Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 360 Death Sahara (37)

How could he, how could he-

The dreamer's mind is full of garbled words and suffocation.

It would be fine if Bai Xiaosheng was really Bai Xiaosheng. It would be okay to occasionally act stupid in front of old friends for many years. Bai Xiaosheng is a smart man and would not mention such things more. He would be too thick-skinned to get over it.

But just so, so well.

But this person is not Bai Xiaosheng! This pure breath of the abyss, this Yin-Yang butterfly allegiance, this worm, this this--

If this person hadn't been Bingyi, Dream Chaser would have bitten off Zhang Xing's head! This was clearly An Xuefeng's smuggled goods, and he asked Bingyi to pretend to be Bai Xiaosheng using the title of tourist, and brought them into the team together!

It's embarrassing in front of the younger generation... This younger generation is still the younger brother of a life-seeking person. Dream Chaser doesn't talk about his past grudges with the life-seeking man. At least he appreciates Bingyi, a new tour guide, and wants to train him well. And his subtle 'my theory of cooperation between tour guides and tourists' is better than that of the life-seeking man. The comparative mentality of "only pursuing the strength of tour guides and completely abandoning tourists".

In particular, Dream Chaser is optimistic about Bingyi and wants him to know which route is the best choice.

But now, now—

[You just think I can’t beat the Ximingren! 】

【Just call me Longlong! 】

He also bumped into An Xueshe, fought with An Xueshe childishly, and squeezed An Xueshe away to sit in Bingyi's arms!

Dream Chaser is desperate and has no regrets about beating An Xuefeng. Dream Chaser clearly wants to bring Bing Yi in just to enjoy the blessings of everyone, but think about yourself - he also brings Bing Yi and Zhang Xingzang together and then Squeeze between them!

Who wants to sit back and enjoy the blessings of everyone? Oh, it turns out I want it too.

ah! How could the Silver Moon Killer run so fast, and how could the Star Diamond Worm be killed so easily! Dream Chaser can't wait to fight fiercely for another twenty-four hours until everyone is exhausted and lie down on the ground to sleep, so that he can drill into Zhang Xingzang's dream and talk about healing without anyone shouting out. He doesn't want to be like this after the war. A harmonious chat situation!

"Chai Meng, you are still so thin-skinned hahahaha——"

The blood surged, and Dream Chaser almost fainted from anger. The sandstone scratched by his claws creaked, and the idiot Zhang Xingzang was still smiling! But in the end Zhang Xingzang helped him out: "Okay, Bai Xiaosheng, let Zhui Meng calm down for a while. You can ask again later."

The hot star driller worm carcass is right in front of you. It would be a waste not to dissect and loot it now. Furthermore, the chaos here has subsided, but the noise was too loud before. Giants from other tribes may arrive at any time, and the most terrifying sandstorm is about to happen at noon. Time is still very tight now.

Although he was overly ashamed, Dream Chaser still breathed at Wei Xun before he jumped into the sand pit. The death pollution was converted into an energy by him and wrapped around Bing Yi's body, preventing him from being left behind by the Star Diamond Worm. pollution effects.

Really, a bunch of tourists are too conceited. Don’t you know that tour guides can easily be contaminated? It would be fine if it was really Bai Xiaosheng. Bing Yike is still a newcomer to the hotel. He was too polluted before, so he was asked to dissect the Star Diamond Worm again. Dream Chaser really doesn’t know what An Xuefeng thinks. of.


Seeing Bingyi and Zhang Xingzang's face smiling happily and thankfully at him, the awkwardness in Dream Chaser's heart finally weakened a lot, and he assumed the demeanor of a senior who was elegant, easy-going, and calm in dealing with things.

Travelers' lives are so rough that they just can't notice some things, and he needs to be there.

Dream Chaser also got out of the bunker, and Wei Xun moved much faster with his help - at least when he secretly put disabled corn shoots to eat, Dream Chaser would inadvertently open his dragon wings to help him cover.

Got rich.

When Wei Xun went down to the sandpit, he thought that even if the sandpit at the moment was like a rotten and smelly chowder that had been exposed to the sun in midsummer and visited by flies, Wei Xun could still suppress his mysophobia and see through the mess to make a fortune. Nature.

The Star Dialer worm is so big that even if it was seriously contaminated when it died and its body almost collapsed, there are still many solid components other than pus, blood, cocoon silk, and contaminated juice, especially most of the mineral energy crystals are still well preserved.

A worm as big as it has eaten an unimaginable amount of soil in its life. The minerals in the soil, including the bones of other monsters eaten by the worm, are digested and condensed into a special crystal that exists in a certain cavity. .

The worm crystals in the Star Diamond worm's body are astonishingly large, just like the little crystals that the corn shoots chewed off when cleaning the dead skin of the great worm, which is only one ten millionth of the size. This crystal is rich in energy, extremely precious, and has many uses. Whether it is used to grind it to make potions, grind it and add it to the cinnabar for drawing talismans, or use it to feed monsters or forge weapons, it is all top quality.

In addition, worm meat, worm eyes, worm tentacles, carapace, unfertilized worm eggs, etc. are also good things. Any one of them can be sold at a hotel for a minimum price of hundreds of thousands of points. Although these things are not like crystals, most of them have been contaminated and useless, but who makes the Star Diamond worm too big? There are still many that can be used!

Even for large brigades like Homecoming and Occultism, a Star Diamonder Worm is definitely a valuable asset.

The corn shoots were already in tatters and were badly damaged. Normally, even if they stayed in the Devil's Insect Ball, they wouldn't be able to grow back in a few years. However, Wei Xun secretly put it next to the Star Diamond Worm and ate it. Hey! In less than five minutes, the corn shoots swelled up again as if they were inflated! So far, it hasn't eaten anything too precious, mainly eating half-contaminated scraps.

Corn shoots have contact with worm meat in butterfly fragments. Hearing the sound of corn shoots chewing like an intoxicated pig, Wei Xun tried to hold back, but he couldn't help it after all, and put Xiao Cui, Xiao Meigui, the responsible demon worm, the third generation of gourds, Xiao Jin, the demon mosquito, the queen bee, and other demon worms down to eat buffet.

Eat, eat everything you can eat!

Dream Dragon saw this and his eyes twitched, and he twitched his tail.

Be restrained, aren't you still pretending to be a know-it-all!

"Too slow."

Looking at the progress of Wei Xun and Dream Dragon, An Xuefeng frowned.


An Xuefeng asked David and the others politely.

"Hey, we can't take this."

David waved his hand to refuse. If the captain hadn't let the Silver Moon Killer in, they would have been able to resist the Silver Moon Killer and the worm pollution, so it would have been fine to take a little as a reward. But the captain made this really unfair - he actually took Chen Cheng away!

That's right, David now knows why the captain disappeared. Looking at the state of the ancient oasis scene replay and the information revealed by the half-life Taoist before, Chen Cheng in this scene replay may have some connection with Chen who disappeared on the battlefield.

To be honest, David's heart is not on the driller worm and the butterfly fragment at this moment. He is anxious to see Chen Cheng. Who doesn't want to know what it's like to go to the battlefield at the end of the decade?

Besides, they are all here. If there is any news about such a big event, it is unlikely that An Xuefeng will hide it from them. It's really unreasonable for the captain to take Chen Cheng away. Although the captain has always been his own way, it may be that the stars want him to talk to Chen Cheng alone, but, hey, at least tell him.

This makes David feel more guilty. Now he is afraid that the relationship between them and Guitu will collapse, so how can he dare to think about the driller worm? Even if An Xuefeng and others are going out to find the astrologer now, David and others can't say anything against it.

An Xuefeng was just being polite. David and the others didn't go down, so An Xuefeng directly asked the Half-Life Taoist, Yin-Yang Butterfly and the Infected to go down to help. After the fierce battle just now, the Infected completely stood firm in front of the Silver Moon Killer and the Lizard Duke, and did not waver. He was barely available.

The Astrologer and Chen Cheng were missing. It was not so absolute to say that the Astrologer kidnapped Chen Cheng. In the reenactment of the scene of the ancient oasis, the Astrologer was limited, and there was no upper limit to how strong Chen Cheng could exert.

Especially Wei Xun said that he seemed to hear a sentence "You are the only one who has close contact with the Ximing people, right?" Of course, he didn't hear it clearly, but An Xuefeng felt that this was what Chen Cheng said. It is currently impossible to determine who kidnapped whom. But now there is no time to chase them.

Most of the joint hunting ground was destroyed, and there was no vegetation to resist the wind and sand. The temperature was getting higher and higher near noon. The terrifying sandstorm squeezed out all the moisture in the air. Everyone was sweating, but sweating a lot also meant dehydration.

In this case, we should go to a safe place to adjust our state and survive the hottest noon. However, the sandstorm is getting bigger and bigger, which means that the special giant worm that the giant tribes want to catch most during the hunting season will appear soon, and the giants from other tribes will also arrive soon.

Moreover, the Silver Moon Killer, the Blood Wolf Rex, the Blood Clan Duke and others who have not appeared may not have left, but are lying in ambush outside to pick up leaks. There is no time to rest and speed up the processing of the spoils, but at this moment——


The red sand giants on the periphery roared in a warning and intimidating manner, indicating that a strong enemy is approaching! The one who can make the red sand giants roar so vigilantly should not be underestimated. Zhang Xingzang and Xiaosha left to look after Chen Cheng's team, while An Xuefeng and the mysterious scholars went to the red sand giant hunting team to check the situation.

'The most powerful of the nine giant tribes is the black sand giant tribe. '

The half-life Taoist who went down to the sand pit handled the worms skillfully, while whispering to Wei Xun with the silk thread. Perhaps influenced by Chen Cheng, the token of the ancient oasis became active, and the Half-Life Taoist could get more information from it.

‘The nine giant tribes are quite consistent with the colors of the Death Sahara, both of which are nine colors’

The Half-Life Taoist muttered: ‘Three tribes here are in a group with the Red Sand, and the other four tribes are in a group on their own. The one that came out alone is the Black Sand Giant Tribe. The captain said that the Black Sand is very evil’

‘Evil? ’

Wei Xun was curious about how evil the Black Sand Giant Tribe was that Chen Cheng, who basically didn’t mention the ancient oasis at the time, specifically mentioned to the Half-Life Taoist? But the next moment, Wei Xun’s expression became subtle.

“Let’s go!”

He instantly took back all the magic insects into the magic insect ball and jumped onto the Half-Life Taoist’s back. The Half-Life Taoist reflexively listened to Wei Xun’s words and rushed out of the sand pit. The place where they were just now was the soft meat where the Star Drilling Worm had come into contact with the butterfly fragments. It was completely unreasonable to leave in advance when the meat had not been dug out.

But even though he didn't know what happened, he saw the two of them leaving the infected and ran away directly. However, Yin Yang Butterfly saw that the adults rode on the back of the Half-Life Taoist so naturally, and his movements were somewhat slow. In such a slow moment, the worm meat nest that was dug deep suddenly turned pure black, like solidified asphalt, and even though Yin Yang Butterfly reacted very quickly afterwards, his ankle was touched.


The Dream Chaser flew up and roared, and Wei Xun and the others saw terrifying scarlet blood streaks burst out from the dark mud, and the blood streaks condensed into a terrifying eye. It is almost exactly the same as the eye spots that appear on the Star Diamond Worm when it crazily collapses! At the same time, Yin Yang Die, who returned to the ground, suddenly turned pale, and his feet went weak and he knelt down on one knee.

He did not hesitate to cut open his trousers, and saw that the spot stained with black stains had also turned into scarlet eye lines, spreading rapidly upward like blood vessels! But the area covered by the eye spots was no longer under his control at all, and he lost control!

"Cut off your legs!"

Zhang Xingzang, who noticed something was wrong here and rushed over, yelled. He didn't need to say more. Yin Yang Die had already unsheathed his sword and cut it off at his knee joint without hesitation. However, before he could drop the sword, a hand stretched out from the side. , holding his calf.

"Master Bai?!"

Yin Yang Die lost her voice and immediately sheathed the knife, but the knife went too fast and still scratched Bai Xiaosheng's wrist. Blood flowed out, but Bai Xiaosheng didn't care. A strange thing happened. The hand touched by Bai Xiaosheng's blood On the skin where his hand was holding it, the spread of scarlet eye lines actually slowed down!

"Dream chasing, you feel it."

Ignoring Yin-Yang Die's blushing face, Wei Xun stared at the scarlet blood eyes opened in the dark darkness. He held Yin-Yang Die's calf with one hand and clenched his fist with the other hand, pressing it against his heart.

For a moment the butterfly fragments of the ancient oasis lost contact, as if it had never existed.

‘Half life, what Captain Chen calls evil——’

Wei Xun's voice was transmitted to Ban Ming's heart through the thread.

‘Were the butterfly fragments of the ancient oasis found from the black sand giant tribe? ’

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