Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 379 Death Sahara (55)

Of course, it is not ordinary dead bodies that can scare metaphysicians. Wei Xun saw the photo taken by Zhu Yuande - it was a huge fossil tree still standing on the gravel ground. It had no crown branches and no branches extending outward. Only a bare and thick trunk remains of the side branches, making it look more like a reddish-brown and brown-gray stone pillar.

I am afraid that only the outer ring of the tree trunk was protected by the volcanic ash tens of millions of years ago. The inside of it has completely rotted into a hollow, like a chimney. A deformed and twisted tree hole has been opened in the middle, and you can see through it. The scene inside - a huge, black and red, deformed corpse that looked like dirty solidified paint fell in the tree hole. One of its hands was placed on the entrance of the tree hole, and its shapeless shriveled head was resting on it. on the arm.

It's more like some kind of monster than a human being. Just looking at its appearance, Wei Xun actually thinks it looks a bit like a miniature version of the Red Sand Giant!

‘This is a special camera that can capture the dead. ’

When Ban Ming saw the photo for the first time, he told Wei Xun, "It's not a corpse, but an undead spirit." Undead, undead, resentful souls, ghost consciousness... are all possible. ’

Metaphysics does not use the camera that comes with the phone, but a special silver camera. Their habit is to take pictures of every place when they arrive at a new scenic spot during the safe period. As a result, they actually discovered a problem during this photo shoot.

When Wei Xun heard what he said, he remembered the special surveillance camera he bought from Mao Xiaole before entering the hotel. It was also made of sterling silver and could detect and capture supernatural scenes.

This is not a prop. If it were a hotel prop, it would not have been used by him who was still an ordinary person at that time. Mao Xiaole said that this was researched by the state...

‘Is metaphysics related to state institutions? ’

Wei Xun asked abruptly and was stunned for half his life.

'I really don't know this...'

When Ban Ming scratched his head and frowned, unable to answer, Wei Xun had already walked up to Zhu Yuande who was holding a photo, attracting everyone's attention.

"let me see."

Wei Xun got the photo from Zhu Yuande without any hindrance. The moment he got the photo, Wei Xun wore the title of archaeological expert.

Although the green-titled archaeological expert is only useful for the relics excavated by Wei Xun, the entire reenactment of the ancient oasis can be regarded as being 'excavated' by him in conjunction with Dream Chasing and others, and he was the first excavator. The moment he put on the title of archaeological expert, the monster in the photo was tagged.

[Ifrit, the most powerful demon spirit in the Jn family who has the power to control fire]

The very brief introduction left Wei Xun stunned. Jn is the English word for god. Could it be that the person in the tree hole is a ‘fire god’?

Zhu Yuande on the side reminded kindly: "Don't touch the red shadow on the photo, the photo will have residual resentment and negative energy - ugh."

Before he finished speaking, Bingyi's fingers were pressed directly on Hongying. Zhu Yuande took a breath of air and couldn't help but take a few steps back. Seeing him retreating, everyone immediately stepped back. Only Chen Cheng stepped forward and placed his hand on Hanshan Sword.



Wei Xun grabbed the photo and took it for himself openly. Because the photo had long been changed beyond recognition - the moment he touched the photo, Wei Xun took several risks with it. It was also based on these several adventures that Wei Xun roughly figured out what this thing was.

After putting away the photo, he took off his gloves in full view of everyone. An unpleasant burnt smell filled the air. The fingers of the gloves that he touched the photo were burnt. This tragic situation instantly attracted everyone's attention. , everyone felt a chill in their hearts, it was terrifying, even if it was just through a photo, it could still have such power, the red shadow in the tree hole in the petrified forest was at least a fierce ghost!

But there should be no supernatural elements in this journey. Chen Cheng guessed that it might represent some kind of mythical power.

"Don't mess with it."

Chen Cheng warned: "Yuan De marked out that area and don't go there."

As he spoke, he looked at Bingyi inquiringly, wanting to determine whether the scenic spot test of the Petrified Forest would involve the area where Hongying was. Wei Xun, who had recovered from the photo, also looked at him. He didn't know what the mission of the Petrified Forest attraction was, and there was no sound reminder from the hotel. Is this to allow him to express himself freely? Or let him infer the attractions on his own? Or is it……

"Looking for roses?"

Unexpectedly, they only looked at each other for a while before Chen Cheng frowned. Tang Shuang was already shouting: "There are many kinds of roses, Director Bing, do you have more detailed information?"

His words made everyone chatter.

"Yes, Director Bing, there are many things to say about roses. Is it a flower, a person, or a monster?"

"Does it count if I brought rose buds to make scented tea?"

"I can name my bug Little Rose now——"

But Bing Yi glanced at them with a faint smile, and no one stopped 'bargaining', and everyone got together to discuss. Wei Xun smiled with interest. It seemed that Chen Cheng's mission in the Petrified Forest was to 'find roses'.

How can there be roses in the desert? Yu Hexuan was right to ask, this rose might be a flower, it might be a person, or it might even be the name of some kind of monster.

"It shouldn't be the red shadow, otherwise we would have found it."

Zhu Yuande said cheerfully, this seemed to him to be good news.

But someone else said the opposite: "Maybe we have to kill it so that roses can grow?"

Yu Feiluan, the sister of the Yu family, is whimsical and has an artist's feeling: "Do you think it represents some kind of red pigment? A blood rose or the like. Killing it can dye the sand red and condense it into a real rose?"

Wei Xun discovered that Metaphysics first discussed brainstorming freely. During this process, Chen Cheng did not speak, while Cheng Tianbao was responsible for recording everyone's ideas. A complete brigade is indeed different from a cobbled together team, both in terms of discipline and planning. Taoist Ban Ming stood nearby and listened, opening and closing his mouth, scratching his head a little, obviously he also wanted to participate in the discussion.

In the end, he couldn't help but use the string to tell Wei Xun: "I think the rose they are looking for may be a desert rose stone."

Desert Rose Stone is a special crystal naturally formed in the soil of desert areas. It looks like a rose, so it is called "Desert Rose".

"After the volcanic magma cools and is exposed to millions of years of sun and wind erosion, it is possible to form clusters of desert roses. This petrified forest is a fossil forest caused by volcanoes. This is a different question. ’

Taoist Ban Ming was talking about it. Listening to Chen Cheng and the others talking about things like "roses symbolize blood" and "roses growing on corpses", it was just like seeing students go off topic in their essays and hate their father. Like a teacher.

Wei Xun listened with great interest, and even interjected a few questions. Whether it was Taoist Ban Ming's "quick question" or the "unconstrained style" of other people in Chen Cheng's brigade, they were all very inspiring to him. Just like when he was in northern Tibet, the tourists he took also talked about the "solutions" to many scenic spot tasks, which showed that there can be many different solutions to such a highly flexible scenic spot task.

But this requires not only imagination, but also profound knowledge. At the end, Chen Cheng also mentioned Desert Rose, but he didn't deny the ideas of other teammates.

"This is the last scenic spot, and the difficulty will not be easy."

Chen Cheng said: "Finally adjust for half an hour, and then start exploring the petrified forest."

After his teammates dispersed in response, Chen Cheng glanced at the place where Bingyi was standing just now from the corner of his eye, and found that he and Bai Laoer had already left, and the two of them were walking towards the depths of the petrified forest.

"Captain, I think this Bingyi either has a really good personality, or he has big plans."

Tang Shuang came closer and lowered his voice. They just asked Bingyi various questions and discussed passionately in front of him. Of course, they were not trying to get any answers from him, but they were testing his behavior. But Bingyi didn't become impatient when they asked, and even listened to their discussion with interest, which made Tang Shuang unable to deal with it.

"His hands are white and tender, and there are no gun calluses or anything like that. He may not be from Hongjiang."

"Isn't it just a tour guide who wants to hide a callus? With ten points, you can get laser skin whitening!"

"I have never seen such a tour guide, and he even asked us questions."

Cheng Tianbao also came closer and moved his shoulders. Just before Bingyi left, he patted his shoulders again and smiled meaningfully at him. This made Cheng Tianbao wary and curious, fearing that this person would understand. What kind of tricks, Liu Hongyu came to see He Yun but couldn't do anything, so Cheng Tianbao asked Zhu Yuande to feel it, and Zhu Yuande actually said that his luck had improved!

The tour guides they have seen are either vicious or greedy. The tour guides who occasionally do not oppose metaphysics are mostly indifferent and arrogant. Cheng Tianbao could keenly feel the condescending, joking and playful mood of the tour guide, as if the tourists were a group of mice in a life-and-death crisis, while the tour guide was a cat raised by the hotel and fed and clothed.

He hated this feeling so much that sometimes Cheng Tianbao would even have the extreme idea of ​​killing the tour guide.

But he had never felt that kind of emotion from Bingyi. He seemed to be observing them and wanting to remember each of them. And he pays great attention to each of their opinions, and you can feel Bingyi's focused gaze when anyone speaks.

Although I was still wary and felt very awkward, I have to say that the feeling of being noticed by the tour guide was beyond imagination. Even Cheng Tianbao couldn't help but tell more of his guesses and express himself more when Bingyi looked over.

"Does he want to join our metaphysics?"

Tang Shuang guessed that even Cheng Tianbao couldn't help but think about it. As a man, Cheng Tianbao also has a bit of a tendency to be unfaithful. He just thinks that Bingyi seems to admire him... He has already thought of Bingyi becoming their metaphysical tour guide in the future and taking them on a journey together!

Chen Cheng shook his head. Tang Shuang and Cheng Tianbao were the two people in the team who had the best relationship with him. After thinking about it, Chen Cheng revealed something: "He wants to know about the opening of new attractions."

"Ah this??"

Tang Shuang was puzzled: "It would have been possible if he had come earlier. This is the last scenic spot. Why open a new scenic spot?"

The Petrified Forest is the last attraction of their trip. In a day and a half, they will go to the Eye of the Sahara, where they will be picked up by a hotel bus. It can be said that including the distance, there are only three days at most between now and the return to the hotel. How could this create any new attractions?

* *

‘If you really plan to open up new attractions, the danger will be concentrated. ’

While walking halfway into the petrified forest, he threatened Wei Xun: "According to your journey to western Hunan, the corpse flying fox will lead the flying fox king and the little flying foxes to kill you together!" ’

He didn't think that Wei Xun would not be able to open it up. He and Wei Xun had said that what Chen Cheng had opened up here was the 'Ancient Royal Court' attraction, thereby opening up a journey to the ancient oasis.

This is like knowing the answer and deducing the process. If Wei Xun had known in advance that the final scenic spot to be developed was the 'Flying Fox Mountain Forest' when he was in western Hunan, he would naturally focus more on turning corpses into flying foxes instead of going to Li Gui Pingping or Li Gui Pingping. Wu Laoliu and others are biased (of course it still depends on Wei Xun's interest)

But having said that, when new attractions were opened in the beautiful Xiangxi, the corpse-turned-flying foxes generally progressed from weak to strong, and no one could stand it if they were left alone.

"I think this might be a good thing."

Wei Xun, who went straight to the fossil tree hole where the 'dead body' was found, smiled and said, "Danger will always come anyway."

What David Snake said before about "danger is coming" reminds us of what he said before about the danger caused by rescuing He Yunlai. In addition, Chen Cheng and the others discovered the "dead body" just at this time. Ordinary people would definitely think... Thinking this way, Wei Xun didn't panic at all. Historically, He Yunlai's death has not been confirmed at this point in time. Theoretically speaking, his death crisis will not be over from now to 11 o'clock in the evening.

This rescue cannot be considered a complete rescue. At least He Yunlai is still alive after eleven o'clock. Only then can it be considered as "changing his fate of death". Wei Xun was about to take advantage of this time to do something. When he left, he patted Die Da inside Cheng Tianbao again.

The mud in Cheng Tianbao's body really nourished butterflies. After only staying there for one day, Die Da realized a new skill - as long as the cocoon silk was there, it could teleport there! From now on, as long as a piece of cocoon silk remains in Cheng Tianbao's body, Wei Xun won't have to pat Cheng Tianbao on the shoulder every time.

"The period between now and eleven o'clock is the time left for David to kill He Yunlai."

Wei Xun said that if David failed to kill He Yunlai, they would encounter new dangers at the same time after eleven o'clock in the evening.

In the same way, Liu Hongyu died in the early morning.

"The time is concentrated at night."

Wei Xun smiled with interest: "The danger will eventually be concentrated at this time."

Historically, after leaving the Petrified Forest, only Chen Cheng, Tang Shuang and Cheng Tianbao were left.

"This is too risky."

Taoist Ban Ming understood Wei Xun's words as soon as he heard them, and he felt goosebumps on his back.

According to Wei Xun's meaning, the dangers of reenacting the scene are concentrated anyway, so he just opens a new attraction here to concentrate the dangers! If the monsters on both sides attack each other and kill each other, it will be easier. If they work together to attack the brigade, the difficulty will definitely be beyond imagination. Then at this difficulty, Silver Moon Killer and others will be even less likely to affect their journey, and it cannot be 'more difficult'!

"Liu Hongyu, Tong Fu, Yunying..."

In the next day and a half, Liu Hongyu, Tong Fu and Yunying will die one after another. Tong Fu was Liu Hongyu's lover. Liu Hongyu's death must have stimulated her. Maybe she died tragically to avenge her lover. Yunying has a special title of Yin and Yang, and Wei Xun believes that her death should be focused on.

Wei Xun specifically looked at Yunying during the previous discussion. She is thin and small, probably only 1.6 meters, the shortest in the team. She looks more like a malnourished boy, with short hair, a bit timid and shy, no. Dare to look at him.

If an introverted, timid and shy person can be favored by metaphysics, it means that he definitely has extraordinary talents or titles.

Wei Xun looked into the depths of the petrified forest. Some of these tall fossil trees were standing, some were lying down, and some were broken into sections on the gravel ground. But they were all equally huge and hard, like real woods, covering A deeper view. The ancient royal court of giants, giants, black snakes, and most importantly the ‘Vulcan God’.

Wei Xun took several adventures with the photos and got many important clues from them. The red shadow in the photo of the last adventure even came to life. It rushed directly into his body like resentment, but was swallowed up in an instant. After it disappeared, Defender Xun obtained more information.

Jn is a god and monster in Arabic legends. His status is higher than humans and lower than angels. He is a demon spirit born from black smokeless flames. They come in various forms, and flame giants are also a type of demon spirit. They can be tamed by humans, and the tamed demon spirits will help humans and fulfill their wishes, such as the genie in Aladdin's lamp.

But the most powerful Ifrit is impossible to tame! They are proud and evil. In mythology, they are even descendants of the fallen angel Iblis. They are proud of their control of fire and like to compete with others about fire. Once challenged, they will never escape. Only death can give way. They stop being arrogant*

Wei Xun turned a feather on his fingertips. It was the distorted Dawn Angel Feather that he had drawn from the blind box. At the same time, he also took out the Death Ming Token.

Angel, God of Fire, all the elements are complete, if you don’t touch Wei Xun with this Ifrit, you won’t be called Wei Xun!

not to mention--

‘Silver Moon Killer and Lizard Duke are still here. ’

Wei Xun said quietly, and the words he said simply made Taoist Ban Ming's hair stand on end: 'It seems that our current danger is not great enough. ’

Wei Xun, who was in contact with An Xuefeng, knew that Silver Moon Killer and Lizard Duke were still staying in the Petrified Forest and had not left. Although An Xuefeng confronts them, both sides have their own concerns and are not fighting yet.

Wei Xun was thinking about his pebble. The Lizard Duke had been incubating for a long time and still hadn't hatched out, which meant that the egg belonged to him, Wei Xun! He wanted to kill countless eagles with one arrow and drive away the Lizard Duke and the Silver Moon Killer!

"Director C."

"C, Director C."

During the conversation, the two of them had reached the northwest corner of the edge of the petrified forest, where Zhu Yuande and others took photos of the flame dead souls. Wei Xun took a look and saw that the fossil tree was the largest among the fossils. The tree was wide enough for ten people to hug each other. The huge and deformed tree hole was at a height of one person. It looked empty. Without the aid of props, nothing could be seen. Black and red corpse.

There were two people standing guard a hundred meters away from the fossil tree. When they saw them, they hurried over. The first one holding two swords, the bright and neat chestnut-haired beauty is Tong Fu, followed closely behind, the short girl (younger) who is a little timid is Yunying.

"Director C, are you okay?"

Naturally, it was Tong Fu who spoke first. She was very polite to Wei Xun who had rescued Liu Hongyu. She smiled heartily, but she did not relax with the two swords in her hands. Wei Xun didn't say anything. He understood what he meant in just one move and took a step forward: "Ah hahaha, I want to find you. Please ask Tour Guide B to bring me here."

As he spoke, he lowered his eyebrows and sighed, assuming that he had been away from Bai Laoda for too long and it was time for him to go back. After hearing what he said, Tong Fu immediately asked to stay. Tong Fu also winked and asked Yunying to go find Chen Cheng. Team Chen has the best relationship with Bai Laoer, so coming to persuade people will get twice the result with half the effort.

When Yunying hurriedly went to invite Chen Cheng and Tong Fu persuaded Bai Laoer, she inadvertently looked back and was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat! At some point, Bingyi walked up to the fossilized tree, put his feet up and looked inside, half of his body almost got in!



Tong Fu's sharp screams and roaring explosions sounded at the same time. At the moment of the explosion, Taoist Taoist Half Life grabbed her and threw her out. She bumped into Chen Cheng who was walking quickly with Yun Ying! When Chen Cheng heard the sound, he drew his sword and ran over. Even the Silver Moon Killer and others deeper in the Petrified Forest heard the deafening explosion.

The An Feng bird that was confronting them seemed to feel something and fluttered its wings. Silver Moon Killer also instantly transformed into a wolf and climbed up to the height of the fossil tree to look out. I saw scarlet flames spurting out like fireworks, and the edge of the petrified forest was covered in billowing blood mist. It was impossible to see what was happening there at a glance!

At this moment, Wei Xun had already fought against the demon spirit Ifrit in the tree hole several times. When he walked towards the fossil tree, he held the Token of Death in his hand, with black and red scales emerging from under the cover of his cloak. On the surface of the pale skin, the flesh and blood of the hand holding the Token of Death disappeared, leaving only bones burning with flames. The surface cracked, revealing golden-red fire patterns like magma in the depths.

The mutation of the demon's deformation requires communication with the abyss, but the mutation of the Vulcan does not! As long as the Death Token remains and the Vulcan's mental pollution remains, Wei Xun can transform into the Vulcan at any time! And when the Vulcan's filthy whispers resounded throughout this land and began to pollute the flames controlled by Ifrit, the other party naturally woke up in anger.

But before he got angry, Wei Xun took out the feather of the Deformed Dawn Angel.

"Ifrit, you are a descendant of the fallen angels. But I am the master of the Dawn Angel."

Wei Xun spoke in an extremely arrogant tone. Although not all foreign gods and monsters can understand Chinese, Vulcan Pollution will convey his meaning!

'What you said - is the truth -'

A deafening roar resounded through Wei Xun's brain, and the terrifying murderous intention that was about to crush him stopped. The other party seemed a little hesitant and a little afraid. The tree hole was no longer empty, the black and red flames burned and expanded, and soon exceeded the size of the fossil tree hole. Wei Xun felt that the fossil tree hole was like the magic lamp hiding the giant spirit, those black and red flames burned and expanded, and soon exceeded the size of the fossil tree hole. The flames shot out directly from the top, vaguely forming a huge flame giant!

‘You are so weak and you are the angel master? ’

The other party's mocking voice echoed through Wei Xun's mind, but his expression remained unchanged: "I heard that you claim to be able to control fire. I came here just to compete with you to see who is the real God of Fire."

‘Then compare’

Ifrit laughed hoarsely, fiercely and extremely arrogantly: ‘I will crush you and all your humans! ’


More and more powerful pressure swept over, cleaning up the entire petrified forest in an instant! As if driven by an invisible force, the moment Ifrit declared war, the Lizard Duke, Silver Moon Killer and An Xuefeng were swept out by the rules without any precautions! The enemies of the brigade are too powerful, and they, the 'opponents' of Chen Cheng's brigade, cannot get any closer for the time being.

Most of this terrifying power was pouring towards Wei Xun, and his skin was instantly ignited. Even the black and red scales could not withstand this terrifying high temperature. Wei Xun vomited blood, but the blood spit out. Evaporate immediately. A normal person would definitely be in unbearable pain at this moment, but Wei Xun's expression remained as usual, and he even showed a provocative smile.

"That's it?"

He mocked: "No way, Ifrit, after all these years, will your flame still only burn?"

What else does fire do besides burn? Not far away, the half-life Taoist who was worried about him knew that Wei Xun was trying to deceive the fool, and was relieved. As expected, the arrogant and bad-tempered Ifrit was dissatisfied and shouted: "Ifrit controls the flames." , his fire can do anything!”


Ifrit hadn't been so easy to deceive if the angel feather hadn't stopped him. Wei Xun didn't give it any time to think, and smiled sincerely: "My flames can talk."

Wei Xun held the Token of Death in his hand, a cluster of flames burning on the token, and shouted like a call: "God of Fire! God of Fire!"

He snorted provocatively and said, "You can't do that, right?"

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