Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 503: Icelandic Horror (37)

As a privileged horse loved by all the staff, when Miranda and others were forced to go to the waiting area to prepare, Bingyi could still roam freely in the hotel and go to the door to observe his future opponents.

Among the first group to arrive, Bingyi immediately set his sights on the most powerful black and white pony headed by him. It also wears a cloak and is also a tour guide, and it is also a silver-purple cloak! The guides in silver and purple cloaks were stronger than their counterparts in blue cloaks, and this pony was the strongest among them.

A powerful opponent!

Is he going to take part in the gladiatorial melee? Why is he black and white? Is the butterfly flying next to him some kind of supernatural power? What is the use? Bingyi became excited for a moment, his heart was racing, and he noticed the blood stains on the young horse. Bingyi stretched out his golden wings tentatively, and a little holy light spread over it.

Holy light is harmless and pure, and everyone who has tried it says it has good healing properties. When he 'tamed' the little tiger and made friends with Lovelin, the holy light played a big role. Bingyi simply repeated his old trick and used the holy light to explore first. He looked around and closely observed the movements of the black and white pony.

He is young, very vigilant, full of vigilance, ruthless, and agile. He seems to have a grudge against the following passengers. Butterfly scale powder can corrode even volcanic rocks and is highly toxic, and the scars on his body can be contaminated without being contaminated...

Seeing the black-and-white pony quickly avoiding the holy light, a man behind him mercilessly threw him forward to test him and let him be enveloped in the holy light. If the holy light is poison, then this person will definitely lose half his life.

And after discovering that the holy light could heal wounds, it stomped the man back without hesitation. He bathed in the holy light without anyone noticing, and allowed the holy light to heal the wounds. He stared at the white horse with wide eyes and curiosity, paying attention. When Hakuba was looking at him, Otoji immediately stared back aggressively, head held high, looking arrogant and difficult to deal with.

But when he saw Hakuba glance at him without saying a word, and after the wound stopped bleeding, he stopped talking and turned around to leave. The doubts and hesitations in Otoji's heart disappeared in an instant, before his brain could react. , he had already run over a few steps with a cry of "Xilulu——". It rushed forward so fast that it bumped into the big white horse. With one bite, it actually caught the tip of the golden wing hanging behind the big white horse, making a muffled sound. He was so sullen that he didn't know what he was saying, but he clung to the big white horse.

This sight made the six Western District travelers in his team stunned. Even the big white horse dragged the black and white pony away, and they couldn't recover for a while. Until the clatter of horse hooves sounded again, another brigade came from the south.

"What's up? What's up?"

The leader of the brigade coming from the south was also a black and white Icelandic horse. Most of its body was white, only its face and four hooves were black. The fur on its body was very plush and long. It looked like a black-faced horse in a cartoon. The sheep also has a bleating accent when it neighs. Unlike the energetic horse, it looks very hesitant in its movements, trembling every step, weak, as if it is about to faint at any time.

Behind it, the three East District weak traveler horses walked tremblingly, because they carried people on their backs. The other two people followed without horses, but they whipped them from time to time.


The sharp pain from being whipped was like fireworks exploding in the bones. The pain made the scalp of the weak traveler from the East District numb and all four hooves felt weak. The strong man from the West End on his back was still rudely mocking and taunting him, using the hard whip handle to poke the scar on his shoulder and neck. The pain made him tremble, but he could only grit his teeth and endure it.

Weak people will be ridiculed, not to mention that two weak passengers from the east region died in their team, and five strong passengers from the west region were still fine. These West Side visitors were the big guys in the original A2 team. They couldn't beat them at all, so they could only endure it. Originally, one of the three of them would definitely die in tonight's showdown, but the revised rules gave them a glimmer of hope.

The three of them just wanted to survive the first night, hoping that someone would kill the five West End strong travelers, even one or two. However, when they arrived at the Volcano Lava Hotel, they saw the six West Enders standing at the door, and the three weak travelers from the East End were already feeling faintly desperate.

When the five West District bosses in their team saw the people at the door, their expressions changed instantly. After shouting and chatting for a few words, they started to curse and beat the three of them to death as if to vent their anger. The weak travelers from the East District were good at foreign languages. After reluctantly listening to their conversation, his expression changed.

The six people on the opposite side turned out to be from the Yin Yang Butterfly team! No wonder I met the five West Region travelers in their team. Five of the ten powerful West Region travelers in the A2 Ghost Captain team went to the Yin-Yang Butterfly team, and five came to Bing Er Faint Sheep and his team.

Four members of the Yin-Yang Butterfly team died in one day, including two strong travelers. This made the three East District weak travelers who eavesdropped on their conversation feel happy in their hearts. The injuries on their bodies didn't seem to hurt anymore, but thinking about tonight's confrontation , thinking about their fate, they became worried and anxious again.

Pray... pray that the remaining three troubled teams are all led by tour guides from the West Region. The tour guides from the West Region are either tourists from the East Region or strong travelers from the East Region. Only if there are more big guys from the East Region can they survive the duel.

However, the three weak tourists from the East District were disappointed. The next team that arrived at the hotel was actually led by an Icelandic horse guide. It was obviously another East District tour guide!


The new team coming from the north stopped far away, and they were cautious and did not approach this side. After a while, a man staggered over to see the situation. The tourists from the West District who had gathered at the door of the hotel shouted hello after seeing him. They were obviously people they knew, but the man did not dare to respond to their words. His face was as black as a dead person. Similarly, after looking at them for a few times, they left silently, which made people suspicious and murmuring in their hearts.

After a while, they saw that the new brigade did not go this way, but turned around and headed directly towards the open-air arena, as if they did not want to have any contact with them at the door. The atmosphere among the powerful travelers in the West District also became solemn. No one took the risk to peep, but they were a little afraid and started talking in low voices.

The one of the three weak travelers who was good at foreign languages ​​continued to eavesdrop on their conversation, but the more he listened, the more gloomy he became, and his two voices trembled.

The newly arrived West End gangster is actually a member of the original Little Witch team!

The powerful travelers in the Little Witch Team are either in the B-5 Silverfish Team or the B-3 Snow Princess Team. Although the distance just now made it difficult to see the specific members of the team, it was obvious that they only had one Icelandic horse, and the rest were all humanoid.

It’s actually Silverfish’s team! All of his team members are tourists from the West District! After hearing the news, the weak tourists from the East District felt as if they were falling into an ice cave, and they were in a bleak mood. They were all big guys from the West District, and these two teams were all tourists from the West District. They would definitely not kill each other in the district. What is known so far is They are three weak travelers from the East End. Will they still survive tonight's duel?

Even if the last team leader was not a horse tour guide but a personal tour guide, it could not dispel their gloomy mood. The tour guide of the last team was a foreign woman wearing a blue cloak. She wore a hood, had an inconspicuous appearance, and was low-key and taciturn. She was the B3 Black Angel. As a tour guide in the weakest category in the competition, and so low-key, she should not be noticeable. But the passengers behind Black Angel surprised everyone.

There are only five Icelandic horses in her team!

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What happened? Why are the West End underdogs in the Black Angels so dead? ?

The team led by Black Angel is in Norway. Is the number one tourist attraction in Norway so dangerous? The strong passengers in the first weak passenger's death team should all have their memories restored. Is it because they failed to save the other weak passengers even after they regained their memories? Or - they don't want to guarantee it on purpose?


The powerful travelers from the West District yelled and insulted at the hotel entrance, and the atmosphere became tense instantly. If fighting was not prohibited outside the arena tonight, they would all start fighting. The Icelandic horses in the Black Angels also looked solemn, and at least those few who dared to ride on the weak travelers from the East District were The West End passenger blasted down, protecting the three trembling Icelandic horses behind him, but his mood was still not relaxed.

The five of them are members of the original B Silverfish team, and their strength is not weak. However, among these powerful Western District travelers are members of the original A2 Ghost Captain team, who are stronger than them! What to do with the duel tonight?

The time was coming, and several brigades headed towards the arena with their own thoughts. One of the strong travelers from the East District asked the three weak travelers about their horses in a low voice, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

There are currently four brigades. Two strong travelers and two weak travelers have died in the Yin-Yang Butterfly Brigade. Two weak travelers have died in the Fainting Sheep Brigade. Five weak travelers have died in the Black Angel Brigade. In total, Eleven people.

There were also deaths in the Silverfish team. There were roughly seven people in their team, that is, three people died, which added up to more than eleven people.

It seems that the hotel also used rhetoric in its report. It said that eleven passengers died, and three strong passengers unfortunately died. It made people think that the three strong tourists were among the eleven people, but in fact the strong tourists were very likely. Counting separately, a total of eleven weak passengers and three strong passengers died.

But there are a total of five brigades participating in the gladiatorial battle, which means that it is very likely that although a strong passenger has recovered his memory in the last brigade, there is no reduction in personnel, which is why this result occurs!

is it possible? The weak passenger is not dead yet, but the strong passenger has lost his SAN first and restored his memory? Could it be that the weak passenger in one of the teams was brave enough to harm the strong passenger and bring him to the point of death, which caused him to lose his SAN and regain his memory?

Thinking of this, the Icelandic horses looked ugly and looked at each other. The first thing they thought about was the team led by Director C. This kind of thing may only happen in the C-Leading Team, but if the last participating team is really the C-Leading Team, that would be terrible.

There are four top West End visitors on his team! Even if five of them work together, they will definitely not be able to defeat him!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The travelers from the West Side who were traveling with them laughed out loud and looked in their direction provocatively, not knowing what they were talking about. The travelers from the East Side gritted their teeth and prayed in their hearts.

Don’t be Director C’s team, never be Director C’s team.

On the way to the arena, the Icelandic horses prayed desperately. However, when they saw the white Icelandic horse wearing a dark blue cloak standing in front of the arena, their hearts suddenly froze to ice.

The only Icelandic horse wearing a dark blue cloak is Bingyi!

Damn it, the C-1 team is really participating in the competition!

There were still a few horse shadows following him vaguely, but they couldn't be seen clearly, but no one cared about this anymore. The tourists from the West District were already beaming with joy, shouting with joy, and stretching their heads with great interest, wanting to admire the glory of the top bosses such as Werewolf Walker, Sister Maria, and Demon Hunter Lisa.

However, it seemed that they were too noisy. A pure black Icelandic horse with faint fire patterns flowing on its four hooves and mane flashed from behind the C guide horse. The weak tourists in the West District were still laughing. Haha, who is the weak one in the C team? A tourist horse from Jidong District? The strong travelers from the West District had already sensed that something was wrong, but the black horse moved so fast that there was no time to react. In an instant, several West District travelers who had ridden the East District horse were suddenly kicked to the ground by it, with scarlet burn marks on their foreheads. Burnt horseshoe prints.

Although his life was not in danger, the feeling of being unable to resist being trampled by a horse was even more frightening. This coercion, this crushing power——


The muscles in the cheeks of the West District strongman who had not been kicked down twitched in disbelief.

"Peak traveler?!"

This dark horse is definitely the top passenger in the East District!

But how is that possible? !

Everyone suddenly looked at the white Icelandic horse wearing a dark blue cloak, and their minds were in confusion.

Director C, isn't this in the arena?

So how did the Icelandic horse, the top tourist in the East End, end up in the arena? !

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