Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 407 Death Sahara (83)

Everything in the roaring and collapsing world seemed to be replaying in slow motion. The terrifying black sandstorm tornado suddenly spread out. Thousands of black sand ripped through the air like bullets and attacked the being who abducted Yunying. The terrifying and cruel power It can tear all creatures in front of it to pieces.

However, the black sand failed to fall on the expected enemy. The black sand shot towards Yunying disappeared out of thin air, as if there was a mass of solid air in front of her. The thick darkness prevented most people from seeing this strange scene, but they could hear the problem with the sound. Thousands of black sand sputtered out in all directions, making a sharp and ear-piercing roar.

Even Wei Xun at the edge of the petrified forest could feel the violent and ferocious evil spirit. The snow leopard was just an ordinary snow leopard. If Wei Xun hadn't put on the scarlet cloak of his new adventure in time, his fur and flesh would have been destroyed by the rapidly passing black sand. scraped off the bone.

Most of his body was buried in the sand pit quietly drilled by corn shoots. His scarlet cloak was covered with black sand blown by the strong wind. Only a pair of ice-blue leopard eyes were exposed between the gaps, peeping from a distance at everything happening in the middle of the battlefield. The moment the air swept away Yunying, Wei Xun's heart moved. An Xuefeng's aura disappeared, and he was excluded from the petrified forest.

Thousands of wild sands that the black salon volume collapsed and scattered hit the air, and it was a ball of air that robbed Yunying. In other words, it is a ball of energy that is as transparent as air. Even Wei Xun's special vision cannot see other peculiarities at all.

‘Didn’t Zhang Xingzang and the others take action? ’

‘The newcomers, that ball of air, are Zhang Xingzang and the others! ’

The half-life Taoist gritted his teeth and said incoherently: 'That ball of air... damn, that must be a person! ’

"Zhang Xingzang——"

Outside the petrified forest, the dream chaser had a solemn expression. An Xuefeng's figure suddenly appeared, and Zhang Xingzang, who had been beside him, suddenly disappeared. Even the dream chaser completely lost contact with him! He looked toward the Petrified Forest, only to see that the entire area was shrouded in a thick black sandstorm. Although he was right in front of him, he couldn't see anything happening inside, nor could he hear any sounds.

"This is bad."

David frowned. He stretched out his arms and reached into the thick fog-like sandstorm. When he pulled back, his fingers suddenly turned into writhing black snakes.

"Sure enough we can only appear as things that existed here historically."

The reenactment of the scene is coming to an end, and they, the newcomers, will also participate in the final showdown. But this is a reenactment of the scene after all. It is impossible for a few strong men to suddenly jump in and sweep the whole place. Everything must be carried out according to the rules of history.

In other words, David and the others will not participate in the final battle in their human form! They will all participate in the battle with their respective characters who killed everyone in Chen Cheng's brigade in history, such as the black snake David, the giant Yin Yang butterfly, etc.

But the newcomers who correspond to the three living people Chen Cheng, Tang Shuang and Cheng Tianbao have no corresponding characters! It is true that there is a 1/4 probability that Zhang Xingzang may correspond to Yunying. However, when they were dealing with the dead person before, David and others lost consciousness and their bodies remained in place. However, Zhang Xingzang disappeared out of thin air. This shows that he was most likely dealing with Chen Cheng and the other three, who were also supporters. Join the battlefield with your identity!

"Supporters should join in as invisible forces."

Yin Yang Die said coldly. He held his breath and tried to feel Bing Yi's breath but couldn't feel it at all. The veins on the back of the hand holding the knife were stretched. He hadn't seen Bing Yi for more than a day. Yin Yang Die couldn't suppress his restlessness. Emotionally, I wish I could break into the petrified forest right now.

"This is bad."

Lily murmured, her eyes falling on the vampire baron who was tied at the feet of Yin Yang Butterfly.

The supporters have no image to rely on, and there is no trace of them in history. Even if they join the final battlefield, they are like a ball of air. Colorless, odorless, formless, even dream chasers can no longer feel Zhang Xingzang, which further proves their complete invisibility!

Indeed, they can help, and being invisible makes it easier to hide themselves, but the problem is that the three people who are the supporters are most likely Zhang Xingzang, the Lizard Duke, and the Blood Baron!

Yes, the Lizard Duke and the Blood Baron did use the blood contract to indicate that they would not participate in the final battle. Even if everyone is involved in the final battle, they will watch from a distance. However, no one is stupid enough to believe them completely, so what if there is a blood contract? The Blood Baron was an expert in playing with blood. David and the others were already prepared. They decided to participate and then split up their hands to monitor the Lizard Duke and others.

But now the Lizard Duke is invisible, no one can feel anyone, and no one knows whether the Lizard Duke is doing something secretly!

"Chasing dreams——"

When David screamed, he saw the dream chaser transform into a human form. The tour guide in a dark orange cloak grabbed the vampire baron's throat with one hand and tried to lift him up from the ground. However, the dream chaser's hand penetrated like an illusion. The vampire baron's chest, not only his hands, but his whole body were becoming illusory, and the infected were also becoming illusory at the same time.

They do not belong to this history, have no identity in the reenactment of the scene, and are about to be excluded at the critical moment of the final battle.

Once the dream chaser left, no one could be sure that the ball of air was Zhang Xingzang!

"I placed a curse deep in your dreams, and no one but me can undo it."

He calmly pulled his hand back, and the vampire baron's expression suddenly changed. There was a faint chill deep in the chest where Dream Chaser's illusory hand penetrated, as if something cold had gripped his heart.

"Once you use the power of your blood, the curse will spread into the dreams of everyone connected to you."

The dream chaser was condescending, and his cold and frightening eyes were fixed on the vampire baron from under the red gold mask. In an instant, the pressure of the first-class tour guide poured out, and the pressure of the A1 vampire baron turned pale and bloodless!

Dream Chaser has the best reputation among all the tour guides in the hotel, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have thunderous skills! The curse that spreads along the dreamland is more vicious than the epidemic. The Dream Chaser once used this method to destroy a small tour guide organization under the East Side Butchers Alliance. Even the West Side Butchers were frightened by it. It stands to reason that he cannot use all his strength and his body rejects illusions, so it is impossible to use such a powerful and vicious method, but the vampire baron does not dare to gamble.

"I'll wait for you outside."

After the threat, the dream chaser calmly nodded to the astrologer and the others, and then mentioned the infected person. The bodies of the two of them disappeared together and they were excluded from the scene at the final point. From then on, there was no irrelevant person in the scene!

"I hope you take action."

David said with a malicious smile: "There are too many butchers in the West District. It would be a good idea to clean them up."

The Vampire Baron glanced at him indifferently. The Vampire Baron, who was just like a pitiful bat just now, regained his composure after the Dream Chaser left. The tour guide was always afraid of the tour guide, even when facing the mysterious Vampire Baron who was hostile to the Butcher Alliance. Frost doesn't lie. But the vampire baron didn't say anything, after all, An Xuefeng was here. He killed the butcher and tour guide without mercy.

Ignoring David's fire, the Vampire Baron looked up into the depths of the petrified forest, and soon disappeared into thin air.

"Humph, a tour guide is a tour guide."

David snorted coldly, raised his hand to grasp the air, as if to crush the tour guide molecules mixed in the air. No one knows whether the vampire baron abides by the blood contract and stays outside, or whether he sneaks into the petrified forest at the risk of being cursed in his dreams. The Butcher is not a tour guide who doesn't want to risk his life. They are all lunatics. They are just risking their lives. It will not stop their greedy ambitions and progress at all.


Of course, we are the tour guides.

The blood wolf Rex's wolf ears moved, and he closed his mouth just as he thought of An Xuefeng. He returned to his human form, secretly pointed the gun at David, and made a gunshot sound like "Pang". Then he didn't dare to look at An Xuefeng at all, and immediately stepped into the dark sandstorm to escape. Accompanying him was the Yin Yang Butterfly. After the two entered the petrified forest shrouded in dark sandstorms, their bodies seemed to elongate instantly, becoming taller and stronger. However, their skin and flesh were peeled off, leaving only bones, like two tall and terrifying giant skeletons!

"It's my turn next."

Seeing their figures disappearing into the darkness, David's face turned unusually serious. Of course they did not enter randomly, but according to the order of death of the people in Chen Cheng's brigade, they could somehow feel when they could enter. If he breaks in randomly - David's finger that turned into a black snake after being extended into the sandstorm has not recovered yet, I'm afraid the scene will be repeated again.

“Everything is within our means, and it’s hard for us to help.”

Lily said calmly that the rules restricted them to the maximum extent. Yin Yang Butterfly and Blood Wolf Rex have both turned into giants, and there may be an army of giants in the petrified forest at this moment. David turned into hundreds of black snakes, but there are probably tens of thousands of black snakes in the Petrified Forest.

Who is the enemy? Who are the helpers? Even if you have special identification skills, how can you know that it is not the contaminated illusion of the black sand giant?

The safest and only way for Bingyi and others is to trust no one.

The only person who might be able to help is the astrologer. After all, the Ankh bird is unique, and it seems to have been adopted as a pet by Bingyi. But once the captain enters the power of starlight, it is very likely that he will not be able to hide it, but will instead expose the existence of the real Anka Fengniao and Bingyi.

And she always felt that something was wrong. Lily looked at An Xuefeng, who had been silently facing the petrified forest. He had not said a word since he came out until now.


The astrologer sneered, glanced at An Xuefeng, stared into the darkness, and said harshly in Mandarin: "I'm afraid the day lilies will be cold when I get in."

Lily can think of things, but Bingyi is not stupid. As long as he is aware of a problem, he will definitely take action in advance, and either solve the problem before the astrologer's starlight comes and exposes him, or make this muddy water even more chaotic!

'ten minutes? ’

'ten minutes'

In just ten minutes, the entire petrified forest has become chaotic and terrifying, like a purgatory on earth! The invisible force that snatched away the sacrifices was regarded by the black sand giant as the backhand of the sun. No matter the black sand or black snake, no trace of that force could be captured. In this case, the black sand giant also revealed his backhand. The ground shook violently, the ground cracked in the direction of the ruined temple, and a huge, terrifying bone hand stretched out from under the crack.

Those are the bones of a giant! The giant skeletons originally embedded in the temple for sacrifices were transformed into skeleton slaves by the black sand giants with the subtle influence of the sun spider. Dozens of skeleton giants tens of meters tall crawled out of the cracks in the ground and blocked the stone door. This scene It was as terrifying as the end of the world. In an instant, dozens of giant bone palms grabbed hold of Chen Cheng and others.

When wrestling with the invisible force, the black sand giant had already figured out that the other party could only protect one person, and could not protect everyone at the same time. He wants to see what other tricks the sun has in store!


However, the next moment, a skeleton giant collapsed to one side as if its legs were cut off by a knife. It was the tallest and most burly giant, and its fall directly pressed down other skeleton giants one after another. They wanted to stand up again without feeling pain or fatigue, but it seemed as if someone was messing with them. These huge skeletons tried to stand up again and again and fell down again and again, and the roar was deafening, which was actually a bit funny.

Ten minutes, Wei Xun confirmed the time. It took about ten minutes from the invisible air to the appearance of the giant.

In other words, it took ten minutes from the suspected intervention of Zhang Xingzang and others to the entry of Yin Yang Die and others corresponding to the giant. There are always rules. According to the order of death of Chen Cheng's brigade, David will be in the next ten minutes, and the astrologer will be in the next ten minutes.

Wei Xun thought clearly about the current situation in an instant. Once the astrologer enters, he may not be able to hide his identity anymore. He may only have twenty minutes left, but Wei Xun is used to taking the lead, so he only leaves himself ten minutes.

‘Cen Qin’


Ban Ming, who had been guarding Wei Xun with a sword, left the unfinished Hanshan Sword to Wei Xun. The handsome young Taoist priest walked forward and suddenly turned his head to look at him.

‘Wei Xun——’

‘You are in my plan’

Hearing his words, Ban Ming Taoist priest smiled with relief as if he had received some promise. He smiled beautifully and his figure disappeared in the dark sandstorm. He and Wei Xun had a rapport and knew that Wei Xun had prepared various plans.

After the final battle began, the seal of Ban Ming’s memory loosened again. He recalled that there was the original body of the world-destroying black snake and the sun statue that suppressed it deep in the stone gate of the Sun Temple. This was the key to severely inflicting heavy damage to both hostile parties! Wei Xun believed that a sacrifice was needed to open the stone gate, but it was not completely necessary, because with the guidance of the Ifrit flame and the continuous pollution of the black sand giant over the years, the stone gate has now opened a small crack.

It would be good to have human sacrifices to open the stone gate, but even without human sacrifices, if the Black Sand Giant lets his Black Snake Giant be sacrificed, the stone gate may be polluted! This is why the Sun does not care about the sacrifices. He knows that the Black Sand Giant will always find a way to open the stone gate. The Sun just wants to make the Black Sand Giant's snake slaves and bone slaves suffer the most casualties before the stone gate opens.

This is also what Wei Xun thought! He originally thought that the Yin-Yang Butterfly should be able to disrupt the giant, and David should be able to kill the black snake. The two of them will cause heavy losses to the Black Sand Giant and force the stone gate to be polluted!

However, Zhang Xingzang, who appeared with transparent power, made Wei Xun give up this plan. No one knows whether the Lizard Duke will sneak into the stone gate with transparent power first, destroy the sun statue and the original body of the world-destroying black snake, and seize the power of the 30th degree north latitude to destroy the scene and replay it!

Even if the Lizard Duke's body cannot use his full strength in the future, he cannot do it himself, but it is not impossible with the help of the Silver Moon Killer who has transformed into a skeleton giant.

In this case, Wei Xun could not delay any longer and had to take a risky move - Banming said he was sure he could force open the stone door!

Can he really open it with his own strength? What price would Banming have to pay? Old Chen Cheng told him about the ancient oasis token formed by killing the nine giant tribes, but he did not mention the stone door, the black snake of destruction and the sun statue. Did he not say it, or did it belong to the memory of the half life that Banming lost? If Banming regains his memory, will he still be the half life now?

Wei Xun was not sure, but after secretly making second-hand preparations, he decided to believe in the Taoist Banming and believe that he could open the stone door.

Since Banming trusted him so much, he also wanted to see how far fate could go. The angel tattoo on his back was hot, but was calmly suppressed by Wei Xun. Don't worry, you will be used soon.

The chaotic and terrifying battlefield was like a turbulent ocean, and the weak had no right to survive here. The skeleton giants were sent out again and again and fell down again and again, which looked ridiculous, but Chen Cheng and others near them did not find it funny at all.

Imagine how terrifying it would be if dozens of meters high buildings collapsed one after another not far away? Even if the chain reaction caused by the collapse of a tall giant could kill a weak human being. Even if there seemed to be an invisible force that blocked the terrifying shock wave for them, the violently shaking earth and the constantly cracking ground put everyone in danger again and again, like a small boat that could capsize at any time on the stormy waves.

Can they really survive this horror?

The shaking of the earth made it impossible to stand, and the thick darkness made it impossible to identify the direction. Is there a flat ground or a crack in front? Is it safe or dangerous?

It’s hard to see, no one can see clearly.

Even the strongest Chen Cheng was terrified, but he was not afraid of his own death, but that he was afraid of not being able to bring his teammates back alive. He heard Cheng Tianbao’s rapid breathing, Yu Feiluan’s suppressed groan, and Zhu Yuande began to mutter prayers. Chen Cheng clenched the sword in his hand, and his panic and anxiety suddenly calmed down.

If there is no way out, he will kill his way out. If he must die, he will fight to the last moment and die with his companions.

"In the beginning of ancient times, who preached it?"

"However, how can we study it when there is no shape?"


However, the next moment, Chen Cheng and his companions heard a faint chanting sound coming from the depths of the dark sandstorm. The sound was extremely small in the whistling wind, as if it would be blown away by the wind, but it was as tenacious as a bamboo in the wind and always existed.

In a daze, Chen Chengru felt something and looked into the darkness. He seemed to see through the darkness and saw a young Taoist priest holding a mahogany sword, reciting "Heavenly Questions" and walking towards him in the black sandstorm, just like the desert. It was like when they first met in the oasis.

Did they really meet for the first time in a desert oasis? Countless pictures seemed to appear in his mind for a moment, but Chen Cheng couldn't see any of them clearly. He only saw Bai Laoer walking up to him with a smile and opening his mouth, but no sound came out. Chen Cheng tried to lean in and listen more carefully, but found that the Hanshan Sword in his hand had been easily taken away by Bai Laoer.

"Captain, let me lend you your sword."

Taoist Ban Ming opened his mouth, knowing that his "captain" Chen Cheng could not hear him. At that moment, he had many things to say to Chen Cheng, but he swallowed them all. He walked towards the stone gate, his speed getting faster and faster, almost covering a distance of several meters with one step. The tall skeleton giant couldn't stop him at all, but instead became the path forward for half his life.

The closer he got to the stone gate, the Taoist Ban Ming felt calmer. What is blocked behind the stone gate? Is it related to the half-life he lost? If he regained that half of his life, would he still be the same person he is now?

All the problems that had disturbed his mood disappeared like melting snow, and he no longer thought about it for half his life.

Opening the stone door and completing Wei Xun's plan was his only simple purpose. In a dozen steps, the half-life Taoist had arrived in front of Shimen, but he was stopped by an extremely tall giant skeleton. It was surrounded by clear moonlight, which seemed to be able to purify the pollution in front of the stone door. Under his influence, the gap in the stone door became smaller and almost closed.

The black sand giant wanted to open the stone door, but this giant wanted to close the stone door. But that didn't mean that the skeletal giant was on their side.

In order to close the stone door, maybe someone has entered the gap of the stone door, and the skeleton giant does not want others to enter and affect it.

Huh, Silver Moon Killer, Lizard Duke, they really won't miss this opportunity.

The half-life Taoist smiled wantonly and raised the Hanshan Sword. The skeleton giant stood firmly in front of the stone gate, and the sword could not cut through it at all.

However, Taoist Ban Ming's original intention was not to split open the stone door! Without any warning, he held the sword backhand, and the Hanshan sword blade pierced his heart!

His heart-piercing move was a skill he had learned from Wei Xun. It was so fast, accurate and ruthless that even the skeleton giant didn't react at all. Taoist Ban Ming vomited blood, but he kept laughing. His heart-piercing speed must be faster and more standard than Wei Xun's. Just when he raised his sword and pointed it at his heart, a voice came to his mind.

He spent half his life forging a sword.

It was as if he had spent half his life swinging a sword, but he couldn't remember it clearly. The blood spurted out and actually passed over the bones of the skeletal giant, directly staining the stone gate and the ancient oasis token on the chest of Taoist Half-Life. In an instant, countless cracks opened in the token, and the majestic power poured out. The stone door stained with half of the life's blood suddenly opened, revealing the deep darkness inside!

No one in the Petrified Forest battlefield expected that the stone gate would open without warning at this moment! No matter inside or outside Shimen, everyone was stunned, but some people were waiting for this moment! In an instant, thousands of feet of light radiated out, like a sun rising in the dark night. Dazzling golden light gathered on his back like wings made of gold, and his snow-white hair turned as red as fire.

How dazzling.

Ban Ming couldn't see clearly in front of his eyes. He didn't bother to look at anything in the darkness deep inside the stone gate, so everything went as it should. He looked towards the light and seemed to see Wei Xun and him looking at each other in tacit understanding.

Next, according to the plan, Wei Xun should induce the sun and the black sand giant to attack each other. Ban Ming thought that when Wei Xun called him Cen Qin, it sounded a bit strange. The bright light became more and more dazzling in the confusion, like the sun suddenly falling——

No, this is not an illusion! Ban Xing was suddenly frightened and was covered in cold sweat. A force arose from nowhere and he rolled to the side. Wei Xun actually smashed the sun pendant that contained all the power of the sun directly over him!

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