Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 362 Death Sahara (38)

What the dream chaser showed Wei Xun was the heavily protected dark scale on his chin. His butterfly fragment was embedded there, which would probably be where his Adam's apple would be if he returned to his human form. Wei Xun observed carefully and found the small butterfly fragment in the center of the reverse scale.

The blue-purple butterfly fragments were very small, just like the ones Wei Xun had obtained from the puppet master. Wei Xun guessed that it was also one-twentieth the size. He stared at the butterfly fragment and carefully sensed the energy overflowing from it, especially the power of pollution. But the feeling of other people's butterfly fragments is different from that of the wild. Wei Xun did not feel any pollution.

Only the vampire knife wrapped around his waist moved slightly, and Wei Xun felt a sense of hunger and thirst in his heart. It was the thirst of the butterfly fragments in his heart. The fragments of the black sand giant's pollution source seemed to stimulate them, making them want to grab more. The more energy you get, the more companions you get - but the originally most active ancient oasis butterfly fragment failed to fire, and the other fragments behaved more reservedly and moderately, without that overly strong feeling.

Wei Xun used this to think of his own eyes.

When faced with butterfly fragments, the butterfly's mouthparts will react, so if his eyes are really related to the Maria butterfly, then his eyes should also be able to see differences.

After thinking for a while, Wei Xun closed his eyes, and then he only opened his left eye.


Meng Zhui secretly took a breath of air. He felt a little strange. He couldn't tell whether it was Bingyi's too focused gaze that made him embarrassed, or whether the butterfly fragment had really changed. It seemed that the butterfly fragment had really come alive. Dream Chaser felt it was like an active little insect, squirming slightly on his back scales, a little itchy and numb——

! !

The next moment Zhui Meng shivered violently, his scales exploded a little, and an unbearable chill descended, as if it was about to penetrate the scales and soak into the depths of his skin, flesh and bones. Especially Ni Lin's piece was as cold as ice. For a moment, he couldn't even feel Ni Lin's existence. He subconsciously wanted to cover his neck, but he didn't want to do it for some reason.

No, it's not that he doesn't want to do it! This is the emotion of the butterfly fragment on his back, which wants to be exposed to Bingyi's eyes. At the same time, the dream chaser can sense the faint longing for Bingyi from his butterfly fragment! Do his fragments want to contaminate Bingyi? !


The worry about Bingyi instantly overwhelmed the worry about his butterfly fragments. The dream chaser instantly raised his dragon wings to cover Bingyi's eyes, but the next moment he saw Bingyi leaned back slightly and sighed lightly: "That's it. ”

Wei Xun closed his eyes and opened them again. The vague and strange vision just now disappeared. When he only observed with his left eye, he did see a faint shadow on the fragments of the butterfly chasing the dream.

It was a vast, barren and lifeless desert.

Belonging to the Sahara of Death, or the fragments of butterflies that have been polluted by the deathly silence of the Sahara of Death. But this is actually different from what Wei Xun imagined.

'your eyes……'

At the same time, An Xuefeng's voice sounded in Wei Xun's mind, and he was thinking deeply. The phoenix bird on Wei Xun's shoulder also closed its eyes. For just a moment, An Xuefeng seemed to share Wei Xun's vision.

‘Not quite a butterfly’s eyes’

An Xuefeng paused and corrected his statement: "It's not just like butterfly eyes."

The butterfly's eyes stare into the abyss. To it, the pollution of the abyss is like a fragrant flower, as beautiful as honey. It can see clearly all the truth from the abyss, especially for the pollution from the abyss, the alienated tour guide and Those creatures of the abyss.

If it were really the eyes of a butterfly, what Wei Xun saw from the fragments of the Dream Chaser butterfly should be the Star Diamond worm, the alienated state of the Dream Chaser, and all the information related to the Dream Chaser and the pollution of the abyss.

But what Wei Xun saw was not the abyss, what he saw was the pollution at 30 degrees north latitude attached to the butterfly fragments.

To some extent, Thirty Degrees North pollution and Abyssal pollution are completely different.


The phoenix bird closed its eyes, and a gilded slit faintly appeared between the fiery red hairs on its forehead. The slit opened slightly, revealing an upright, slender, delicate and mysterious eye. Just like the divine eye of Erlang God in mythology.

If you have the purple title "Perceiver" and the purple title "Observer" at the same time, and complete a series of special tasks, you can obtain the orange title "Eye of the Sky". For travelers, the two most useful orange titles on the journey to explore the 30th parallel north are ‘Explorer’ and ‘Eye in the Sky’.

Because the Eye of Heaven is the most pure and flawless, it can see the hidden pollution at 30 degrees north latitude, allowing travelers to avoid highly polluted areas in time, or guide travelers to the depths of pollution to kill monsters.

At the same time, the Sky Eye can also see the pollution of the abyss, so An Xuefeng was able to kill the butcher and tour guide who had hidden his identity before.

But the Maria butterfly fragment is special. The pollution carried on it is extremely difficult to observe. Even if An Xuefeng used his clairvoyance, he could not see any pollution at 30 degrees north latitude from the Dream Chaser butterfly fragment.

It was Wei Xun who had an extremely keen eye for the pollution at 30 degrees north latitude, so he saw the pollution of death. Or is he unusually sensitive to butterflies, so he can keenly observe the dead pollution on the debris?

An Xuefeng doesn't hope it will be the latter, but he thinks the latter is more likely. Thinking of the alienated pollution all over Wei Xun's body, An Xuefeng sighed in a low voice: "Use your eyes as little as possible from now on."

If nothing goes as expected, the butterfly fragment in Wei Xun's heart is probably far more active than the butterfly fragment held by the life-seeker, and it is easier to enter the state of a source of pollution. The heart is too dangerous, and Wei Xun's butterfly fragment is too An Xuefeng was really worried.

"Use your eyes less from now on."

At the same time, the dream chaser also gave serious instructions. The spooky liveliness of the butterfly fragments on the back of his scales still existed even after Bingyi looked away. After nearly a quarter of an hour, it finally gradually lightened up. Such a small thing made Dream Chaser feel all over his back. The cold sweat and his uneasy mood even attracted Zhang Xingzang who was digging a shelter under the sand pit.

Wei Xun happened to have something to tell him, so he asked Zhang Xingzang and the others to stay here first. Wei Xun decided to go out with An Xuefeng first to deal with some personal matters.

"Can you rip out my heart again?"

It was already noon, and the hot and dry sandstorm finally reached its most powerful moment. The dry and scorching wind could squeeze out all the water, and even the river became unnaturally hot. But the deep underground sand pit dug out by the corn shoots was still shady and cool. Under the fat bamboo shoots' arched body, Wei Xun said to An Fengniao seriously.

"You want to see the butterfly fragments?"

An Xuefeng pondered, and he knew what Wei Xun meant: "But the butterfly fragments do not necessarily come from the journey of 30 degrees north latitude."

In addition to being able to get a piece of it permanently by starting a journey to 30 degrees north latitude, you may also find it in other places such as year-end celebrations, battlefields, and even in abyss nodes if you are lucky. The piece of butterfly like the Puppet Master did not come from the thirty degrees north latitude journey.

It's just that the butterfly fragments from the journey of 30 degrees north latitude are contaminated by 30 degrees north latitude, so they are more suitable for the developers and will be easier to use.

"I'd like to take a look."

Wei Xun shook his head. He now owns three-tenths of the butterfly fragments. If one-twentieth is counted as one piece, he owns six pieces. Except for the piece from the ancient oasis and the piece from the Puppet Master, the other four pieces are from the confirmed origin. The source is unknown.

Wei Xun's purpose was not entirely to see the origin of the butterfly fragments. It is true that he wanted to know whether the fragment of the Inca Sun Gate was in his brother's possession or was given to him.

But Wei Xun had other goals.

"I want to see if I can separate the butterfly fragments."

Wei Xun had always believed that after the butterfly fragments entered his body, they merged into a whole. Whether it was the butterfly tattoo or the butterfly wings on the heart that An Xuefeng saw when he cut open his chest, they were indeed one.

However, the activity of the butterfly fragments in the ancient oasis made Wei Xun surprised to find that the butterfly fragments in his heart were actually distinct and not connected.

In other words, the butterfly fragments in the previous cocoon state are connected by cocoon threads and look like a whole, while the overactive ancient oasis butterfly fragments are isolated.

Wei Xun decided to take this opportunity to try to get the butterfly fragments out - not out of the body.

"How do astrologers make their horoscopes?"

Wei Xun asked An Xuefeng: "How did he integrate the butterfly fragments into the astrolabe?"

The astrolabe was once the exclusive weapon of astrologers, and Wei Xun wanted to know how he did it. Butterflies are powerful but dangerous, but Wei Xun doesn't intend to leave them alone because of choking. He also wanted to separate the various butterfly fragments, remove them from the heart, and then fuse them with weapons.


Wei Xun's problem was difficult for An Xuefeng for the first time. Among those who owned the butterfly fragments, only the astrologer did so. This is a family secret, and An Xuefeng really doesn't know.

"It's rare that you can't."

Seeing Fengniao raising her feathers in embarrassment, Wei Xun smiled instead and took out a silver coin with the pattern of a six-pointed star engraved on it. This was an item that David and the others left for him before they left, which could be used to communicate with the astrologers. It is said that the astrologer specially ordered it to be handed over to him.

"Then let me ask the astrologer."

* *

"Aren't you a party to the life-loving people?"

"Still quibbling!"

"Do you think I will believe you?"


After being kidnapped by Chen Cheng, this kind of useless dialogue has been happening between him and the astrologer, so much so that the astrologer has been completely open-minded from the beginning of his defense to what Chen Cheng said. "Yes, yes, yes" "Whatever you say is what it is" "You are a waste of life!"

"Tsk, you are quite interesting, but do you think you can handle me like this?"

Chen Cheng sneered and suddenly changed direction. As if intuitively, they had been avoiding the enemies chasing behind them in the big sandstorm. As if strolling in the courtyard, he even had time to slap the astrologer on the cheek with the Cold Mountain Sword, and threatened in a low voice: "In addition to my butterfly fragments... You also brought Ji Feihong's butterfly fragments, right?"

His shout was like thunder on the ground, making the astrologer's eyes widen, and he lost his voice: "Ji Feihong - the butterfly fragments of the Feihong Brigade's journey to the 30th degree north latitude in the last ten years were also taken by those who wanted to kill them. Got it?"

"He didn't even tell me about it!"

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