Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 385 Death Sahara (61)

The moment Wei Xun ignited the flames, he put on his scarlet cloak. There were too many spiders underneath. The thought of having "close contact" with these spiders made Wei Xun's whole body numb. If he really encountered these spiders, even if his clothes were not burned, It's completely out of the question, and the red cloak is just right to block it.

There are large tracts of gray-red spider webs at the entrance of the cave, almost sealing the entire entrance. Densely packed spiders were lying on the web, and several of them were as big as a fist, with patterns that were particularly conspicuous. They were so hot that they were killed by Half Life with his sword. But after the spider died, fire poison as hot as magma burst out, splashing on the half-lived peach wood sword, leaving a burning black stain on the sword!

‘Be careful, this spider is about to reach the invincible level! ’

Taoist Ban Ming shouted to warn Wei Xun, but Wei Xun was controlling the fusion flame to sweep away the cobwebs. The webs of this group of spiders were as hot as flame ashes, and they themselves seemed not to be afraid of fire. Wei Xun lit up the fusion flame to test and found that the flame was so effective that it was unable to burn the spiders and spider webs at all!

Wei Xun, who has a keen sense of flames, separated the fused flames. The three-color magic flame seemed to be restricted by something, and was extinguished as soon as it ignited. However, the Samadhi True Fire was so powerful that it burned out the surrounding little spiders in an instant. However, Wei Xun discovered at the same time Not only were the spiders around the Phoenix Fire not injured at all, but they were still getting bigger, absorbing energy and growing from the Phoenix Fire!

"It has sacred power, and the magma is probably related to the phoenix fire."

Wei Xun concluded that it was because of this that the fused flame could not have much effect. At this moment, they had entered the depths of the cave. Now it is completely impossible to see the rock wall magma that Liu Hongyu was talking about. There are dense spider webs and black and red spiders everywhere. There is nowhere to stay. Wei Xun only used Samadhi True Fire to burn out a small open space. , and then he threw out the little rose.

Little Rose revealed her body. The huge rose-colored female spider almost occupied most of the cave. Ban Ming and Wei Xun stood on Little Rose. She is both a female insect and a spider. The appearance of the little rose immediately affected the surrounding spiders, so that they finally stopped attacking Wei Xun and Ban Ming like crazy!

‘Master, there is a female insect deeper inside! ’

The situation seemed to be improving, but Little Rose hurriedly said to Wei Xun: 'So powerful, even stronger than Sister Xiaocui! I'm afraid I won't be able to control these spiders any further inside! ’

A female insect stronger than Xiaocui? ? Wei Xun's eyes suddenly lit up, and he almost said, "I want this!" ’ But he calmed down in the next second. You must know that Xiaocui is now a Mirala-level female insect. When converted into a demonic insect, her strength level can barely reach the heaven level. It will be even more difficult to go further!

The more advanced Lailala-level female insect is at least the peak level. The female insect of Yin-Yang Butterfly, Yin-Yang Butterfly, is at this level, but because it is his companion butterfly, its strength is even stronger, and it is close to unsolvable.

The real, top-notch Doraemon female insect is called the "Queen". Even An Xuefeng has never seen it. That is truly unexplainable. And even the Lailala-level mother worm is not something that Wei Xun and Ban Ming can deal with now. A one-on-one fight is still possible, but now the mother worm clearly controls her swarm. It's too dangerous. I don't know what Tang Shuang did to provoke such a monster.

"Go find your food."

Wei Xun no longer hesitated, and a white butterfly flew gracefully from his shoulder. It was the butterfly that Wei Xun had taken back from Cheng Tianbao. At this moment, the cave was filled with all kinds of intricate and chaotic energy. Even the half-finished Hanshan Sword seemed to be ineffective, making it impossible to accurately locate Chen Cheng.

But Die Da was like a fish in water. It almost always stayed in Cheng Tianbao's body and was extremely sensitive to the pollution coming from the battlefield. It could clearly locate Tang Shuang in the cave at this moment!

Leave the little roses at the entrance of the burrow to ensure they don't get trapped underground. Wei Xun asked Ban Ming to follow Die Da deeper into the cave. There were gray-red cobwebs everywhere, the air was filled with ash-like dust, and a faint fire flickered in the dark cave. Half Life asked Wei Xun to put on a mask and cover his head and face so as not to inhale the powder, which was full of cobwebs and contained strong fire poison.

At this moment, they were as if they were walking through a tragic fire scene. The Samadhi True Fire could only protect a small area around them, and could not completely clean the cave. The situation became more terrifying as they went deeper, with large swathes of rocks all around them. Covered with cobwebs.

The cobwebs were tangled together and hanging from the ceiling of the cave. The webs were still squirming and making a terrifying rustling sound, as if there were people wrapped in them. The same thing happened on the ground, and he couldn't see the way forward at all. Wei Xun called out Xiao Cui's mental state. Xiao Cui, who was like a forest elf, sat on Wei Xun's shoulders and whispered to him where there were insects and where it was relatively safe. Under his guidance, Ban Ming sometimes walked and sometimes jumped, and occasionally climbed up the rock wall covered with cobwebs in a detour.

They climbed on the rock wall like spiders, Wei Xun clutched Han Xing's shoulders, and the scarlet cloak wrapped around their backs. During the climb, gravel rolled down and hit the ground heavily. Wei Xun looked down, only to see that the flat 'ground' covered by cobwebs was dented, and a rising stream of heat suddenly burst out from the pit. Under the cobwebs, it turned out that it was not the ground, but hot magma!

If Half-Life's senses were not sharp enough and he really led him up there, they would be swallowed up by the magma the moment the cobweb sank!


Half Life gasped and whispered, carefully climbing over the rock wall. In the corner of the magma wall that Liu Hongyu mentioned before, there are clusters of desert roses growing behind a magma flow on the ground. The magma on the ground shows that Wei Xun and the others are not far from the place where Chen Cheng and others discovered the desert rose stone! And probably because they were taking the path that Chen Cheng's team had explored before, not the path that Tang Shuang took, they didn't encounter too many spiders even though they were frequently hindered by spider webs along the way.

However, it was far from time to relax his vigilance. Half-life inevitably came into contact with the spider silk when climbing the rock wall. The spider silk trembled deeper and deeper. Half-life was worried that it would disturb the more terrifying monster, so he accelerated his speed. After passing this narrow passage, I jumped off the rock wall and landed on the ground. The front suddenly opened up, and it turned out to be a deeper natural cave!

As soon as I entered, I shivered for half my life. The cold, crystal-clear frost and snow almost covered the entire cave. Finally, there were no longer sticky cobwebs under my feet. There was no cobweb covering, and the scene in the cave was clearly displayed in front of the two of them. Half a life saw Chen Cheng, who was half kneeling on the ground holding a sword. His head was lowered, not knowing whether he was alive or dead. The frost sword penetrated deeply into the rock, spreading out. The cave is full of frost.

Countless frost-frozen bulges were scattered on the ground, and all of them were frozen spider corpses. The half-finished Hanshan Sword in Han Ming's hand buzzed in response, and the half-melted frost and snow in the cave suddenly condensed. What is in front of me is Captain Chen, not an illusion!

But Wei Xun's eyes followed the flying butterflies and looked deeper into the cave. From the middle of the cave to the back, the rock walls and roof turned bone white. The forest white rock walls were like pure and flawless white marble, and there were more streaks deep in the rock walls. The naturally formed lines are just like white jade pillars that blend closely together.

However, after listening to Tong Fu's previous story, Wei Xun and Ban Ming were not stupid enough to mistake them for mineral jade. These were clearly fossilized giant skeletons! The depths of such a huge cave were completely ossified, and it was like a giant's cemetery. Dieda flew straight deeper, and finally circled around a cocoon-like bone-white bump on Chen Cheng's back.

Looking at it, there was no human figure at all, just like a bulge on the bone wall, but Die Da's performance convinced Wei Xun that it was Tang Shuang.

Tang Shuang's title lost control and merged with the giant's skeleton!

"Don't go there."

Seeing this, Half Life was really anxious, fearing that Team Chen and Deputy Team Tang would do something wrong and injure them on the battlefield. However, he remained motionless and solemnly said: "Team Chen is probably trying to suppress Deputy Tang with all his strength." Team Chen is in an irrational state. We would have been attacked indiscriminately by Team Chen in the past! ’

As he said this, he wanted to put Wei Xun down: "I'll attract Captain Chen's attention, and you can take the opportunity to throw the vampire knife or something from a distance and pierce that bone bag!" ’

No matter what their intention is, the attack will definitely be regarded as an attack in the eyes of Team Chen. After all, half of his life is a metaphysician and there is an ancient oasis token. Even if Team Chen loses control and takes action, the most they can do is beat him into a vegetative state and not kill him, but Wei It was different in the past!


Wei Xun got off Bansheng, but grabbed his shoulders. Previously, it was maggot cocoons instead of the blood-sucking knife that polluted Cheng Tianbao's body. The butterfly fragments in the blood-sucking knife had not yet stabilized. Even Wei Xun couldn't tell what would happen if the battlefield pollution was absorbed again. It would be too risky.

‘Can you break the bone wall? Does Tang Shuang still have a body now? ’

Wei Xun found that Die Da leisurely flew over but was not attacked by Chen Cheng. I am afraid that Chen Cheng had a clue in his heart. If possible, it could directly swallow the pollution greedily. But the problem is that Tang Shuang's out-of-control state is too special. Unless the bone wall is chopped into pieces, Only by exposing Tang Shuang's flesh and body can Butterfly Da suck the pollution. But if Tang Shuang's whole body becomes ossified, even Butterfly Da would be of no help - it can only suck liquids!

Half life can break the bone wall, but he is not sure about Tang Shuang's current condition. He had to get closer to confirm, but he couldn't multi-task while restraining Chen Cheng. The best way was for both of them to go over and find a way to wake Chen Cheng up. It was considered safe for Wei Xun to go there wearing a red cloak, but the problem was that the red cloak was too long, and it also gave off a life-threatening aura. It looked like he had stolen someone else's, which would probably arouse Chen Cheng's instinctive suspicion!

Half life was in a dilemma for a while, but Wei Xun had an idea.

‘You, you, what are you doing? ? ’

When Wei Xun squatted down in front of Ban Ming, Ban Ming was stunned. When Wei Xun briefly ordered Ban Ming to ride on his shoulders, Ban Ming was dumbfounded, but his movements were not slow at all, as if he were riding a big horse. He rode on Wei Xun's shoulder.

Wei Xun stood up. The half-life in his teenage state was not heavy to begin with, so he held back his strength and raised his breath. Even the weakling Wei Xun in his tour guide state could bear it. As soon as he stood up, the two of them were taller than each other. Wei Xun stood up straight and put the cloak on Ban Sheng. The length was just right. He gathered the front of the cloak and put on the hood again. No one could see. There are two people in this cloak!

'Well, how about I carry you...'

‘It’s easier to make moves with your hands empty, and it’s easier for Chen Cheng to feel reassured by your face.’

Wei Xun said briefly, the key is that Half Life is now in a young state, and his thin shoulders can't support Wei Xun riding on it, so he can only make this decision. Half Life Period Ai Ai responded, holding Hanshan Sword in his hand, his face a little red for some reason. Wei Xun strode into the cave and felt the strong sword intent as soon as he entered. Even though he was mostly separated by the scarlet cloak, it still made people feel chilly.

Wei Xun walked directly towards Chen Cheng without hesitation. He couldn't see the road, and his eyes were his. When he was still ten steps away from him, he saw Chen Cheng raising his head. There was nothing in his eyes, only the cold sword light. .

"Captain, don't draw your sword, it's me!"

Ban Ming shouted directly. He had the ancient oasis token in his left hand and the Hanshan Sword in his right hand. He also wore the metaphysics team emblem on his chest. He was armed from head to toe. As expected, Chen Cheng didn't say anything. Half Life walked up to Chen Cheng smoothly and breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Chen Cheng wakes up Tang Shuang, it will be easy.

He rubbed his fingers eagerly and was about to give the old captain a forceful awakening when he noticed that Chen Cheng's eyes fell on the scarlet cloak and his nose twitched slightly.

"The smell of Mei Yutang's blood."

His voice was so low that it was almost inaudible: "There are more people's blood, so thick and pungent... Are you the Hongjiang of this generation?"

Wei Xun, who was hidden in the cloak, immediately cheered up, Mei Yutang? Which three words? This seems to be a personal name? ?

"I am Cen Qin, captain. Captain, are you awake? We are here to rescue you and Deputy Tang!"

But before Chen Cheng could say more, he said happily and anxiously. Hearing Chen Cheng mutter a few words to Cen Qin, his eyes gradually came back to his senses, as if he recognized the person in front of him. The next moment, his expression suddenly condensed, and he said sternly: "Take off this cloak!"

He took action in an instant, and because he didn't have any murderous intent at all, he didn't react in advance. Chen Cheng really grabbed the cloak.

"Are you desperate for your life? How dare you have anything to do with Hongjiang?? Didn't I tell you—"

Chen Cheng yanked off Cen Qin's cloak, and then looked at Wei Xun, who was wearing a mask under the cloak. Chen Cheng's eyes twitched and his words stopped.

"Captain, I am Xiaocui!"

Wei Xun said sincerely, as if he was confused: "I got this red cloak by accident. It's not mine. Its defense is very high. Without the cloak, we wouldn't have been able to find you. What is the Red River? Why can't we?" Is it related to Hongjiang?"

"Xiao Cui."

Chen Cheng recognized him and his expression softened. But he didn't say anything more and just said: "This cloak is stained with too many people's blood, too many people's obsessions, beliefs, responsibilities, resentments and even hatred. It's just like the blood-stained clothes of a female ghost. It's not a good thing. "

He said: "It's okay to wear it for a short time, but don't touch it for a long time, people will go crazy."

To Wei Xun's surprise, Chen Cheng recognized it as Hongjiang's cloak, but did not recognize that it was the man's cloak. Wei Xun guessed that Chen Cheng had never really come into contact with those who wore scarlet cloaks, or that everyone in Hongjiang had a scarlet cloak, but the cloaks of serious tour guides recognized by the hotel could only be customized in color if they reached the first class... Then maybe this This cloak was passed down from generation to generation in Hongjiang, and it was stained with too many people's blood. Other capes are simply dyed.

But Chen Cheng refused to say any more. He picked up the scarlet cloak, folded it and handed it to Wei Xun (by the way, he asked Cen Qin to get off the tour guide, how outrageous!) He just shook his head: "I don't have much time, Tang Shuang... I didn't originally intend for him to come now. I'm afraid that Tang Shuang in the replay of this scene came into contact with a title mission that he didn't have and accidentally connected there. "

After all, the three of them are still alive, and any problems with the corresponding people in the reenactment of the scene will also indirectly affect them.

"Tang Shuang's whole body is now ossified. It can't eat Tang Shuang's pollution."

Chen Cheng glanced at Dieda flying around the bone wall, shook his head, felt a little regretful, but didn't say much.

"I will take Tang Shuang away, and he will die in the reenactment of the scene. Just say he is dead when you go out."

Ban Ming became anxious upon hearing this: "Deputy Captain Tang is dead here, then, then over there..."

"There will be a little hiccup, but nothing major."

Chen Cheng said it was a small problem, but Half Life didn't believe it. He held the sword anxiously and glanced at Wei Xun out of the corner of his eye as if he were pitiful for his little wife. As he walked forward with Chen Cheng, he kept asking, saying that the talisman seal tube didn't work, the mahogany bone scraping tube didn't work, and he had better ones here. of cinnabar, you can even use Tianwen...

But Chen Cheng shook his head and said bluntly that it was not only Tang Shuang's problem, but also his ossification that triggered the altar.

"There is an altar connected here. These are the bones of the red sand giant. They are sacrifices and are used for sacrifice."

Chen Cheng said succinctly: "Spiders are equivalent to divine slaves, chewing the sacrifices and generating magma for the altar."

So Tang Shuang was unlucky enough to activate the mission here, and because he lost control and fused with the giant's bones, he was recognized as a sacrifice. Even if the contamination could be removed, he would not be able to easily get out of the hole, which would drag down the entire brigade.

As he spoke, Chen Cheng asked Ban Ming to cut open the bone wall with his sword, and sure enough he saw a human skeleton inside. Most of his body has been boned, with only a slight amount of flesh remaining on his sides, which looks particularly oozing. Gray-red stone liquid flows between the bones, like blood, and the internal organs in the ribs can be vaguely seen. But they are all covered with a layer of gray-red stone film, making it impossible for the butterfly to suck.

Tang Shuang is not dead yet, but he is still lingering.

"The red sand giant is a sacrifice?"

Wei Xun frowned. Aren't the red sand giants and the black sand giants from the same group? One represents the magma sea and the other represents the giant snake? However, judging from the previous speculation about the period of death, the black sand giant probably feeds on the eyes of other giants. It has no faction at all. Other giants are all food to it. The remains of the red sand giant are considered as sacrifices. normal.

But is all this done secretly by Black Sand? Then what god did it sacrifice red sand to?

Wei Xun thought of the fossilized giant tree that the underground magma led to, and of the Phoenician stone eggs enshrined in the magma of the giant tree, and vaguely felt that something was wrong. The black sand corresponds to the giant snake that destroys the world. This status is extremely high. It is just a phoenix. It is impossible to sacrifice it to hatch it. The status is not equal.

Moreover, Chen Cheng clearly stated that these spiders are ‘slaves of the gods’, and the phoenix is ​​not a god, so whose servants are they?

Unless... Wei Xun remembered that the aura of greed and pollution coming from the stone eggs was not as holy as a normal phoenix.

“Sacrifice contaminated the stone pebbles of Phoenicia, and then it affected the altar of God?

Wei Xun suspected that there was a force fighting against Heisha! Not a giant, but something higher, such as the 'god' that Heisha fears most.

After listening to his analysis, Chen Cheng, who was directing the knocking of Tang Shuang's bones from the bone wall, showed an appreciative smile: "Your intuition is very keen. All you need is some time and knowledge."

"Legend has it that the Phoenician bird lives by dry wells on the Arabian Peninsula. It is a creature of God and is called Anka in Arabic mythology."

"Not only in Arabic mythology, but also in Greek mythology and ancient Egyptian mythology, Ankh is described. Whenever dawn falls, Ankh will bathe in the sun and sing, causing the sun to stop and listen. When it is close to death, it Will fly to the city of the sun, burn to ashes on the altar of the sun, and turn into an egg.”

"From that egg will come a little worm, and that worm will eventually grow into a new phoenix."

Chen Cheng said softly: "Ankh can be reborn continuously. The bird that God loves is born in the eyes of God (the sun), symbolizing life and eternity. But if it is bathed in the blood of the sun (magma) when hatching, it will It hatches into an evil creature. Once it eats a person, it will prey on all living things, especially children. When Ankh falls, even the gods will close their eyes and weep for it."

Wei Xun immediately understood what Chen Cheng said! Black Sand deliberately sacrificed the bones of the Red Sand Giant. The Red Sand itself has the power of fire. It is probably after they are eaten by the God's Servant Spider that they will continuously generate magma. Irrigating the stone eggs with magma is just to make the stone eggs corrupt, and I am afraid that the phoenix will be born tonight.

What Ifrit said about the black snake catching sacrifices is to catch people and feed them to the phoenix. The ultimate goal of the black sand is to make God close his eyes!

"Then how to purify the contaminated Ankh?"

Wei Xun asked humbly, and Chen Cheng was startled. The Phoenix had already fallen when he came to the ancient oasis. He had only killed the fallen Anka, but if he wanted to purify it...

"The Ankh I killed was destroyed in the flames and turned into a black egg."

Time was running out, and Chen Cheng already felt that he could no longer hold on and was about to leave. He kept the story short: "I was seriously polluted and passed out. When I woke up, I found that the pollution on my body had disappeared, and the egg had broken open. There are some eggshells left, but the eggshells have returned to their original color without any smell of pollution.”

Therefore, Chen Cheng speculated that if Anka swallowed good things (blood of the sun) before he was born again, evil monsters would be born. If it swallows pollution before it is born, it can purify itself and reborn from the ashes, turning back into a pure phoenix.

Wei Xun nodded while listening. No wonder he found that after infusing the stone egg with spiritual fire (spiritual pollution), it seemed that the egg seemed less evil. It turned out to be not an illusion.

It also absorbs a lot of pollution!

Ban Ming obviously thought of him, with an excited expression on his face.

"I will take Tang Shuang's consciousness away in a while, and you will leave his body here. Don't kill too many spiders, as it will anger the servants of the gods deep inside the altar. That is a very dangerous sun spider female. Its strength is close to The Queen is a servant of God and cannot be conquered."

Chen Cheng spoke faster and faster, and the strength in his body began to fluctuate unsteadily. His hand pressed Tang Shuang's chest, about to crush Tang Shuang's heart. In fact, the little problem Chen Cheng mentioned was not trivial at all. Once his heart was crushed, Tang Shuang's situation would probably be even worse, comparable to Cheng Tianbao at his worst. And all three of them will be affected.

But this is also an impossible choice...

"I will be in a coma after I leave..."

"Hey, hey, captain, don't do anything! Tang Shuang can be saved, he can be saved!"

Ban Ming was shocked when he saw this and quickly grabbed Chen Cheng's hand. Chen Cheng frowned and was about to say something, when he saw Xiao Cui smiling and taking out a cracked stone egg.

Chen Cheng:?

"Since Deputy Tang is now a sacrifice, let him be the one to breed the divine egg."

Wei Xun smiled and patted the stone egg, then stuffed it between Tang Shuang's ribs. Sure enough, he saw that the gray-red stone liquid was showing signs of fading away.

"Presumably the slaves of the gods will not embarrass the pregnant body of the stone eggs that the gods love - they can also absorb the pollution from Deputy Tang's body."

It's like killing two birds with one stone!

Cheng Tianbao hatched a cocoon to hatch the future, and Deputy Tang also hatched an egg!

* *

"Come out, they're coming out!"

Ten minutes later, the passengers who were waiting anxiously outside suddenly shouted excitedly. They saw Bai Laoer carrying the unconscious Chen Cheng on his back, and Director Bing holding Tang Shuang, who was all naked, riding a huge rose-colored spider out of the hole. Got it! "

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