Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 383 Death Sahara (59)

"That's what it is."

Taoist Ban Ming finally gave a serious warning: "Don't get close to that fossil tree again, Ifrit is too dangerous."

The half-life Taoist's theory (made up) is that there is a cunning and insidious mythical demon spirit Ifrit who loves to eat human souls living in the fossil tree. The demon spirit woke up as soon as their brigade entered the petrified forest (fake). The photos taken by Zhu Yuande and the others were actually hinted by the demon spirit (really, the red shadow of resentment was swallowed up by Wei Xun)

People who see the photo will lose their souls one by one, and unknowingly walk to the fossil tree, and eventually become sacrifices, and their souls will be devoured by demons. The first person to be lured over was Bingyi, so he looked strange and rushed straight towards the fossil tree.

Hearing what he said, Tong Fu and Yunying, who were guarding the fossil tree before, nodded thoughtfully.

The half-life Taoist patted his chest again and said that fortunately, he, Bai Laoer, discovered the problem and woke up Bingyi directly, which made the demon spirit fearful and gave up the idea of ​​eating people directly.

"But the hungry and greedy demon spirit refused to give up. He cunningly said that he would punish Bingyi for disturbing him, and asked Bingyi to tell him a story he had never heard before. If Bingyi could not tell it, it would take away Bingyi. The soul of one.”

The demon has been alive for thousands of years, what stories are there in this world that He has not heard? Fortunately, Bingyi was quick-witted and bold. He was in trouble first and secretly complimented the demon spirit for knowing everything. There was no story that he had not heard. When the demon spirit complacently acquiesces, he asks the demon spirit abruptly if he wants to force him to die?

The demon spirit was proud of his face but was afraid of his father-in-law, so he falsely denied it. Bingyi took the opportunity to make a request, saying that he was willing to tell the story, but if the demon spirit had not heard the story, he would have to agree to do something within his power.

"The demon spirit is too strong, even I may not be able to defeat it."

Taoist Ban Ming sighed with emotion: "I don't know how Bingyi did it. He really told a story that the demon spirit had never heard before, and then asked the demon spirit to do something... and the demon spirit died. once!"


Everyone in the brigade was amazed, and the impatient Tang Shuang asked: "What did he make the demon spirit do?"

"I don't know that."

Taoist Ban Ming spread his hands and said, "You can ask Bingyi."

As soon as he said this, everyone fell silent. Who has time to ask the tour guide such a question? Maybe it’s someone else’s secret.

"Director C, would you like to go to the camp and take a rest? There is boiled hot water."

Chen Cheng said politely and saw Bingyi's hood moving slightly, seeming to nod. Bai Laoer carried him to the newly built camp.

'Tell a different story every night, One Thousand and One Nights, huh? ’

On Ban Ming's back, Wei Xun asked jokingly with a string. The half-life Taoist laughed and gave him a head. Wei Xun knew that Ban Ming had made up so many things just now to smooth things over for him, so he never said anything. As soon as Ban Ming said half-truth and half-lie, Director C turned around and became a victim.

If Zhu Yuande and the others hadn't brought the photos, he wouldn't have messed with Ifrit. If Leader B hadn't left first and exposed the danger, I'm afraid everyone in their brigade would have their souls eaten by Ifrit!

Taoist Ban Ming didn't go too far, just the right amount was enough. In this way, everyone in Chen Cheng's brigade will take more care of him, feel a little more guilty, and maybe feel a little grateful - given that Bingyi saved He Yunlai and Liu Hongyu, this statement is still very reliable!

In fact, Wei Xun doesn't care about this. He just likes taking risks and wants to challenge Ifrit alone. Theoretically, the entire Chen Cheng brigade will be in danger of facing the furious Ifrit, so what's the point? In Wei Xun's opinion, as long as the benefits far outweigh the risks, you can take risks! So what if others are dissatisfied or have objections? Wei Xun didn't care at all, as long as everyone was doing their own thing.

But Taoist Ban Ming cares! He knew that Wei Xun had a bottom line, was measured and sure, and knew that no matter what he did, he would save the day in the end. The closer they are to him, the greater the benefits will be to those who follow him more closely, but the people in Team Chen don’t know that! Ban Ming didn't want Team Chen's people to be dissatisfied with Wei Xun at all, so he racked his brains to smooth things over because he cared.

Ban Ming's words were indeed useful, at least Zhu Yuande felt very guilty.

"Oh, I really didn't think the photo was dangerous. It almost hurt everyone."

Zhu Yuande was restless. He rubbed his fingers worriedly and couldn't help but look towards the camp: "Director B is seriously injured."

Although Bai Laoer said that he had deterred the demon spirit, everyone saw that Bingyi's cloak was in tatters and covered with black marks from burns. Even the tour guide's cloak can be destroyed. What a terrifying attack it is! Moreover, Bingyi's body was so polluted that Zhu Yuande even doubted whether Director Bing had been alienated.

"There's something really wrong with that photo."

Chen Cheng frowned. It was when Bingyi was tempted to touch the red shadow on the photo that he felt something was wrong. At that time, Chen Cheng stepped forward, put his hand on the Hanshan Sword, and said the word "fire" almost at the same time as Bingyi.

Many of the resentments left on the photos will only respond after being called the keyword. Chen Cheng wanted to avoid the danger, but Bingyi probably spoke faster than him at that time. Moreover, the resentment in the photo even burned Bingyi’s gloves.

"I made a mistake."

Chen Cheng shook his head. He opened his yin and yang eyes and looked carefully at Bingyi's whole body. He didn't see any resentment or curses.

"Foreign demon spirits may not belong to our Eastern Yin and Yang Eyes."

Cheng Tianbao comforted: "No one noticed it. Maybe Bingyi discovered the problem at that time and just didn't say anything...cough cough cough."

Cheng Tianbao felt an itch in his throat and couldn't help coughing. Yun Ying took over the conversation and said timidly: "Director Bing probably didn't mean to keep silent. He was probably lured at that time."

"Yes, tour guides are afraid of death, but I think he was looking for death. He almost got into the fossil tree hole."

Tong Fu agreed: "Didn't Bai Laoer say that the demon spirit was too strong even for him to deal with. That kind of temptation is not something we can resist. If it wasn't Director Bing who was lured this time, it would be us."

But their relationship with Bai Laoer is not as good as Bingyi's. If they were really lured, they would have died long ago. No matter how you think about it, objectively speaking, Bingyi saved them again.

"And Bingyi actually agreed to tell a story..."

Liu Hongyu, who had been silent all the time, said, he sighed softly with mixed emotions.

"If he doesn't agree, there's nothing we can do." Yu Hexuan, the elder brother of the Yu family, said, "Do you remember the sky full of fire clouds just now? The whole sky was black and red, the temperature rose sharply, and the sandstorm outside was even more terrifying. The vision of the demon's death is so terrible. Bai Laoer said it is immortal, and being killed once means nothing at all." Yu Hexuan said helplessly, "No one can beat this demon. I don't think the old and disabled giant is its opponent. If Bing Yi doesn't agree, there's nothing we can do." "No." Tong Fu walked to Liu Hongyu and held his hand. Couples have the same heart, she understood what Liu Hongyu meant: "Xiao Luan, if it was another tour guide, what would he do if he encountered such a thing?" Yu Feiluan, the younger sister of the Yu family, was startled, thought about it for a while, and said in a low voice with a pale face: "He would want to offer our souls." "That's right." Chen Cheng nodded and sighed: "Bai Laoer said the demon wants souls... What's the difference between Bing Dao's soul and our souls?" If Bing Dao said that he would use their souls to exchange for his own survival, the demon would not necessarily refuse. He could even exchange three or four times the souls - even this was not considered as the tour guide taking the initiative to kill the tourists, it could only be considered as an "accidental death".

Telling stories is still too dangerous, this is gambling with one's own life. How can it be worthwhile to exchange the lives of their tourists.

Liu Hongyu nodded silently. Since he was killed by Bingyi, who was covered with black snakes last time, he has become more vigilant and cautious about Bingyi, and now his mood is the most complicated.

"Bingyi... He is not an ordinary tour guide."

Liu Hongyu said, and he remembered the Hongjiang that everyone had talked about before. Could Bingyi really be from Hongjiang? Although Captain Chen always said that no matter whether the tour guide is good or bad, it has nothing to do with them, no matter how good the tour guide is, it is impossible for them to visit the scenic spots, and no matter how bad the tour guide is, as long as they are vigilant enough, it is impossible to destroy the united and powerful metaphysics.

But being on tenterhooks all the time is really exhausting. They not only have to be alert to the dangerous attractions, but also have to beware of the tour guides who are very likely to attack behind their backs. And the tourists can't abandon the tour guides, and they must rely on the guides' guidance and protection - like before, they severely injured B125 and almost turned him into a vegetable, and they almost got lost on the way to the next attraction.

If Bingyi really came from Hongjiang, he really wouldn't attack them secretly. If they had a tour guide they could trust, they could work together during the journey... It's not that Captain Chen is bad, but tour guides are different.

Liu Hongyu subconsciously looked at Captain Chen, but saw that he was looking at him. Chen Cheng's eyes were gentle, but Liu Hongyu felt as if what he imagined in his heart was seen through. His eyes were a little evasive for a while, and then he became firm again.

He is a doctor, and he can find that his companions are not in a good mental state. The closer this journey is to the end, the more difficult it will be. The successive deaths and injuries of companions are too demoralizing. Especially knowing that the old captain and his companions might leave soon and never come back, everyone is under great psychological pressure.

That's why everyone is actively speculating whether Bingyi is from Hongjiang, and whether he is a rare "good tour guide". Even if Bingyi does nothing, just knowing that he is a "good tour guide", he can make people feel relieved as long as he stands there.

"Guide Bing is seriously injured, Hongyu, go and take a look."

Chen Cheng sighed in his heart after understanding Liu Hongyu's eyes and seeing that other teammates couldn't help but smile because of his words.

"Yes, Lao He is there too. He is too honest, don't be fooled."

Tang Shuang said, he stood beside Chen Cheng, patted Chen Cheng's back heavily with his hands behind him, and gave Chen Cheng a firm look. Chen Cheng felt warm in his heart, he knew that Tang Shuang was worried that he would be disappointed - making his teammates so uneasy, even looking forward to a tour guide whose good and evil are unknown, from other aspects, isn't it that he, the captain, is not strong enough to make everyone trust him completely?

But Chen Cheng was very calm, he knew that it was less than a year since they entered the hostel without knowing each other, and the whole group has only been together for half a year. It's too early to say that they have established complete trust.

"Okay, let's go to the cave that Yuande found." Chen Cheng shouted, "No matter what Director Bing does, we must do a good job of our own attractions. Don't forget that we haven't found the rose yet, so we can't relax!" When everyone's face became serious, Chen Cheng smiled and blinked: "If we come back early after the exploration, we can help Director Bing think of a story." He joked, "After all, Ifrit is a Western demon, there must be a few Eastern stories that he doesn't know." The atmosphere in the team suddenly became lively, and everyone cheered, full of energy. Chen Cheng shook Tang Shuang's hand again and led the team to walk in the front.

It must be a blessing to have such good teammates in the hotel. Chen Cheng believes that everyone will get better and better, and eventually, like the old captain and the others, they will become a real team that is more important than family, and can make the difference between life and death. He will also work hard to become stronger and become the strongest captain, living up to the training of the old captain and the trust of his companions!

* *

"A hot hole?"

"Yeah, Xiao Tang almost got a layer of skin burned off when he went down."

He carried Wei Xun half-life to the camp. He Yunlai, who was resting in the camp to recuperate from his injuries, hurriedly poured water and medicine for him. He was anxious and worried, but he didn't ask Bingyi how he ended up like this. He just kept worrying.

After Ban Ming told him once, He Yunlai was still worried, and he was afraid that the silent Director B would annoy him, so he turned to talk about their new discovery.

"The desert rose formed by lava that the captain mentioned makes sense to me. After all, this petrified forest was formed due to volcanic eruptions."

He Yunlai said: "The cave looks like a tree pit, quite deep. The captain said that only a small part of these petrified trees are exposed on the ground, and more of them are underground, which were flooded by volcanic ash. Xiao Tang said that There seemed to be lava in the cave. It was too hot for him to see clearly."

Speaking of this, He Yunlai hammered the ground in melancholy and glanced at his unhealed abdomen: "Hey, I don't know when my injury will heal. It's no wonder that Xiao Tang can't see the hot place clearly. I should Just go down."

The hot tree hole, there seems to be unsolidified magma inside? Wei Xun immediately noticed the key point. He had long wondered why there was so much flowing magma in the fossilized tree that contained Phoenician stone eggs. Or is it only there during the day and disappears at night? Where did the magma go and where has it been preserved? Could it be related to sacrifice?

"Even if you are Mao Zong, you are still afraid of lava."

While he was thinking about it, Ban Ming asked curiously. Ban Ming had studied zombies very deeply, and naturally knew that all zombies before they turned into bones were afraid of the sun and fire, especially Mao Zheng, whose hair could be said to be It's so ignitable. No matter how hard He Yunlai's skin is, it's impossible not to be afraid of magma.

"Hey, this is a blessing in disguise for me."

He Yunlai smiled and patted his belly. After thinking for a while, he wiped his hands with alcohol cotton pads and carefully opened his sewn belly a little. The half-life Taoist twitched the corner of his mouth and felt as if his stomach was hurting. But the next moment his eyes widened: "What is this? Snake eggs?!"

Inside He Yunlai's abdomen, near the edge of his belly, there was a gray-black oval hard object that looked very similar to a black snake egg! Could it be that the snake eggs in his belly were not removed completely? Even Wei Xun looked here curiously.

"It's not that I'm not clean, it's that my title has mutated again."

He Yunlai smiled and said, just after he whistled, the black snake egg split open automatically, and a small black snake crawled out. The place where it crawled had fire marks, and the broken egg was filled with boiling magma. However, the magma flowing into He Yunlai's abdomen did not cause any damage to him. On the contrary, it seemed to speed up the healing of the wound!

The little black snake obediently crawled into He Yunlai's palm. Its dark black snake eyes looked at Wei Xun and Ban Ming warily, and finally landed on Wei Xun. It shook its tail like a rattlesnake and made a vigilant hissing sound.


Wei Xun became interested. He thought for a while and tried to take out a David snake. Sure enough, the little snake neighed more rapidly and even moved its body as if to attack. He Yunlai was afraid that it would hurt Director Bing, so he quickly stuffed it back into his stomach.

But Snake David was obviously also interested in the little black snake. He crawled to Wei Xun's ear and hissed softly: "Hey, where did you find the snake? I actually feel that it is quite dangerous. You should restrain me!"

The black snake transformed from the black sand has scarlet eyes, but the mutated little snake in He Yunlai's belly has pure black eyes. Moreover, the small black-eyed snake can detect the sand snake even though it is hidden through the corn shoots, and it is even more restrained. It can be said to be a natural enemy!

"Your title is Dark Blue?"

Wei Xun was really curious. He knew the history and roughly guessed what would happen in the future. It could be said that He Yunlai had completely restrained the Sand Snake who wanted to 'guide the sacrifice'. Liu Hongyu would not have been hacked if he was there. Snake attack and kill. Even Wei Xun originally suspected that the Sand Snake was the guard of the Ancient Royal Court. With He Yunlai's presence, he would definitely be more confident in opening up the Ancient Royal Court and dealing with mythical creatures such as Ifrit.

Previously, he was contaminated by the old crippled giant and mutated to swallow large amounts of sand. This time, he was contaminated by the sand snake and mutated to have fire resistance and the ability to control black snakes. Is this something that a dark blue title can do? ?

Wei Xun glanced at Ban Ming and saw Taoist Ban Ming staring directly at He Yun. His eyes were a little red - what a zombie! Yu Xiangyang was already the most talented zombie-titled passenger he had ever seen, but it was only after seeing He Yunlai that he realized that there was something beyond his reach!

'Oh, what a pity'

But after the excitement, there was a deeper regret. I stopped looking at He Yunlai for half my life, and it would feel painful to look at him again. He couldn't help but chat with Wei Xun secretly through the thread, and his tone was full of regret: "He Yunlai must have that special physique that is very prone to mutation."

It has nothing to do with the title, it is He Yunlai's own 'talent'. When he encounters various kinds of pollution, his body will naturally mutate. Although it will be more thrilling than others, if he can survive it, his future development will definitely be extraordinary!

To be selected by the old captain of the metaphysics, as a new generation of metaphysics team members, the passengers are indeed different. He Yunlai doesn't even need too much training. As long as he is taken around the 30 degrees north latitude, he himself will not be weaker than the orange title.

"Yeah, I'm still stiff."

He Yunlai didn't know about their conversation and regrets, and was a little embarrassed: "Hey, everyone in the team has a purple title, but I'm holding them back. I don't know when I can upgrade to a purple title..."

"If you can't go back alive, you will never be able to achieve the purple title."

A cold and gloomy voice sounded, startling the three people present. Wei Xun and Ban Ming were shocked because what the visitor said was exactly what they were thinking - it was almost like reading their minds. He Yunlai was frightened but——

"I, I disinfected it with alcohol pads!"

He Yunlai stumbled and tried to stand up, but Liu Hongyu glanced at him and sat down again, like a patient who was caught unawares despite not following the doctor's orders. Without saying a word, Liu Hongyu first checked He Yunlai's wounds, and then sewed up and disinfected the wounds that he had just opened.

His silent and detailed examination made He Yunlai feel more and more guilty. After the examination, before Liu Hongyu could say anything, He Yunlai swore to the sky that he would never touch the wound again.

"Okay, it's not like the captain won't let you use the mutant title."

When He Yunlai was about to swear a poisonous oath, Liu Hongyu said: "It's too dangerous. At least we have to wait for everyone to come and test it, and then we have to wait for Yuan De to see whether it's good or bad."

What he said made sense, and he brought Chen Cheng out again. He Yunlai nodded repeatedly and was convinced.

"Director C, thank you for helping us again this time."

Liu Hongyu turned to look at Bingyi and said sincerely: "The wind and sand in the desert are strong, and there is no water source here to make it difficult to clean. I have some cleaning alcohol gauze, which is my daily product. It can clean any stains."

He took out a roll of gauze and applied it to He Yunlai's wound as a gesture. I saw that the blood-stained scar became extremely clean in an instant, and the wound obviously began to heal at a faster pace.

Liu Hongyu didn't say much, left a roll of gauze for Bingyi, pulled He Yunlai aside and gave some instructions, and then hurried to the cave. Wei Xun looked at his leaving figure, withdrew his playful gaze, and threw away the gauze in his hand.

‘Liu Hongyu is a smart man’

Wei Xun guessed that Liu Hongyu came here to see his injury, but Liu Hongyu didn't mention treating the injury at all, and when he gave the gauze, he only emphasized its role in cleaning stains - he guessed from Bingyi's frequent changes of gloves and other small actions that he might have some mysophobia. .

And these gauze can completely clean the wound and heal the scar, which is particularly appropriate. Moreover, he first said that this was a daily product of the title, and then gave it to He Yun to use, which showed his sincerity even more.

‘I didn’t expect he would dare to come. ’

Wei Xun smiled and said that he had deliberately scared Liu Hongyu before when he was covered in black snakes. On the spot, he saw that his face turned pale and his eyes became more alert. Wei Xun likes to tease smart people and see how much they think. According to Liu Hongyu's character, he will definitely pay more attention to the black snake in the future - be more vigilant, maybe Liu Hongyu will be vigilant enough tonight, and will not die from the black snake again without Wei Xun's intervention.

But Wei Xun didn't expect Liu Hongyu to come again so soon. Logically speaking, he should avoid him during this period.

'They want to recruit you'

Half Life is also a bit puzzling. He is sure that the current Chen Cheng is not Team Chen. With Xuanxue's usual style, he shouldn't be so quick to recruit a tour guide whose good and evil are unknown. After all, Xuanxue has never had a tour guide before.

‘You’ll understand after seeing what He Yunlai says’

Wei Xun said that Liu Hongyu was very observant and could read people's eyes, so he should have discovered his slightly different attitudes towards him and He Yunlai. If Liu Hongyu really wanted to test something, he would be smart and come through He Yun.

Sure enough, when He Yunlai sat down again, he looked at Wei Xun frequently, with an expression on his face that he was hesitant to speak. Wei Xun looked at him for a while, then asked, "Huh?" ’ After saying this, He Yunlai couldn’t wait to ask.

He Yun came to Ai Ai and asked, "Director Bing, um, do you have a red cloak?"

What he asked surprised Wei Xun. Why would He Yunlai ask him such a question? He has a scarlet cloak, but it is the cloak of a life-seeker! Wei Xun thought a lot for a moment, but his face was unmoved and he asked: "What?"

Seeing that he didn't refute, He Yunlai's eyes lit up, and he leaned over half of his body in excitement. His eyes were wide open, and he lowered his voice and asked almost breathlessly: "Director Bing, you, you are from Hongjiang. person?"


Wei Xun was startled. This was another question that he had not expected at all. Hongjiang? Which Hongjiang? He said nothing, with an incomprehensible expression on his face, but secretly asked about half of his life.

‘Hongjiang is a legendary tour guide organization. It’s very old. Captain Chen didn’t say much when he taught me. ’

Half of his life was surprised that He Yunlai would ask Wei Xun like this, and he told him everything he knew.

‘All members of Hongjiang have red cloaks? Official origin? National institution? ’

Wei Xun immediately asked, "Is Ximing from Hongjiang?" Is An Xuefeng related to Hongjiang? ’

‘They say it was an organization a long time ago... almost no one knows about us in the past ten years’

Ban Ming sighed: 'Otherwise the Ming Ming people would be so conspicuous in their scarlet cloaks, they would definitely be assassinated - how could a person from Hongjiang be a butcher guide and the butcher leader of the East District?'

That's not necessarily true. Wei Xun was noncommittal. There were so many undercover agents in old movies who reached high-level positions. It's not like they were almost the boss after three years. Of course, there are dragon slayers who turn into evil dragons, and there are those who make mistakes and fall into the abyss after being undercover for a long time.

Wei Xun wanted to determine the age of Hongjiang's activities! Almost no one knows about An Xuefeng's class, and Chen Cheng's class is basically invisible in the vast crowd. Half of his life can only be determined that it was probably during the class of the old captain of metaphysics, that is, thirty years ago, Hongjiang was very active!

Wei Xun was born in the fifth year of the ten years when Hongjiang was active! There is a ten-year age difference between Wei Xuechen and him, but if the five years of junior high are included, it can be said that within the fifteen years when Hongjiang was active, Wei Xuechen and Wei Xun were born during this period!

Wei Xun thought of his parents whose faces he couldn't see clearly. It was too arbitrary to connect Ximing and Hongjiang with just a red cloak. Wei Xun needed more information. After he tested He Yunlai and found that he actually didn't know much specific information, Wei Xun turned his attention to Chen Cheng.

Chen Cheng definitely knows more!

But with Chen Cheng's cautious and meticulous character, he would never tell everything. There has to be an opportunity...


At this moment, a deafening explosion was heard, coming from the northeast, which was the direction Liu Hongyu left. Wei Xun stood up and looked around, and saw billowing smoke coming from the distance, carrying the pungent smell of sulfur. The surrounding temperature soared in a short time, and the air was a little hot to the touch, just like a volcano erupting!

"Oh no!"

He Yunlai stood up in shock and hurried over there: "This is the direction of the cave, Captain and the others are in danger!

Very good!

Wei Xun stood up silently, chasing after He Yunlai with half his life behind him.

Didn't the opportunity come now? He just needed to find some time to 'accidentally' show off his scarlet cloak!

A quarter of an hour later, He Yunlai and Wei Xun arrived at the scene of the incident, but the situation was different from what they imagined. What surged outward from the depths of the cave like a volcanic eruption was not lava, but densely packed golden-red spiders, surging like a red tide.

"Get out of the way!"

Anxious shouts came from the side. Wei Xun looked up and saw several people clinging to each other on the tall fossil tree next to him. It was Liu Hongyu and others. Those spiders did not get close to the fossil tree, and saw the tide of spiders rushing towards them. Come, Banming (with Wei Xun) and He Yunlai also hurriedly climbed up the petrified tree on the other side. Not far away, there are dense spiders at your feet, which make people tremble in their hearts.

"Where is the captain? Why isn't the captain here?"

Suddenly He Yunlai asked anxiously. He looked back and forth several times but saw no sign of Chen Cheng - no, not just Chen Cheng!

"Both the captain and Tang Shuang didn't come out!"

Yu Feiluan answered him anxiously and cried: "They are still inside!"

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