Thriller Tour Group

350. Death Sahara (29)

‘Is the little golden gecko on Silver Moon Killer really the Lizard Duke? ’

Wei Xun immediately asked An Xuefeng in a confidential chat. He did not sense any abyssal aura from the severed tail. The other party was not an abyssal creature or a demon. It seemed to be an ordinary and beautiful golden gecko severed tail. And not only did he not feel it, but the astrologer, An Xuefeng, and even Yin Yang Butterfly, Lily, and David who were next to him didn't have any special reaction.

But the corn shoots said that it is absolutely super delicious, so there must be something that Wei Xun has not discovered. The last time the corn shoots were said to be delicious, it was still the abyss smell of pure crystals, and the corn shoots didn't have as many adjectives in front of them as this cut tail.

‘The possibility is very high, what’s wrong? ’

An Xuefeng was very keen and asked directly.

‘I was thinking that if it was really the Lizard Duke, it should be a high-level abyss monster, and it shouldn’t have its tail cut off so easily. ’

David muttered doubtful words, but Wei Xun asked An Xuefeng in return. After listening to his words, An Xuefeng understood, with a hint of smile in his voice: "What do you mean, it can't be considered a complete lizard duke. What do you think?" cake'

The Maine Coon cat that Wei Xun raised was inseparable from the life-loving person Slice, but as long as Slice didn't wake up, it would be a pure little kitten. Even Yu Hehui, who took care of it personally, didn't notice anything. wrong.

‘You mean that little golden gecko is a slice of the Lizard Duke? ’

Wei Xun suddenly became interested.

‘It’s similar, I can’t say absolutely, it’s also possible that it’s directly related to the Lizard Duke’

An Xuefeng considered: 'Otherwise, it would be impossible to cause such a strong reaction from Silver Moon Killer, or even directly wake him up from the nightmare.'

While the two of them were whispering, the astrologer also came over to confirm the time.

After confirming that the Yu brothers and sisters woke up around 0:15 in the morning, and that Silver Moon Killer was angered and suddenly woke up before this time, the astrologer rarely frowned, while David clicked his tongue. .

"It's not because they woke up that Silver Moon Killer and the others woke up."

Chen Cheng, who had been listening quietly, had a quick mind and immediately understood why the astrologer asked this question. The Yu family brother and sister and Zhu Yuande are the "historical figures" in this reenactment of the scene, and the newcomers corresponding to them are involved in the nightmare precisely to kill them in the nightmare. If the Yu family brothers and sisters and Zhu Yuande wake up and there is no target person, then the newcomers who have fallen into the nightmare will most likely wake up as well.

But the Silver Moon Killer woke up earlier than them. The sudden awakening could only be because the little golden gecko had its tail docked.

"But Zhu Yuande did not fall into a nightmare."

Chen Cheng looked calm when he noticed the astrologer looking over, he added.

"I didn't find another one."

At the same time, the infected person also reported in a low voice next to Wei Xun. When he came back, he was disgraced, his whole body was covered with sand, and his clothes were tattered. He looked more embarrassed than David and others, but in fact, the infected person was too smart, and his body was There weren't many injuries at all, he just looked embarrassed.

"Lily, are you sure you saw five shadows in the nightmare?"

Wei Xun asked the psychic Lili if Zhu Yuande was not in a nightmare, so there might be something strange about the person corresponding to him.

"There were five, but one was very illusory, and I, I couldn't tell how long he was in the nightmare."

Lily whispered, her words made David raise his eyebrows: "In that case, this person is probably the Silver Moon Killer. Maybe he was not sleeping soundly to begin with."

The astrologer's expression didn't change as David spoke, and it was obvious that he had thought of this, but it didn't mean much to them. To consider the worst case scenario, if the little golden gecko is really a slice of the lizard duke, then David's actions tonight confirmed several points.

First, Silver Moon Killer and Lizard Duke are here. Second, Silver Moon Killer is lurking around the Red Sand Giant tribe with impure motives. Third, they severely offended these two people.

Putting aside how much strength the Lizard Duke can exert here, provoking a top tourist killer and not being able to grasp his movements, letting him continue to lurk in the dark, is really the worst outcome. The infected person's mouth is tight. Squeezing, Yin Yang Die frowned, but Wei Xun found that the astrologers were all calm.

'Astrologists can spot the Silver Moon Killer lurking. ’

An Xuefeng and Wei Xun whispered, this is something Bai Xiaosheng should know: "There has always been a subtle pulling force between the stars and the moon, which makes it difficult for the Silver Moon Killer to hide in front of the astrologers. Of course, Silver Moon The killer can also discover the astrologer immediately'

Although they discovered each other, Silver Moon Killer, who is good at lurking and disguising, suffered even more.

‘The range of perception is not that big’

Wei Xun asked in a low voice. According to David and the others, the Silver Moon Killer was lurking next to the Red Sand Giant Tribe. It only took about a quarter of an hour to get there from the Chief's Tower, but the astrologers did not sense the Silver Moon Killer lurking there. .

'Perception has its limits, of course, but the astrologer must have marked the Silver Moon Killer'

An Xuefeng said firmly: "As long as Silver Moon is observed and marked by an astrologer, he can find the Silver Moon Killer on the astrolabe."

‘Silver Moon’ is the core orange title of Silver Moon Killer. A series of his titles are built around ‘Silver Moon’, which can already represent him as a person. As long as it is observed and marked by astrologers, there is no way to hide it - of course, this "mark" is equivalent to a title in the hotel and can be removed.

So the astrologer must observe the mark again with his own eyes, but now it has been completed.

‘If that’s the case, Zhang Xingzang should be the person the astrologer hates the most’

Wei Xun smiled, seeing Zhang Xingzang chasing Menglong and the Yu brothers and their group coming back after healing their wounds, Wei Xun deliberately manipulated the wheelchair to make room, and gave the position next to the astrologer to Zhang Xingzang with interest, which also caused the astrologer to glance at him vigilantly.

Xingzang, hiding the stars and not letting people observe them, literally feels very restraining to the astrologer.


An Xuefeng pretended to be serious, but his slightly smiling ending revealed his true emotions: ‘The astrologer hates your brother the most’

Wei Xun:.

“Take a break, we’ll set off at five o’clock tomorrow morning.”

Ignoring An Xuefeng, Wei Xun gave a brief order, his eyes fell on He Yunlai who was listening attentively. The psychic Lily has a strong ability to recall, and she performs exceptionally well when facing "historical figures" like Chen Cheng's brigade. She saw He Yunlai disappear in the sandstorm at noon when the sun was the hottest.

She didn't know when He Yunlai died. Maybe it was because He Yunlai, who was caught in the sandstorm in history, was in a coma. However, Lily saw that when the sandstorm retreated at 11 o'clock in the evening, He Yunlai was found by Chen Cheng and his team who had never given up looking for him. He had already lost all the water and turned from a living person into a mummy.

Although it was not yet the date of He Yunlai's death, the big sandstorm had already arrived in advance. According to the time of He Yunlai's death in history, the most dangerous and terrifying time period of the sandstorm was from 12 noon to 11 o'clock in the evening.

And An Xuefeng said that the current hiding place of the drill star worm is west of the Red Sand Giant Tribe. According to the giant's pace, it takes about three hours to run from the tribe to there.

It is best to deal with the worm before 12 noon and take back the butterfly fragments.

Everyone agreed, but although it was a break, no one slept at all, and they didn't even dare to close their eyes to rest. Especially the Yu family brothers and sisters and Zhu Yuande, who were still in fear, were afraid that they would fall into nightmares again if they closed their eyes.

Wei Xun was deep in thought with a cup of date water, while the phoenix stood on the back of the wheelchair and gently combed Wei Xun's hair with its long beak. The bird's beak was burning with temperature, as if someone was massaging his scalp, which was very comfortable.

Wei Xun's hair was very healthy.

An Xuefeng thought regretfully, and quietly hid the few fallen hairs under his wings

An Xuefeng:? !

It wasn't a physical poke, but Wei Xun's spirit was slightly moved, and he thought about "poking An Xuefeng", and then An Xuefeng could really feel something poking him.

‘Is the moderate connection induction so strong?’ Wei Xun sighed in his heart: ‘Hey, what do you think? If one day I am kidnapped, and the kidnapper cuts off one of my fingers and sends it to you, can you find me through this finger?’ ‘This will never happen.’ An Xuefeng thought that his little trick was discovered and was about to fool around when he heard Wei Xun say this. He immediately said decisively. An Xuefeng obviously didn’t like this hypothesis very much. Even for a moment, there was a murderous look in the eyes of the phoenix. The action was a little bigger and directly bit off a few of Wei Xun’s hair. But under Wei Xun’s persistent questioning, An Xuefeng still answered this question: ‘You don’t need to send your finger over. I can find you immediately when he hurts you.’ ‘What if it’s not me who is kidnapped, but a part of my sliced ​​organism?’ Wei Xun obviously became very interested in the imaginary kidnapper and continued to ask: ‘For example, a cat, the kidnapper took away the cat’s tail, can you help me find it back?’ ‘Are you talking about the broken tail of the golden gecko? ’

An Xuefeng immediately understood what Wei Xun really wanted to ask, and he fell into thought: ‘If your tail was taken away... well, I mean, if it is as you imagined, I should be able to feel your tail, but it is not safe’

‘Then how can I be safe? ’

Wei Xun humbly asked.

‘If we are deeply connected, we can definitely feel it’

An Xuefeng was sure.

‘That means that the Silver Moon Killer must be able to feel the broken tail of the golden little gecko? ’

Wei Xun was shocked, but An Xuefeng denied his idea: ‘Who said that the Silver Moon Killer and the Lizard Duke are deeply connected? ’

‘There are not many tour guides who can deeply connect with tourists, especially those who are suspicious like the Lizard Duke’

An Xuefeng said: ‘They do have a connection, but it is not a deep connection... I don’t think they are’

An Xuefeng sneered: ‘If it is a deep connection, the Silver Moon Killer will never let someone take away the little gecko’s tail, unless he really didn’t feel it. What, do you think the astrologers brought back the tail of the golden little gecko? ’

‘That’s not the case’

Wei Xun said lightly: ‘Your son brought it back to me’

An Xuefeng:? !

* *

“Waste, all waste!”

At this moment, in the Death Sahara, in the black desert, the Duke of Lizard was furious, and his scales turned white with anger. When he thought about how he had just sensed that something seemed to be wrong with Angel (the golden little gecko), and when he possessed Angel’s consciousness and felt that something was missing, the Duke of Lizard felt so deeply ashamed that he wanted to kill people to vent his anger.

Especially the silent Silver Moon Killer who was turning into a white wolf and frantically searching in the desert, couldn’t even fart when he questioned him. He only howled ‘looking for it’ and stopped talking - the Duke of Lizard was so angry that his consciousness was pulled out on the spot!

"Passengers are trash!"

The furious Lizard Duke woke up the sleeping Zhang Xingzang from his illusion. He was so angry that he was just about to play another round when he heard the words of the Lizard Duke. So when Zhang Xingzang came over with a fist, he looked at him with rare approval.

"you're right!"

The author has something to say: Wei Xun [Watching the excitement is not a big deal]: He broke the defense, he broke the defense!

There will be an extra update tomorrow, bam bam!

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2021-11-11 23:46:35~2021-11-12 23:13:34~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: Wushan Yunyu, Beimu, lianyuyu, Yiyi, 53535749, Kouyue, Sanna., Liangsheng, Xiaoximi, Xunzai and his sister-in-law;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 110 bottles of Amiao Baby; 90 bottles of Liang Sheng; 70 bottles of Jiuyou,..., and Muhui; 60 bottles of Hamster Jun and Qingzhao, the rulers of the world; 59 bottles of Fish Flying in the Sky; 55 bottles of Bookworm; 53 bottles of Fierce Ghost; 50 bottles of Koke CP, Zhenxiang, Gu Xi, and Hua Xi; 40 bottles of Lingchi, Cantangsi, Mo Lan, and Fleeting Years; 39 bottles of Nangong Li; Hua Yixiang, Lily, and Meng Li Lou, 37436341, Mo Xia, Lan Ning Xuerong, Mo Mo, Orange Summer and Cycling Boy 30 bottles; Taiou Turtle, isn't it beautiful on the shore? 25 bottles; Meow Meow Meow, Mengmeng~, Who Knows What Ghost, Kowtow, Hua Xiaofafa, 34218745, Tangtang-Taur, Yangjia Pipi, Momo, ~ Ice and Snow Love~ 20 bottles; Orchid 18 bottles; Lime, kkilisd, Piaopiao, Lanxi, 33272480, Jiajiajiajia, Abrosi, ppp's hair, decay, Weigui, Yinjiaojinjiao, Suiye, Xiaoli Xiaoli Daxinxin, Xiaoliu fans, 45360968, Lian, Xiaofan, Maoxia, a little lazy insect, love to eat watermelon, Chanyu, moo, rgrg, Mingxia, want to be as good as Weisan, Caigouzi, Jinxuan, bobo Tiger Fish Fish, Dancing Steps, Cat Head 10 bottles; tt4661391 8 bottles; Hanshuiyue, Yiyiguguhei, Ruoyuyu, Ning_Ng, Did you get sweet today, Xun, Zhiyu, Shi Bird, 5 bottles of Yingyao; 3 bottles of Maple Sauce; 2 bottles of Home Qiaoqiao; caprice, Ye Lingxue, Jiujiangjiang, Afterglow of the Sunset, Blue Amber, A Little Mushroom Grows in the Ground, qianqian, 23583chyx, Grape Climbing the wall every day, 30259889, Cecilia, OvO_, pork belly, Qingqianruhua, 1 bottle of Allure Little Lion;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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