, Roger felt so uncomfortable that he was like a prisoner waiting for the death penalty.

If you want to drop, drop it quickly! If you want to fight or cooperate, just be straightforward. If you really fight, he is not afraid of the high-level five-star Wei Xun! Don't drop sharply for a while and then stay still for a while, torturing people.

While listening to whether there were any sounds of crying around, while paying attention to Wei Xun's SAN value with high nervousness, Roger felt like a candle burning at both ends. Suddenly, he swam towards a cave on the volcanic rock wall - he seemed to hear a cry faintly!

An Xuefeng had been following him at a constant speed. When he looked up, he saw that it was the place where the silver shadow disappeared just now. Feeling his approach, Roger turned back cautiously, then he hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and stopped, gesturing to Wei Xun to go in and record first.

Maybe Wei Xun's mood stabilized after completing the task? It's just that there was a sound similar to crying in the glacier water. It's better to make up an explanation than to really see the minced meat and organs of the silver girl. Otherwise, it won't make people lose SAN points.

Roger wanted to attack from behind?

How did Roger know that An Xuefeng had completely different ideas from him? The breathing mask covered the faces of the two people, and An Xuefeng couldn't accurately judge Roger's expression. But he claimed to be a bit accurate in judging people-although Roger looked reckless, strong and simple-minded, he would not attack him, especially when Betty was not there. And Roger would not let anyone explore the way first. According to his simple idea, the pioneers would definitely get more good things.

But An Xuefeng was still careful when entering the cave. As he expected, Roger did not attack him. But An Xuefeng did not find anything in the cave. This volcanic cave is very shallow, at best a crack, and people just squeezed in and it was at the end. An Xuefeng didn't find the silver shadow, but found some silver powder on the wall at the end.

The silver shadow just now seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. An Xuefeng calmly observed the volcanic rock wall near the silver powder and found several small cracks extending downwards. He didn't know how deep it was.

Did he escape from here?

An Xuefeng couldn't be sure, but he still had to collect the silver powder. Using his body to block Roger's sight, An Xuefeng took out a small silver ball and rolled it in front of the silver powder. The silver powder attached to the volcanic rock naturally attached to it, but the silver ball did not change. An Xuefeng took out the underwater camera and recorder again, but did not collect the sound or figure of the silver girl from the cave.

An Xuefeng came out of the cave in just five minutes. After coming out, Roger rushed in anxiously, turned around and came out frustrated. He looked at Wei Xun and saw him shaking his head.

Teach you how to set the reading page, come and see it!

There is really nothing, neither Wei Xun nor he has completed the task.

Roger thought, and then continued to dive down with Wei Xun.

Since the silver thing was trying to lure him away alone, it was sure to show up again. An Xuefeng silently recorded the time in his heart and assessed the depth. Sure enough, as he expected, they dived down for about five minutes, and a silver shadow flashed and disappeared deep in the large crack.

It appears again!

This time, not only An Xuefeng saw it, but Roger also saw it. Silver creature! Could it be related to Silver Lady? Roger was excited at first, and An Xuefeng observed him calmly, but soon he saw Roger looking back at him, and then at him again, his movements seemed hesitant and tangled.

Then he shook his head heavily but resolutely and crossed his hands.

Don't want to look for it?

An Xuefeng was a little surprised.

How could Roger be so patient? Are you still calm and rational when the mission goal is right in front of you? Did he misjudge him, or was Roger pretending to deliberately make him relax his guard?

Roger is real.

After continuing to dive with Roger, An Xuefeng confirmed that the silver figure appeared again and again, but Roger firmly changed the diving direction again and again.

Roger just didn't want to come into contact with a living creature suspected to be related to the Silver Lady.

He just wanted to find the simplest cry. When he dived to a certain depth and got closer and closer to the dark green glacier water, Roger even decided not to dive anymore, but began to swim sideways, searching for the volcanic rock walls on the left and right.

An Xuefeng rarely continued downwards, but looked around thoughtfully.

After the silver figure appeared, twisted, and escaped again and again, failing to attract their pursuit, the silver shadow disappeared. An Xuefeng was sure that it had intelligence, or that the 'person' behind them had certain intelligence.

So when they find that the silver shadow cannot attract their attention, what will that 'person' do next?

there's noise!

Roger, who had always been nervous, thought he was in a trance at first, but when he hit his head hard through the wetsuit and woke up, he was surprised to find that there was really crying! The cry came from the crack in the volcanic rock wall on the left. He excitedly turned on the recorder, but found that the sound recorded by the recorder was in a straight line - too far away and the sound was too soft. He had to get closer.

Roger subconsciously rushed over first, and only after swimming out did he think of Wei Xun. His whole body froze, and his brain was engaged in a fierce ideological struggle. He saw several strange silver shadows along the way, but Roger forcefully ignored their weird aspects and just regarded them as fish, as if he could convince Wei Xun by thinking this way.

But Wei Xun's SAN value continued to drop along the way, and now he only had six points left.

Six is ​​an absolutely unlucky number! Different from Eastern culture, in Roger's place, six is ​​called the "deficient number", while seven is the perfect number. Seven, seven, seven, represents the omniscient and omnipotent God, while six, six, six represents the devil! When Roger saw that Wei Xun's SAN value was only six points, he was worried that it was a sign.

Finally, he endured the humiliation, turned around and made a gesture to let Wei Xun go forward.

Teach you how to set up a reading page, come and take a look!

He has never been so cowardly!

Roger thought aggrievedly, his eyes widened like an ox, watching Wei Xun enter the crack and then come out, then he grabbed the recording pen and rushed in immediately - No! The crying disappeared! why is that?

Whyyyyyyy? !

Roger was full of suspicion and resentment, and saw Wei Xun spreading his hands and shaking his head at him. Roger didn't believe it this time. But Wei Xun showed him the recorder again, and there was really no record on his recorder.

Shit, so unlucky. What is this? Roger didn't understand. Why did Wei Xun stop crying as soon as he entered the room while listening to her crying outside? Does that girl from Silver Girl have a crush on Wei Xun?

At this moment, Roger was just venting his frustration and thinking, but soon he discovered to his horror that the silver lady might really like Wei Xun! They could hear the girl crying every now and then, but no matter whether Wei Xun went in or Roger went in first, the crying would disappear without a trace. If Miranda and the others had started analyzing earlier, they would have thought that it was not the right thing to break into the cave directly and that this was the only way to record the crying.

But Roger didn't think much of it, and the crying came quickly. Every time he was reflecting on his annoyance about not picking up the cry, the next second he heard the cry coming from somewhere else, and hurried over. This was very convenient for An Xuefeng. Every time he entered a cave or crack where cries came from, he would collect a small amount of silver powder.

The silver ball changed from the size of a pea to the size of a small kumquat. As it grew larger, An Xuefeng saw hallucinatory, majestic, or eerie scenes countless times, including the Tree of Life and Ragnarok. The attraction to him under the crack suddenly became normal and suddenly infinite.

But with An Xuefeng's resilience and calmness, he suppressed it every time. Just swim parallel to collect the silver powder and don't dive down another meter. He wanted to see who was more anxious about the meeting.

Finally, when Roger collapsed and was about to live in Bengbu, the 'person' hidden behind the silver shadow couldn't wait any longer. When they explored a slightly larger volcanic rock fissure cave, An Xuefeng went in to explore first. While collecting silver powder, he suddenly felt that there was chaos outside, as if a big wave was crashing. An Xuefeng, who was always vigilant, immediately drew his sword and looked back. When he looked back, his pupils suddenly shrank.

The entrance to the crack was blocked tightly without any sound, and he didn't feel any sound at all! What blocked the entrance of the cave were pieces of volcanic rock. These volcanic rocks were covered with dense horizontal cracks and looked extremely fragile. However, when the gangster's murder knife penetrated the crack, something horrifying and frightening happened - this crack He actually opened his 'eyes'!

In an instant, all the volcanic rocks opened their eyes. The cracks were eyes. Countless chocolate-colored balls formed the eyeballs, rotating and clustering around, making a sticky rustling sound, staring straight at An Xuefeng. look. There was no time to close his eyes as countless hallucinations and hallucinations washed through An Xuefeng's mind, trying to control his mind and turn him into a puppet - but he was already someone else's puppet.

Although An Xuefeng didn't know it, he was basically not affected by the other party. But he pretended to be seriously injured. He closed his eyes and then opened them again. There was a bit of pretended sluggishness, a bit of struggle and sobriety in his eyes.

‘Young man, you are indeed the warrior I am looking for’

When he opened his eyes, the volcanic rocks all closed their eyes, as if he had passed some test. The ball in his hand finally spoke, in a high and noble tone, like a god, and he The chosen one.

‘You say you are a wise man? ’

An Xuefeng automatically blocked its chatter and intimidation and only focused on the key points.

"Yes, I am the All-Wise One, you can call me the Great Alvis."

It was just what he was thinking, but the silver ball seemed to hear his voice, and said arrogantly and complacently: "Young man, I know all the secrets, and I also know all the knowledge of the gods and humans in the past and present."

"As long as you are loyal to me and swear to walk the world with my will as your will, I will grant you the glory of a warrior and tell you any secrets you want to know!"


An Xuefeng narrowed his eyes slightly and acted as upright as Roger. His breathing was a little heavier, as if he was barely keeping calm: "I don't believe it. It's impossible for such a good thing to happen for no reason."

"Say! What do you want me to do?!"

Teach you how to set up a reading page, come and take a look!

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