Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 396 Death Sahara (72)

After the death of the Sun Spider, a massive amount of pollution poured out, causing the Sun Altar to be restless. But now it is night after all. The restlessness of the Sun Altar finally subsided after the Phoenician stone eggs absorbed most of the remaining Sun Spider blood, but it was like an earthquake. After a short period of calm, no one knows when the aftershocks will come.

"The sun spider is gone?!"

Taoist Ban Ming returned to the battlefield immediately, but he didn't bother to chat with Wei Xun, his eyes were drawn away by the golden and red sun spider blood all over the ground. Seeing that the remaining blood was being absorbed by the stone eggs, he beat his chest in distress, completely ignoring Wei Xun's attempts to stop him, and forcefully used a container to collect the remaining blood of the Sun Spider.

He refused to listen to Bai Lao Er's several orders. Wei Xun's eyes darkened and he glanced at Ifrit who was watching from the corner of his eye. Seeing that Bai Lao Er Mao's hands and feet were vaguely indicating that he was going to attack the stone eggs, he immediately took back the stone eggs. The Phoenician pebbles moved reluctantly. Most of its eggshell has been dyed golden red, but only the crack in the middle is still thickly black.

Countless small branches extended out of the crack, and they were densely packed like spider webs all over the stone egg. It was about to hatch successfully. If it can absorb all the spider's blood, it will hatch successfully immediately! However, due to Bai Lao Er's attempt to grab blood, it fell short. No wonder it was unwilling to rest.

Wei Xun, who was so weak and seriously injured, could not even hold the pebble firmly. He almost broke free from it several times, but in the end Wei Xun's fingers dug firmly into its cracks, like grabbing a live bowling ball. After Bai Laoer collected the remaining blood, Shi Pei finally gave up his struggle and collapsed in Wei Xun's hand.

"Tsk, you Bingyi, I said it was a sun spider. If I hadn't come back early, I'm afraid you would have swallowed it all."

Bai Laoer, who had collected the remaining blood of the Sun Spider, was very aggressive and had a tone of provocation, deliberately holding three containers and showing them to Wei Xun one by one.

The first container is as big as a bottle of water, with a capacity of more than 20 liters. The material is slightly softer than jade, and it seems to be able to change size according to the capacity of the liquid inside. Now it is filled with a bright golden liquid. It is not appropriate to say it is a liquid, because it has solidified after being put into the bucket. It is like a big bucket, glowing in the dark, and staring at it for a while makes people feel... My eyes felt extremely stinging, like some kind of radioactive mineral.

The second container is a jade bamboo tube as long as a forearm. There is also a thin branch and a few young bamboo leaves growing from the bamboo joints. It is swaying slightly as if it is alive. The jade bamboo tube is filled with golden red. Steaming thick plasma.

The former is the ordinary blood of the Sun Spider, and the latter is the Sun Spider's precious blood. Its heart was eaten by Xiao Cui, and there wasn't much blood left in it. It was all in the bamboo tube - Shi Pei didn't eat it when he went down before. It seems to have the kind of personality that likes to save good things for last, or maybe it's I thought that I would finally use my hard work to help myself break out of my shell, but in the end, half of my life was taken away.

The third container contained some hot, ruby-red crystals like gems, with some white floc wrapped in the middle, which looked like strawberry milk ice that was about to melt. On top of them was a clump of gold threads the size of a marshmallow, which Half-Life told him was some scraps of limbs left behind by the Sun Spider.

The sun spiders were 'gone', they quickly melted into the dirty blood, and half of their lives were fished out to the last bit with quick hands.

It looks delicious.

Wei Xun felt a little sorry. It would be nice if the sun spider wasn't too tricky to keep. Such a big sun spider is enough to eat corn shoots until adulthood, and he can also have a taste of it. He felt that the life-loving people would not appreciate this delicious food, and might make it into some kind of sacrificial material - otherwise the shadow cat would not be so proactive in helping.

But on his face, his expression was gloomy, and there was suppressed anger in his eyes.

"If the master doesn't sacrifice it away, you will all be killed by it today!"

Wei Xun's face was so withered that he couldn't speak at all. A ferret squeaked anxiously on his shoulder, and suddenly spouted human words to speak for its master.

"Sacrifice? Who knows which wild god you sacrificed to? Maybe you are in the same group, ready to monopolize the spoils."

Bai Lao Er was aggressive. As he spoke, he took the containers back to himself: "These are the rewards we deserve, but they are far from enough! Let me tell you, Bai Lao Er's insect servants were all seriously injured. You are waiting for compensation." Go bankrupt!"

"You fart!"

The ferret screamed, squeaking anxiously, a mix of human and ferret words: "What a benefit it is to advance as a squeaking servant! These flesh and blood masters squeaking are of great use, you must-"


Wei Xun grabbed the back of the ferret's neck to stop it from talking. But obviously the ferret has made him show his cowardice, and it did not refute the most important point - Bai Laoer said that he was worshiping the wild god! This shows that he deceived Ifrit before, and things suddenly became serious. Wei Xun didn't go to see Ifrit. Going to see him at this time was simply the stupidest thing to do, which showed that he felt guilty.

But Ifrit, who had been silent, spoke up.


Ifrit asked slowly: "Are these insect servants from Bai Lao Da?"

"Go, go, go, you have no place to speak here."

The half-life Taoist fired like a machine gun and shouted impatiently: "Are you a fool? How could a little tour guide have such a powerful insect servant? He is just pretending to be fat. You are not really stupid enough to be deceived by him." "

Ifrit was not angry either. The nearly transparent flame shadow moved slightly and became more solid silently. He resonated and spoke, as if defending Wei Xun: "He has the sacred object of the sun in his hand. Even the Sun Spiders will bow down to him, he is no small character.”

"Tsk, holy object??"

Bai Laoer sneered and mocked, and unexpectedly snatched the sun pendant from Wei Xun's hand and threw it to the ground!

"How can there be a sacred object that can only be used once? It's funny, what about the sun's energy? It all belongs to our boss."

As he spoke, Bai Laoer casually took out a whisk and swept it. The tip of the whisk actually ignited a little twisted fire, which was a wisp of pollution from the crazy sun! Then Bai Laoer put away the fly whisk and looked at Wei Xun angrily: "I originally thought you were a good person and wanted to be friends with you, but you actually lied to me! Wow, our boss will come tomorrow and he will definitely seek justice for me!"

"Why do you talk like that, Bai Laoer!"

Chen Cheng and others also rushed back at this moment. Seeing Director Bing's miserable appearance, Tang Shuang, who was loyal and loyal, said anxiously.

"Thank you and Boss Bai's insect servants for your help. Our debt will be paid off."

Chen Cheng tried to smooth things over, but he directly included Bingyi in the category of 'us'. Liu Hongyu hurriedly looked at Director Bing's injuries with a solemn expression.

"Director C is too seriously injured."

Liu Hongyu shook his head and said bluntly: "If Director Bing were a passenger, he would be a dead person now."

What he meant was that Director C relied on points to exchange for the death countdown, but his injuries could not be healed at all. The rapidly decreasing death countdown was like a bottomless pit, and no matter how many points were thrown in, it would never be stable. It would be okay if Bai Lao and the others used their magic medicine, but now Bai Lao Er is going to break up with them because of the Sun Spider.

Under normal circumstances, of course they would weigh the pros and cons, but now everyone is undoubtedly on the side of Director C.

Chen Cheng persuaded Bai Laoer in a low voice, and secretly asked for medicine, but was directly rejected. Bai Lao Er seemed to have a lot of resentment, and directly came out from the oasis. Ifrit listened and confirmed that those demonic insects did indeed belong to Bai Lao Er, and the sun pendant and solar energy also belonged to Bai Lao Er. None of them lied.

The hundredth boss may have a more special identity... I'm afraid he is the real 'messenger'! After all, the 'solar eclipse' originally planned by the blasphemer was tomorrow, but this 'god of fire' hurriedly killed the servants of the god tonight before him. There is indeed something fishy in this!

Ifrit's mind moved slightly. He had already made up his mind to retreat first even if he left the core behind and was seriously injured! If Bingyi can really use the sun's sacred objects to sacrifice and communicate with the sun, then Ifrit is definitely not his opponent. It would be better to wait until tomorrow when the blasphemer arrives, the Sun Altar riots, and the two wild beasts he has agreed to attack sneakily, then He will quietly come back to pick things up.

The flames of Vulcan were so tempting and delicious that Ifrit couldn't bear to part with them. But he also knew that the two beasts were coming for the God of Vulcan, and the Black Sand Giant would definitely destroy the God of Vulcan first. If he missed it tomorrow, his gains would be very little!

But now, things are different.

The ‘God of Fire’ is a fake messenger of God, which is really good news for Ifrit. The rage of being deceived passed, and more greed spread.

Regardless of whether he is the 'God of Fire' or not, his flames are really fragrant. Ifrit feels that the flames around him are shouting 'God of Fire', 'God of Fire', and he is very agile. This is a brand-new power, and it is only Ifrit was intoxicated by the power belonging to a higher-ranking person.

The 'Vulcan' was seriously injured and broke up with the strongest. The terrifying stone egg in his hand has not hatched yet. The boss who is suspected to be the real envoy will not arrive until tomorrow...

Tonight is the best chance.

Do you gamble wildly to win the biggest profit, or do you be cautious and end up like a jackal picking up scraps of meat?

The word caution was never in the proud and arrogant Ifrit's dictionary. What's more, He was convinced that these people really weren't lying.

"Bailao Er, please wait a moment."

Seeing that the two sides of the confrontation were getting more and more noisy for some reason, Bai Laoer even drew his sword to threaten them with force. Ifrit's red flame shadow suddenly appeared among them, separating the two sides. He said majestically: "Your grudges should be settled tomorrow, but my agreement with him is tonight."


Ifrit was condescending, and his voice was like thunder: "Do you still remember the competition between you and me?"

As soon as he said these words, Wei Xun's face turned pale. At the same time, Wei Xun and Ban Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

But Ifrit was saved, if he had just run away, no one at the scene could have stopped him. Ifrit can't escape, Wei Xun has other arrangements for him.

Even if the others couldn't understand Ifrit's words, they heard Bai Laoer sneer and marvel, holding his sword and watching the show: "You want to duel with him now? Honestly Ifrit, you are so stupid It’s really shameless to take advantage of others’ danger.”

Ifrit wants to duel with Director C? !

Everyone's faces turned pale for a moment. How could Director Bing be in this state and duel with Ifrit? Isn't it inevitable to die? For a moment, Chen Cheng's mind was blank and he couldn't think of a solution. He even hoped that Ifrit would be provoked by Bai Laoer and they would fight first, but Ifrit directly ignored Bai Laoer's words.

The starless early morning is the most suitable playing field for you and me. This is exactly what He had agreed with the God of Fire.

"It's past midnight now."

Before he finished speaking, Ifrit turned into a scarlet blood light, and the night was instantly dyed an ominous blood color. Just listening to the rustling sound that made people's scalp numb, bulges suddenly appeared one after another on the sand, like the most terrifying summons of the undead, and the mummies that had been sleeping for who knows how many years emerged from the depths of the earth one by one. , the body is soaked in the blood of the curse.

Ifrit opened it up without hesitation. This was Ifrit's blood sacrifice!

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