Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 402 Death Sahara (78)

After sun patterns appeared on the rattle, Yunying closed her eyes and fainted. Chen Cheng caught her firmly and handed Yunying to the care of his teammates. After returning home, I saw Director B holding a rattle and shaking it with great interest.

Dong dong dong, dong dong dong——

The childish and innocent rattle is not a good match for adults, especially when this person is Bingyi, a mysterious and powerful tour guide wearing a scarlet cloak.

However, the strange thing is that Chen Cheng feels that the scene of Bingyi holding the rattle does not feel too inconsistent! He thought for a moment and then closed his eyes, abandoning his vision and other perceptions to become more acute. Soon after, Chen Cheng's face changed slightly and he opened his eyes.

"felt it?"

Wei Xun chuckled and returned the rattle to him. After Yunying fell into coma, the sun pattern on the rattle disappeared. It was more like a brand than a pattern. Weak Yunying's resonance with the sun allows her to indirectly sense the sun's will through the rattle.

Wei Xun just secretly hid the Ankh feather in his hand and held the rattle. As expected, he felt a faint sense of warmth from the rattle. The power of the sun is very weak. If it is there or not, it can no longer give Wei Xun a contact mark, but it gives Wei Xun the 'privilege' of being able to touch the rattle. Chen Cheng felt that there was no sense of incompatibility between him and the rattle, precisely because of this.

But Chen Cheng couldn't. When he took the rattle, he only heard the sound of burning meat, and his fingers were burned by the hot drum handle. But he just frowned and glanced at Director Bing's fingers - there were no traces of sunburn on them.

This can show that Director Bing is not rejected by the sun, and he may be on the side of the sun.

"Director C, this journey is almost over."

Chen Cheng got straight to the point. He put the rattle into a box containing desert roses. Inside the box were small boxes, each containing a desert rose alone, so that these fragile mineral flowers could remain intact.

The travelers' desert roses have been collected, and tomorrow the brigade will leave the petrified forest and embark on the return journey.

"But the real danger has not passed yet. Yunying is connected to the sun and will become a thorn in the side of the enemies behind the scenes."

"Since you know this, why does Captain Chen still want to borrow sun-related items from me?"

Wei Xun smiled casually and said: "If she doesn't come into contact with the object, her resonance will soon disappear, and she will not be related to the sun."

"I discussed the pros and cons with her, and Yunying made her own decision."

Chen Cheng said solemnly: "The giant and the black snake regard us as food and sacrifices. We cannot pray for the mercy of the monsters. Only our own strength can be trusted."

When Yunying realized that she actually resonated with the sun altar that was flooded by sewage, she was not afraid at all. On the contrary, she was very surprised and told Chen Cheng her decision without hesitation.

This puts Yunying into the most dangerous situation, but this is also an opportunity for their entire brigade! No one can spend ten years in a hotel peacefully. They must either die or risk their lives. Although Yunying is young and looks introverted, she is very courageous and has a gambling streak.

"The giants are powerful and greedy, and the Altar of the Sun is weak and in danger. The icing on the cake is not as good as the icing on the cake."

Chen Cheng said slowly. He looked calmly at Bing Yi, not missing any expression in his eyes: "Help the sun, we will get more rewards. Director Bing's task of opening up new attractions has not been completed yet, and there is no fixed number of which attractions will be opened. Bar."

"Would you like to take a gamble?"

The giants and black snakes had an absolute advantage, and it was almost no difficulty to open up scenic spots on their side, only at the cost of the lives of a few tourists. But pie will never fall from the sky, and the rewards for easily completed tasks will not be very good, and the development of subsequent attractions will be more difficult. Maybe in the future, we will have to fight against the giants whose strength has skyrocketed without the suppression of the sun.

But if you choose the sun side...the more difficult the task, the richer the reward!

After just a few days of getting along with Director B, Chen Cheng quickly discovered that he was a very gambling person who didn't care about taking risks and was not afraid of life and death. The greater the danger and the higher the challenge, the more likely it is to arouse his interest!

If Yunying can vaguely contact Yang Yang, then it is not impossible to complete the task on Yang Yang's side. As long as there is a chance, Chen Cheng is sure that Director Bing will definitely be interested in this party!


Wei Xun raised his eyebrows and looked at him, suddenly smiled, and said with a hint: "You want to risk your life with me?"

Historically, three people from Chen Cheng's brigade survived. If they really sided with the sun and made an enemy of the giant black snake, more people might die.

“To live a journey is to gamble your life.”

Chen Cheng sighed softly, as if talking to himself: "Only if you dare to gamble can you fight for your life."

Today, I gave up on my teammates and sacrificed my teammates in exchange for my own existence. Once a person starts this way, he will be useless. You must have the courage to face difficulties and break the boat, even if you die, you must fight for a future.

"This is what the old captain taught me."

After he finished speaking, Chen Cheng smiled again. His smile didn't look like a calm and reliable captain, but more like a young man. Less than a year after entering the hotel, he still had no deep understanding of this sentence. But Chen Cheng must firmly take the team one step forward.

Only by taking this step can they be regarded as a mature brigade that has experienced the baptism of blood and fire, and can maintain their reputation in metaphysics after the old captain and the others leave.

"Oh, Captain Chen, just think that you said this yourself, the old captain is not here."

Tang Shuang's incoherent laughter rang out, and at some point the other team members arrived beside them. Cheng Tianbao stood silently next to Chen Cheng to express his support. Yu Hexuan put his hand on Tang Shuang's shoulders and winked and smiled mischievously: "Yes, he is so handsome. Director B was stunned, right? Director B?"

"Director B will not be surprised. Director B is well-informed and steady."

He Yunlai said seriously, and then looked at Bingyi with his shining eyes: "Director Bing, let's kill the damn black snake! I asked Xiao Hei to try it, it can eat snake skin and bones, let's He can definitely defeat those beasts!"

"This matter needs to be considered in the long run. I'm going to give Yunying an injection. She will wake up in about two hours."

Liu Hongyu said steadily, a smile flashed across his always calm eyes, and he rubbed the lancet in his hand: "I have only saved people, but I have not saved the sun."

"We'll be fine this time."

Zhu Yuande pretended to pinch his fingers for divination, and the old god said: "We will definitely be able to go back alive this time."

"I've been waiting for your words!"

Tong Fu smiled heartily and patted Zhu Yuande on the back. Her hand, which was used to wielding a knife, was very strong. The slap made Zhu Yuande cough repeatedly. The considerate Yu Feiluan immediately handed over the water and said helplessly in a low voice: "Sister Tong, you are too energetic."

Brother Zhu coughed until his eyes were red.

Wei Xun looked at the passengers in front of him who had started to seriously discuss their plans after laughing, and felt a little touched in his heart. He had gone through three journeys, and all the groups had disbanded. Only this time the passengers could be regarded as a real brigade. Chen Cheng planned to move forward, risking his life, and his friends also kept up with him, and no one was left behind.

After experiencing the blood sacrifice of Sun Spider and Ifrit, everyone has a sense of vigor and cohesion. There is obviously no unified clothing slogan, but as long as they stand together, they can know that they are a team.

Looking past Chen Cheng and the others, Wei Xun looked at the half-life Taoist not far behind them. Ban Destined looked at them, looking at them for an unknown amount of time, and listening to them for an unknown amount of time. Feeling Wei Xun's gaze, Ban Ming raised her head to look at him, with pure and deep emotion in her eyes. He suddenly raised the corners of his mouth and smiled freely and freely, vaguely still the young captain who had once been astonishingly talented.

Weixun didn't need to pull the strings to understand the meaning expressed in Ban Ming's eyes.

This is metaphysics, this is what a real brigade should look like.


Wei Xun's gaze passed half his life, looking into the darkness further behind him. He suddenly became interested in the brigade, thinking of An Xuefeng and his way home.

What would it be like if the people under his command were all the most powerful travelers and commanded the most powerful First Brigade?

Wei Xun was very curious, with a hint of expectation. He was like a child who discovered a new toy, his heart beating faster with joy. He was already looking forward to the next journey - of course, he had to get over the current one first.

"Patrol in groups. Don't go deep into the ruins of the petrified forest. Mainly monitor the caves."

Wei Xun ordered: "I'm afraid there will be something strange in the cave."

I can't remember whether Yunying resonated with the sun in history. But seeing that the astrologer hasn't left yet, it means that this time has not yet reached the point of Liu Hongyu's true physical death.

That means Tong Fu is not dead yet. After the Anka Phoenix swallowed Liu Hongyu's soul, either the mummy or the black snake dragged him deep into the cave. Tong Fu chased after him, and it was very likely that he would eventually die in the cave. Ifrit said that it would light a flame to lead the way for the sacrifice, and that the flame was probably the key to Tong Fu's death.

There are only the skeletons of red sand giants deep in the cave, and they are definitely the key point. Could the flame be the magma produced by the spider devouring the skeleton of the red sand giant?

* *

"The Red Sand Giants were destroyed?"

In the distant red sand giant tribe, a tall figure stands in the roaring sandstorm. The windbreaker rustled in the strong wind. Zhang Xing, who was wearing sand-proof goggles, raised his arms high to catch the dream dragon flying down from the sky on the wind.

"The giants in several other giant tribes have fallen into a deep sleep, and the sun and night have eclipsed each other. For them, the season of death has arrived."

Dream Chaser stood on Zhang Xingzang's arm, with its dragon wings slightly spread to protect him from the wind and sand. Dream Chaser and Zhang Xingzang had been monitoring the movements of the nine giant tribe hunting teams and the black sand giant: "The black sand giant swallowed up all the red sand giants. Eyeball, he’s in a hurry, it’s tonight.”


A huge red wolf ran towards Zhang Xingzang in the wind and sand. Its long dark red hair was like surging flames. It was not as big as a wolf, but more like a Tibetan mastiff. When it ran to Zhang Xingzang, the giant wolf braked suddenly and splashed sand all over the sky. Dust, it flicked its hair indifferently, and an unconscious person shook off its back.

"I said, old man, you fly really fast."

The giant wolf spoke, and it was Blood Wolf Rex. He complained: "I have sworn to the hotel not to participate in the reenactment of this scene. Just let me go, or you can pay me to hire me. Anyway, You can’t let me be a sled dog.”

The person he just threw to the ground turned out to be the Western District tour guide of Chen Cheng's brigade. He was unconscious - historically he should have been unconscious, otherwise Chen Cheng's brigade would have a new tour guide.

But I'm afraid tonight is the day for this man's death. Blood Wolf Rex rolled his eyes and bit him on his back again. If you can figure out who the tour guide in the West District corresponds to, you might be able to make a small fortune.

"Let's go?"


But Zhang Xingzang and Dream Chaser completely ignored him and set off for the Petrified Forest after a few words. There are three people in Chen Cheng's brigade who are alive in history, which means that the people corresponding to them do not need to kill them, but must survive to follow history. In other words, against the Black Sand Giant tonight, Chen Cheng’s brigade will have three ‘helpers’

The damned will die tonight, the living must survive. Tonight is not only a battle for Chen Cheng's brigade, but also a 'battle' between outsiders like them.

In the storm, Blood Wolf Rex cursed and followed them. They were very fast, but two hours later they ran into David and his group outside the Petrified Forest. Two hours later, Yunying, who was unconscious, also woke up.

"Hungry, hungry, I'm so hungry..."

She murmured, and Tong Fu next to her immediately served hot date soup, but Yunying reluctantly turned her head to avoid it.

"She's not really hungry."

After confirming Yunying's condition, Chen Cheng judged: "This is resonance."

"Yes, it's not real hunger. I need a lot of energy - no, He does."

Yunying said seriously, carefully considering her words: "He needs believers and a sacrifice... He chose me to be the saint who leads the sacrifice."

"Saint? Believer?"

Tang Shuang frowned. When it comes to mythology, the name Saintess has advantages and disadvantages, but they are all extremely dangerous: "Are we all going to be His followers? Do we have to worship the sun?"

“What kind of sacrifice does He want?”

Chen Cheng asked, but Yunying's eyes passed through the two of them and fell on Director Bing who was slightly behind.

Whether it was the red-feathered worm in Director Bing's hand, the giant behind him, or the Ifrit flame burning at his fingertips, they all attracted Yunying's attention like a charm, and she immediately understood what he really wanted. Chaotic murmurs seemed to echo in her ears, Yunying frowned in pain, and her head was covered in cold sweat.

There was a faint golden light in Yunying's eyes. At this moment, she was no longer just Yunying, but she was conveying the will of the 'sun' deep in the underground temple.

"Sacrifice requires eternal life, the singing of the phoenix, pious prayers of believers, and new life, loyal guards..."

Yunying spoke with great difficulty, intermittently, and her voice was very soft, like singing a poem.

"The golden-red magma is my blood, soaked in the angel's wing bones. The drops of blood turn into wings, holding up the sun in the dark night, guiding God's gaze, and taking back...the fragments of the abyss."

With the power of the Black Sand Giant, the mission would not allow them to fight head-on with the Black Sand Giant. As long as there are singing phoenixes, devout believers, and loyal guards, sacrifices can be performed! And if you find the angel wing bones in the golden red magma, you can have angel wings. As long as the sun rises when the black sand giant attacks in the early morning and God opens his eyes, he can defeat the black sand giant and regain the pieces of the Marea butterfly stolen by him!

Does the sun also know the abyss? How else could He call the Maria Butterfly Shard a Shard of the Abyss?

Wei Xun was thoughtful, and the next moment he saw Yunying pointing at him with a trembling finger, murmuring softly like a whisper.


The sun chose him to become the angel who holds the sun up.

The author has something to say: There will be an update tomorrow, bam bam!

Today is the five hundred red envelopes sent by the singing astrologer red-haired worm, bam bam!


An Xuefeng escaped the fate of singing: Chirp!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2022-01-02 23:19:27~2022-01-03 23:00:07~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: all your wives are mine;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: Tang Dui, Yue Feng Ye Ling, Mu Mu, Zhi Jiu,. . . 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 41777095 567 bottles; 21157397 248 bottles; Ning Zhou丶w 196 bottles; Kasonina 195 bottles; Fei 120 bottles; There is a Fish in the Firefly 119 bottles; Nangong Li 118 bottles; An 110 bottles of Mo Shang; 70 bottles of Fengjuan Changqing; 60 bottles of Anonymous, Mrs. Rice Hungry; 59 bottles of Luo; 57 bottles of Caramel Macchiato; My name is 4136, Tang Yo, a ghost who likes anime, light sketch, Understatement, Money Tree on the Road to Fortune, Badminton, Coconut Coconut Milk Jelly, Victory Triangle, Crimson Color, Cherry 50 bottles; Flourium, Hairy Strange Girl, Don't ask, just ask North and South Szd, Ding Ding 40 bottles; 77 35 bottles; Returning on a frosty night, mountains and seas cannot be leveled, (?_?), xger, Xicheng, Haohohao113, 45280073, hoo control, Xuesheng was rejected by Jiang Ting again 30 bottles; Zhijiu 28 bottles; 25 bottles of salt c, Anxi; 24 bottles of soft's dad fan; 23 bottles of pe; Zashao, Beibei, because, nxy, ppp's hair, the literary famine patient who always falls into the trap, lush rush, the reflection of the balcony into the pond, A Yuan, Bamboo in the Wind, Kerswell, Shuyu, Lagu Flyman, and Doudan Ladan Tietie! 20 bottles; Youyuyan 18 bottles; Shao Jue 17 bottles; 49973938 15 bottles; All your wives are mine, Gardenia, Weird Aunt?, adsfaf, I am super fierce, an ordinary omnivore, Ding Ding Ding, Tong Gong, Gu Feifei's Jiang Chengcheng, Dongting Lake's turtle dove, graoutis, Qianxi, the rain falls in the north, the dawn breaks in the east, Xiaofan? Fan, Tianbao Jiu is like Su Muqiu, the flowers fade at sunset, Wan Shu, the fox loves the bamboo forest, a small salted fish , 10 bottles of Salty and Lots, enrichf, telo, and Jie; 8 bottles of Sugar Addiction; 7 bottles of non-friends, do not display nicknames; 6 bottles of Nanxiang; Puff Egg Roll, Lin Yi, Yunjiu Yingluo, Yueban Yunlei c. Matcha Milk Cap, 5 bottles of Haoxianxi Maomao, Mohe, and Jasmine; 4 bottles of 44937839; 3 bottles of Ice Cream?, Sada Hegra; 2 bottles of Moon Kite Night, Evening Song of the Clouds; a lake swan, Ke Yao, exiio~chyx, Qingcheng Little Lion, Xiangyun, Passerby Little Sister, in the middle of the water, ###, temple, sunset, Xianyin, Xia Ling, Mumu, Xihua, 29195510, Ye Lingxue, 46606959 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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