Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 515: Icelandic Horror (49)

‘God of Fire! God of Fire!’

The weak and tender voice of calling was intermittent, like a candle in the wind, which would be extinguished in an instant, but it made Bingyi’s eyes shine.

“Guide Bing! Thank you for saving me!”

Yin Guangyuan, who was still in shock, hurried to thank him. The staff of the tourist center rushed over and removed the bench that was half burnt black by the flames. Yin Guangyuan did not go to another bench for fear of igniting something else. He wanted to sit on the ground with bandages all over his body, but the floor of the tourist center was also wooden, which really made Yin Guangyuan in a dilemma.

"Come sit on the bench. It just caught fire. It won't be soon-hiss!"


The rain was pouring down and thunder was blasting. Shao Yuan gasped before he could finish his words to comfort Yin Guangyuan. A bright ball of light the size of a fist flew in from outside amid the thunder and lightning, dragging a trail of electric light like dust. The air was filled with the smell of burning. The ball of light was erratic, but it flew straight towards Shao Yuan with a clear goal. The staff of the tourist center who had just arrived subconsciously stopped the tourists and blocked the ball of light, but the next moment they screamed miserably.


The screams stopped abruptly in just one second, leaving no time for people to react. The white light suddenly surged and dissipated with a harsh crackling sound. When the light faded, all the staff present screamed in fear, and some even knelt on the ground, crying uncontrollably and begging for mercy. The scene in front of them was really too shocking——

The staff who were still fine in the last second heard a deafening bang after touching the light ball, and the next second there was only a piece of charred bones on the ground! The flames burned along the charred bones in a circle with a pungent smell of burning, and in an instant it became a big fire, and the wooden floor creaked. The scorching air instantly swept through the hall like the wind, and the flames rolled higher and higher.

But the next moment, the blazing fire was absorbed and extinguished by a ball of mixed flames of various colors, and the scorching air dissipated in an instant, leaving only a charred black.

"Close the doors and windows!" Bingyi ordered loudly in the chaos. People need a backbone in chaos. Soon the doors and windows of the tourist center were closed. Some staff members even pulled the power switch on a whim. In an instant, the hall was dark. Only the bright lightning outside the window tore through the sky, reflecting the bright lightning, accompanied by the rumbling thunder, just like someone was going through a tribulation. Bingyi felt that this scene was a little familiar. "Yes. It's thunder..." All the tourists gathered together vigilantly. Di Feiyu's face was pale and he murmured subconsciously. The thunder and lightning outside were obviously the punishment of the god of thunder worshipped in the church after they stole the church clock and made a scene in the church. "No." But before he could finish, Bingyi interrupted him: "We were unlucky and encountered a thunderstorm." The Icelanders Bingyi met during the journey were all very enthusiastic and even fanatical towards him. He was currently unable to determine whether their enthusiasm was only directed at Loki or at all the Norse gods. Thinking of the staff who had just knelt down, Bingyi intuitively believed that the wind, rain, thunder and lightning outside must not be regarded as "divine punishment" in the eyes of these Icelanders. There must be a reasonable explanation. "Yes, it was ball lightning just now, which usually appears during thunderstorms." Yu Hehui spoke in human language from the fox mouth, and Shaoyuan, who had the fastest brain, reacted immediately and agreed. Looking at the staff around him, Shaoyuan's back was covered with cold sweat when he thought about the consequences of being known to them as a divine punishment. "Why did the thunderstorm form suddenly?" But someone asked, obviously the explanation was not enough to convince them. Pairs of eyes stared at him in the dark, and their faces were illuminated by lightning again and again, showing a grayish white like zombies. The atmosphere took a sharp turn for the worse and tensed up instantly. "Yes, why did a thunderstorm suddenly form?"


The staff members gathered one after another with staggering steps, as if they wanted to hear explanations and answers. All the passengers felt that the atmosphere was not right. Shao Yuan and the other two unconsciously pressed their backs together, alert to the surroundings. What should we do? How can we explain it? Everyone racked their brains to think of a solution. Yin Guangyuan opened his mouth to fool around, but he remembered the failed fool in the church and didn't dare to say anything for a while.

If Director C spoke, he would definitely convince the Icelandic residents.

Shao Yuan saw Director C in the crowd from the corner of his eye. Even though the Icelandic staff were approaching step by step with a strong sense of oppression, they avoided the place where Director C was, but he shook his head violently in his heart as soon as the idea came up. No, no, no, this is the trouble they caused, and they must solve it themselves. No one can get rewards for nothing without taking risks.

How to explain it... huh? ! Shao Yuan suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind and shouted: "It's because of the volcanic eruption!"

"It's because of the eruption of Snæfellsjökull that caused the thunderstorm weather."

All the strange phenomena in the Icelandic journey started with the eruption of Snæfellsjökull, and it was right to push it from this. And Shao Yuan was not forcing his argument. The more he spoke, the smoother his thoughts became: "In 2010, the eruption of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland caused a volcanic lightning storm, and the lightning also hit a British passenger plane passing here!"

Volcanic eruptions can indeed cause lightning storms. The volcanic ash ejected by the volcano can act as charged particles. Shao Yuan's example was something that happened in Iceland, which successfully stopped the approaching staff and made them suddenly realize it.

"It turned out to be a volcanic eruption!"

"This damn volcano."

"Oh poor Jonas, Martha is still waiting for him at home, and this terrible thing happens."

The staff seemed to have returned to normal. They sighed and put away the charred corpses that had been burned to ashes by ball lightning. Some couldn't help crying. Dan Lin, who had been silent just now, stepped forward, whispered advice, and took out the cross. As if to pray for this poor man.

But someone held his shoulder from behind.

"Miao Fangfei and the others haven't come back yet."

Bingyidao: "Shaoyuan and the others are seriously injured and can't get out. The weather is like this outside. I'm very worried."

Dan Lin was stunned for a moment, then agreed gently:

"Okay, I will bring them back."

Then he walked to the door, pushed it open a crack, and walked outside, calm and composed, ignoring the lightning and thunder.

‘Did Dan Lin appear in the church? ’

Bingyi took over the poor charred corpse, and his fingers burning with fusion flames passed over his bones. Sure enough, he caught another weak but spiritual flame, like this poor man's broken soul. It threw itself into the mixed flames without resistance, issuing a weak but joyful 'Vulcan! Vulcan! ’ call.

"Oh bless him, bless poor lucky Jonas!"

“Jonas is back with God!”

The surrounding staff who were holding their breath seemed to be aware of it. They all hugged each other and cried, whispering joyfully "Oh my God, Oh my God". The original solemn and sad atmosphere disappeared in an instant.

And Bingyi also confirmed one thing.

Sure enough, this made him feel that there was an Icelandic soul in the weak flame of the power of faith.

And the flame that was ignited in Yin Guangyuan's chair just now couldn't have been ignited for no reason. There might also be a soul in it to form a spiritual flame. And these dead souls have been burned by the fire, their souls are incomplete, and they are confused, so they are so easy to deceive. When they feel a little power of 'Loki', they obey and call the Vulcan.

The resentful spirit carried by Yu Hehui was not that stupid. It might even be a clergyman in the church. Therefore, after being burned to death by the fire, although he was afraid of fire, he refused to recognize gods other than Thor.

‘Dan Lin never showed up’

Yu Hehui was sure that maybe it was because he was not a serious tourist. After Yu Hehui was kidnapped into the church, no one was watching around him, and he was not with Shao Yuan and the others. He easily escaped with the Hu Xian illusion and carefully inspected every room in the church. One place, even a small cemetery behind the church, where the ghost was acquired.

It wasn't until Yin Guangyuan saw through the key adjustment time of the clock that Yu Hehui followed Shao Yuan and the others in the crack on the east side of the ruins. The fire broke out without any warning. At this time, the ghost in his body caused trouble, and Yu Hehui was involved in the flames, and he was burned like this. look.

But he had never seen Dan Lin from beginning to end.

‘Dan Lin entered the church together, but he was different from Shao Yuan and the others. Maybe he gained the status of a clergyman, or... have you looked carefully at the statue of God in the church? ’

Bingyi said firmly: "People can also be hidden in statues of gods. Danlin has his extraordinary opportunities." It stands to reason that the visitor center should be safe, and lightning, thunder and fire should not be able to break in here unless someone is involved. ’

‘Are you saying that Danlin might be infiltrated by the power of the God of Thunder? ’

Yu Hehui's heart skipped a beat when he heard Wei Xun say, "Idols can hide people." For a moment, they thought he had regained his memory. He thought of An Xuefeng, who had entered the statue of the sun in his consciousness in the Sahara. Only after hearing his words later did he calm down, and sighed in his heart that Wei Xun was really He is very good at association, and his thinking is not limited by common sense, and he can think of the key at once.

‘I really didn’t look at the statue carefully’

Yu Hehui admitted that although he was not a serious traveler and was not subject to too many tests, looking directly at the statue of a god on a journey that had been confirmed to involve mythology was seeking death. Moreover, Yu Hehui sneaked into the church not to confront the god. In addition to confirming who the god enshrined in the church was, he had a more important task.


Bingyi's fingers, which were caged under the tour guide's cloak, moved slightly and touched the rough and cold wood. He groped upwards with his fingertips and found that the handle was directly up to the blade.

The whole knife is not too long, a bit like a dagger, with a straight blade and a straight and sharp blade.

This is a Nordic hunting knife.

Bingyi has always wanted to have a sword, especially now that the Nordic war god Tyr, who has a victorious sword, is watching him, he will not miss this opportunity. What he originally wanted to do was sneak into the visitor center kitchen during lunch and get a bone-cutting knife or something. But it happened that the old church might have extraordinary powers, so he asked Yu Hehui to try the water.

There is usually a cemetery behind the church, and most of the people buried there are clergy or celebrities, which is an honor. There is a very old tradition in Northern Europe, that is, when people bury the deceased, they usually put on a good pair of boots for him, place a stack of hella biscuits, and a hunting knife next to him.

In Norse mythology, if the dead want to reach Helheim, the underworld, they must first walk on a rugged road in the cold and dark land of the far north for nine days and nine nights, so they must have a good pair of boots. After nine days and nine nights, we will reach the border of Helheim, a river called Dagiore. On the river, there is a gold-plated crystal bridge suspended by hair. The bridge guard is a ferocious skeleton, fighting mad. Modgood*

Normally Norse people would burn paper cutouts of carriages and horses when burying their dead, so that the ghosts could ride horses or ride across bridges. But in the old days, Nordic clergy could not burn such items after their death, so ghosts could only walk across the bridge.

For ghosts who want to walk across the bridge, Modgud will suck its blood as toll tax, but if the ghost is wearing a hunting knife, the skeleton Modgud named War Mad will admire the brave Nordic warriors. Let him pass*

So there are probably knives in the churchyard, but certainly not in the current cemetery. I am thinking of the ancient first generation churchyard. And this knife is probably extraordinary, far better than a restaurant fruit knife.

Bingyi actually didn't expect Yu Hehui to come back directly with a knife in his mouth. He only thought that he could go first to find out the situation of the venue. This was really beyond his imagination. Putting away the hunting knife and touching Yu Hehui's black and hot flesh, Bingyi's heart moved slightly, but Yu Hehui still felt that he had not done enough, and after a while he kept reminding:

‘This knife is probably cursed. Its wooden handle is still there after all these years, and it looks like new. It’s definitely not simple.’

For a moment, I was annoyed that I didn't discover Dan Lin, and didn't notice the strangeness of the statue: "Dan Lin has a high chance of getting the attention of the God of Thunder. He is Xi... He is a tourist with great potential, and his opportunities are not much less than Wei Xun." If he is really watched by the God of Thunder, when you give birth to the eight-legged horse today, it is very likely that you will face the father and son of 'Odin' and 'Thor' at the same time.

In the myth, Loki teased Thor's wife and cut off her blond hair. He had a bad relationship with Thor. If he really appeared in an incarnation, it would be impossible to side with 'Loki'. Although Wei Xun has the blessing of the God of War Tyr today, the God of War Tyr is also the son of Odin, so it is impossible to side with Wei Xun in a real confrontation.

'But even if it can really be possessed, the restrictions are probably very high and it won't take long...'

‘I’m not afraid of curses’

Listening to Yu Hehui worriedly nagging him and planning for him, Bingyi interrupted him and chuckled: "If it's like the one just now, I hope it comes more often."

The flames caused by the curse are very likely to contain incomplete souls who can become his followers. Bingyi now only has two flames who revere him and call him the God of Fire, which is not enough.

‘The God of Thunder is not afraid, I have my own way’

'That's good'

Although Wei Xun didn't say anything, Yu Hehui breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that he was so confident. The little fox rarely rested in Wei Xun's arms for a while, but then he couldn't rest anymore, kicking his legs and struggling to think.

‘I’m going to see how Miao Fangfei and the others are doing, and B1, they haven’t been back for so long——’

‘Your injuries are not serious either’

Although Bingyi also wanted to know, he rarely continued to squeeze Yu Hehui. Instead, he gently touched the tip of its ear and stuffed something into Yu Hehui's arms.

‘Just stay with him for a while, nothing will happen next, you have a good rest’

'Huh? ’

Yu Hehui was stunned. What Wei Xun thrust into his arms was a fat and white ginseng doll! Different from when it was mutilated in the morning, it has grown back to its fair and plump appearance, with silver-white ginseng whiskers hanging down like hair. Its eyes are still closed, as if it is still sleeping, but there is a smile on the corner of its mouth.

Finally gaining Wei Xun's trust and being able to transform into a human form immediately, Tong Hege was of course happy, as all the hardships finally came to an end.

And being willing to put Tong Hege into his arms and let the two of them be alone, Wei Xun must have gained more trust in him.

Yu Hehui sighed in his heart, it was as sweet as eating honey, he ran to the back with the ginseng in his mouth, grabbed a few ginseng tendrils with a smile and ate them, and soon became a smooth and smooth fox again.

The smile on Ginseng Doll's mouth disappeared.

"It's back, it's all back!"

Not long after Yu Hehui ran away, the door of the visitor center was pushed open again, and a group of people rushed in, including the tourists from the B1 team who were practicing diving, Walker and others who were sightseeing freely, and Miao Fangfei who was going to the drowning pool. Yao Jinghe and Yao Jinghe came back together!


As soon as the big black wolf Walker came in, he howled and swung the water around like a drum washing machine, causing people around him to avoid it. The staff quickly brought a dozen large towels and disposable paper cups filled with hot water to distribute to everyone. . As soon as b1 took a breath, he hurriedly grabbed the staff and shouted:

"Oh my God, show Walker, it's been struck by lightning!"

Struck by lightning? No wonder, early in the morning, Bing noticed that Walker was in a very low mood, feeling a little shaken. The water he threw down was also black, like water dyed with burnt hair. He walked quickly to Walker, ran his fingers through its hair, and did not feel the small fire. Walker, on the other hand, leaned directly against his legs as if he had finally found support, like a big black dog, with a pitiful whimpering sound in his throat.

Hey, animal states are really cute. Bingyi couldn't help but scratched its ears, and secretly gave it a pinch of ginseng under its nails to help Walker recover quickly.

"Is there any sugar water? Dan Lin also passed out."

Wei Xun's voice diverted Bingyi's attention from Walker to him. Wei Xun was still wearing a dry swimsuit and was in good spirits. There was a card hanging around his neck, which was his diving qualification certificate. Wei Xun ran back and forth, worried about Yu Xiangyang staring at old Mark, and at the same time he was able to complete the task and get the qualification certificate. He was indeed extraordinary. And Wei Xun was holding a sleepy blond baby in his arms, which was exactly what he had become. Baby Danlin.

It seems that Thor's possession/power can't last too long, and Dan Lin will turn into a baby when exhausted. There is less thunder outside now, and lightning no longer appears from time to time. The thunderstorm at noon today came and went quickly.

Bingyi thought to himself and took the initiative to take Dan Lin from Wei Xun and handed it to Maria for her to take care of temporarily. He wanted to confirm Dan Lin's state, whether he was conscious or unconscious when he was possessed by Thor. Did he deliberately attract thunder to attack Yin Guangyuan and the others, or was he unable to control himself? This is very important for the next attraction.

But currently Bingyi is more worried about Miao Fangfei and the others. They are coughing non-stop, their faces are pale, and their breathing is heavy as if they are pulling bellows. The two of them did not come back alone, but were helped back by Yin Qiaoqiao and Tang Xiang. Oops. The state is second only to Dan Lin. Miao Fangfei's hand holding the water was trembling, and Yao Jinghe was speechless.

Bingyi noticed that Miao Fangfei's eyes turned dark green. She must have used the extraordinary power she obtained from the protector yesterday, so it must be difficult for Miao Fangfei to drown and she could also protect Yao Jinghe.

"Hey, you guys are taking too many risks."

b1 also sighed when he saw this, and couldn't help but said: "The drowning pool is next to the Aksai Falls. I remember that it is closed. The protective measures are not enough. You are risking your life by going there!"

"what is going on?"

Bingyi asked, and B1 simply explained a few words. He originally wanted to lead the team back to the visitor center as soon as possible after seeing the rain. However, the thunderstorm that followed made them afraid to leave. There were not many trees in the plains, and most of them were flat grasslands and tundra. People standing and walking were like living targets. The thunder and lightning were so dense, and there was still enough oxygen anyway, so they simply They all went into the water, thinking of waiting for the thunderstorm to pass before going ashore.

At that time, Philip and Bai Lian were the only ones who failed the examination, so the diving instructor simply asked them to take advantage of this opportunity to complete their qualification certificate examination.

Unexpectedly, Phillip had a near miss and passed the passing mark, but Bai Lian sank and disappeared, and the contact was cut off. The anxious diving instructor and b1 almost went crazy, thinking that Yu Xiangyang had appeared again. Wei Xun and others almost dived down to look for people, but fortunately ten minutes later, the layman Bailian came up and brought two people with him.

It was Miao Fangfei and Yao Jinghe who unfortunately fell into the water while visiting the drowning pool! Then I don’t know how it sank into the Silfra Crack.

"It's not the two ladies' fault."

Practitioner Bai Lian said seriously: "A baby spirit has entangled them and confused people's minds."

Then he shook his head and sighed: "The infant spirits are stubborn. I couldn't free them. I just tried to comfort them. The infant spirits are still in them. It's really a sin, a sin..."

Infant spirit?

"Thank you, layman, for helping me."

Bingyi said seriously, walked up to Miao Fangfei and Yao Jinghe, and touched their shoulders inadvertently. He didn't receive the new small fire, but felt it was cold and slippery to the touch, like a corpse soaked in water.

"Bushi, you have helped us a lot."

Miao Fangfei finally spoke, her voice hoarse. With Director Bing by her side, the tight strings in her heart finally relaxed, even the baby's giggles and 'Mom, why did you kill me' echoed in her mind? ’ The ethereal doubtful sounds seemed to be covered with a layer of reassuring and warm filter.

And Miao Fangfei doesn't plan to let Lay Practitioner Bai Lian rescue the baby right now. This is the drowned ghost baby that she and Yao Jinghe worked so hard to abduct!

The drowning pool was no less dangerous than the church. After they fell in, the water was filled with women who had drowned in countless years in the past, as well as thousands of ghost babies! It stands to reason that those who drowned in drowning pools are all criminal women, and there shouldn't be so many ghost babies. But if you see those drowned corpses with your own eyes, you will understand that some of these women have ruptured abdomens, and some have belly so big that it is transparent. Crowded with ghost babies!

I don’t know how many years they have been dead, but they are still giving birth to fetuses! Miao Fangfei and Yao Jinghe were beaten into aliens because they were not pregnant. Miao Fangfei did not want to recall that hellish scene of nine deaths. Fortunately, Miao Fangfei used the new title she got from the protector yesterday in time and became a water plant. And after blocking Yao Jinghe, the two of them had a chance to breathe.

Yao Jinghe then found out that both the drowned corpses and the ghost babies liked to hear her recite Buddhist scriptures, especially the ghost babies. The ghost babies also like to play with the water plants conjured by Miao Fangfei. The two kidnapped two drowned ghost babies and disguised themselves as drowned corpses. They were able to explore the surrounding environment with ease. After the drowned ghost babies entered the belly, they had to bear their magic. There were sounds in their ears and various hallucinations, but they were able to breathe underwater.

The two of them abducted seven ghost babies in total. Yao Jinghe chanted sutras until her throat burst and bleeded. Just as the church has the title of 'Wizard', the drowning pool should also have a corresponding title. Miao Fangfei suspected that if they could abduct more ghost babies, they might be able to obtain the title of 'Mother of Ghost Babies', and be able to give birth to ghost babies on their own like these drowned corpses, and realize the freedom of ghost babies.

However, when she discovered that the drowning pool was connected to the Great Lake and the Silfra Crack, Miao Fangfei turned part of her attention to exploring the Great Lake. They obtained a lot of information in the Old Port before going out to sea, and they should collect enough information before fishing this afternoon.

And it was through this exploration that Miao Fangfei discovered an amazing secret!

The thunderstorm outside gradually stopped, and the staff turned off the power switch. After restoring the power, the wet passengers went to take a hot shower one by one. It was now half past eleven, and the restaurant began to serve Icelandic specialties. After receiving Miao Fangfei's look, Shao Yuan and others deliberately stayed behind. When they heard the news brought back by Miao Fangfei, everyone looked at each other in shock.

“There are no fish in Thingvadra Lake!”

Miao Fangfei said solemnly: "There's not a single fish...except for algae, I didn't find any other life!"

The hotel has increased the difficulty of the attractions!

For a moment, Shaoyuan and others thought of this.

As the team that completed the most scenic spots yesterday, the hotel will definitely pay extra attention to them.

There are no fish in Thingvadra Lake, so how are they going to fish in the afternoon!

"There's no way there won't be fish."

Shao Yuan said seriously: "Maybe the fish are hiding."

"They also said there were no fish."

Miao Fangfei smiled bitterly. Of course she was referring to the drowned ghost babies.

Everyone felt that it was tricky. If they wanted to fish successfully in the afternoon, they had to find the fish first. Even if all the Arctic salmon are hiding, they are hiding in a place where even the drowned corpses of ghost babies cannot be found. Where would that be? How dangerous it must be!

"By the way, Director C, this is for you."

Everyone was worried, but this was not a problem that could be solved in a short time. At this moment, Miao Fangfei walked up to Director Bing, who was silently listening in deep thought, and whispered softly. She quietly pulled the sleeves of his cloak and stuffed it. I gave Director B something.

That's a ghost baby!

The author has something to say: There will be an update tomorrow. You can’t think of it. Come on!


Miao Fangfei/Yao Jinghe: I brought souvenirs back to Director Bing!

Shao Yuan and others:! ! Super, we will definitely do the same next time!

*(Special performance of local love stories)

Miao Fangfei and others [affectionate]: Today we went fishing at the lake. I put on bait and started fishing at this unpopular lake. However, no fish was willing to take my hook. Just when I wanted to When I gave up, the fishhook suddenly swayed, and blood surged from my heart. I pulled the fishhook out of the water with a wave of my hand, and tears immediately filled my eyes. Ah, I caught it, I caught it! What kind of fish is that? ! It is our unswerving devotion to Director Bing until death!

Director C:?


From Baidu Encyclopedia and "Norse Mythology", some are referenced and some are fabricated

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2022-05-02 23:30:32~2022-05-03 23:15:09~

Thanks to the little angel who dropped the shallow water bomb: Qinghe Yun 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the rocket launchers: Qinghe Yun 3;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Youcha really knows how to thank, such a big rain, fly, behave in a moderate manner, clean white, thur, Jiang Yi, a bully who loves to look at his children;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 380 bottles of Youth and Flower Mian; 150 bottles of Xi; 86 bottles of aax; 60 bottles of Cold Tomato Sauce, Tang and Song; 55 bottles of Qingnuan; Wumo, Kongsuya, Yijun, Su Luo, Ye, Chi Xing, 44383152 50 bottles; 38944280, Little Sprayer's Dad 40 bottles; Chen Bu and I are running in both directions, the days are long, Youxun, Fish Scales, So Hungry, Sakaki Ye, Tangjiu Fan, the world., the world is the most amazing noodle 30 bottles; siege, monster, livgovo, Lijiu, a thousand in a circle, I want to update, glutinous rice feathers, 33635714, Mr. Crow’s little fan girl, u. Momo , 20 bottles of Eryaomu; 19 bottles of Qing; Xianyu needs 15 bottles of happy water; 13 bottles of abyss; qianqian, Ajie, Molu, Keswell, Yumo, Qianqian, Sujiu^-^, Jiang Yi, Li Nian ジ, Guazi, Ximingren yyds, giotto, littlefat38, ?yan, Sa Ye, thur, Chanyu, Emotional Killer, Yi Maojun, Mao Tuaner, Shen Yunjian, Ben Onmyoji lives for, 6w6, 53945491, Seasonal Worker, Maple Leaf, Wuli Mist, Autumn, Ke Zong’s Laleye, Yu An 10 bottles; 44712814 6 bottles; Uh-huh, I’m so hungry after reading at night, 5 bottles of Jasmine; The cat who loves to drink Coke , It’s weird, you don’t need to learn from it, Miminuo is my 4 bottles; Bai Yunsheng is 3 bottles; Guyu, I don’t know, I just want to read novels quietly, 2 bottles; Pingyu, lpsar, Xihua, I really can’t name them, Morning rain and light dust, star smoke on the sea, flowers in bloom, irena, evening breeze, magnolia, 46606959, Sheng Lingyuan, Liu Xixi, Ye Lingxue, Raven and White Dove, Dululu, 4rizon, Baili Zui, 58252564 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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